Majority Villain



Comedy and news analysis focused on democratizing our world."Status Quos Are For Suckers"


  • Donald and a Mexican walk into a bar...

    25/03/2017 Duration: 30min

    Part I with guest co-host Jose Olivas on what it's like to be a Mexican-American in 2017. Leave a review for the show and you will be visited by an angel who will grant you 3 wishes, and if you leave 5 stars Bill Gates will write you a check for a bajillion dollars. Just open link, click on “View in iTunes” - click “write a review”. Then leave 5 stars, ya rat bastards! (Angels, wishes, Bill Gates and money not included). News you may have missed: -Salute a conservative. Tomi Lahren, show host of the conservative news and entertainment network “The Blaze” part of the Glenn Beck antichrist empire, has been suspended for comments she made on “The View” stating that she was pro-choice, as a part of her small-government world-view. MV salutes you, Tomi Lahren, for your courage to stick to rational arguments. (Washington Times, -Senate confirm

  • Bahrain: A Beginner's Guide

    17/02/2017 Duration: 01h15min

    “Washington is nowhere as slick, or as manipulative, or as Machiavellian, or even often as competent as people in the Middle East or in Europe think. I think that, you know, there’s just a lot of cock-ups happening here all the time.” -brian dooley This month marks the 6th anniversary since the world held their breath and watched on as the fire of revolution began to sweep across the Middle East. Today, we take a close look at Bahrain, and with the help of some excellent experts, analyze its democracy story. A very special thanks to today’s guests; Former Bahrain Prime Minister Matar Ebrahim Ali Matar @Matar_Matar, Director at Human Rights First Brian Dooley @dooley_dooley, Exeter research fellow and key member of Bahrain Watch Marc Owen Jones @marcowenjones, and the great PM “himself” - @SheikhKhalifaPM. You guys are awesome. Show image by Mahmood Al-Yousif @malyousif via Flickr. Music provided via through Creative Commons licensing. This show’s music by Evil Bear Boris, Daizy, Se

  • Betsy DeVos, US Secretary of Education

    07/02/2017 Duration: 09min

    Betsy DeVos of the billionaire DeVos family has donated millions of dollars to Republicans over the years. Her family donated $49,800 alone to Colorado Senator Cory Gardner. I'm gonna remember that, Cory...

  • Women's March - Heidelberg, Germany

    27/01/2017 Duration: 31min

    *CALL TO ACTIVISM* A decision to use “State of Emergency” powers to undo the first state-wide “Anti-Corruption Act” in the South Dakota legislature have been postponed until February 1st following public outcry. Check out this link - and call South Dakota Senator Blake Curd and tell him you demand he protect the will of voters. 1-605-773-3821 Special thanks to all of the organizers of the January 21st Women’s March: Democrats Abroad in Heidelberg, in Washington DC, and everyone who stands for human rights across our pale blue dot. #HDWomensMarch #Heidelberg @WomensMarchHD More thanks to DA Stuttgart, Tracy, Jessica, Veronica, Fletcher, Sally Grayson of Blackswift for amazing music, and of course White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer. All music today provided by Creative Commons licensing via Youtube and Music today from Kevin Macleod and intro by Evil Bear Boris. Show artwork CC via Flickr by @alans1948. I’ve seen many comments on social media about people sayi

  • The Electoral College, Part II: EC Self-Destruction

    16/01/2017 Duration: 23min

    OThanks Al, but no thanks. Part II of II of the Electoral College's impending doom as the EC exposes its true impotence to do the only thing it was ever intended to do - keep the USA safe from corruption and appearance of. Get Involved!!! emolument ɪˈmɒljʊm(ə)nt,ɛˈmɒljʊm(ə)nt/ nounformal plural noun: emoluments     a salary, fee, or profit from employment or office.     "the directors' emoluments"     synonyms: payment, fee, charge, consideration Trump's Taiwan phone call preceded by hotel development inquiry How Trump is navigating the Emoluments Clause Music provided by via Creative Commons. Today's show comes from Phemale, Evil Bear Boris, and Bacalao. Show thumbnail by Eli Christman @gammaman on via Creative Commons.

  • The Electoral College, Part I: Trump's Illegitimacy

    19/12/2016 Duration: 27min

    #34 - Part I of II Created to protect the nation against both incompetence and foreign manipulation, the Electoral College is exploding on the national scene right now as a troublesome invention of the US, and this could very well be the beginning of the end of it. Setting aside for the moment any discussion of (delusional) accusations of voter fraud, (valid) concerns over election fraud (uncounted/missing ballots, voter suppression, tampered machines, etc.), or (yet-to-be-substantiated) Russian electoral intervention, the argument stands strong enough alone on Trump himself and the decisions he has made to-date. That is more than enough to end Trump before he can begin.

  • Standing Rock #NoDAPL

    24/11/2016 Duration: 04min

    Happy Thanksgiving to our protectors at Standing Rock. In North Dakota, right now is the largest gathering of Native American tribes since 1876 at the Battle of Little Bighorn - also known as Custer’s Last Stand. If you don’t know that story, spoiler alert - it doesn’t end well for Custer. As these land and water protectors brave the cold, give mind to them as we enjoy all that has been given to us. I love Thanksgiving. I love the food, I love the family and the friends, I love the atmosphere. I love the feeling about how proud I am to be American. It’s true, it’s not hokey. Family. Friends. Warm food, warm feelings. Nothing in this moment can stir that. Except in realizing that we risk continuing to bastardize this day in not acknowledging the great sacrifice American Indians have paid for us. Dakota means “ally” or “friend”. Give thanks for the land you stand on, because as the good Lord makes us stewards of the earth, it is the land of the original natives that we give thanks for. And somehow this fight

  • President Elect, Donald J. Trump

    09/11/2016 Duration: 20min

    This is my real, raw, unedited reaction from the election from Donald Trump to the United States of America. I still cannot believe it, but it is very, very real. Get involved. Do something. BE THE CHANGE. email me if you are like many who KNOW they need to be a part of that change, but do not know where to start. Welcome to the family.

  • Robbing America

    01/11/2016 Duration: 35min

    As the 2016 presidential election comes to a close there remains at least one thing most Americans can agree on — we are glad it is almost over. (Featured photo courtesy of Ted Eytan on Flickr) Their candid antithesis makes most think they are deeply opposed candidates, but in the end they may not be as different as you think. Just reflect on what they haven’t discussed in the debate! Aside from a handful of minutes about climate change, nothing about Afghanistan, not one critique of Israel’s settlements in Palestine, Standing Rock and #NoDAPL, Yemen, Black Lives Matter, police violence, or economic inequality? Crickets. That’s because the Commission on Presidential Debates or CPD limit competition from outside candidates, and because the Democrats and Republicans own the CPD, we only ever see Dems/GOP debate. Frank Fahrenkopf Jr. helped to found the CPD and push out the League of Women Voters… He’s still there today, but it might surprise you to learn he served as president of the American Gaming Associati

  • Happy 500th Birthday. Now Piss Off!!

    26/08/2016 Duration: 49min

    Happy 500th Birthday, Reinheitsgebot. Now Piss Off! We are traveling back in time to the middle ages!! For hundreds of years Beer and Germany have been almost totally synonymous. So how is it possible that Germany has been so reluctant to ride the craft beer wave? Graham visits with German-inspired Verboten Brewing in Loveland, Colorado, and I visit with Kraftbierwerkstatt in Böblingen, Germany to find out what Reinheitsgebot is, how it impacts the way they make that sweet sweet nectar, and the challenges a craft brewer faces in the 21st century. Hey Villains! Rate and review the show! *************** Wealth and power inequality have put everything at risk. A small minority are stealing our future while calling themselves the heroes. This podcast up-ends all that. Because of that we are villains, but we are also the majority. Status quos are for suckers. Majority Villain is hosted and produced by Greg Haddock, co-hosted by Graham Rue w

  • #OurRevolution

    29/07/2016 Duration: 07min

    Can you imagine an even "trumpier Trump"? Like a Trump that's high on meth, or gives hand guns to children, or maybe one actively campaigning on a platform to replace all US currency faces with that thatch pelt we see every night on the news. Imagining a worse Trump may be an exercise that however exhausting could be just as necessary in trying to understand what exactly birthed the great American embarrassment.

  • 3rd Party Madness

    20/05/2016 Duration: 38min

    #BernieOrBust - If Bernie gets burned by the Democrats, is it time to “Bust”?  Can a 3rd party change the corporate tide of American politics? Hey Villains! Rate and Review the show! Graham and I talk about Bernie or bust from two different angles.  Graham defends the Democratic party saying it is safer than the Republican party with Donald Trump at the helm.  I disagree saying that despite a rigged election Hillary Clinton is at least as dangerous as the alternative. I say if we can’t have Bernie then it’s time to bust out and vote Green in 2016.  Graham doesn’t like Clinton, but claims a Democrat remains a safer choice.  What do you think?  If Bernie gets robbed is it time to BUST? Majority Villain is hosted and produced by Greg Haddock, co-hosted by Graham Rue with help from Andrea Schmidt.  All music used is found from the under Creative Commons licensing.  For a full list of contributors and musicians visit the w

  • Bernie Or Bust?

    24/04/2016 Duration: 05min - think about it. So many think that a vote for Hillary is a vote for the left. But Democrats deserted that position over 40 years ago. The Clintons aren't our friends. Obama has tried and largely failed to fill that role. They want to convince us to play ball no matter who is on the field.This is the suicide of our future. Hillary MUST make MAJOR concessions before she can expect our support. Bernie wins or Bernie loses - this fight marches on - and we need UNITY. Bernie is not once in a lifetime, because Bernie is the amalgamation of ideas - and those ideas are US. WE WILL move forward regardless of the establishment outcome.We are villains.  We are the majority.Today was just a short, but If you liked what you heard here today you don’t want to miss a single episode. SUBSCRIBE to Majority Villain (villAIn) on just about every podcast catcher and on Facebook and Twitter and email  Music today by The F****d Up Beat.  Special thanks to Dileyna Marian and Luca Mar

  • #27 - The Tremendous Trump Dump

    02/04/2016 Duration: 58min

    Help us out & rate us on iTunes!!! Trump.  He’s a dick.  He’s not very smart.  Hell, he’s not even all that rich.  So why do people like him? Graham and I explore everything, but that thing he calls his hair. Music by via Creative Commons Licensing.  Today’s music is from Evil Bear Boris, Dave Depper, Doctor Turtle, and Ryan Little. Special Thanks to Daniela, Flo, and Michael. April 16th-18th. March.

  • #26 - Berning Hillary

    09/03/2016 Duration: 59min

    In 1963, while Bernie Sanders was busy getting arrested protesting for civil rights, Goldwater-girl Hillary Clinton was busy working for a presidential nominee who opposed the Civil Rights Act.  Oh Snap! Rate and Review the show in iTunes! Volunteer for Bernie and get out and vote! Special thanks to members of Democrats Abroad. Logo by @Faustian_Rubble. Music by Evil Bear Boris, Blue Dot Sessions, and Billy Bragg by Sarah McLachlan's "Angel" altered under fair use.

  • #25 - Rock Hard Caucus

    24/02/2016 Duration: 41min

    GOP or WWE? If you heard a sound bite of a raucous crowd, would you know if it was a Republican or professional wrestling event?  Because sometimes they sound eerily similar… A year ago today, most people thought we would already be discussing a Hillary Clinton presidency, and the Trump train would have turned and the joke would be tired.  While the joke is tired, the Trump train is in full force.  However, Clinton’s journey to the White House has been far from any coronation that many had predicted, and surging surprise candidate, Bernie Sanders, has been able to maintain a virtual tie ahead of the infamous March 1st “Super Tuesday”.  But it’s also not helpful if you don’t know what a caucus or a primary is, or how these “super delegates” are giving a bleeding Clinton campaign so much needed assistance. Lastly, it seems totally implausible, but the factors motivating people who #feelthebern for self-described Socialist-Democrat Bernie Sanders are often the same factors motivating Trumpeters.  See how these o

  • Full Interview With Jay! #BOTL

    29/01/2016 Duration: 01h42min

    Full Interview with Jay from Best of the LeftCongratulations on 10 years of podcasting!Hey Villains! Rate and Review the show!! Tomlinson is my guest and he is the host of the award-winning podcast Best of the Left.  He became seriously interested in politics in 2003 during the Iraq war invasion.  With zero experience editing audio or managing a website Tomlinson launched Best of the Left in January 2006 at the age of 23. In 2009 the show won it's first Podcast Award in the Best Produced category and then again in 2012.  With help from activist/journalist, Katie Klabusich the show has been refined and expanded over the years to now include voicemails from listeners and activism segments produced in-house that give listeners an outlet to make a difference in the stories they hear on the show.  It is an extremely hands-on approach to podcasting.Now, with 10 years of podcasting, Jay is a pioneer in podcasting, and with almost 1000 episodes,

  • #24 - Jay from Best Of The Left

    22/01/2016 Duration: 39min

    Greg interviews Jay from Best Of The Left about his journey to podcasting, progressive and libertarian politics, and Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.  It's a side of Jay you don't get to see so often on his show.  Killer convo, killer guy. Congratulations on 10 years of podcasting! Jay! Tomlinson, is my guest today and host of the award-winning podcast Best of the Left.  He became seriously interested in politics in 2003 during the Iraq war invasion.  With zero experience editing audio or managing a website Tomlinson launched Best of the Left in January 2006 at the age of 23. In 2009 the show won it's first Podcast Award in the Best Produced category and then again in 2012.  With help from activist/journalist, Katie Klabusich the show has been refined and expanded over the years to now include voicemails from listeners and activism segments produced in-house that give listeners an outlet to make a difference in the stories they hear on the show.  It is an extremely hands-on approach to podcasting.  Now, with

  • #23 - *SPECIAL* COP21 Paris

    17/12/2015 Duration: 01h03min

    Welcome to Paris for the United Nations 21st Conference of Parties on Climate Change or COP21. Word on the Street - Paris Addition Andi and I made it to Paris on December 12th to join with people from all across the globe to show international demand for accountability to the nearly 200 countries that signed the climate deal keeping our planet below 1.5 degrees Celsius.  This moment is monumental, but it’s also a long way from being a reality.  It will still require ratification on April 22nd, 2016 in New York, and more than ever, that everyday people continue to talk about climate change and the desire for a clean, stable planet. Music provided by Jess Gold and Chris Philpott - recorded on sight in Paris, and by Yeyey through the under Creative Commons Licensing.   #350 #Fossilfuellatio #d12 #Redlines #COP21 #Climateaction #COP21Paris #SIRdavidattenborough @350 @emigre_online  Keywords: Free Netherlands, 350, Naomi Klein, UNICEF, Norway Socialist Youth, Friends of the Earth, Climate Acti

  • #23 - COP21 Paris - Prologue

    11/12/2015 Duration: 06min

    Andi and I head to the COP21 - 21st meeting of the Conference of Parties discussing a GLOBAL CLIMATE AGREEMENT in Paris. The importance of this event is huge, and your news probably isn't covering it. Music by Evil Bear Boris under Creative Commons License.

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