Mindful Mama | Inspiration To Thrive Not Just Survive



Mindful Mama Mentor Hunter Clarke-Fields shares inspiration, interviews, and more. Mindful Mama is about becoming a less irritable, more joyful parent. We know that you cannot give what you do not have. And when you are thriving, when you have calm and peace within then you can give it to your children. Learn about Mindful Parenting. Listen and get inspired!


  • Un-Martyr Yourself, Mama! [66]

    11/04/2017 Duration: 27min

    Are you a mama martyr? Find out in this podcast episode.  You may have been infected by the martyrdom disease, which detrimentally effects not only you, but your family too! Listen for signs that you may be putting yourself last too much and how (and why) to stop it.  Thanks so much for listening my friend! If you got something out of this episode, please share it with a friend or leave a review on iTunes.  P.S. Don't miss a single episode! Every Wednesday I share an exclusive email newsletter with blog posts and podcast episodes to inspire you. Sign up now and get "5 Simple Things You Can Do Today To Be Less Irritable With Your Child." Fan of the Mindful Mama Podcast? Support it by leaving a quick review ----->http://apple.co/2s5kjBM ABOUT HUNTER CLARKE-FIELDS: Hunter Clarke-Fields is a mindfulness mama mentor. She coaches over-stressed moms on how to cultivate mindfulness in their daily lives. Hunter is a certified Parent Effectiveness Training teacher and has over 20 years of experience in yoga & mindfulne

  • The Teacher Appears - Brian Leaf [65]

    30/03/2017 Duration: 53min

    Brian Leaf is author of Adventures Of A Garden State Yogi, Adventures Of A Parenting Yogi, and his new book, The Teacher Appears. His 2nd time on the podcast. Hunter and Brian talk about coming into alignment, and go deep (with hilarious asides) on faith and "surrendering to oneness." His new book: When the student is ready…. THE TEACHER APPEARS. For anyone wanting to deepen their yoga practice, this illustrated journal of 108 prompts is just the thing - humorous and insightful. Includes original celebrity guest prompts from such luminaries as Krishna Das, Elena Brower, Jack Kornfield, Shiva Rea, Seane Corn, Gretchen Rubin, and more. If you like this podcast, please share it with a friend and review it on iTunes. Don't miss events coming up: If you are on the east coast, join Hunter for a Mindful Mother's Day Retreat at the Winterthur Museum and gardens: CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE AND REGISTER. Thank you so much for listening! Fan of the Mindful Mama Podcast? Support it by leaving a quick review ----->http://ap

  • Permission To Totally Ignore Your Children [64]

    08/03/2017 Duration: 49min

    Carla Naumburg joins me again for their monthly segment on the Mindful Mama podcast. We talk about a wonderful article, Give Kids Your Undivided Attention - Or No Attention At All by Catherine Newman. This author never uses the word "mindfulness" yet gives us lessons like a modern-day buddha. We discuss the idea of fully paying attention, then fully ignoring our children and how we can all benefit from this. We talk about the power of immersive play for children, and get real about how realistic this is. Other discussion points: Carla has no problem with moms being on their smart phones at the playground. Parenting advice from Jack Black, "Don't give a happy child ice cream." And, as always, we discuss our personal parenting wins and fails. Find out why I think I deserve a parenting badge of honor! Carla and I will leading a weekend retreat at the Copper Beech Institute at the end of this month - check out the Mindful Mothering Retreat here. Moms need a break too. Head over to this weekend retreat for rest an

  • Which Parent Are You? [63]

    24/02/2017 Duration: 27min

    Picture yourself in this scenario: it’s early Spring. You are walking to the park with your child on one of those warm days that feels like a gift. Winter jackets home on their hooks, you feel the fresh breeze on your arms. Now take the same setting, but this time you are pre-occupied with your thoughts... Your daughter tugs at your hand to go look at a worm. No, you say, you have to get going. You take your phone out of your pocket for a quick check to see if there have been any incoming emails since your walk began. You are barely aware of your surroundings, caught up in your ruminating thoughts. Your relationship with your child has narrowed down to getting her from here to there, another to-do. The differences in these two scenarios are clear even though these situations might look alike to the casual observer. We can see from these scenarios and our own lives that rumination and getting lost in anxieties take us away from what’s real in the here and the now. Happily, we have clear ways to become more pre

  • Two Surprising Things Parents REALLY Need [62]

    22/02/2017 Duration: 22min

    Now that I’ve taken the jogging stroller around the block a few times, I realize that the two things that I really did need, the two things that mattered most... weren’t even on my radar. What are the two things parents really need? Parents need help when we have conflict. When there’s a conflict, a few things happen: our stress response kicks in and we become reactive, then we often communicate from old patterns (i.e. your own parent’s voice comes out of your mouth). We can break it down into two problems: The stress response Unskillful communication We come into the most trouble in our parenting when we are stressed, so it’s important to understand the stress response. There are biological and evolutionary reasons why we “lose it.” “Losing it” refers to those fast, automatic reactions to a perceived threat which can be triggered in stressful interactions with our child. This literally cuts off access the rational, thoughtful part of our brain. The first and most fundamental thing we need as parents (for our

  • Module 1 of Mindful Parenting [61]

    16/02/2017 Duration: 20min

    Get a taste of what the Mindful Parenting course is like by listening to the actual first lesson of the course. Go check out the Mindful Parenting course now! “I have read lots of books in the past but the program was more helpful; having lesson plans, something new to work on every week, listening to the audio and realizing we all have similar experiences, using the meditation practices and minimal yoga practice spontaneously. It's a wonderful and valuable experience." - Sapna Mindful Parenting will give you all the tools you need to be the calm, loving and compassionate parent you were born to be. You’ll finally be able to replace those harmful legacies passed down in your family through generations with authentic and mindful parenting that comes from your own heart. I’ll show you how to obtain permanent peace in your home through loving communication skills, which leads to more cooperative and happy children. You’ll learn how to solve even the most stressful conflicts mindfully, and create strong and healt

  • Play Is More Important And Easier Than You Think - Avital Schrieber [60]

    30/01/2017 Duration: 53min

    This story illustrates the importance of play more than most: In studies of sociopaths stuck in prison with life sentences, NONE of them had healthy play histories. Play and creativity is essential for children's development, but is threatened by our too-busy, achievement oriented lifestyle. Are your kids getting enough of the right kind of play? Avital, The Parenting Junkie, and Hunter riff about the problems they have with our current educational system and why they made the choices they did. Learn Hunter's big beef with the conventional education system and what it has to do with intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation. Find out why you may not need as much as you think and why you may need to be LESS involved than you think.  Avital has a bonus in the comprehensive Mindful Parenting course. What is it? Working with thousands of women over the years, Hunter has put all of that learning into a comprehensive 10-week course. Mindful Parenting will give you all the tools you need to be the calm, loving and compassi

  • How To Deal With Snarky Kids - Carla & Hunter Hash It Out [59]

    30/01/2017 Duration: 43min

    Recently my 9-year old daughter has been watching a certain t.v. show and coming back with some pretty snarky retorts. It's been driving me bananas! What do you you do about a 'teen' attitude in your child? How do you deal with media that may not be sending the kind of message you want? Carla Naumburg, author of Parenting In the Present Moment, and Hunter Clarke-Fields, Mindfulness Mama Mentor hash it out in today's episode. This is the first in a monthly installment of Carla and Hunter's back and forth.  Mentioned in this episode: Louis C. K. talking about cell phones. This is brilliant and you should not miss this.  In a few days the 10-Day Mindful Mama Virtual Retreat begins! This free, online event is specifically for moms who want to be less irritable with their kids. It will help you begin your own mindfulness practice in the company of hundreds of other mamas. And Carla is in it too! And the Mindful Parenting Course is coming! Want in? Click here to get on the wait list.  Thank you so much for listenin

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