Shalom Sistas



Shalom Sistas is a podcast hosted by Osheta Moorea wifey, writer, entrepreneur, and mom who loves to talk Shalom with her favorite women, her Shalom Sistas. While Shalom is often thought of as another word for peace, its actually a deep and wide concept of the world as it should be whole, flourishing, and vibrant. Being a Shalom Sista is as simple as seeing a need in the world and asking "how can I help?" Every episode, Osheta will introduce a Shalom Sista who asked that very question to share her story and give practical advice that will inspire and encourage women to be wholehearted and seek wholeness in the world right around her. We dont get preachy here, but we do get personal, practical, and at times, a little playful!


  • Episode 38: Shalom Book Club

    05/07/2017 Duration: 48min

    On today’s episode, Osheta and Cara talk to their favorite literary matchmaker, Anne Bogel, the mind behind the What Should I Read Next podcast and  She has a created a fabulous Summer Reading Guide, which is her sixth summer reading guide that she has created.  She tells Osheta and Cara what they should read next for the Shalom Book Club.       Reminder! Osheta and co-hosts are going to take the summer off. Starting July 19 through September 1, the podcast will be on break. The podcast will resume in the fall, with “Shalom Sessions” focusing on the Shalom Sistas’ Manifesto.   Want to be on the podcast? Osheta is going to do a deep dive on the Shalom Sistas' Manifesto this fall and we have an exciting opportunity for you to be a part of the show.  Osheta is going to host conversations with Shalom Sistas around all twelve points of her Shalom Sistas' Manifesto and she would love to talk to YOU about it!  So if you have a question about the Manifesto, this is your opportunity to have Osheta

  • Episode 37: My Sista's Keeper

    24/06/2017 Duration: 01h43min

      On this episode of My Sistas' Keeper, Abby and I discuss how to hopefully resist the spirit of despair when talking about race, specifically on social media. We share our honest, raw emotions about the Philando Castile verdict and the killing of Charleena Lyles. We also discuss Scripture about despair and respond to listener questions about to respond to race-related tragedies and police brutality: How should Shalom Sistas talk to their children, students, etc., about these events?   What should a Shalom Sista do if her church is silent in the face of injustice?   How can white Shalom Sistas be allies right now?   Is there a way for Shalom Sistas to engage with their local police departments to talk about racial profiling, etc.?   How can Shalom Sistas leverage whatever platform they have (blog, community office, leadership position, ministry, relationships) to shed light on these tragedies and say what needs to be said?   What are you longing to hear spoken or named--what do you think Go

  • 36: Shalom in the Home

    02/06/2017 Duration: 01h10min

    Today I sit down with my co-host Jerusalem to talk about FOMO, Benedictine Monastic traditions, learning to love the life you have, and husband who are weary of our BIG ideas.  She just released her second book, “At Home in this Life: Finding Peace at the Crossroads of Unraveled Dreams and Beautiful Surprises” and it’s amazing.  Take a listen and come on over to the Shalom Sista Facebook page to tell us which of the three Benedictine Vows resonate most with you as you seek shalom in your home!     “At Home in this Life is the story of how everything I thought would make me happy came undone, and how I then found a way to make myself at home in this beautiful, messy, amazingly tender, completely unbalanced life, by imperfectly practicing one spiritual discipline at a time—smack in the middle of raising kids, mending the sweaters and burning the bread.  It’s the story of how I finally realized that the “problem” with my life was not my house, my job, or my marriage, my problem was me. Only a Conversion of life

  • Episode 35: Hallelujah Anyway

    26/05/2017 Duration: 01h03min

    In episode 35 we're having the Shalom Book Club, where Cara and I discuss Anne Lamott’s latest book, Hallelujah Anyway.  We talk about what we mean when we speak or dream of mercy, and we look at differences between Lamott’s definition of mercy and a biblical definition of mercy. Finally, we get REAL with our own stories of mercy, and offer four Shalom Steps to help you rediscover mercy, too. As per the usual, you can connect with Cara on her blog, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and you can connect with Osheta on her blog, "Shalom in the City", Facebook, and you can see Osheta rocking lots of yellow on Instagram.   Links Mentioned in Episode: Happier Podcast: Choose your Signature Color Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott Join us in the Shalom Sista Facebook Hangout for Cara's turkey burger recipe. Shalom Book Club Survey Singing Hallelujah Anyway as my practice of Shalom, Save

  • Episode 34: My Sista's Keeper

    18/05/2017 Duration: 01h31min

    On this episode of My Sistas' Keeper, Abby and I discuss how to hopefully resist the spirit of defensiveness when talking about race, specifically on social media. We consider some practical ways to emulate Jesus' posture toward others described in 1 Peter 2:23, "When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly." We also discuss the terms backfire effect and confirmation bias, and engage listener comments and questions such as how to know when to enter into an online conversation, when to just keep scrolling, and how to encourage offline extensions of online dialogu We mention: The nonprofit organization Abby works for, His Grace Foundation, which serves patients and families on the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit of Texas Children’s Hospital: The Beautiful Creatures book series: The Backfire Effect as described in a comic strip:

  • Episode 33: Shalom Book Club: ONE

    04/05/2017 Duration: 01h03min

    Hey Sistas! On today’s book club episode, Cara and Osheta talked about ONE by Deidra Riggs.     They discuss the history of women in the church and the current conflict over the last couple of weeks on Twitter, and they also share our histories of being a woman in the church. They also talk about whether to keep or discard the book, and invite you to join in reading Hallelujah Anyway by Anne Lamott.       For resources to links mentioned in the episode, click here:    *Jerusalem’s Instagram challenge *Join the Shalom Sistas Hangout on Facebook *Go see Everything, Everything with a Sista! *ONE: Unity in a Divided World by Deidra Riggs *Explanation of complementarian vs. egalitarian - or choose a third way like Osheta (and, as this article suggests) *CT Women article, “Who’s in Charge of the Christian Blogosphere?”   *Jesus Feminist by Sarah Bessey *Read Hallelujah Anyway by Anne Lamott with us in May!  *Connect with Cara: on her blog, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram *Connect with Osheta: Shalom in the City,

  • Episode 32: Won't You Be My Neighbor

    27/04/2017 Duration: 01h14min

    Won’t You Be My Neighbor?   What Mr. Roger’s can teach us about peacemaking in our communities when we feel divided.   Today we’re going to use neighborliness to practice hopeful resistance in the face of division. Wanna know what that means? It’s a really great episode and I hope you take a listen:     Three Lessons of Neighborliness from Mr. Rogers Welcoming - Assuming a posture of neighborliness Mr. Roger’s did this when he changed from his “work” clothes to his comfy clothes. How do we create body language that is comfy, welcoming, neighborly Remember Nathan’s habit of greeting people by name Shalom in the home - music on, sitting on the couch - no phone or book, Learning - Going into community to learn about those in the community. Mr. Roger’s always went to into the community to learn about peoples work Frequent small businesses especially ones that might be off your regular radar Ask questions Volunteer Shalom in the Home - teach kids to ask questions instead of making assumptions   Land of Ma

  • Episode 31: My Sista's Keeper

    13/04/2017 Duration: 01h18min

    Hey Sistas, Join Abby Perry and me for our second episode of My Sista's Keeper: Shalom in the City's Monthly Conversation on Race and Unity. This month we're exploring the idea of hopefully resisting division.  When it comes to racial reconciliation conversations, what words seem to make us aware of division unlike any other? You got it, race/racism/racist. As challenging as those words are to discuss, we think it's worth it to really press in to what they mean in order to have a common, working definition as we go forward. So, on this episode, we're diving deep and getting all kinds of uncomfortable as we look at how race and racism operate in the world today. And we promise you, every word we say and question we ask - it's all in the name of peacemaking.  We'll be honest with you, this episode had us pretty sweaty! We share stories, ask questions, and speak truths that we are confident are necessary for bringing about true Shalom in racial reconciliation. It's a deep one, but we think it's a good, too.  We

  • Episode 30: what brings us

    10/04/2017 Duration: 01h04min

    Today on the show, I'm chatting with Katherine Willis Pershey, pastor, storyteller, raconteuse  and one of my new favorite authors. Her book, "Very Married" is my favorite marriage resource... ever!     Today's episode is what happens with two marriage geeks sit down and chat! We talk about living wholeheartedly in our marriage, what happens when one of us get has a crush, what is our responsibility to seek justice for those on the margins who desire whole and healthy marriage, and how we're choosing to befriend the things our husbands do that we don't love as an act of hopeful resistance in our marriage.  It's a really great conversation and I hope you listen. Links we mention in the episode: Hot Bean Water ​ How to Find Katherine Online Website Facebook Twitter Shalom and Untying Knots in my Marriage

  • Episode 29: Shalom Book Club 10th Edition

    30/03/2017 Duration: 01h12min

    Hey Sistas, Join Cara Meredith and I as we discuss "The Sun is Also a Star" by Nicola Yoon.  With our theme of Hopeful Resistance in mind, we talk through some of the tough issues (young love, college admission, and deportation) that Daniel and Natasha face.       From Amazon: Natasha: I’m a girl who believes in science and facts. Not fate. Not destiny. Or dreams that will never come true. I’m definitely not the kind of girl who meets a cute boy on a crowded New York City street and falls in love with him. Not when my family is twelve hours away from being deported to Jamaica. Falling in love with him won’t be my story. Daniel: I’ve always been the good son, the good student, living up to my parents’ high expectations. Never the poet. Or the dreamer. But when I see her, I forget about all that. Something about Natasha makes me think that fate has something much more extraordinary in store—for both of us. The Universe: Every moment in our lives has brought us to this single moment. A million futures lie befor

  • Episode 28: Shalom in the Home

    23/03/2017 Duration: 58min

    Hey Sistas   Join Jerusalem Greer and me for Shalom in the Home, our monthly conversation on peacemaking at home and in our community. We talk about hospitality and the insecurities we have around gathering the people in our lives.   A Recipe for Maundy Thursday: Chicken and Dumplings From A Homemade Year: The Blessings of Cooking, Crafting and Coming Together Ms. J’s Chicken and Dumplings This recipe is my answer to the Matzo Ball Soup and the Baked or Roasted Chicken that are often a staple of a modified Seder Supper. Not being Jewish, but being Southern, Chicken and Dumplings seemed like the perfect alternative to these traditional Seder dishes. And as for the recipe title, well, that comes from Sweet Man’s nickname for me, in the southern tradition of Miss Ellie from the TV show Dallas. This is a large recipe—enough for twelve adults. Note: You can use homemade or store-bought chicken stock, or a combination of both. For the Broth Bring 15 cups of chicken stock to a boil. Add the following to the boi

  • Episode 27: My Sista's Keeper

    16/03/2017 Duration: 01h19min

        Hey Sistas,   Join Abby Perry and me for our first episode of My Sista's Keeper: Shalom in the City's Monthly Conversation on Race and Unity. We talk about how each of us came to care deeply about issues of race, justice, and reconciliation, and what it is to approach these often awkward, difficult conversations with a spirit Hopeful Resistance.   The My Sista's Keeper episodes exist to help YOU begin to bring about Shalom in your own community by modeling a conversation between a black woman and a white woman talking about race. In this first episode, we make promises to each other that will guide our discussions, ask probing questions, and press deep into some uncomfortable places to see if there's some unity to be found (spoiler: there is).   We also may break out in hives, or at least a sweat, a few times. But it's that good sweat, ya know? Like when you're exercising and it's hard and it hurts but you know that means it's working. We hope you'll benefit from listening to a bit of heavy liftin

  • Episode 26: Hopeful Resistance Introductions

    09/03/2017 Duration: 01h06min

    Hey Sistas,     Join me as I welcome my new co-hosts, Abby Perry, Jerusalem Greer, and returning co-host Cara Meredith to the team as we talk about Hopeful Resistance.  We talk about what is hopeful resistance, what does healthy resistance look like, and what does resistance look like in our lives.  We also have some fun surprises in this episode so come and listen as we kick off this new series!  Want more Shalom in your life?  Follow Shalom in the City on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest @shalominthecity. Come join us on Facebook at the Shalom Sistas’ Hangout.  You can find me, Osheta Moore on Twitter @osheta, Instagram @oshetam and Pinterest.   Abby is on Facebook @AbbyJoyAndersonPerry, on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest @abbyjperry and online at    Jerusalem is on Facebook as @JerusalemJacksonGreer, on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest @jerusalemgreer and online at  You can find Cara Meredith on Facebook @bemamabecarameredith, on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest @c

  • Episode 25: Two Fun Announcements for the Show!

    20/01/2017 Duration: 24min

      Hey Sistas, I'm so excited to share this special episode of Shalom in the City because I've been excited to share with you something I've been working on the podcast for FOR MONTHS.  Actually, I've been wanting to provide this for you here on the show since before I started it.  When I dreamed of starting a podcast I knew three things about myself:   One: I'm obsessed with talking about Shalom. So I knew my podcast had to be all shalom all the time. And for those of you just joining the show on this episode, on the show our simple definition of  the Hebraic concept of Shalom, is  God's dream for wholeness, goodness, and yes, even peace for you and I right now, right where we are and every episode I invite a woman on who I think is practicing Shalom in some interesting way to share her story with us, our resident Shalom Sista is what we call her and it's been so much fun to introduce to you my friends and their passion projects.   The second thing I knew about myself as a podcaster is that I

  • Shalom Book Club #9: Our Nos and Yeses of 2017

    03/01/2017 Duration: 52min

    Hey Sistas, Today, Cara and I talk about not one but two books as we discuss our Nos and Yeses of 2017.      Books mentioned in the podcast" The Wangs vs. the World Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person Food, Health, and Happiness: 115 On-Point Recipes for Great Meals and a Better Life Articles mentioned: Real Simple "Say Yes to Saying No" Hapelujah, Indeed written by our very own Cara   What are you saying "No" and "Yes" this year that you're hoping will bring you Shalom. Come over and share them  in the Hangout:   Shalom and Books, Osheta and Cara    

  • Manifesto Monday: My Body Is Wholly Good

    12/12/2016 Duration: 36min

    Hey Sistas, God has been helping me practice Shalom with Body Shame this season and this is what I've learned.   Links mentioned in the show: Whole Body Pinterest Friends With Body Instagram Post Curvy Skinny Denizen Jeans Gilmore Girls on Pop Culture Happy Hour   Shalom and Shopping and Trying on Outfits in the Family Dressing Room, Osheta          

  • Shalom Book Club #8: Roadmap to Reconcillation

    14/11/2016 Duration: 01h07min

    Today, Cara and I talk about the Roadmap to Reconciliation written by Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil. We also share our candid responses to the question, "how are you doing?" in light of the election of a man who we both feel like has not modeled a heart or desire for racial justice in this country. It's one of the realest and most honest conversations we've ever had on Shalom. I hope you enjoy it.   Here's our Shalom Steps for Racial Reconciliation 1: Prepare your Heart 2: Prepare your Mind 3: Prepare your Community Books we love on this topic: Prophetic Lament (Soong-Chan Rah); Rescuing Jesus: How People of Color, Women and Queer Christians are Reclaiming Evangelicalism (Deborah Jian Lee); Embrace (Leroy Barber); America’s Original Sin (Jim Wallis); The Other Wes Moore (Wes Moore); United: Captured by God’s Vision for Diversity (Trillia J. Newbell) Where to find us online: The Shalom Sista Hangout: Perfect place to keep the conversation going Cara is pretty active on Twitter and her website Osheta is on

  • Episode 24 with Jennifer Dukes Lee

    30/10/2016 Duration: 57min

    Today on the show, I'm chatting with Jennifer Dukes Lee, story-teller, grace-dweller, wife to a farmer, mama of two and one of my new favorite authors. Today we talk about happiness— the theology of it, the science of it, and the how to embrace it right where we are.       We talk about her new book, "The Happiness Dare" and how true happiness makes space for lamenting. We discuss a quiz she created that has already made me a better mom and we learn about her perfect day in her farm town in Iowa— definitely not a city, but still so much fun!  It's a really great conversation and I hope you listen. Links we mention in the episode: Happiness Dare Quiz Cool Finds Based on the Show: On Negativity Bias "Overcoming your Negativity Bias" New York Times article One Ferguson "Terrible, Beautiful, Fearless" My reflections after visiting Ferguson How to Find Jennifer Online Website Facebook Instagram Twitter Shalom and Quizzes, and Embracing My Happiness Style, Osheta         Save Save

  • Episode 23 with Kacie Fenney

    19/10/2016 Duration: 01h21min

    Today on the show, I'm chatting with Kacie Feeney, one of the owners and designer of Persimmon Prints.   Persimmon Prints is a faith-based business, which produces ethically-made women’s clothing.  Persimmon’s mission is to help others FIX their hearts on God, FILL their lives with His word, and FIGHT for those in need. With a percentage of each purchase, Kacie and her husband, Patrick financially support our The Good Shepherd Agricultural Mission (Christian-based orphanage) in Banbasa, India. We talk about more than beautiful and ethically made clothing, though (which we do!) Kacie share with us about her journey with infertility.  After she shares her story, she gives some fantastic guidance on how to love our sistas struggling with infertility and the ways community was a source of joy for her.   There's also a chance at the end of the episode for you to win a "choose joy" hoodie (see I told you we talk about beautiful clothing). It's a fantastic episode and I can't wait for you to hear it.   Links we me

  • Shalom Book Club #7: Love Warrior

    10/10/2016 Duration: 53min

      On the podcast today is the seventh edition of the “Shalom Book Club” where once a month, my friend Cara Meredith joins me to talk about a book.  Like I said in the first episode of this series this is partly to solve a very real problem I have- I simply can’t work in a book club in my week here in L.A.. This month we read the “Love Warrior" By Glennon Doyle Melton.   Stats: 259 pages, 15 chapters + epilogue, prologue   Author: Glennon is the author of the New York Times bestselling memoir Carry On, Warrior, and Love Warrior. She is also the founder of Momastery, an online community reaching millions of people each week, and creator and president of Together Rising—a non-profit organization that has raised over four million dollars for families around the world through its Love Flash Mobs, which have revolutionized online giving. Glennon is a sought-after public speaker and her work has been featured on the TODAY Show, The Talk, OWN, and NPR and in The New York Times, Ladies’ Home Journal, Glamour, Famil

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