Tub Talk



The conversation and relationships within the tub have been going on for more than ten years. Trevor, Spencer, and Austin met in Elementary school and have been friends ever since. The three met Andrew in middle school and Tyler in high school. The group has had multiple creative endeavors and long conversations that served as precursors to Tub Talk. In 2016, the guys took a trip to Montreal and shared a hotel room. Needless to say, the bathroom was in high-demand, and for the sake of efficiency, they often shared the space; all the while engaging in the same conversations they always had. The bathroom lent an added element of honesty, intimacy and a lot of immature humor. Three months later, then Presidential candidate Donald Trump, single-handedly tarnished the idea of quality conversation between men in bathrooms, while seemingly isolating many groups within American society. We saw an opportunity to bring Americans together again, to sooth the American spirit within the Tub Talk waters, and restore the sanctity of bathroom conversation.


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