Mgn Podcast



MGN Podcast is one of the most popular family shows on blogtalkradio with a listening audience of over 30,000. Includes small business, author, and celebrity interviews, parenting information, and company updates! Email: for booking information.


  • 2010...Movers & Shakers!!

    01/01/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    The Hollywood Trainer...Jeanette Jenkins will be on the show. She has trained Stars like Queen Latifah, Kimora Lee Simmons, Christina Applegate, NFL's Ty Law and Brian Cox! She helps millions of men and women achieve their health and fitness goals through her international appearances, internet expert coaching and columns ranging from and to NBC’s Today Show, The Dr. OZ Show, Fox News World and The Tyra Banks Show!! Also, on the show we have Future Mama!! Come and hear about the world of blogging, as she takes us on her exiting journey to Motherhood! She will tell us about her TV show and about life being known as the babymakingmachine!! This will be a fun filled show!! You don't want to miss it!! Listener dial-in number: (917) 388-4116 or online at!

  • All about G.L.A.M....

    04/12/2009 Duration: 01h00s

    We're talking all about style, fashion, make-up, and getting G.L.A.M with fashionista Mom, CEO of G.L.A.M, Ebony Porter-Ike! We also will feature questions from our listeners, our missing but not forgotten segment - Special Segment focusing on Jewel Strong (missing for 3 years), and talk about the $150.00 give-away....JOIN us for a great show!!

  • Sweet Aroma.....

    06/11/2009 Duration: 01h00s

    Who Wants to be a Millionaire has its first 10 Million naira winner. Meet Aroma, the Bachelor who walked away with a cool 10 Million Naira. Listen to his story and what he plans to do with the money! Also, Dr. Ufodike will talk about the common Flu and also the H1N1 virus. Call in to have him answer all your questions. Call in to speak to our family and nanny expert as well as ask questions about hiring help for your home and any of your child care needs....this promises to be a great show. See you there!! Email us at:!

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