Podcasts The Brick Room



A podcast with Marc and Chris


  • Episode #30: Private Investigators


    Troubles with life?  Relationship problems?  Got people around you can’t trust?  Well, you’re in luck.  Today in the Brick Room we talk about private investigators.  Where to find them, what their life is like, and how they fit into society.  We also discuss brothels and slang, so there’s that.  Give us a listen.

  • Episode #29: Insects


    We’re back after a short break and recording again.  On this week’s podcast we talk about amazing feats of engineering, how humans are at a huge disadvantage in the water, and the cruelty of the insect kingdom.  Oh, what a cruel, cruel kingdom it is.  Give us a listen and don’t forget to recommend us […]

  • Episode #28: Meg’s Relationship Advice


    Welcome back everyone.  In this episode of the Brick Room we talk about Meg and her relationship.  Meg, we’re here for you if you need us.

  • Episode #27: Workplace Evals


    Welcome back.  The Brick Room strikes again and this time we strike with a discussion on workplace evaluations, the sea and ship captains who sail upon it, gambling, and, of course, beer.  Tune in and let us know what you think in the comments.

  • Episode #26: A Special Episode!


    Welcome back everybody!  This week’s Brick Room is a very special episode because we do an interview with our friend, Greg, who happened to be celebrating his birthday at the same time we were recording.  This week’s episode is recorded INSIDE the Regal Beagle (instead of on their patio) and we get so deep inside […]

  • Episode #25: Oceans, Car Alarms, and Marvel – Part II


    To be continued…from the last episode!  At the end of last week’s episode Marc was about to tell a story that was brought to mind by the sweet sounds of a blaring car alarm.  In this episode, we pick right up with that story.  Listen in to hear the car alarm story and to hear […]

  • Episode #24: Oceans, Car Alarms, and Marvel – Part I


    The Brick Room is back, yet again.  We record on a beautiful sunny day at the Regal Beagle in San Diego and discuss the origin of food and drink, ocean creatures that probably shouldn’t be edible, and car alarms.  Give us a listen, then subscribe, then tell your friends!

  • Episode #23: Extra-Terrestrials


    Hey guys! This week’s brick room is mostly about aliens! The space kind and what we would do or be able to do in the event of a close encounter! Check it out and leave us some comments or what have you.

  • Episode #21: Return From Chicago


    Happy April first! There won’t be any tricks, unless you count the trick of procrastination! Do you? Hmm? Well Here is our latest podcast and our first one back from sunny Chicago! Anyway we’re at it again at the Regal Beagle and we’re discussing all sorts of fun stuff. What you ask? Well either mind […]

  • Episode #20: Ben Franklin and The Apocalypse


    Hey everybody, we’re live again from Chicago!  Special guest Eric Sablan is back in the Brickroom for a discussion about Benjamin Franklin, all purpose apocalypse survival guide and Chicago stuff.  Check out the podcast and check out Eric’s Illustrated Guide To Killing Apocalypse Creatures  below.

  • Midweek Update!


    Hey guys! We are on vacation in Chicago right now so what we decided to do is do a little podcast/interview with our good friend, Eric Sablan. Eric is an improviser and performer with The Second City conservatory.   We discuss Chicago, moving across country to chase your dreams, and Yelp reviews.

  • Episode #19: Robots and Time Travel


    What is up everybody! Welcome back to another bricky evening! Tonight we were down our usual equipment so this episode is rather visceral and real. We had to essentially film our podcast and convert it to audio. How about that? Tonight we discussed very important subjects like robots and time travel and dog ownership. Fun […]

  • Mid Week Extra! – Interview


    Every once and a while we come across something new and exciting. This week we present to you what we came across: an interview! While recording at the always lovely Regal Beagle, we met Hennessy Harrington, a patron and cousin to Jesse, a bartender at the very same Regal Beagle. Despite having the name of […]

  • Episode #18: Indiana Jones


    So this is embarrassing. In the hustle and bustle of the recording of podcasts and the living of life I realized that we posted the wrong description for last weeks post. THIS week is actually angry drivers, Indie AND unnecessary (or missed opportunities for) movie sequels. So there. Full disclosure. Stay tuned in the future […]

  • Episode #17: Mystery


    Hey guys, Here we are again! Check out this weeks podcast. We talk about lame and angry drivers, Indiana Jones and a mystery beer! Give it a listen.

  • Episode #16: President’s Day


    Hello everyone! Today we were a bit late, but it was in remembrance of all of our presidents who were presiding over our country during the month of February. We talk about a lot this podcast and it shows with our 45 minute podcast this week! A lot of stuff like hobos and working out […]

  • Episode #15: Travel


    Hey all! Here we are! We were a little distracted this time out and we have a lot to say about beers and driving and other such things like comparing and contrasting various means of travel. How was your weekend? Enjoy your new week with something sweet from The Brick Room.

  • Episode# 14: Beer


    Here we are again! How about that super bowl, amirite? SO this weeks post is a bit late, but not because of the weather, super bowl, or Russia or anything like that. But because of poor time management skills. So here’s another photo: (another photo) Again, this week we tackle the tough issues, like beer! […]

  • Episode #13: Cocaine


    Us again! Lucky number 13! Here’s our post which will be accompanied by a very relevant image. Again, please listen to the post to understand. Also, this episode for some reason has to do with cocaine. Don’t worry about why, just listen! Recorded again at the Regal Beagle in Mission Hills, CA. (relevant image) Also, […]

  • Episode #12: Tough Guys


    Hey Gang! Welcome back to the brick room. This week the boys are at it again with their clever observations about all sorts of things.  And also they’re drinking again. Some of these topics include: Silence, being tough and more stuff, I’m not going to ruin it for you, go listen. Also, here’s the photo […]

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