


Shoving the J into journalism, Hack covers current affairs, music, politics and culture with youth in mind. Get our half-hour radio program sent directly to you each weekday.


  • Plants over partying

    11/08/2021 Duration: 30min

    As we all try to figure out how to get through the pandemic, some young people are taking up gardening. And research shows it makes us feel pretty good. The Federal government is floating a new law it says protects religious freedom, but critics say it’ll actually make it easier to discriminate against minorities. Plus, Instagram has launched new tools to help athletes deal with racist abuse. But is it too little, too late? Live guests: Steph Lentz, former English teacher at Sydney’s Covenant Christian School Kusini Yengi, Adelaide United player Costa Georgiadis, Gardening Australia

  • Code red for humanity

    10/08/2021 Duration: 30min

    Worse fires, longer droughts, and more severe floods — that’s what some of the world's top climate scientists predict in the latest IPCC report. So, how can we save our planet, or is it too late? Plus, it's time to fill out the Census - the government's roll call of all Australians that happens every five years. So, why aren't there questions about sexuality and gender diversity? Live guests: Professor Tim Flannery, conservationist Anika Molesworth, Farmers for Climate Action

  • Why aren’t young men getting jabbed?

    09/08/2021 Duration: 30min

    Vaccination is our key to getting out of lockdowns, but data shows young men could stop us from getting there. Plus, in a massive boost to our vaccine rollout, Moderna’s COVID vaccine has been approved by the medicine regulator, with 10 million doses due before the end of the year. Six months after Myanmar's military seized control, young people are organising themselves on the country's border and promising to assassinate people if things don't change. And, would you date someone who was shit with money? Live guests: Tegan Taylor, ABC science journalist and host of Coronacast Dr Zac Seidler, men's health expert

  • The Shake Up: 16 million Aussies in lockdown and the joy of the Olympics

    06/08/2021 Duration: 30min

    It's the Shake Up and we're talking… More than half the population in lockdown, the government’s strict new border policy for overseas Australians and cash for vaccines. Plus, how the Olympics are sparking joy. Join Hack's Ange McCormack with Federal Labor MP Josh Burns and Herald Sun political reporter Jade Gailberger.

  • Do you see yourself through a filter?

    05/08/2021 Duration: 30min

    Beauty filters have become an unavoidable part of our increasingly digital lives, but their impact on our mental health can be more dangerous than we think. Young Aussies have been told getting vaccinated is the fastest way to return to our pre-pandemic lives and freedoms. But what happens when you can't prove you've had one? Some people whose COVID vaccinations are missing from their immunisation record have been told a "system error" is to blame. Plus, only three of the government's targets to improve the lives of First Nations people are on track, including Improving birth weight and early education attendance, and reducing the number of teenagers in the justice system. Live guests: Dr Carmen Huckel Schnieder, Menzies Centre for Health Policy Teela Reid, Lawyer and Wiradjuri Woman Dr Gemma Sharp, Psychologist

  • Grace Tame: 'It's a slap in the face to survivors'

    04/08/2021 Duration: 30min

    Australian of the Year, Grace Tame, has called out the Prime Minister for temporarily elevating Christian Porter to leader of the House of Representatives. She's described it as a "slap in the face". The former Attorney General has strenuously denied rape allegations made against him. For the first time in 53 years, an Australian is running in the 800 metre athletics final at the Olympics. It's a massive moment for the country and his South Sudanese community. Plus, we talk about health anxiety during the pandemic and how to cope with it. Live guests: Grace Tame, Australian of the Year and child sexual abuse survivor Joseph Deng, friend of Australian Olympian Peter Bol Charlotte Hespe, Royal Australian College of GPs

  • Cash for vaccines

    03/08/2021 Duration: 30min

    Opposition leader, Anthony Albanese, wants to give you $300 to get vaccinated. He thinks it's a great incentive to get more jabs in arms but the Government reckons it's "insulting" and "unlikely to work". Plus, a young Sydney man has developed a website that lets you know when there's a vaccine appointment available near you. And, buy-now-pay-later business Afterpay has sold for $39 billion - but some young Aussies are getting into financial trouble with these types of schemes. Live guests: Anthony Albanese, Labor leader Fraser Hemphill, COVID Queue creator Melissa Browne, Financial expert

  • Is AstraZeneca worth the risk?

    02/08/2021 Duration: 30min

    The messaging around vaccines has been confusing... So what exactly are the risks and benefits for young people when it comes to the AstraZeneca vaccine? Plus, why do the Olympics have us weeping like babies? There's some interesting psychology behind it...And it's hard not to get emotional when Aussie swimmer Emma McKeon wins seven medals in the one Games! Hack hears from one of her stoked mates. Live guests: Dr Nick Coatsworth, Former deputy chief medical officer Dr John Hall, president of the Rural Doctors Association Lex Mastro, friend of Emma McKeon

  • The Shake Up: Body image, social media and the health system

    30/07/2021 Duration: 30min

    It's the Shake Up and we're talking... Where the TikTok algorithm is taking you, how social media affects your body image, and how helpful GPs are when you go to get help. Join Hack's Avani Dias with body image advocate Patrick Boyle and eating disorder recovery coach Mia Findlay.

  • How your postcode can impact eating disorder treatment

    29/07/2021 Duration: 30min

    There's a 'paradox' for accessing treatment for eating disorders, young people have told us: you'll often only get treatment when you're seriously ill. So, what happens to the people who are sick enough for a diagnosis, but aren't considered unwell enough for a hospital bed? We explore the gaps in eating disorder care. Plus, GPs are the frontline of healthcare, but do they have enough training to identify and treat the complexities of an eating disorder? Live guests: Dr. Cathy Andronis, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Christine Morgan, National Mental Health Commissioner If you or someone you know needs help with an eating disorder, contact the Butterfly Foundation on 1800 ED HOPE.

  • Would you spend thousands for a bigger butt?

    28/07/2021 Duration: 30min

    Social media hasn't just normalised using filters to create the perfect image; it's also normalised editing our bodies IRL. Tonight we speak to young people who've forked out big money for the perfect bod, including the popular but dangerous Brazilian Butt Lift procedure. Also, Greater Sydney will be in lockdown for at least another four weeks, but the Federal Government has announced more cash support payments, including to those on Youth Allowance. And, world number one gymnast has pulled out of Tokyo Olympics, citing mental health concerns. We find out why so many young athletes struggling with intense pressure. Live guests: Dr Toni Pikoos, psychologist and researcher Dr Courtney Walton, sports psychologist Mary-Anne Monckton, former gymnast

  • When did #fitspo get so toxic?

    27/07/2021 Duration: 30min

    Social media is flooded with health advice and tips that are posed as credible, scientific claims. But often they’re not, and we've found in our body image investigation they negatively affect some young people's mental and physical health. The multi-billion dollar dieting industry is a major player in the landscape, pushing its products to consumers through celebrity endorsements online. And it’s proving a tricky space to regulate. Plus, we explore how the organisation of violent anti-lockdown protests over the weekend began in fringe online communities. Live guests: Glenn Mackintosh, psychologist Joshua Roose, extremism expert from Deakin University

  • Down the TikTok rabbit hole

    26/07/2021 Duration: 30min

    A joint Hack and Four Corners investigation reveals how TikTok is exposing users to dangerous content and misinformation, and accused of censoring others. Beyond the dances and skits there’s a darker side to TikTok. In our second collaboration with Four Corners, Hack reveals how the app harvests data and takes users down harmful paths. The investigation has found the app's powerful algorithm fuels body image issues and eating disorders in young people by promoting unhealthy exercise and diet content. While the app faces pressure to take down this kind of content, it’s also been accused of supressing certain types of creators.

  • The Shake Up: Scott Morrison on Hack and dating reality shows

    23/07/2021 Duration: 30min

    It's the Shake Up and we're talking… Asking PM Scott Morrison the big questions on our vaccine stumbles, climate change and mental health. Plus, why we’re obsessed with dating reality shows. Join Hack's Ange McCormack with The New Daily’s political editor Josh Butler and Siobhan Blake, paralegal and former president of the WA Young Nationals.

  • Scott Morrison on COVID-19, climate change and mental health

    22/07/2021 Duration: 30min

    Hack asks Scott Morrison about the impact of the pandemic on young people, including vaccine stumbles and access to COVID disaster payments. Plus, we get his thoughts on Australia’s lacking climate targets and mental health. The Tokyo Olympics have had a pretty chaotic start, but that hasn’t stopped Aussies from celebrating Brisbane winning the 2032 Olympics. And, is it cruel to boil crabs alive? The UK’s debating a bill that could increase welfare protections for fish and invertebrates, and some say Australia should do the same. Live guests: Scott Morrison, Prime Minister Braedan Jason, Australian Paralympian Nick Kilvert, ABC’s environment reporter

  • Billionaires joyriding into space

    21/07/2021 Duration: 30min

    Jeff Bezos blasted himself into space in his own rocket, but some say the billionaire should be spending his money on more worthy causes. Indonesia’s coffin-makers are struggling with the demand as deaths from COVID-19 continue to rise. Plus, young American author Zakiya Dalila Harris tackles race and workplace diversity in a blockbuster novel that’s being dubbed 'Get Out’ meets ‘The Devil Wears Prada'. Live guests: Hellena Souisa, journalist in the ABC’s Asia Pacific newsroom Zakiya Dalila Harris, author Alan Duffy, Professor in Astrophysics and Director of the Space Institute at Swinburne University

  • Your mind on plants


    In his new book, best-selling author Michael Pollan explores what our endless craving for drugs like opium, caffeine and mescaline says about us. South Africa is experiencing some of the worst violence its seen since the end of apartheid in the 1990s. It all started as a protest against the jailing of a former president, but the issue has exposed deeper issues of poverty and inequality. Live guests: Michael Pollan, bestselling author and journalist Sally Sara, ABC presenter and former Africa correspondent

  • Hooking up with mates

    19/07/2021 Duration: 30min

    New research has found two thirds of couples surveyed were friends before they started dating. But as Hack listeners tell us, it doesn't always end in happily ever after. After three weeks of lockdown, the NSW premier has announced harsher COVID-19 restrictions, including for the first time, a ban on all construction. Meanwhile, England's getting ready to pop the champers as pretty much all restrictions are lifted, despite a third of adults not being vaccinated. Live guests: Courntey Bembridge, BBC reporter Megan Solomon, psychologist at Relationships Australia NSW

  • The Shake Up: Good news, KRudd to the rescue and skincare tragics

    16/07/2021 Duration: 30min

    It's the Shake Up and we're talking... Skipping bad news and practicing gratitude, former PM Kevin Rudd trying to speed up the vaccine rollout and social media's obsession with skincare. Join Hack's Ange McCormack with Alisha Aitken Radburn, former Bachelor contestant and host of the politics podcast 'In the House and In the Senate', and Zak Kirkup, former WA Liberal opposition leader.

  • It’s not all bad news

    15/07/2021 Duration: 30min

    Today on Hack, we skip the COVID-19 chat and highlight some incredible moments from 2021 you might’ve missed. And Hack listeners tell us about their wins. Plus, we celebrate the biggest scientific achievements of the year, including the creation of our ticket out of the pandemic - the vaccine. Live guests: Dr Tim Sharp, psychologist Dr Darren Saunders, Associate Professor in Medicine at UNSW

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