Beyond Speech Into Limitless Communication ~ Lauren Polly

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Inspired Choices Network How often are you stuck in conversations, presentations, and interpersonal relations that seem to be stale, lifeless and lack spontaneity? Are you able to express yourself clearly so that others listen? Or do you feel like you miss the mark? Lauren Polly


  • How To Talk So People Listen


    Do you ever wonder what makes a speaker great?  How they are able to connect, command an audience, hook clients and convey their message with clarity and ease?  What is it that makes them so relatable, inviting and easeful that has people listening and receiving what is said? Come play with Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how to talk so people listen and how to utilize those skills for more expansive communication in relationships, business and beyond.  

  • Communicating outside of the Box with Guest Delany Delaney


    Can you communicate with only the words you use?  What about the people who can’t speak?  What can they teach us about communicating in other ways?  What if communication included all of you and you were able to connect, relate and relay information in a myriad of ways – not just with words? Come play with Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest Delany Delaney as they share what they have discovered about communication from working with people who don’t speak but convey volumes!  



    I’m not speaking about copulation or the act of sex as we know it.  What if SEX had nothing to do with putting your body with another body?  What if SEX was the ability to be INTIMATE and RECEIVE from others, you, this planet and the energy of the universe?  And here’s something different… What if the ACT of COMMUNICATION was an ACT of SEX? Come play with Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how to utilize COMMUNICATION as a tool for increasing the INTIMACY and SEX in your life.

  • You’re not just like me? Why not?!


    How often do you try to make everyone just like you?  Do you think you have the correct answer, the right way to be or the perfect way to go about doing things?  Are you a control freak of magnitude?  Does your ‘best’ interest to help others twist into superiority and disempowerment? Come play with Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how allowing you AND others to be and choose their difference is truly the kindest thing you can do.



    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.  How often are you reenacting and recreating the same limitations in your life?  How much are you in constant reaction to those limitations so that you can’t find a clear path into creating something new and different? Come play with Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how to stop reacting to, reenacting and re-creating your current limitations.  Step into new possibilities by being and doing something different.

  • Ditch the Script and Start Living!


    Do you ever feel like you are not creating your life but rather living out a script? Does every move feel like it was pre-planned by you or someone else? How much spontaneity do you allow yourself and those around you? Come join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how to live unscripted in the moment and with a true sense of possibilities.



    Are you often caught off guard by a ‘friends’ meanness, rivalry or backhanded comment? Do you spend your energy trying to play nice with everyone? Or do you walk around with your fight face? Do the roles you assign people in your life – friend, enemy or frenemy - keep you from being aware of them and what they could contribute to you? Join Beyond Speech Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on coming out of the blindness of friendship, the need for battle and the unawareness that keeps you at the effect of others. Missed a show? Check out past shows in the archives

  • Beyond the Paranormal: Communicating with the Spirit World


    What if a communication with the spirit world were possible? Have you ever felt a presence, seen something flicker out of the corner of your eye or heard things that no one else seemed to? What if those things were spirits trying to communicate with you? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and special guest Dr. Adriana Popescue as they share discoveries on how to open up your communication with the spirit world. About Our Guest: Adriana Popescu, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist who has been facilitating people to overcome their challenges and lead happier lives for over 20 years. She is an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator and Talk to the Entities® Facilitator, and also possesses certifications in clinical hypnotherapy and NET (Neuro Emotional Technique). Adriana's own struggles with chronic pain, illness, and depression led her on a journey of exploration into alternative and innovative approaches to healing. In 1999 she discovered that Energy Psychology prov

  • What is Communication Really?


    I’m always surprised at the blank stares I get when I ask people this question… Most people don’t have a working knowledge of what communication is and can be BEYOND talking that can enliven and add to your life and creations. What could communication be in your life that would allow you to be more of you, to express more of you and to receive more of others and the world? What could you create from there? Come play with Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries and tools for expanding communication and creation in your life.

  • Technology… Friend or Foe? Guest Christine McIver


    Does communicating via Facebook, Twitter, email or texts feel natural and effortless for you? Or are you interacting in a one dimensional way that cuts off creation with the recipient? How has communication changed with technology? Are we still able to connect the same way? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest host Christine McIver as they share discoveries on how to use technology to your advantage with communicating and creating. Guest Host: Christine McIver: Christine McIver is a Possibilities Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Radio Show Host and Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator who is driven to inspire individuals and organizations to make choices that will bring them greater joy, self-confidence and remarkable positive change. Christine lives her life out loud and is a natural cheerleader who believes in the abilities of others to change their lives quickly and easily. She entices clients to show up more in their life, business & relationships than they have

  • The Perfection Trap


    Ever notice how often you prejudge what you say, run it over in your head, rehearse it and in doing so come out of the present moment? How much judgment are you constantly doing to make sure every word out of your mouth is nice, good, perfect and correct? And how much have you already concluded that what's going to fly out of your mouth is mean, stupid and wrong and therefore you need to edit everything to make sure it's not that? Come play with Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares tools and discoveries on how to come out of the perfect trap and into the joy of creation in communication and beyond!

  • Communicating with your AWARENESS


    What is awareness? Do you speak and act from awareness or do you go about blindly in creating your life? How many upsets in communication and creation are due to your unwillingness to be aware of the situation, the other person or yourself? What gift and power can your awareness be? Come play with Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and special guest Sylvia Santos as they explore the willingness to be aware and how to utilize that in communications and creations to have more ease and possibilities.

  • Intimacy in Communications: Allowance


    Are you in allowance of others when you communicate? Do you allow them to speak their mind with no point of view or are you in constant reaction, defense and proving with them? What if allowance was a key to more ease with people and yourself? Come play with Beyond Speech: Limitless Communications with host Lauren Polly as she shares the 5 elements of intimacy from Access Consciousness and how they can change your communications. We will be exploring 1 of the 5 elements and its impact on communication each week from 9/8 – 10/6. Come join the conversation!

  • Intimacy in Communications: Trust


    Intimacy in Communications: Trust Do you equate trust as blind faith? Does that keep you weary of trusting others or yourself in communications? What if trust was something different? And how can that difference open up more space for your awareness of others and yourself? Come play with Beyond Speech: Limitless Communications with host Lauren Polly as she shares the 5 elements of intimacy from Access Consciousness and how they can change your communications. We will be exploring 1 of the 5 elements and its impact on communication each week from 9/8 – 10/6. Come join the conversation!

  • Intimacy in Communications: Vulnerability


    What does it mean to be vulnerable during communication? Do you equate that with being weak or a push over? What if vulnerability was the space of receiving everything? How could adding that energy to your communications create more for you and for your communication partner? Come play with Beyond Speech: Limitless Communications with host Lauren Polly as she shares the 5 elements of intimacy from Access Consciousness and how they can change your communications. We will be exploring 1 of the 5 elements and its impact on communication each week from 9/8 – 10/6. Come join the conversation!

  • Intimacy in Communications: Honor


    Intimacy in Communications: Honor Do you honor yourself and others when you are in communication? Do you see your communication partners fully as they are with no point of view? Or are you trying to fix, control or change them? Do you speak in a way that honors who you truly are and what you would like to create? Come play with Beyond Speech: Limitless Communications with host Lauren Polly as she shares the 5 elements of intimacy from Access Consciousness and how they can change your communications. We will be exploring 1 of the 5 elements and its impact on communication each week from 9/8 – 10/6. Come join the conversation!

  • Intimacy in Communications: Gratitude


    Does the lack of gratitude in your life ruin your conversations, relationships and creations? How often is true gratitude expressed, conveyed, shared and received in communications? How can adding the energy of gratitude into your communications change the dynamics and assist you in creating more? Come play with Beyond Speech: Limitless Communications with host Lauren Polly as she shares the 5 elements of intimacy from Access Consciousness and how they can change your communications. We will be exploring 1 of the 5 elements and its impact on communication each week from 9/8 – 10/6. Come join the conversation!

  • How to Communicate to Get What You Desire ~ Guest Lauren Marie


    Have you been taught that it is not okay to ask for what you desire – that’s its wrong, selfish and manipulative? Is that really true? What if getting what you desire can open up the doors to new possibilities for you and everyone else? What if there were a way to communicate to do just that? Come play with Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and special guest Lauren Marie as we discover simple ways to discover what you desire and how to communicate to get it!

  • Coming Out of Reaction


    How much of what you say is in reaction to others or your environment? Ever noticed that when you are stressed or rushed you end up snapping or spinning? What choices could be available if you weren’t constantly in reaction or at the effect of your environment? Come play with Beyond Speech, Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how to step out of reaction and into action.

  • Talking to Money PART 2


    By request we will be continuing the MONEY conversation! What if a communication with money was a possibility? What if that communication could invite more of it into your life? What if you could communicate with and BE the energy of money, wealth, abundance and prosperity? Come play with Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how to BE the communication with money that invites it into your life with ease.

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