Dreams Around The World - Life Design - Psychology - Personal Development - Travel - Writing - Working For Yourself - Freelan



You've only got one life, so why not design it around your own personality and desires? Im Dan. Im a former entrepreneur turned freelance copywriter turned author and coach. I value freedom and experiences over money and things and I believe were all capable of designing our own lives.So far mine has included living in 7 countries, publishing 12 books, and working hard to achieve my dream of being time and location independent. Along the way Ive shared my experiences and helped 1000s of people start designing their own lives as well.I speak about psychology, personal development, life design, and anything else I think youll find useful and inspiring. I do my best to be uplifting, funny, entertaining, and at least 96% guru free.


  • Impostor Syndrome, Self Doubt, and Unhappy Clients - DATW 57

    28/07/2017 Duration: 13min

    What do you do when unhappy clients make you feel like a fake, or that you're not cut out to succeed working for yourself? Stacey's Full Question: I just watched the youtube video on having ridiculously high expectations of yourself and I found your advice really helpful. However, I wondered how that would apply to freelancers who are learning on the job? For example - I am a fresh out of the box graphic designer. I learned online via distance learning and I am now starting to take on my first clients. I have been struggling with impostor syndrome, which has deepened now I am on my 6th revision of a logo for my first client - resulting in me feeling like I am not good enough. I started to question everything (ENFP here - hi), because if I am learning on the job then failure is not an option. And if I need to build my business based on reputation, then I need to make my clients happy. So, I am kind of stuck between having ridiculously high expectations of myself and also meeting expectations of my clients wit

  • The Law of Attraction - DATW 56

    27/07/2017 Duration: 12min

    The Law of Attraction was popularized by Napolean Hill (Think and Grow Rich), The movie The Secret, and many Gurus the world over. Is there something to this belief and way of thinking, or is The Law of Attraction utter BS? So what is the Law of Attraction? It's the belief that whatever we focus on in our minds will manifest itself into the world. As a follower of personal development, psychology, and science, you might imagine I have a few things to say about how The Law of Attraction works and doesn't.

  • Freelance Writing Advice - DATW 55

    26/07/2017 Duration: 07min

    A lot of people struggle to build a career as a Freelance Writer but it really doesn't need to be so hard! Here I share a few pieces of advice that helped me earn over $100 an hour freelance writing while traveling the world as a digital nomad. Seriously, true story.

  • How Do I Calm My Buzzing Mind - DATW 54

    25/07/2017 Duration: 09min

    Hi Dan. I'm Kumar and I live in a small town called Patna in India. I got to know about you through a YouYube video in which you were talking about INFP majors and INFP career choices. Being an INFP myself I realized I was being too harsh on myself to get the things done which I don't necessarily enjoy. I am a 12th grader and a feeling of uncertainty about the future haunts me. My Mind keeps buzzing and telling me to explore as much as different options possible even if it requires sacrificing the work I'm currently doing. How should I overcome this?" This Episode will be very helpful for INFPs, ENFPs and INFJs who struggle with a buzzing, always thinking mind. So if you are an INFP, ENFP, or INFJ Personality listen and enjoy!

  • Stop Over Analyzing for ENFP - Can House Work Be Fun AskDan - DATW 053

    14/07/2017 Duration: 11min

    How can an ENFP stop over analyzing everything? (This happens to me when I get bored or when I can't socialize so often with some people, especially with the family, because of stress, work, different lifestyles, concepts, etc.) Dear Dan, How can I make the housework more enjoyable? I really hate it, I don't like to do the same thing every day but I must. From Darina (an ENFP) Here's a bit of my advice on both topics, for better or worse! 

  • Can My MBTI Personality Type Change - Askdan - DATW 052

    13/07/2017 Duration: 09min

    Can your MBTI personality change over time? Does a personality type evolve over time, or does it change into something else? This episode is answering a question from Darina, an ENFP, sent in asking if your MBTI can change. I also cover the evolution and maturity process of a person, specifically an ENFP, as I tell my own story of evolving and developing various functions and traits. So, can a person's MBTI change? Tune in to find out what I think. 

  • Vision Statements and Personal Development Syndrome - DATW 51

    12/07/2017 Duration: 06min

    If you've been involved with personal development, you know, people like Tony Robbins, Brian Tacey, Marie Forleo, or Brendon Burchard, I'm sure you've come across the idea of a vision statement.  Having a vision statement for your life is a great idea and can really help you focus and move towards the future you want...UNLESS you've fallen ill with Personal Development Cliche Syndrome... In this case, your hollow, lifeless vision statement will leave you more of a confused dreamer. In this video, I'll cover my idea for how to write a vision statement that will actually move you and make sense. 

  • How To Get What You Want - DATW 050

    11/07/2017 Duration: 08min

    Do you know someone who loves to disguise reasons as excuses to justify bad behavior? According to this study, it actually isn't such a bad idea and in the right circumstances could help you get what you want...

  • How To Stop procrastinating - DATW 049

    10/07/2017 Duration: 10min

    Let's end Procrastination once and for all...TOMORROW! Seriously though, procrastinating sucks and this episode will help.

  • How To Make More Money (This ALWAYS WORKS) - DATW 048

    07/07/2017 Duration: 06min

    If you follow this approach you will always increase your income in a sustainable way that benefits you and your freelance clients or business customers

  • How To Overcome Fear and Stay Focused (ENFP and INFP related) - DATW 047

    06/07/2017 Duration: 13min

    This episode will be of particular interest to people with the ENFP personality and the INFP personality who often find themselves making decisions with emotion but then justifying it after with logic. This can lead to shiny object syndrome and changing direction way too much! This episode will help you stay focused and overcome fear, plus becoming aware of emotional decision making so you can start to master your emotions.

  • Feeling bad? Don't Make Any Important Decisions - DATW 046

    05/07/2017 Duration: 10min

    This is why I never made decisions when I'm hungover and why you shouldn't either. It's taken Psychologists too long to re-learn the importance of our brain-body connection...and not understanding this connection can have really painful results.

  • This Brain Glitch Makes Good People Feel Like Crap - DATW 045

    04/07/2017 Duration: 06min

    If you've ever felt jealous, envious, or just like crap, then chances are that you have experienced this phenomenon that plagues our modern world. If you stop doing this one thing and then you will feel and be better. This episode could literally change your life! People tend to put on their best face in public, but hide their problems. The truth is that others are often more messed up than you and use deception to hide that fact. If all of you take this to heart then your confidence will rise and you can unashamedly become your true, authentic self and do what you really enjoy.

  • INFP Advice and Success Tips on Jobs and Career Success - DATW 044

    03/07/2017 Duration: 07min

    INFPs are an amazing personality type with limitless imagination and potential. What should an INFP do to have the most success in their job or career?

  • How to Write More and Make Daily Writing a Daily Habit - DATW 043

    30/06/2017 Duration: 06min

    Yeah Yeah, you're "working on" writing a book or screenplay right? How much work are you doing, compared to say, watching videos about writing? Writing can be a very rewarding experience, but only if you actually WRITE!

  • Why We Struggle - Dabbling - DATW 042

    29/06/2017 Duration: 16min

    You may not think of yourself as a dabbler, but if you're an infp or enfp personality, or you're just someone who tends to change directions too often, then dabbling may be killing your chances of success.

  • How To Sell if Your're an Introvert, Creative, or Empathetic Person - DATW 041

    28/06/2017 Duration: 16min

    Whether you are an introvert like an INFP, INFJ, or intj, or you're a more empathetic extrovert like an ENFJ, ESFP, or ENFP, you probably HATE cold calling and having to put pressure on someone to buy from you. The traditional high-pressure selling approach likely makes you vomit. Don't worry! Consultative selling will turn sales on its head and help you close more deals...aka getting more clients...all while actually enjoying the process and using your introversion and empathy to HELP you be a great sales person.

  • The Freedom Zone, Location Independence, and Digital Nomads - DATW 040

    27/06/2017 Duration: 11min

    Is being a Digital Nomad really enough!? What about being location independent? 

  • How To Work Online - Freelance, Remote Work and Online Business - DATW 039

    26/06/2017 Duration: 12min

    If you want to know how to become a digital nomad or location independent, I would say there are generally 3 different approaches to working online. How you choose to work online is up to you, but you'll see in the video, my preference is for freelance work. If freelancing isn't for you (why not!?), then you can consider a remote job, a job that lets you work from anywhere as long as you get the work done. Personally, I think being a freelancer digital nomad is a great place to start, but that's just me. Lastly, you can consider any number of online business ideas. This is a topic for a whole video series in itself (and I'll make it...eventually!), but for now I just include my thoughts on online business and how it compares to working remotely and freelancing work.

  • I'm a Gay Atheist INFP from Saudi Arabia #askdan - DATW 038

    23/06/2017 Duration: 08min

    A listen asks:  I hope you are doing alright ... First of all, I'm a gay male, atheist, and INFP. I'm not facing acceptances in my family, friends, and community. No one knows the truth about me, except some of my internet friends. That let me feel so bad about myself and leads me to face depression alone because I can't live my life like who I'm and no one will understand ... After a few years, I'll finish my college study in computer field ... Then I'll face difficult decision ... to leave my country to live happily and be myself like I want but it will make me lose my family, being shamed and most of all unable to return to my country for rest of my life ... Because they will not understand or accept ... I tried to hint and talk about stuff like gay people and atheist but there were terrible answers like "They need to be killed or being hurt and thrown in jail" ... So do you have any advises or tips for me? Anyway, thank you for reading my message... and I'll understand if you are unable to answer me...

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