Veritas Columbus Sermons



Sermons from Veritas Community Church in Columbus. Messages are from various preachers at all congregations: Short North, Tri-Village, East and West.


  • Jesus, the Immanuel


    1. Joe talked about how absurd it would have sounded to the Jews that the Jesus they saw live and die, was the promised Immanuel from the prophecy of Isaiah 9:6-7. They were looking for a Powerful Ruler, a Leader, a King to rescue them and bring peace. What do you picture when you hear Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace? How do you want Jesus to be someone different than He is? What are our misconceptions about Jesus and the kingdom He brings, even today? Why is God’s way better? 2. Matthew is clear that Jesus is fully God, the incarnate One. This is quite unbelievable! Do you struggle to believe this? Do you ever doubt? If you haven’t, praise God for your gift of faith! If you have, join the droves among you that struggle to believe. What do you do with your doubt? 3. Why is it essential for our hope that Jesus was fully God? 4. Why is it such a big deal that Jesus was fully human? (See Heb 2:14-18, 2 Cor 1, Psalm 17:15) How does this bring comfort? 5. Has your view of Christ been dimmed?

  • Embracing A Shameful Past


    - What does Jesus' genealogy tell us about God's people? - Pastor Nick pointed out that while we don't see any apologies from Matthew about those in Jesus' genealogy that could be seen as shameful, we all find ourselves looking down on people or groups. Who do you look down on? People of a certain race/ethnicity? Gender? Age? Geographic region? Political persuasion? - Jesus' family was dysfunctional – there were prostitutes, murderers, terrible leaders, and outcasts throughout – and includes all kinds of people: men & women, rich & poor, ethnic insiders & outsiders, moral & immoral ... Does that sound like a family that you would want to join? Does our community (our family) look like that? - What does Jesus' genealogy tell us about God? - It is pretty clear in this opening section of Matthew that the things God values are very different from the things that we value. Where do you see that most clearly? How has our community been shaped by our own values instead of by God's? - Holidays and time with fami

  • A History of Sin and A Heritage of Grace


    1. What does God reveal about Himself through this genealogy? 2. What does it say that Jesus chose to be born through this family line and what does it say about His love for you? 3. How did God show His grace, faithfulness, and pursuit through the lives of those in the genealogy? 4. How has God shown His grace, faithfulness, and pursuit in your life and through your family? 5. What does it mean now to be a part of Jesus' family?

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