Across The Desk With Elizabeth Plouffe

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 116:43:06
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Keep it short they say: entrepreneur, teacher, communications professional, superhero enthusiast, lifelong learner, tea addict, book lover and movie watcher. I take what I've learned and help businesses save time, money and craziness for their communications.


  • #193: Across the Desk with MentorAbility: Meet Tiffany Drummond

    21/04/2021 Duration: 25min

    MentorAbility is a program which focuses on connecting protégées with mentors in careers. One of the best ways to learn about a career is to talk to someone who is passionate about what they do and will show you the realities of a career choice. Today we meet Tiffany Drummond who is an entrepreneur from Ottawa. Her business, ProCare Family Center, focuses on providing an engaging and safe daycare environment for the kids of Ottawa's busy working parents. Tiffany will share her experience being a mentor, what she gained from the experience and the feedback she received from her protégée.

  • #192: Executive Dysfunction And Relationships

    31/03/2021 Duration: 50min

    This executive function thing - how many ways can having a deficit actually screw up your life? Quite a few apparently. Not the least of which is building and maintaining relationships with folks besides your family. Family are a built in "safe space" for relationships. They already know you and love you so not much effort is needed to make that work. Getting out in to the general public? With all the social rules and subtle cues of relating to others? That can be a bit more tricky. Join us to find out how you can make the relationship road a bit easier to travel.

  • #191: CASDA with SpectrumWorks

    26/03/2021 Duration: 34min

    Are you autistic and looking for work? Finding that a bit tricky during COVID? SpectrumWorks is offering a free virtual job fair which will be happening across Canada on April 8th. Visit to find out more and register! Is this just for job seekers? No! We need employers for networking and service providers to introduce themselves and their programs. Today you'll meet Neil Forester who is one of the co-coordinators for the SpectrumWorks job fair. Jon Lai will also be joining us to update on how the conversation about autism across Canada is moving forward. This involves the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences and the consultation they are running for the National Autism Strategy. Want to get involved in the conversation? Visit for more information!

  • #190: CASDA: Canadian Journal Autism Equity

    12/03/2021 Duration: 45min

    Meet the editorial team for the new Canadian Journal of Autism Equity. Maddy Dever, Megan Krasnodembski, and Terri Robson are creating an opportunity to bring Autistic Canadian voices together. What will that look like? Listen to find out more and then watch for the official launch on April 6, 2021!

  • #189: Executive Function Deficit - How Does Anxiety Get in the Way

    03/03/2021 Duration: 43min

    Executive function deficit can present as challenging for alot of folks on and off the spectrum. Ever had a really busy day and your to do list goes out the window? That's an executive function fail. When it happens all the time, it's a considered a deficit. Usually we have those moments in response to periods distraction or overwhelm. But what happens when someone is not only diagnosed with a full executive function deficit but also anxiety? Anxiety can play havoc with our mental state in regards to being able to function day to day and manage our emotional state. Now try to get organized during that vicious cycle of anxiety and trying to live your life and you'll get an idea of what we're discussing today.

  • #188: CASDA - Autism and the Housing Crisis

    01/03/2021 Duration: 32min

    When do you start thinking about where your autistic child is going to live? When they're 8 or 18? For some folks the conversation has to start as early as 8. Why? Because the supported housing wait list can be 10 years long. Join us as we discuss different housing options for autistic Canadians and how HAL-Labs is making a difference.

  • #187: CASDA - Accessibility And Equity with Brittany Finlay

    25/02/2021 Duration: 53min

    When you're in a situation that involves a disability, things can get a little tricky with accessing services and equitable access to those services. This needs to change. CASDA is working with members of the autism community, policy makers and government to level the playing field and lessen the challenges when it comes to making sure that autistic Canadians have as many options as possible for they life they want to lead.

  • #186: MentorAbility with Amy Widdows and Lisa Livingston

    12/02/2021 Duration: 41min

    Join Across the Desk for our new series in partnership with MentorAbility Ontario. A national initiative that promotes the employment of people who have a disability in communities throughout Canada. MentorAbility is spearheaded by local Coordinators who facilitate a full or half day mentoring experience in which job seekers who have a disability are matched with individual mentors (employers) – to explore career opportunities and learn what they need to get ahead in their desired field of interest.

  • #185: CASDA - Autism and Employment with Vanessa Tomas

    01/02/2021 Duration: 43min

    We're welcoming Vanessa Tomas back to further discuss the employment aspect of the National Autism Strategy.

  • #184: The Future Looks Good: Executive Function

    25/12/2020 Duration: 53min

    Executive function - sounds like something you get cured of when working in a big company right? Turns out it affects a lot of different aspects of our lives and probably way more than we realize. Join us to learn about the five core skills of executive function, what can happen when these skills need some support in development and how you can work on them. Does everybody with autism have an executive function deficit? Well ... does everyone in the world have blue eyes???? Anyone can have an executive function challenge but not everyone does ;)

  • #183: CASDA - Autism and Employment

    24/12/2020 Duration: 49min

    CASDA is working hard to create a strong a National Autism Strategy to create opportunities for all autistic Canadians. Today's conversation is with Stephanie Cote and Vanessa Tomas. Two members of the CASDA team working on the National Strategy. Their focus is on employment with two projects: the Autism Employment Scan and the Autistic Voices Project. Visit: to learn more!

  • #182: CASDA National Autism Strategy with Jonathan Lai

    17/12/2020 Duration: 49min

    Join us to learn about what CASDA's been up to in 2020 and get involved in the conversation about the National Autism Strategy!

  • #181: Future Looks Good: Alone or lonely?

    08/12/2020 Duration: 01h01min

    We're diving in to alone vs lonely today. Why? Because there is a HUGE misconception for both of these words when it comes to the autism community. There's the perception that autistic people don't want relationships and prefer to be alone. Wrong! There's also the perception that people who prefer to spend time with themselves are lonely. Also wrong! Let's find out more shall we?

  • #180: Future Looks Good - Asking for Help

    06/11/2020 Duration: 51min

    Asking for help needs to be thought about differently. So many people refuse to ask for help because of ego. More can't ask for help because of anxiety. Some just don't know how. We need to fix this. Asking for help needs to be seen as a strength. Asking for help shouldn't induce anxiety but give a sense of relief. Asking for help doesn't require a plan, just an ask. The ask of, "help me figure out what my ask is". Let's just start there :)

  • #179: Future Looks Good: Career Personality Profiler

    15/09/2020 Duration: 54min

    We're back with another discovery tool to help autistic individuals build a stronger plan for employment success. How can the Career Personality Profiler help? It focuses on strengths and how to tie that in to employment options. It gives you ideas for careers you might not have considered. It taps in to the areas you might need to work on in order to be successful at any job. It also gives you ideas about what you shouldn't do as a career ;) We're using it to help autistic clients and invite you to take a look to see if it would work for you!

  • #178: Future Looks Good - Enneagram professional

    08/09/2020 Duration: 45min

    The autism community has had little access to discovery tools which align their mental state and employment goals. We're trying to fix that. With a lot of research, we're using the Enneagram tool to help an autistic individual learn more about their strengths, how they might react under stress in the workplace and plan their job search strategy accordingly. Interested? Good! We are too ;)

  • #177: Future Looks Good - What is autism part 2

    28/07/2020 Duration: 58min

    What is the right level of support for someone with autism to reach their full potential? What is the difference between medical language and accepting / empowering language? We need to fix the way people think about the folks in the autism community as having deficits vs being differently abled and being amazing, different, fantastic folks. Let's reframe the stereotype.

  • #176: Future Looks Good - What is Autism? part 1

    17/06/2020 Duration: 57min

    What is autism? Excellent question. Overall, it's a set of characteristics that individually are manageable. Collectively in one person? They can create an existence which requires some serious navigation skills in a society which does not normally embrace those who can be considered "different". Our point during this session with The Future Looks Good focuses on how the spectrum presents in so many different ways and it's time to embrace that.

  • #175: The Future Looks Good - Change 3: Tools

    08/06/2020 Duration: 44min

    We've talked about what change is and how it can affect us. Now you're ready to make whatever change you're interested in happen! So what are the next steps? How do you do that? Excellent questions. We've got some answers.

  • #174: Future Looks Good: Change Part 2

    25/05/2020 Duration: 42min

    Everybody struggles to make a change in their life. One way to make that easier is to turn to your network. See who is the right fit to help your change happen and make sure they don't have an agenda about helping you change. What does that mean? You'll have to listen to find out ;)

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