Pinnacle Perspective



Mike D'Arrigo, host of "The Pinnacle Perspective" show shares real life insights and perspectives on real estate investment trends and strategies.


  • What you need to know about Section 8 rentals

    23/12/2015 Duration: 39min

    My guest this episode is Chris Jennings, owner of Ciege Property Management in Indianapolis who has 10 years of experience managing Section 8 rentals. Chris pulls the curtain back and tells you everything you need to know when renting to section 8 tenants.

  • What to look for when working with a turn key property company

    07/12/2015 Duration: 27min

    In this episode, we talk about when it makes sense to invest in turn-key, single family real estate, how to work with a turn key company and what to look for when working with one.

  • How to research and analyze any real estate market

    19/11/2015 Duration: 30min

    My guest this week, Jeff Pinkerton, President of Metro Insight talks about how to research any real estate market, what metrics are most important and where to find the data you need.

  • Buy and Hold vs Fix and Flip---Which Strategy is Best for You?

    05/11/2015 Duration: 25min

    In this episode, we talk about "Buy and Hold" vs "Fix and Flip" investment strategies, the challenges of each and when one strategy makes more sense than the other.

  • An experts view of the Kansas City market

    23/10/2015 Duration: 34min

    My guest for this week is Jeff Pinkerton, President of MetroInsight and Senior Researcher at Mid America Regional Council. Jeff is an expert at researching and reporting on economic and demographic trends of various metropolitan areas. Jeff has his finger on the pulse of the Kansas City economy, and he shares his views and perspectives with us today.

  • Do Turn-key Rental Properties Really Cost More?

    07/10/2015 Duration: 27min

    Do you really save money with a DIY fixer or is buying a turn-key property the cheaper way to go? The answer may surprise you. In this weeks Pinnacle Perspective, we talk about why a turn key property doesn't always cost you more and what to look for when working with a turn key company.

  • Financial planning in these uncertain economic times

    24/09/2015 Duration: 32min

    My guest this week is Ron Howard, Managing Principal and President of Siena Wealth Management. Ron talks about how to be successful at retirement planning in these uncertain economic times and how real estate can fit in a balanced portfolio.

  • Evaluating income properties—What the numbers mean.

    02/09/2015 Duration: 31min

    In this episode, we talk about what a pro forma is and how to use it to evaluate an income property. We discuss what the numbers really mean and how to interpret them.

  • An economist's prediction for the next real estate bubble

    18/08/2015 Duration: 33min

    My guest for this show is Dr. Fred Foldvary. Dr. Foldvary is a highly respected professor of economics and accurately predicted the great recession and housing bubble of 2008 eleven years before it actually occurred. Dr. Foldvary shares his views on where we are in the recovery cycle, his predictions on when the next downturn will occur and why he feels it will be worse than the crash of 2008.

  • Eight traits of successful real estate investors

    04/08/2015 Duration: 22min

    Ever wonder why some real estate investors are successful while others fail? The reasons may surprise you. In this episode, I talk about the 8 traits of successful investors and how you can develop those traits to increase your success.

  • An investors experience from the trenches

    23/07/2015 Duration: 29min

    My guest this week, Jay Hinrichs shares his years of experience in real estate investment and talks about the mistakes many investors make and why buying cheap properties in rough neighborhoods doesn't work for the out of state investor.

  • How to be a more decisive investor

    02/07/2015 Duration: 32min

    This week I talk about how to be a decisive investor and why it's more important than ever. Inventory is shrinking and competition is high in the best markets. In order to compete, you need to be decisive and take action quickly. In this podcasts, you'll learn what sets decisive investors apart from others.

  • Why a 719 FICO score might not be enough

    18/06/2015 Duration: 31min

    My guest this week is Alexandra Erlich with Continental Credit. Alexandra explains why even a 700 credit score might not be enough when financing investment properties with today's tighter underwriting guidelines. She discusses how to increase your credit score to get the most favorable loan terms and why credit restoration isn't just for people with bad credit.

  • How to Attract Private Money

    03/06/2015 Duration: 34min

    My guest this week, Mark Hanf of Pacific Private Money, Inc talks about where to find private investors and how to convince them to finance your real estate deals. Mark is author of "The Insiders Guide to Attracting Private Money" and shares his technique for creating credibility and acquiring all the capital you need.

  • An investors real world experience

    26/05/2015 Duration: 30min

    My guest this week is Anish Tolia. Anish shares his experience with out of state investment, how he got started, what he has learned and whether his portfolio is performing as planned. Don't invest out of state without listening to this show first.

  • Financing Your Investment Properties

    06/05/2015 Duration: 32min

    My guest this week is Shawn Huss, Sr. Vice President of Talmer Bank and Trust. Shawn is one of the leading mortgage originators in the nation and he shares his view on what is happening in the world of lending and financing. He shares his predictions on where interest rates are heading in 2015 and discusses the ins and outs of underwriting guidelines and what you need to know about investor financing.

  • Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

    23/04/2015 Duration: 21min

    In this episode, we talk about getting out of your comfort zone and overcoming analysis paralysis, especially when investing out of state, We explore some of the biggest obstacles that hold new real estate investors back and how to overcome them.

  • Why invest in Kansas City real estate

    15/04/2015 Duration: 29min

    My guest this week is Mark Edmondson, my on the ground Kansas City expert. Mark gives an update on the Cerner Corp. development project, why Kansas City is being called the "Silicon Prairie" and why it's one of the top cash-flow real estate investment markets today.

  • The secret to good property management

    24/03/2015 Duration: 31min

    My guest this week is Chad Stickley from A Step Ahead Management. Chad talks about why we're becoming a rental society, the status of the Indianapolis rental market and why good property management is key to out of state investing.

  • Do Millennialls Make The Best Tenants?

    09/03/2015 Duration: 24min

    Millennials make up 25% of the population. They're educated, independent and more likely to rent than previous generations. But do they make the best tenants? In this episode, we talk about millenialls, what they look for and what you need to do to attract them.

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