Hope Church



Sermons from Hope Church in Dubuque, Iowa.


  • Serve on Mission at Hope Church

    29/01/2024 Duration: 50min

    During this weeks sermon Pastor Ross talks about the value of serving in the Church. We get the opportunity to hear from multiple leaders in the Church about their area of ministry and the different opportunities for us to serve.

  • Serve on Mission

    21/01/2024 Duration: 39min

    The sermon centers on serving on a mission for Jesus, referencing the Great Commission and 1 Peter 4:7–11. It emphasizes urgency, prayer, and the call to love deeply, practice hospitality, and serve faithfully. The goal is to reach many for Jesus, aligning with the church's commitment to serve the local body, community, and the world.

  • Grow With Others

    14/01/2024 Duration: 34min

    Pastor Ross emphasizes the church's mission to connect people with God and stresses the importance of growing with others in Christ, drawing from Acts 2:42–47. The key principles include full devotion, radical generosity, constant togetherness, and daily evangelism. Believers are encouraged to embrace these principles for community growth through opportunities like Life Groups.

  • Connect With God

    07/01/2024 Duration: 32min

    The sermon initiates a series on Hope's mission, focusing on connecting people with God. Drawing from Ephesians 2:13–18, Pastor Ross underscores Christ's role in reconciling and unifying believers, breaking down religious and cultural barriers. The sermon emphasizes Christ as peace, unity, and access to God. The congregation is encouraged to engage in worship, rooted in the Word, faithful in prayer, and seeking Christ in communal worship

  • Saving Son

    17/12/2023 Duration: 31min

    In this sermon, we explore the distinct images of Jesus portrayed in the four Gospels, emphasizing Luke's perspective on Christmas and Jesus' mission. Luke, a physician and companion of Paul, meticulously presents Jesus as both fully human and fully God. We dive into key verses, such as Luke 19:10, where Jesus declares his mission to "seek and to save what was lost."

  • Saving Servant

    10/12/2023 Duration: 31min

    In this sermon Pastor Mark takes us through the gospel of Mark and we see how Jesus is a God who serves. Jesus came as a servant to save us and we need to reflect to see how we can allow Jusus to serve through us.

  • Saving King

    03/12/2023 Duration: 36min

    In this sermon, the focus is on the upcoming Christmas season and the celebration of Jesus as the Savior. The sermon introduces a series called "Pictures of Jesus," emphasizing the unique portraits of Jesus presented in the gospels. The sermon explores the book of Matthew, highlighting two aspects of Jesus as King: the King who Reigns Forever and the King who Saves.

  • God's Divine Delivery

    26/11/2023 Duration: 32min

    In this sermon the focus is on the concluding portion of the Lord's Prayer from Matthew 6. Pastor Ross highlights the significance of seeking God's protection and deliverance from temptation and the influence of the evil one. The sermon emphasizes two key ways in which the Lord leads believers away from temptation: first, through the process of renewal in Christ, and second, through the support and encouragement of the body of Christ.

  • Depending Daily on Jesus

    19/11/2023 Duration: 37min

    In this sermon, Pastor Ross discusses the theme of daily dependence on Jesus. The sermon emphasizes the importance of constant connection to Christ, being pruned by God, and being rooted in the Bible as essential elements of true dependence. The sermon highlights the significance of producing spiritual fruit, referencing Galatians 5:22-23, and emphasizes that true dependence on God leads to a transformed prayer life.

  • Confession

    12/11/2023 Duration: 35min

    This sermon delves into the importance of genuine confession, focusing on the specific portion of the Lord's Prayer: "Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors." Pastor Marty explores the concept of confession by referencing Psalm 51, a thorough and genuine confession by David after moral failures. He outlines the seven ingredients to a genuine confession.

  • The Arc of Surrender

    05/11/2023 Duration: 35min

    In this sermon Pastor Mark describes the act of surrendering to the Lord. He reads through Phillippians 2:5-11 to show how God comes before all and every knee will bow to Him. We need to acknowledge who God is and who we are not and relinquish the control that we strive to have. Pastor Mark encourages us to surrender all to Him as surrendering is a natural response to something greater.

  • Prayer Starts Here

    29/10/2023 Duration: 35min

    In this sermon, Pastor Ross begins by emphasizing the importance of starting prayers with adoration, revering God for who He is and what He has done. He references the Lord's Prayer, which Jesus used to teach the pattern of prayer. He delves into Psalm 145 written by David, highlighting attributes of God, such as His greatness, grace, compassion, goodness, trustworthiness, and righteousness. He also emphasizes the importance of looking back on God's provision, recognizing that God constantly moves in generations, and encourages the congregation to participate in responding to God's work. Pastor Ross reminds the audience that through adoption in Christ, they can address God as "heavenly Father" and proclaim His good works in their lives.

  • How Should We Pray?

    22/10/2023 Duration: 31min

    In this sermon titled "Amen," Pastor Ross, discusses the importance of prayer and how to pray effectively. The sermon emphasizes that prayer is personal communication with God and a vital aspect of a Christian's life. The main focus is on Matthew 6:9-13, where Jesus provides a model for prayer. The five key aspects of this model are: Adoration (showing deep love and respect for God), Submission (surrendering to God's will), Dependence (relying on God for all needs), Confession (admitting sins to God), and Protection (seeking God's guidance and intervention). Pastor Ross encourages the congregation to incorporate these elements into their prayers and to set aside specific times during the day for prayer.

  • How Will You Respond?

    15/10/2023 Duration: 29min

    Sermons from Hope Church in Dubuque, Iowa.

  • Characteristics of God’s People

    08/10/2023 Duration: 33min

    Sermons from Hope Church in Dubuque, Iowa.

  • Undivided Allegiance to God

    01/10/2023 Duration: 40min

    In Pastor Ross's sermon on Matthew 6:19-34, the central message revolves around the significance of undivided allegiance to God's Kingdom. He emphasizes the need to prioritize seeking God's rule, living obediently, and demonstrating generosity in our lives, ultimately treasuring God above all else. The sermon highlights the contrast between healthy eyes, which represent a generous and God-centered approach to wealth, and unhealthy eyes, characterized by greed and materialism. It underscores that one cannot serve both God and money, calling for wholehearted devotion to God. Additionally, the sermon encourages trust in God's provision and emphasizes that worry and anxiety are unnecessary, as God will care for our needs just as He does for the birds and flowers.

  • Spiritual Disciplines

    24/09/2023 Duration: 35min

    Sermons from Hope Church in Dubuque, Iowa.

  • The Righteous Way Pt. 2

    17/09/2023 Duration: 36min

    In this sermon by Pastor Ross, the focus is on understanding that living for Christ goes beyond mere actions; it's a reflection of a heart surrendered to Him. Pastor Ross begins by emphasizing the importance of the heart as the first domino in our spiritual journey, where everything else falls into place when our hearts are loyal to Jesus. He discusses topics like adultery and lust, highlighting Jesus' teaching that even lusting in one's heart is a form of adultery. The sermon also touches on divorce, emphasizing the sanctity of marriage and discouraging divorce except in cases of sexual immorality. Jesus addresses the issue of taking oaths, encouraging honesty and integrity in our words without the need for excessive oaths. The sermon further explores the idea of not seeking revenge but responding to hatefulness with love, even towards enemies. The overarching message is that true righteousness begins in the heart and is manifested through our actions, aligning with the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on

  • The Righteous Way

    07/09/2023 Duration: 34min

    In this sermon by Pastor Ross, titled "The Righteous Way" and based on Matthew 5:17-30, Jesus is depicted as teaching about two kingdoms: God's Kingdom and the Kingdom of the world. He emphasizes that followers of Jesus, while living in the world, should understand that they are not of the world and must obey His commands and rules. The main passage highlights Jesus' intention to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, emphasizing the importance of obeying and teaching God's commands. Jesus contrasts His teachings with those of the Pharisees, emphasizing that true righteousness surpasses outward appearances and extends to the heart. He provides examples of how anger and lust in the heart are equivalent to murder and adultery, highlighting the need for reconciliation and guarding against sinful desires. The sermon encourages listeners to live in obedience to Christ with both their actions and their hearts.

  • Salt & Light

    03/09/2023 Duration: 30min

    Pastor Ross delivers a sermon based on Matthew 5:13-16, focusing on the concepts of being salt and light in the world as followers of Jesus. He begins by emphasizing the importance of maintaining purity and not compromising one's faith, drawing parallels to the properties of salt in preserving and flavoring. Pastor Ross highlights that our influence and impact on the world are essential, and compromising our faith can lead to losing our "saltiness." He also explores the idea of being the light of the world, emphasizing that our good deeds should shine for others to see and ultimately glorify God the Father. The overarching message is that as Christians, we are called to have a positive influence and bring glory to God through our actions and faithfulness to Christ's teachings.

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