Christy Wright's Business Boutique



The Business Boutique is a growing community of women who are making money doing what they love. In each episode, business coach and Ramsey Personality Christy Wright takes a deep dive into topics like marketing, selling, social media and profits. Episodes include featured interviews with top experts in each of these areas. Christy delivers motivating and thought-provoking messages while sharing stories of women who have found success that will inspire you on your journey.


  • BB Ep 59: How to Work Smarter Not Harder in Your Life and Business with April Perry

    30/10/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    It's time to talk about working smarter, not harder in order to increase your productivity. How to Be More Productive With Simple Changes Have you ever wondered how you can be more productive? The solution may be staring you in the face and easier than you think. Here's an example straight from my closet. Every morning I woke up, walked into my closet, flipped on the light, and picked out clothes. And every morning I spent a ton of time just staring at my clothes-well, squinting at my clothes. After months and months, I realized I had a problem. My problem? My energy-saving light bulb. It took time to warm up and actually illuminate my clothes. And every morning I had to either wait for the lightbulb to heat up or squint. You know what I finally did? I put in a normal light bulb! Angels shone down from heaven and I could actually see my clothes when I picked them out. It's funny to think about, but we do this in other areas of our lives, don't we? We live with problems instead of actually fixing them. We've a

  • BB Ep 58: Perseverance in Your Business: How to Keep Going When You Want to Give Up with Dave Barnes

    16/10/2018 Duration: 01h07min

    Let's talk about perseverance. Perseverance is a quality that will have a huge effect not only on your business, but on your whole life. What Is Perseverance? Perseverance is persistence. It's pursuing something with passion. It's pushing through when things are hard. I'll be honest: Perseverance isn't something I personally struggle with. In fact, I'm so persistent that it's almost a flaw. Sometimes I just don't know when to quit! But that's why I can tell you that being persistent and persevering in my life has been the number one quality that's enabled me to achieve everything that I have. Even when it's hard, even when it's inconvenient, and even when I have tons of obstacles, I still push through.  Why It's So Important to Keep Going When You Want to Give Up Steve Jobs once said, "I'm convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance."1 Half! He believed half of what makes an entrepreneur successful is not money, not fame or a famil

  • BB Ep 57: Standing Out From Your Competition With Your Unique Selling Proposition with Megan Tamte

    02/10/2018 Duration: 01h06min

    One of my favorite things about business is marketing, and I'm so excited because this week we're diving into a marketing concept known as the unique selling proposition. What is a Unique Selling Proposition? It is one feature or benefit you want to highlight about your product or service. This concept dates back to the 1940s and was used to get people to switch from one brand to another. For examples of this, just Google "1940s soap advertisements," and you'll see some brands touting "lovelier skin" and others promising to "stop BO!" Don't most soaps do both? Yes, but each brand chose to highlight a different feature of its soap. I've taught y'all about this before in many places, including my Business Boutique book, where I call it your unique position. It's the angle you want to take in all of your marketing that lets your customers know why they need to buy from you. In Reality in Advertising, author Rosser Reeves explains the purpose of your unique selling proposition so well. He says, "Each advertisemen

  • BB Ep 56: How to Be Intentional in Your Life and Business with Dave Ramsey

    18/09/2018 Duration: 01h14min

    This week we're going to talk about being intentional. Y'all, it's easier said than done. So many people just go through life without doing things on purpose. What Happened When I Got Intentional I need to tell you about a time that I was not so intentional. When I graduated from high school, I very excitedly got out of the state of Tennessee where I had grown up and attended the University of Central Florida. I went for the great business school and the beautiful campus, but I didn't really participate with the school side of things. Let's just say, I loved the beach more than I did class. And my grades showed it. I wasn't intentional with my time or my studying, and at the end of my first semester of my sophomore year, I had a 1.4 GPA. YIKES! Y'all, it wasn't that I wasn't smart and willing to work hard-I just didn't focus. But here comes the good news. When I decided to transfer to the University of Tennessee-to spare my mother the out of state tuition and because I realized I wanted to return to Tennessee

  • BB Ep 55: Making a Social Media Strategy That Works with Amy Jo Martin

    04/09/2018 Duration: 01h32s

    It's time to talk about building a social media strategy that works. No matter the type or size of your business, having a strong social media strategy is important. You don't have to be an expert to find success on social media. Getting People to the Party With an Effective Social Media Strategy I want you to think of your social media profiles like a party! And people can't come to your party and have a great time if they don't know about it or show up. I'm going to break this down into seven ways for you to step up your social media strategy to attract more followers. Seven Ways to Step Up Your Social Media Strategy 1. Be Visual If your social media page is a party, think about how you signify to real-life guests where to find your party. You put out balloons and maybe a sign. You want to make it really clear: THIS IS THE PLACE TO BE! Do the same thing when you post content on your social media page: make it visual whenever possible. This will instantly set your content and posts apart. Can you add a photo

  • BB Ep 54: How to Simplify Your Life and Reduce Stress with Emily Ley

    21/08/2018 Duration: 01h11s

    This week's podcast episode is going to help you simply your life and business. The stress of chaotic schedules and spaces keeps us from living effectively. I know for me a few practical tips can make all the difference. Our guest this week has personally helped me simplify my own life through simple, easy-to-do daily changes. One small change got me thinking beyond my personal life to business. I can't wait to share a few tips to simplify your business today! Five Ways to Simplify Your Business 1. Simplify Your Paperwork In addition to a laundry mountain, I have mail mountain. It piles up high for weeks or months until I finally address it and sort it into neat stacks. What if we had permanent stacks? What if there were permanent places where those things go? What if we created, like my friend April Perry calls it, a Command Center? You probably already know the main categories of paperwork you encounter throughout the month in your business. Just start there. Do a little bit of work on the front end, and cr

  • BB Ep 53: How to Push Past Your Comfort Zone and Try Something New with Sarah Jakes Roberts

    07/08/2018 Duration: 54min

    Getting Outside Your Comfort Zone If you want to go anywhere in business or life, you're going to need to get outside your comfort zone and try something new. How I Got Outside My Comfort Zone and Started the Business Boutique Podcast In 2016, when Business Boutique was just starting, my team and I decided to try something new. We knew we wanted another format outside of our event to share the message of Business Boutique. We decided to start a podcast. And to be honest, it wasn't my first choice. I would have much rather focused my attention and efforts on creating more video content. There were a few things that factored into our decision to pursue an audio format over video format, but one large factor was that I was pregnant with my second son, Conley. We knew that it would be difficult to record videos and maintain a consistent production schedule through my pregnancy and my maternity leave. So we decided to try something new with this whole podcast thing. Luckily it's worked. But when we first started r

  • BB Ep 52: Market Research: How to Know What Your Customers Want with Jessica Principie

    24/07/2018 Duration: 53min

    How to Know What Your Customers Want by Doing Market Research Today we're talking all about how to know what your customers want. When it comes to determining what our customers really want, we have the temptation to return to our middle school days of fortune telling. Stay with me here. Do you remember the origami cootie catchers that told us where we would live and who we would marry? Did you ever pick the pedals off flowers, "He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me!" Raise your hand if you've ever asked a Magic 8-Ball a question. Y'all, we love to predict the future. We all want to know how things will turn out, and if we're honest, we'd all love to read our customer's minds. Related: Communicating Clearly with Your Customers Using Market Research to Determine What Our Customer Wants Wouldn't it be incredible to figure out exactly what our customers want? To determine exactly what they need? To know the words they use, so we can use those words and reach them directly? We can. We can know those things-wh

  • BB Ep 51: How to Build Trust With Your Social Media Followers with Jennifer Allwood and Cathy Heller

    10/07/2018 Duration: 01h15min

    The Importance of Social Media Followers  I recently read that over 50 million businesses use Facebook Pages to connect with their customers.(1) 50 million?! These business are tapping into something powerful. They understand the value of connecting with their customers directly and using social media followers to build and expand their brand. In essence, they understand the importance of a building a tribe-a group of people who love you, are loyal to your brand, and who trust you. Your tribe is made up of the people who buy your product when you launch a pre-sale. They are the first people to mention your name (or better yet, give someone your business card) to refer your service. Your tribe is bought into your business because they're bought into you and what you stand for. One of the best ways to build a tribe is to provide a place for them to connect and engage with you and your brand. Social media provides you with the space to build a relationship with your customers, make a personal impact, and ultimat

  • BB Ep 50: How to Grow a Side Hustle While Working Full-Time with Jake Vehyl and Kristin Ostrander

    26/06/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    I heard a statistic recently that absolutely shocked me: seven out of every ten Americans say they don't like their jobs. Um, what? I don't know about you, but that number floored me. I mean, let's think about it. Seventy percent of us show up day in and day out-like for at least eight hours at a time-to a job that we don't even enjoy? That's a whole lot of unhappy people, working a whole lot of hours, doing something they hate. Ya'll, I don't get it. That makes no sense to me. None. But maybe you're in that place right now. Or maybe you're wanting to make some extra money. Or maybe you just need a creative outlet. Regardless of your motivation, I've got a great solution. Have you ever considered starting a side hustle? Related: 27 Ways to Make Extra Money from Home Is It Possible to Grow a Side Hustle If I Work a Full-Time Job? What you probably don't realize is that what you know today as Business Boutique actually started as a side hustle-while I was working a full-time job! Let's just say, necessity is tr

  • BB Ep 49: How to Get Your Husband on Board With Your Business with Matt Wright

    12/06/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    Over the past three years, one of my most favorite things has been meeting women at Business Boutique events all across the country who are there for one reason: Their husbands bought them a ticket. Y'all, let's take a second. How amazing is that? This crazy, wonderful, exhilarating journey of chasing their dream started because someone-an incredibly supportive husband, in this case-believed in them. That right there is a dream in and of itself. And believe me, I know. I have one of those rock star husbands too. Is Your Husband on Board With Your Business? My husband is my confidant, my teammate, my number one fan-but even he can get overwhelmed by yet another one of my big ideas. Any dreamers out there? Y'all know exactly what I'm talking about. But you know what I've discovered? Usually when that happens, it's because I simply didn't give him enough information or enough time to process it all. Or, let's be honest, maybe in my excitement, I jumped all the way from A to Z and just plain scared him! The good

  • BB Ep 48: 5 Ways to Grow Your Business This Summer with Rachel Hollis and Rachel Cruze

    29/05/2018 Duration: 01h09min

    I've been coaching business leaders for about a decade now, and over the years I've noticed an unfortunate theme pop up again and again. It's something that holds people back in both business and in life: People want something to change, but they don't want to make a change. You know what I'm talking about! You've probably been there yourself. Maybe you've wanted to lose weight, get out of debt, or make new friends, but you don't want to eat healthier, spend less money, or leave your house! You want to see different results without actually doing anything differently. Maybe this applies to your business right now. Maybe your sales have been stalled or your profits have plummeted, and you just feel stuck. Friend, this episode is for you-because I'm going to give you five ways to grow your business. Related: Assume You Can But-spoiler alert!-it's going to take trying some new things. Because if you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll keep getting what you've been getting. But not this summer. This is goin

  • BB Ep 47: Mom Entrepreneurs: Finding Success in Business and Motherhood with Darlene Therber

    15/05/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    Today we're celebrating mom entrepreneurs! Some call us mompreneurs, but basically, we're talking about moms who run their own businesses. What is a mom entrepreneur, or "mompreneur"? According to a quick Google search, a mompreneur is: "a woman who sets up and runs her own business in addition to caring for her young child or children." Well that's the basic, glossed-over version, isn't it? As moms, we're responsible for all kinds of things-all the time. There's grocery shopping, laundry, doctor's appointments, laundry, after school activities, laundry . . . it's a full-time job (and a half). And adding a business into the mix makes it feel like we're working several full-time jobs. As a business owner, you're the CEO-but you're also the bookkeeper, chief marketing officer, receptionist, saleswoman, creative director and the janitor. It's no wonder that being both a mom and an entrepreneur can feel a tad overwhelming at times. Being Successful in Both Business and Motherhood Back when I was a little girl wit

  • BB Ep 46: Use Your Gifts to Make a Difference with Shelley Giglio

    01/05/2018 Duration: 01h15min

    Ronald Reagan once famously said, "There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit." I mean, have truer words ever been spoken? I don't think so. I love those words. I love the humility of them. I love the heart behind that sentiment. And I'd love to think that I live my life by those words every. single. day. But guess what? I don't. It's a real struggle for me. Words of affirmation are my love language. I'm just wired that way. It's hard for me to let go of my need for recognition-even a simple thank you-when I contribute to something. Related: Letting Go of Getting Credit Can I Still Make a Difference If I Don't Get Credit? Here's the thing: It's really not even about getting praise. When I don't get credit, I feel disappointed because I'm left wondering if I accomplished what I set out to do. Did I help anyone? Was I good enough? Did I make any sort of impact at all? Well, once I take a second to get over myself, I realize the answer to that question is a resoundin

  • BB Ep 45: How to Present Yourself and Dress for Success with Toi Sweeney

    17/04/2018 Duration: 01h10s

    Dressing For Success I'm so excited about today's episode because, y'all, we are talking about clothes! Okay, I'm not a fashion expert and I'm certainly not a stylist. But I will tell you, I've never met a pair of pumps I didn't like-and I know that the right outfit can instantly change the way I carry myself, how confident I feel, and my overall mood. It's simple, really: I feel my best when I look my best. And I think you will, too. Now I'm the first to admit: I've made my share of fashion mistakes. A few years ago, I was at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas speaking at a huge conference wearing my most favorite black waxed jeans and a teal blouse. I was in one of my-shall we say-"fluffier" stages. And I may or may not have had to squeeze into those jeans, but I did happen to think I looked pretty cute. But then the photographs from my client came in. One look and all I could see were jeans that were creasing and pulling-in all the wrong places, I might add. Throw in the reflection of the bright stage lights, an

  • BB Ep 44: How to Know If Your Business Ideas Will Work with Ken Coleman

    03/04/2018 Duration: 01h09min

    In Episode 12: How to Find Your Business Idea, we talked about taking a look at what you already have to come up with some business ideas. In that episode, I mentioned three things to look at specifically. Three ways to come up with business ideas: Your skills Your stuff Your strengths When you look for business ideas in those three areas, you're making it so much easier on yourself to win! For example, my first business idea came from my stuff. There was an 11-stall barn already on the property I was renting, so I used that to start a horse-boarding business. Now, my second business came out of my strengths and skills. That was a side business doing life coaching, and it was long before I ever became a speaker for Dave Ramsey. But now we're going to take this a step further. If you want to start a business of any kind and you want it to work, your idea needs to be based on two things: It needs to solve a problem. It needs to serve a target market. In this episode, I'll walk you through examples of how to det

  • BB Ep 43: Balancing Faith in Business with Alli Worthington and Stephanie Meek

    20/03/2018 Duration: 01h10min

    Did you know that the beginning stages of Paul the Apostle's ministry were greatly affected by a woman? And not just any woman: Lydia, a successful businesswoman, who many scholars believe to be his first known convert. Specifically, she sold purple cloth-which, back then, was valuable and expensive. It was a sign of wealth, nobility and royalty. Purple cloth was purchased and worn by members of the royal family and Roman senators. So Lydia's customers-her demographic and target market, in fact-were upper-class people. And we can assume that Lydia was successful and prosperous because she owned a home with enough rooms to host Paul and three of his friends overnight at the same time! What I love about Lydia's story is that it's a biblical example of how God cares about our life as a whole, not just our spiritual life. The biblical account of her life doesn't shy away from the fact that she was a successful businesswoman. And why would it? God cares about our business pursuits! He is the One who gave us those

  • BB Ep 42: Building Business Relationships with Emily Richett

    06/03/2018 Duration: 54min

    There's this idea out there that building relationships is just easy for some people. And sure, if you have a social personality and are naturally an extrovert, or if you love to talk and connect with people, then yes, maybe building relationships is easier for you. But your personality style doesn't have to dictate your ability to build relationships! After all, everyone has a little bit of insecurity in them. As you can probably guess, I'm a huge extrovert. But I still get a little nervous walking into a party or situation where I don't know anyone. We all know what it's like to feel like the new kid at school. So for those of us who have a super extroverted personality style, it doesn't mean that we won't ever struggle with building relationships. And building relationships isn't only vital in your life, but it's also vital to your business. Everything you will ever achieve in your life will come through people-so becoming good at building relationships is one of the most important skills you can develop.

  • BB Ep 41: Digital Marketing Strategies That Work with Molly Pittman

    20/02/2018 Duration: 57min

    Digital Marketing Strategies That Work "People will take away one thing, and that's if you make your point really clear." Looking back on my earliest speaking events as part of Dave Ramsey's speaking group, it makes me cringe to think about how I made one of the most common mistakes that all new speakers make. I tried to say everything. I would get onstage for a speaking event, thinking, Well, I've just got to tell them all the things. I need to talk about life balance, living from your values, making time for yourself, how to manage your money and get out of debt, and also how to be a good parent and achieve all your life goals and grow your business . . . How effective do you think that strategy was? Not very, because I was trying to say five million different things! And people can't process-let alone remember-five million things at once. People will take away one, maybe two things, if you make your point(s) really clear. But it took me several speaking engagements of not connecting with audiences to reali

  • BB Ep 40: Top Traits of Highly Successful Women with Ali Brown

    06/02/2018 Duration: 01h07min

    What makes a highly successful woman? Society often paints a picture of success that looks like this: Either you're home all the time, dedicating 100% of your time to your family, or you're at work all the time, completely abandoning your friends, family and the rest of your life. But as I discussed with Laura Vanderkam in Episode 34: Excuses That Steal Your Time, that's a myth! The truth is, you can be successful in multiple areas of your life. You can be successful in your career, your relationships, your business and even your health and exercise routines-get this!-all in the same life.     It's all about priorities. When every waking minute is taken up for work, routine responsibilities, or taking care of others, you'll feel the opposite of successful; you'll feel stressed out and set back. For example, when I start to feel overwhelmed, it's usually because I'm not spending time on the things that I care about the most. So, I've made it a habit to take a look at my schedule when that happens. It's pretty

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