Activate With Pastor Christian Newsome



The Activate Podcast from Journey Church International takes you backstage with Pastor Christian Newsome and guests for an extended conversation and insights on leadership, spiritual growth, and activating your faith in a practical way.


  • Out of Left Field - Audio

    17/06/2018 Duration: 19min

    In our final podcast of the season, Pastor Christian discusses the lessons we can learn from Ehud, the second Judge of Israel. We will learn that God will often use our perceived disadvantage for His divine advantage. We learn that an ounce of faith can produce an ocean of results. Finally, we will discuss how God can use our faith to signal others to follow.

  • Just Keep Swimming - Audio

    10/06/2018 Duration: 19min

    Pastor Christian shares his reflections on the past week at Student Camp in Florida. We also discuss Sunday's message titled "Just Keep Swimming" as we continue to study the book of Judges and learn from the heroes of our faith. Pastor Christian explains why forward movement is so important in our walk with Jesus.

  • Spin Cycle - Audio

    04/06/2018 Duration: 19min

    The ancient history book of Judges provides a vivid description of the cycle of sin for the nation of Israel. If we aren't careful, the same cycle can be a picture of our lives spiritually. This week we begin to discuss themes from the book of Judges and the powerful lessons we can learn from the past so we can know how to live today.

  • My Spiritual Family - Audio

    27/05/2018 Duration: 20min

    There is a season in your life when your spiritual family becomes your local family. When your biological family is not your primary spiritual influence, support, challenge or community, you will need to surround yourself with a spiritual family. In this episode of the podcast, we discuss the importance of a spiritual family and share practical tools to help develop a spiritual family.

  • Conflict Kryptonite - Audio

    20/05/2018 Duration: 20min

    Conflict exists in all relationships. We cannot avoid it but we can weaken the power of it's impact. The greatest way to decrease the power of conflict in any relationship is to have clear communication. In this podcast, Pastor Christian shares practical communication tools to help navigate the conflict within our relationships, including those that are dysfunctional.

  • How To Influence Others - Audio

    13/05/2018 Duration: 22min

    In this special episode of the Activate Podcast, we have a conversation with Danielle Newsome. Danielle discusses how to have a postitive influence in the lives of our own families and in the lives of others. She discusses the importance of reading God's word and prayer so that we can spiritually influence others.

  • Disassembling Dysfunction - Audio

    03/05/2018 Duration: 21min

    In the podcast this week, we will continue conversations around our series entitled My Dysfunctional Family: Learning to love difficult people. We will learn that the majority of the dysfunction we experience in our family is due to a misunderstanding of our current roles. If we can understand, communicate, and manage our family roles in a way that shows our heart, we can begin to disassemble the dysfunction.

  • The Pearly Gates - Audio

    26/04/2018 Duration: 19min

    Do you have difficult people in your life? In this episode of the Activate Podcast, we begin a new series entitled, My Dysfunctional Family: Learning To Love Difficult People. In this podcast we will take a closer look at Joseph and discover how he learned to love difficult people and deal with the dysfunction of the relationships of his life. Pastor Christian discusses practical ways we can mourn past hurt so that we can heal and how we can forgive so that we can move forward.

  • What's In It For Me - Audio

    23/04/2018 Duration: 19min

    If we are going to walk towards God and with God we may need to change our attitude. In this podcast, Pastor Christian talks about how a change in attitude can allow you to experience greater peace and battle entitlement.

  • Heaven On Earth - Audio

    15/04/2018 Duration: 17min

    This week, we continue our discussion in our series, Finding Your Way Back To God. Pastor Christian will discuss what it means to live on earth like we will in heaven by practicing spiritual math. Sometimes we need to subtract things from our life and sometimes we need to add things to our life. We will be challenged to take off our earthly nature and put on a spiritual nature. When we begin to put on a spiritual nature, we will begin to look more like Jesus.

  • Sight Beyond Sight - Audio

    08/04/2018 Duration: 18min

    This week, we launch a new series entitled, Finding Your Way Back To God. Rooted in Paul’s letter to the Colossians, this series will help you get back on course by focusing on the person of Jesus. Today, Pastor Christian will challenge us to become more aware of the presence of Jesus in all areas of our life.

  • Step Into Life - Audio

    01/04/2018 Duration: 18min

    Easter Sunday represents more than candy, Easter Eggs, new clothes and family brunch. The meaning behind Easter has the ability to change lives. Today, Pastor Christian will discuss the incredible promise and potential that Easter holds for each of us. We will also discuss the open and empty tomb of Jesus and what that means for our lives.

  • Let's Eat - Audio

    25/03/2018 Duration: 24min

    In the podcast this week, we continue our discussion on The Lamb: Making Sense of Easter. We will learn that Jesus is the one who allows us to live in a relationship with God. Through the Old Covenant Fellowship Offering described in Leviticus, we will discover that God invites us and desires that we spend T.I.M.E with Him on a daily basis. Pastor Christian also shares his routine and rhythm of spending time with God and practicing His presence.

  • The Wizard of Oz - Audio

    18/03/2018 Duration: 17min

    In this episode of the Activate Podcast, Pastor Ryan and Pastor Brandon discuss the tabernacle curtain and it's connection to Jesus. They also discuss the Day of Atonement and the forgiveness we can find because of the sacrifice the Lamb of God.

  • Sinks and Mirrors - Audio

    08/03/2018 Duration: 21min

    In this podcast, Pastor Christian continues with his series The Lamb: Making Sense of Easter. We discuss the connection between the bronze basin found in the Jewish tabernacle and Jesus. We also talk about the importance of understanding the impact of sin in our lives so that we can understand the depth of grace. We will see Jesus as the daily lamb of God who was our substitute so that we can have forgiveness from sin.

  • The Lamb of God - Audio

    28/02/2018 Duration: 21min

    This week we start a new series titled, The Lamb - Making Sense of Easter. This series will help prepare us to celebrate Easter like never before. For the next five weeks, we will focus intently on the spiritual importance of Jesus. Pastor Christian discusses why we cannot fully grasp Christianity until we understand Jesus' role as the Lamb of God. We will be introduced to Jesus through the first Lamb of God found in the ten plagues of Egypt thousands of years ago.

  • Great Gain - Be Rich - Audio

    25/02/2018 Duration: 21min

    This week we wrap up our series, Broken - Breaking the Cycle of Living Spent. In this series we have discovered important financial principles through the lens of the Bible. Today, we will be discussing principles #6 and #7 and learning that the foundation of honoring God with our finances is living with contentment.

  • Neglected #10 - Audio

    15/02/2018 Duration: 20min

    Many Americans are living way beyond their means. We are spending money we don't have on things we don't need. As a result, debt has become all too common for many of us today. As we continue with our series, Broken - Breaking the Cycle of Living Spent, we will discover that debt is only a symptom of a deeper issue. This deeper issue has roots that are connected to the tenth commandment - "Do not covet." Today we will discuss this commandment and the consequences if it is neglected.

  • Downton Abbey Dollars - Audio

    08/02/2018 Duration: 19min

    In this episode Pastor Christian discusses the principle of stewardship - taking care of something that is not yours as if it was yours. We also discuss that ultimate goal of stewardship is to honor God with everything he provides by showing gratitude, being accountable, and being responsible.

  • I Spy With My Little Eyes - Audio

    31/01/2018 Duration: 17min

    Pastor Christian discusses the first message in a new series entitled "Broke[n] - Breaking the Cycle of Living Spent." In this episode of the podcast, we discuss why God doesn't really want our money but He does want our heart. We also discuss the importance of the "Law of the Harvest" found in Galatians 6. This will not be a series on giving but, we will talk about money. We will challenge you to begin to look at your money and personal finances from an entirely different perspective.

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