Playground Of Possibilities ~ Alun Jones & Tamara Younker



Remember when you were young and everything in life seemed so much more fun and the possibilities seemed endless? Is that still the same for you or has life become a serious business? If it isnt would you like to change that? Alun Jones & Tamara Yonker


  • What’s RIGHT about consciousness? with Alun & Tamara


    This reality is all about getting it right.  What a relief to discover that consciousness includes everything and judges nothing!  Ahhhh, the ease, joy and freedom of not having to worry about getting it right anymore and just BE YOU! But, perhaps that seems easier said than done?  Sometimes it’s all too easy to simply trade the rightness of this reality for the rightness of consciousness.   What if choosing greater consciousness, and truly functioning from awareness, includes mastering the art of being in allowance?  What if allowance can liberate you from the polarized reality of right and wrong and gift you the freedom of consciousness with ease? Join Alun and Tamara on the Playground of Possibilities Radio Show where they’ll discuss how allowance contributes to the joy of BEing YOU.  In the Playground of Possibilities anything is possible and everything is play! Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Are you rationing your receiving?


    Receiving… easy as holding out your hands right? Why is it that so many people struggle to receive? In fact, how many people even know what receiving really is? How much will you allow yourself to receive before you start going into the wrongness of you? What have you decided you cannot and will not receive come hell or high water? What would your life be like if you would be willing to receive everything, with no point of view, and with total ease? What change could that create? What invitation could that be for the world? Join Alun and Tamara as they explore the delicious topic of receiving, in the Playground Of Possibilities as  where everything is play and anything is possible. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • How Do You Like Your Choiceless Relationship? With Tamara and Alun


    How much of you is absent from your relationship? Have you been eliminating you bit by bit to keep it? Is that actually a choice, or a reaction driven by fear of what you might lose? Is losing you worth it? What if you can have it all in relationship including YOU? What if you allowed yourself to receive everything, and CHOOSE? Are you wondering what the heck that even means, or what it might pragmatically look like? Remember when you were young and everything in life seemed so much more fun and the possibilities seemed endless? Is that still the same for you or has life become a serious business?? If it isn’t would you like to change that? And if it is, would you like even more of it? How much and how often have you been told “you have no choice” or felt you had no choice? And how often have you found yourself in a dark tunnel, feeling that there is no way out, no choice, and most certainly no fun? What if life doesn’t have to be that way? What if living in the Playground of Possibilities is totally possible

  • Do you deal and deliver for creation or limitation?


    Is your deal and deliver for how you create your life more of a “stand and deliver”? In other words, how much of you do you give up in order to hang onto the limitation that you’ve decided you can’t live without? What if you could use your deal deliver to expand your life rather than fight for your limitations? What are you willing to contribute to the creation of your life? What are you willing to receive? How clear are you about you truly desire require in your life and what YOU are willing to commit to in terms of creating it and making it happen? Join Alun and Tamara in the Playground Of Possibilities where everything is play and anything is possible. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Are You Demanding What You Desire?


    Are you living the life you desire?  Are you bold enough to choose it, to demand it even? There is only one person responsible for the life you have, and that’s you.  What if you were willing to ask for 100% of what you desire 100% of the time, and receive whatever that creates?  Too risky?  What points of view and conclusions are you using to hold you back from having something greater? It’s a new year! Will you create 2016 as the year you give up your reasonable justifications for not having it all, and let your trust in YOU and possibility lead?  If not now, when? Join Alun and Tamara on the Playground of Possibilities Radio Show where they’ll invite you beyond the logical, linear, reasonable, rational and sensible to create a world where anything is possible and everything is play!  Will YOU choose it? Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • What are you killing with compromise?


    Have you been taught the virtue of compromise, and that if you really cared you would compromise for the greater good?  Is that working for you?  Or, does it often leave you feeling resigned and resentful that what you truly desire remains out of reach? What if the best that can be hoped for from compromise is to pacify and be pacified while your dreams of what you truly desire go unfulfilled?  What must you give up to always align and agree in consensus?  How much of you do you have to cut off in order to compromise?  But then again, isn’t it selfish to NOT compromise? Join Alun and Tamara on the Playground of Possibilities Radio Show where they will explore what it takes to create and live a desire based life entirely free from compromise. In the Playground of Possibilities, anything is possible and everything is play! Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • What if you stopped giving a f**k about Christmas?


    Christmas… a time of joy and happiness and fun? Or a time of meaningful significance, stress, judgment? There can be so much pressure in this reality to conform to the traditions and ideals of Christmas, with the foundational undertones of total judgment of “getting it right”, “spending enough”, “it’s better to give than receive”. Totally heavy right? And yet, people still choose it! What if other possibilities exist? What if you can have more ease, fun, play and yumminess over the holiday period without making it all meaningful and significant? Would you be willing to explore, play with, and choose the “right Christmas for you?” Join Alun and Tamara in the Playground Of Possibilities where everything is play and anything is possible. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • If you loved me you would…


    “If you loved me you would….” Ever said that to anyone? Ever had that said to you? In this reality many people function in relationships where there is a need to prove to others how much you love them, and/or have others prove to you how much they love you.  This kind of relationship is totally based on testing all the time whether you are loved or not. It’s a total distraction to what can truly be experienced in relationships and it can also be a great unkindness to you and the other person. Where’s the trust in you? Where’s the allowance for either of you and what you’re choosing? Where’s the expansiveness , appreciation, and ease in a relationship if all you’re doing is looking for proof that you’re still loved? What if something completely different, totally yummy, and utterly nurturing and spacious is possible with relationships beyond the distraction of need to prove how much you love someone or have them prove to you how much they love you?  Would you like to explore that? Join Alun and Tamara in the P

  • What Are Your Great Expectations?


    Are you aware of the energy of expectation?  Do you feel the pressure of it from others, and even from yourself?  When you subject yourself to that pressure to perform, succeed and live up to expectations, are you happier?  Does it create more? What if expectation is the fastest way to eliminate the possibilities for change into something greater?  What’s the value of making expectations so real and relevant in your life that ensures perpetual misery and suffering?  What have you made so inconceivable about having a life of ease that keeps you loyally dependent on the expectations that limit YOU? Join Alun and Tamara on the Playground of Possibilities Radio Show where they will talk about the constrictive impact of living from expectation, and the freedom that is possible beyond it. In the Playground of Possibilities, anything is possible and everything is play! Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Do You Prefer the Comfort of Limitation?


    Remember when you were young and everything in life seemed so much more fun and the possibilities seemed endless? Is that still the same for you or has life become a serious business?? If it isn’t would you like to change that? And if it is, would you like even more of it? How much and how often have you been told “you have no choice” or felt you had no choice? And how often have you found yourself in a dark tunnel, feeling that there is no way out, no choice, and most certainly no fun? What if life doesn’t have to be that way? What if living in the Playground of Possibilities is totally possible and available to you right here, right now? If you would like more fun, more magic, more choice, and more possibilities in your life then, come and join Tamara and Alun as they have fun playing, laughing and exploring in The Playground of Possibilities. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • What’s the Point of Having Sex?


    Does sex feel like a have to, must do, should do, supposed to do, better do or never do? Is it one dimensional and mundane? Or, do you require the intensity of extremes to even get off? What if a whole universe of possibilities exist beyond what you have decided sex is and isn’t? Are you willing to ask for and choose the sex you truly desire? What if you could have more fun, joy and expansion in sex and create a different kind of orgasmic energy that is nurturing, healing and includes kindness toward you and your body? Join Alun and Tamara on the Playground of Possibilities Radio Show where they will dive deep into the taboo topic of sex. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • What language does your body speak? Guest – Kass Thomas


    How much ease do you have with your body? If you could talk to your body what would you ask? What would you like to tell your body? Ever wondered what your body is trying to tell you and yet understanding seems so elusive? What if, rather than trying to force your body to communicate with you in your language, you could learn to speak your body’s language? And what if it's easier than you think? Join us as we chat and play with Kass Thomas on our show on Monday 16th November. We invite you to explore communicating and communing with bodies the playground of possibilities….. where everything is play and anything is possible – including living a barrier-free life. Kass is an AC Facilitator, Worldwide Coordinator of Language Projects for Access and Author. She is originally from Boston, went to university in New York and Paris and currently resides in Italy where she runs a boutique bed and breakfast with her partner in Rome. Her professional experience includes 5 star hotel management; production and marketing

  • What’s your monster under the bed?


    Most little children run from shadows and try to hide from the monsters they believe are hiding under their beds. They’re imagination makes those monsters real and often very scary. But as soon as a grown-up shines a light in the dark scary place, they discover the thing that seemed so frightening in their imagination is nothing but a shadow created from a treasured toy, or perhaps even nothing at all. Thank goodness for the grown-ups who take away the scary by revealing what is not real! And yet, even grown-ups can make believe that things are real when they are not. What in your life continues to keep you cowering in the face of it like it’s a monster under the bed? What are you making real that isn’t? What have you decided is greater than you that keeps you always distracted from BEing YOU? Join Alun and Tamara on the Playground of Possibilities Radio Show where they’ll talk about the distractor implants of blame, shame, regret, guilt and the judgment that makes them seem so real. Alun’s website: http://al

  • Who’s got your back?


    How many people do you feel you can really count on who you know truly have your back? How often have you thought someone had your back only to find that they didn’t support you when you really felt you needed it? Really sucks when that happens, doesn’t it? It’s certainly not fun. And, what about the Universe? Do you believe the Universe has your back? Do YOU have your own back? And here’s the thing… do you even have a concept of what it really means for someone or something to have your back?   What if an essential element of having your own back is YOU trusting YOUR awareness and what YOU know regardless of what anyone else thinks or tells you? Tune in as we play with possibilities and explore what having your own back can really create for you and your life. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Are you shooting yourself in your foot?


    Playground of Possibilities with Tamara and Alun Radio Show How aware are you of how often you use your talents and capacities against you rather than for you?   Why on earth would you wanna do that right? Truth is, we do it quite often without even realizing we’re doing it. Most often we limit ourselves in this way because we’ve made or bought into a whole heap of conclusions and judgments about would happen if we really allowed ourselves to be as awesome as we truly are. Every time you judge a talent or ability that you have, you cut off your awareness of how you can use it to create the life you truly desire. You cut off your awareness of how you can use it to contribute to the world. And you, proverbially, shooting yourself in your foot to ensure you don’t step into your greatness. Would you like to change that?   Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Are YOU masked by your identity?


    Who do you think you are? Have you spent countless hours shaping your identity to get it just right? “I’m this! I’m NOT that.” Does it get you what you want? Do you defend it with pride? Do you correct others when their point of view about you does not agree with the way you see you? Does it upset you when others judge your carefully constructed version of you? What if everywhere you defend and protect your identity is everywhere you limit YOU most?   What if you’re nothing at all that you think you are? What if you are so much MORE? Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • What do you lose (or refuse) while protecting your safety?


    “Stay safe!” How many times have you had that said to you throughout your life? Seems sensible, doesn’t it? What if keeping yourself safe is not actually contributing to you and your life? What if it’s actually doing the opposite? How many walls, barriers and filters have you created around you in order to keep yourself safe? What if all those barriers are actually keeping out not just the stuff you’ve decided you don’t want , but what if they’re also keeping out the things you DO desire in your life? And, what gifts and contributions that other people and the world would like to give you are you also keeping away? How many ways are you using to keep you safe and protected? What if the greatest protection you can ever have is trusting you and your awareness implicitly? Is it more expansive to build walls and barriers, or be totally aware and present with what is going on around you? What will give you the most space to choose and take action? What would be the greatest kindness to you, and the world? Join Alu

  • Celebrate a Year with Alun and Tamara!


    It’s a party!  And, you’re invited! The Playground of Possibilities show has been on the air for a year!  How does it get any better?!  And, we’d like to celebrate with YOU!  Come join Alun and Tamara for a celebratory hour to talk about the joy of living where anything is possible, and everything is play! Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Are You Imprisoning YOU with Your Points of View? With Alun and Tamara


    How many points of view do you have that imprison YOU, and repress the gift you naturally have the capacity to be in the world? What points of view do you cling to believing they keep you safe? What if your need for “safety” actually limits the contribution of YOU? Where do you defend your limiting points of view as immutable, unchangeable facts? When does a point of view become a judgment? Where are you using points of view as reference points for what you can’t choose or change? How much do you limit you, and what is possible to create as your life, by believing points of view that aren’t even real or true? Find out more about Alun and Tamara here: Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Is Lying Your Drug of Choice? with Tamara and Alun


    How much and how often do you lie? And how much resistance and reaction did you have to that question? How much and how often do you lie to yourself? And how much resistance and reaction did you have to THAT question? Are you even aware of when you lie to yourself or others or has it become so second nature that you've shut of your awareness of when you're not telling the truth or perceiving things as they really are? And how's that working out for you? What would your life be like if you stopped lying to yourself? Are you willing to be that vulnerable with yourself? Are you willing to perceive just how brilliant and awesome you truly are? Or would you prefer to keep lying to yourself and making yourself powerless, impotent, useless, and crappy and not acknowledge the awesome gift you be to the world? What if living in the Playground of Possibilities is totally possible and available to you right here, right now? If you would like more fun, more magic, more choice, and more possibilities in your life then, co

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