Loose Bruce Kerr's Parody/original Song Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 4:02:00
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Parody & Original Songs of Loose Bruce Kerr as featured on the Dr. Demento & Jim Bohannon Shows


  • "ONE MORE WHOLE NIGHT" (O Holy Night) -STEREO AUDIO MP3 by "Loose Bruce" Kerr

    25/11/2012 Duration: 01min

    "ONE MORE WHOLE NIGHT" is "Loose Bruce" Kerr's latest AUDIO parody of a familiar Christmas song, "O Holy Night." But this time it's about the difficulty of finding a proper Christmas present for your significant other by the Christmas Eve deadline. Bruce records his audios & videos, singing & playing one instrument at a time in his garage in Northern California's Silicon Valley ("The Garage"). When not doing that, Bruce is a lawyer working at Oracle. Bruce took off 20 years from his law career to write, record, and perform his music and comedy. He opened for "Weird Al" Yankovic back in the day. His songs are heard irregularly on the "Dr. Demento Show" on the net and on the "Jim Bohannon Show" on nationally syndicated AM radio. The stereo audio of this new parody, plus audio mp3's and videos of Bruce's parodies & originals are also on this podcast site for free: loosebrucekerr.com, youtube.com, funnyordie.com, and others. email Bruce at: BKerrLaw@aol.com

  • "50 WAYS TO LOSE YOUR BLUBBER"- AUDIO - (Paul Simon parody) by "Loose Bruce" Kerr

    24/07/2012 Duration: 02min

    This is "Loose Bruce" Kerr's latest AUDIO parody (video coming soon) of a Paul Simon song, this one's: "50 WAYS TO LOSE YOUR BLUBBER." Bruce records his audios & videos in his garage in Northern California's Silicon Valley ("The Garage"). When not doing that, Bruce is a lawyer working at Oracle. Bruce took off 20 years from his law career to write, record, and perform his music and comedy. He opened for "Weird Al" Yankovic back in the day. His songs and videos are on this podcast site as well as and others. Watch for the video version soon! 
email: BKerrLaw@aol.com

  • "THE TIME THEY DROVE OL' HERMAN DOWN" - parody by "Loose Bruce" Kerr -parody of the Band's song re "Dixie"

    02/12/2011 Duration: 02min

    Herman Cain is STILL RUNNIN' (for now, anyway), and this parody by "Loose Bruce" Kerr talks of that candidate's challenges re women and stumbles he's made in the debates and in interviews. Watch for the performance video here soon."Loose Bruce" Kerr is an irregular feature of the Dr. Demento Show & Jim Bohannon Show on radio and the internet. He shoots  his videos & records his audio tracks one instrument or vocal at a time by himself in his garage (all things in Silicon Valley must begin in a garage, by industry fiat).Kerr is an attorney at Oracle but took 20 years off from his law career to write & perform music & comedy. He opened for "Weird Al" Yankovic back in the day.email Bruce at: BKerrLaw@aol.com

  • "IT'S THE MOST MISERABLE TIME OF THE YEAR" (AUDIO parody to the Andy Williams holiday classic by "LOOSE BRUCE" KERR

    14/11/2011 Duration: 02min

    (SEE ALSO, the VIDEO of this parody, on this podcast site) "IT'S THE MOST MISERABLE TIME OF THE YEAR" MP3 AUDIO: "Loose Bruce" Kerr's latest parody/satire on the holidays. Fun? Yes. Stress? Definitely. Flu? Hopefully not but...Loose Bruce Kerr is an irregular feature on the Dr. Demento and Jim Bohannon syndicated radio and internet shows.Bruce opened for "Weird Al" Yankovic back in the day. He is now an attorney at Oracle. He took off 20 years to perform music & comedy, returning to law after he scratched that itch. Now he records his background tracks one vocal and instrument at a time, then videos it with live lead vocal in "The Garage" in Mountain View, CA in the heart of Silicon Valley (where all must start in the garage). email Bruce at: BKerrLaw@aol.com

  • "PEED MY TROU" Loose Bruce Kerr parody of "Need You Now" by Lady Antebellum, 2011 Grammy Song of the Year

    20/02/2011 Duration: 03min

    "PEED MY TROU" is parodist/song producer "Loose Bruce" Kerr's latest take on Grammy 2011 "Song of the Year," "Need You Now" by Lady Antebellum.Bruce sings each vocal and plays each instrument one at a time in his garage studio and takes on the "I'm a little drunk" line from the orignal song and twists it into what really happens when you lose a lover and start drinking...little drunk?...s'cuse me, you talkin' to ME? And what can happen if you really pound 'em down and forget where that's ultimately supposed to take you?Bruce is a lawyer working at Oracle in Northern California's Silicon Valley. He took 20 years out from his legal career to write and perform music and comedy and continues to appear irregularly on the Dr. Demento and Jim Bohannon syndicated radio and internet shows.www.loosebrucekerr for free video & audio dowloads.email: BKerrLaw@aol.com

  • AUDIO MP3: "IT'S UP ON WIKILEAKS" by "Loose Bruce" Kerr-parody of "Up On Cripple Creek" by The Band

    07/12/2010 Duration: 02min

    "IT'S UP ON WIKILEAKS" is "Loose Bruce" Kerr's latest parody, based on The Band's "Up On Cripple Creek." Bruce is an irregular feature on the Dr. Demento and Jim Bohannon nationally syndicated radio and internet shows. Most recently, Bruce's 2001 original song,  "Naked Airlines" was featured on Dr. Demento. Bruce wishes to thank Jill Prescott for pushing Bruce to cover the WikiLeaks story a few days ago. Thanks, Jill! After a 20 year stint to perform and write music, Bruce resumed his legal career and is now an attorney working at Oracle in Northern California's Silicon Valley. Bruce's videos are on YouTube at: email Bruce at: BKerrLaw@aol.com

  • "SUN MICRO" MP3 parody of "Kokomo" by Beach Boys-Tribute to Sun Microsystems

    29/01/2010 Duration: 01min

    "SUN MICRO" mp3 parody of "Kokomo" by the Beach Boys. A tribute song by Sun's Assistant General Counsel, "Loose Bruce" Kerr. Recorded in 2003 as Sun refocused to get back on top. Never fully recovered from the dotcom days of my first employment there. Loved every minute. Best IT industry professionals in the world. Like the "Tucker" auto & Jeff Bridges movie, best product, ahead of its time, not quite a market match, unfortunately. But we kicked butt & had fun.

  • "TALIBAN TALIBAN" -AUDIO: new Loose Bruce Kerr parody, to "The Ballad of Paladin"

    07/12/2009 Duration: 01min

    "TALIBAN TALIBAN" -AUDIO:  is "Loose Bruce" Kerr's latest parody, to the tune of "The Ballad of Paladin" by Faron Young from the hit tv show of the 1950's (Bruce's favorite, by the way). Sparked by the recent news of the 30K soldiers who'll be embarking for Afghansistan.Watch for the VIDEO here in a few weeks.Loose Bruce Kerr is an irregular feature of the Dr. Demento Show and the Jim Bohannon Show on nationally syndicated radio. Bruce opened for Weird Al Yankovic. Bruce records his audio tracks and videos in his garage in Mountain View, California, recording each instrument and vocal one at a time. Bruce resumed his legal career after 20 years off to pursue music. He is now Assistant General Counsel for Sun Microsystems in Northern California's Silicon Valley. email Bruce at: BKerrLaw@aol.com

  • "JOE-DAVE-MI" STEREO AUDIO parody to "Do-Re-Mi"-Loose Bruce Kerr ("Sound of Music")

    01/09/2009 Duration: 02min

    "JOE-DAVE-MI" is my AUDIO latest parody, this one about Obama's inner circle.See below for MONO VERSION/AUDIO, and above for the VIDEO.Loose Bruce Kerr is an irregular feature of the Dr. Demento Show and the Jim Bohannon Show on nationally syndicated radio. Bruce opened for Weird Al Yankovic. Bruce records his audio tracks and videos in his garage in Mountain View, California, recording each instrument and vocal one at a time.Bruce resumed his legal career after 20 years off to pursue music. He is now Assistant General Counsel for Sun Microsystems in Northern California's Silicon Valley.email Bruce at: BKerrLaw@aol.com

  • "WHEN I'M 94" -Loose Bruce Kerr AUDIO parody of the Beatles' "When I'm 64"

    05/07/2009 Duration: 02min

    "WHEN I'M 94"" is "Loose Bruce" Kerr's new AUDIO parody (watch for VIDEO within 2 weeks). The Beatles' "When I'm 64" is updated to be the concern of Baby Boomers...who will take care of us after we are no longer able to care for ourselves? Can we expect that our kids will take care of us? Should we? Did our parents have to impose on us? The generation that worshiped youth, that worried that biological clocks might run out before starting a family, now has to face the possibility of that biological clock slowly running down with our not having saved enough from a liftetime of work to be able to support the autumn of our years. College funds for our children were the challenge, forget about putting that into the retirement fund. Does that mean we get to rely on our kids if we get stuck in our final years? What're the rules? Hasn't this always been the unwritten burden of the children of the aged? But living to 94 or a hundred is quite different than living to 55 or 60, as in the old days...hence, "When I'm 94."

  • "I KISSED A DUDE (I Didn't Like It!)" -AUDIO parody of Kate Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" -by Loose Bruce Kerr

    01/03/2009 Duration: 03min

    (watch for the VIDEO here next week or 2)"I KISSED A DUDE (I Didn't Like It!)" -parody of Kate Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" -by Loose Bruce Kerr This AUDIO parody of Kate Perry's recent hit, "I Kissed a Girl" flips the action with a different outcome. Even to straight people, 2 women together seems to not bother anyone, even turns many hetero men and women on. However, in our culture, 2 men together (while wildly acceptable in the gay community, of course), even mere touching is still bothersome to many, if not most, American straight men. It's just a fact. Hence, this parody.Bruce recorded all of the tracks one at a time, bass, guitar, and all the rest of the instruments (horns, etc.) on his studio equipment in his garage.Loose Bruce Kerr performs irregularly on the Dr. Demento & Jim Bohannon nationally syndicated radio shows. During Kerr's earlier career as a musical performer and comedian, he opened for "Weird Al" Yankovic.He is now Assistant General Counsel for Sun Microsystems in Northern California's S

  • "SHIT, BLAGO!" the Stereo AUDIO by "Loose Bruce" Kerr re Ill. Governor Rod Blogojevich scandal & impeachment

    12/01/2009 Duration: 02min

    "SHIT, BLAGO!" the Stereo AUDIO by "Loose Bruce" Kerr (corrected pitch & speed from earlier version yesterday) This parody of Frank Sinatra's classic, "Chicago" is, of course, about the scandal surrounding Illinois Governor Rod Blogojevich and his alleged attempt to sell Barack Obama's vacant Senate Seat.Watch for the video next week!Bruce recorded all of the tracks one at a time, bass, guitar, and all the rest of the instruments (horns, etc.) on his studio equipment in his garage.Loose Bruce Kerr performs irregularly on the Dr. Demento & Jim Bohannon nationally syndicated radio shows. During Kerr's earlier career as a musical performer and comedian, he opened for "Weird Al" Yankovic.He is now Assistant General Counsel for Sun Microsystems in Northern California's Silicon Valley, after a 20 year career break to write and perform music and comedy.email Bruce at: BKerrLaw@aol.com

  • "JAVA" -STEREO AUDIO by "Loose Bruce" Kerr -the Story of Sun vs. Microsoft (1997)

    09/12/2008 Duration: 01min

    "JAVA" the STEREO AUDIO by "Loose Bruce" Kerr as featured on the Dr. Demento & Jim Bohannon syndicated radio shows.  This parody of "Ja-Da," a World War I era song Bruce sang at summer camp growing up in Wisconsin regards the Sun Microsystems v. Microsoft lawsuit on Java technology from 1997, as told by Sun's own Assistant General Counsel, "Loose Bruce" Kerr. Kerr had just joined Sun's legal department when the lawsuit was filed. Kerr recorded this in his Silicon Valley garage 6 months into his new job, one vocal and instrument at a time on a 4 track cassette deck. Yes, those are non-heavy metal ukeleles on this recording. Now digitally remastered and stereo-ized here. And watch for the upcoming video here also during December 2008.email Bruce at: BKerrLaw@aol.com

  • "ONE OF US IS A JEW" - AUDIO comedy-satire original by Loose Bruce Kerr

    09/11/2008 Duration: 02min

    "ONE OF US IS A JEW (AUDIO) by "Loose Bruce" Kerr is an original song Bruce wrote back in 1973. At the urging of his lifelong friend, Chris Rose of Chicago, Illinois, who is mentioned in the song and for whom Bruce wrote this as a tribute to their friendship from college onward, Bruce recently recorded this audio verison and now the video version is up as well. "Loose Bruce" Kerr is an irregular feature on the Dr. Demento and Jim Bohannon syndicated national radio shows. Bruce has opened for "Weird Al" Yankovic.Kerr records and performs his videos and audio tracks in his garage, singing and playing the instruments one at a time. Bruce took 20 years off from his legal career to write and perform music as "Loose Bruce" Kerr. After resuming his career in law, Kerr is currently Assistant General Counsel of Sun Microsystems in Northern California's Silicon Valley.Most of Bruce's audios and videos can be heard and seen on this podcast site as well as on YouTube, funnyordie.com, metacafe.com, revver.com, myspace, ya

  • "PARTY LIKE IT'S 1929" - (STEREO AUDIO mp3) parody of Prince's "1999" by LOOSE BRUCE KERR

    15/10/2008 Duration: 02min

    "PARTY LIKE IT'S 1929" (STEREO AUDIO mp3) by "Loose Bruce" Kerr is a parody of Prince's "1999," about the country's current fiscal crisis. While Prince's 1982 original spoke of the end of days way off in the future (way off in 1999), Bruce's parody speaks of the end of days happening...RIGHT NOW! At least it seems like it, with Republicans calling for government takeovers of private banks. Who'd have predicted that would ever happen. Lenin, anyone? Feels like...like...1929.See/download the VIDEO on this podcast site as well as get the MONO version of the mp3 (for AM radio in particular)."Loose Bruce" Kerr is an irregular feature on the Dr. Demento and Jim Bohannon syndicated national radio shows. Bruce has opened for "Weird Al" Yankovic.Kerr records and performs his videos and audio tracks in his garage, singing and playing the instruments one at a time. Bruce took 20 years off from his legal career to write and perform music as "Loose Bruce" Kerr. After resuming his career in law, Kerr is currently Assistant

  • "MOMENTS TO REMEMBER" AUDIO parody by "Loose Bruce" Kerr

    08/09/2008 Duration: 02min

    "MOMENTS TO REMEMBER" AUDIO parody by "Loose Bruce" Kerr is based on a song of the same name from the 1950's by the Four Lads, turning an innocent look at old college days into a version for the Baby Boomers looking back on days of protests from the 60's & 70's."Loose Bruce" Kerr is an irregular feature on the Dr. Demento and Jim Bohannon syndicated national radio shows. Bruce has opened for "Weird Al" Yankovic.Kerr records and performs his videos and audio tracks in his garage, singing and playing the instruments one at a time. Bruce took 20 years off from his legal career to write and perform music as "Loose Bruce" Kerr. After resuming his career in law, Kerr has become Assistant General Counsel of Sun Microsystems in Northern California's Silicon Valley.Most of Bruce's audios and videos can be heard and seen on this podcast site as well as on YouTube, funnyordie.com, metacafe.com, revver.com and many other video sites.email Bruce at

  • "THE GUY FROM AL-QAEDA IN IRAQ" -AUDIO parody of "The Girl From Ipanema" -by Loose Bruce Kerr

    07/07/2008 Duration: 02min

    "THE GUY FROM AL-QAEDA IN IRAQ" -AUDIO parody of "The Girl From Ipanema" -by Loose Bruce Kerr, an irregular feature on the Dr. Demento and Jim Bohannon syndicated national radio shows. Take the "Girl," make it the "Guy," change the setting from Rio to Baghdad, mix with the bossa nova a little night caravan traveling music and there you have it...whatever this is. Dedicated to our U.S. troops who served or are currently serving over there, this one's for you guys, men and women.Loose Bruce Kerr records and performs his videos and audio tracks in his garage, singing and playing the instruments one at a time. Bruce took 20 years off from his legal career to write and perform music as Loose Bruce Kerr. After resuming his career in law, Bruce has become Assistant General Counsel of high tech company, Sun Microsystems in Northern California's Silicon Valley.email Bruce at: BKerrLaw@aol.com

  • "LIFE ON THE FAULTLINE" -AUDIO parody by Loose Bruce Kerr of the Eagles "Life In the Fast Lane"

    02/07/2008 Duration: 04min

    "LIFE ON THE FAULTLINE" -AUDIO parody of the Eagles' "Life In the Fast Lane" -by Loose Bruce Kerr, an irregular feature on the Dr. Demento and Jim Bohannon syndicated national radio shows. This one's about California and the ever-looming possibility of an earthquake, The Big One. Loose Bruce Kerr records and performs his videos and audio tracks in his garage, singing and playing the instruments one at a time. Bruce took 20 years off from his legal career to write and perform music as Loose Bruce Kerr. After resuming his career in law, Bruce has become Assistant General Counsel of high tech company, Sun Microsystems in Northern California's Silicon Valley. email Bruce at: BKerrLaw@aol.com

  • "YOU'RE JUST TOO GOOD NOT TO STALK" -AUDIO parody by Loose Bruce Kerr of the Four Seasons' "Can't Take My Eyes Off You"

    02/07/2008 Duration: 02min

    "YOU'RE JUST TOO GOOD NOT TO STALK" -AUDIO parody of the Four Seasons' "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" -by Loose Bruce Kerr, an irregular feature on the Dr. Demento and Jim Bohannon syndicated national radio shows. This one's the flip side of mutual falling in love, a single-minded obsession such as we see take place with Hollywood stars, both female and male. Kerr records and performs his videos and audio tracks in his garage, singing and playing the instruments one at a time. Bruce took 20 years off from his legal career to write and perform music as Loose Bruce Kerr. After resuming his career in law, Bruce has become Assistant General Counsel of Sun Microsystems in Northern California's Silicon Valley.email Bruce at

  • (Bleeped Ver.) "OY, THE WORDS HE HURLED!" -("Joy To the World") AUDIO parody re Rev. Jeremiah Wright Obama-Loose

    30/03/2008 Duration: 01min

    (Bleeped Ver.) "OY, THE WORDS HE HURLED!" -("Joy To the World") AUDIO parody re Rev. Jeremiah Wright Obama-Loose Bruce Kerr(Bleeped Ver.) [BLEEPED VER.:] "OY, THE WORDS HE HURLED," by Loose Bruce Kerr about Rev. Jeremiah Wright & Barak Obama, to the tune of 3 Dog Night's "Joy To the World" is Loose Bruce Kerr's latest AUDIO parody (video coming soon), about the vitriolic statements of the presidential hopeful's personal choice of preacher for 2 decades. See, also, Bruce's videos here on this podcast site as well as by searching on on YouTube. After retiring from over 2 decades of performing and writing full-time, Bruce continues to record audios and videos of his parodies and originals in his garage while holding down his day job as a high-tech lawyer for Sun Microsystems in Northern California's Silicon Valley. Bruce is often heard on the Dr. Demento nationally syndicated radio show.email Bruce at

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