Holly Springs Bible Fellowship Podcasts

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 356:35:14
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Weekly Bible teaching from Pastor Jim Thomas at Holly Springs Bible Fellowship in Hornick, Iowa.


  • Bible Story 12 - Finished

    19/07/2015 Duration: 33min

    John 19:30 / Luke 23:48 - Jesus came to this earth to be the suffering servant. He completed the task God had for Him and Finished the work. Make sure you are trusting in Him and Him alone. This week serve Him faithfully from a heart of gratitude and love, not from a heart that is seeking blessing. Framework of series is sourced in the book The Whole Bible in 16 Verses by Chris Bruno

  • Bible Story 11 - Right Time

    16/07/2015 Duration: 41min

    Mark 1 4-15 - This week may you follow God wherever he leads you. May you examine your life and make sure your eternal destiny started with repentance. May you listen to the "one voice" that really matters and may your walk be pleasing to God this week. His Timing is perfect, He makes no mistakes. Framework of series is sourced in the book The Whole Bible in 16 Verses by Chris Bruno

  • Bible Story 10 - Living Bones

    05/07/2015 Duration: 38min

    Ezekiel 37:1-10 - God establishes a principle with Israel That He can give them hope when things seem hopeless. He can give them a future when they see despair. God can give them life when they are lifeless. He can do the same for you as well. Framework of series is sourced in the book The Whole Bible in 16 Verses by Chris Bruno

  • Bible Story 09 - Our Substitute

    28/06/2015 Duration: 28min

    Isaiah 53 - God provided a substitute for you. The Lamb of God which took away the sin of the world. He redeemed you (bought you) with His sacrifice. Make sure you have accepted Him and that you no longer allow Satan to weigh you down with your past. His sacrifice allows you to live free of guilt.

  • Fathers Day 2015 - The Blessing

    21/06/2015 Duration: 39min

    Genesis 27:26-29 - God has entrusted all of us with the responsibility to raise Godly children. We must learn to encourage, build up, and strengthen them. It is a principle we can use in every human relationship.

  • Bible Story 08 - Davidic Covenant

    14/06/2015 Duration: 33min

    2nd Samuel 7 :1-7 – David wanted to do something Big for God – God did something Big for David. There is nothing wrong with dreaming, sometimes God says no to our dreams. God's no is a way to redirect our plans and dreams. Framework of series is sourced in the book The Whole Bible in 16 Verses by Chris Bruno

  • Bible Story 07 - Passover

    07/06/2015 Duration: 31min

    Exodus 11 & 12 - God provided the ultimate substitute for our sin in the person of Jesus Christ. He provided the way for God to redeem us and we need to boldly proclaim our faith to the world. Framework of series is sourced in the book The Whole Bible in 16 Verses by Chris Bruno

  • Bible Story 06 - King

    24/05/2015 Duration: 30min

    Genesis 49:10 - No matter what obstacles you face in life, god will make a way and use those obstacles a stepping stones. He has a plan for you life and simply needs you to be open and obedient. Framework of series is sourced in the book The Whole Bible in 16 Verses by Chris Bruno

  • Bible Story 05 - Covenant

    17/05/2015 Duration: 30min

    Genesis 12:2,3- God desires to use average people and He wants to use you this week. He is the God of the impossible, but He works on His time table not yours. Framework of series is sourced in the book The Whole Bible in 16 Verses by Chris Bruno

  • Mothers Day 2015 - Syrophenician Woman

    10/05/2015 Duration: 37min

    Matthew 15:21-28 - This woman teaches us that we need to be serious about helping our children. We need to realize their greatest need is spiritual and we have to depend on the grace and mercy of Jesus.

  • Bible Story 04 - Redemption

    03/05/2015 Duration: 34min

    Genesis 3:15 - We are all from the seed of Adam, but we choose to be God's Children. As His children we need to show the world what Jesus looks like. We represent Him in our words, our actions, and our lives everyday. Framework of series is sourced in the book The Whole Bible in 16 Verses by Chris Bruno

  • Bible Story 03 - The Fall

    26/04/2015 Duration: 37min

    Genesis 3:7,8 - God's original Kingdom was not impacted or influenced by sin. It was a perfect Kingdom. When faced with a choice to trust and Obey God, Adam and Eve chose their way over God's and forever changed this world. They failed to realize God designed and desired only the best for them. Do not make the same choice this week. Obey, trust and Love God this week. Framework of series is sourced in the book The Whole Bible in 16 Verses by Chris Bruno

  • Bible Story 02 - Image Bearers

    19/04/2015 Duration: 36min

    Genesis 1:27,28 - We are called to represent God and His kingdom to a world that does not know who He is. We are responsible to reflect Him in everything we say and do this week. Be a proper image bearer this week Framework of series is sourced in the book The Whole Bible in 16 Verses by Chris Bruno

  • Bible Story 01 - Creation

    12/04/2015 Duration: 33min

    Genesis 1:31 - This world starts with a King who created a kingdom. Original intent involved a world of opposites, balance, rhythm, order, unity, diversity, design and the ability to reproduce itself. It is life as the King wanted it. (Framework of series is sourced in the book The Whole Bible in 16 Verses by Chris Bruno)

  • Easter 2015

    05/04/2015 Duration: 37min

    Mark 16:1-8 - God desires a relationship - not a religious experience. Make sure you have a personal relationship with Christ and allow Him to use you in spite of your past failures.

  • Miracles 31 - 153 Fish

    29/03/2015 Duration: 33min

    John 21:1-12 = We need to learn that we are not walking this journey alone. Jesus is on the shore watching and desiring for us to look to Him. He is patient, loving, and forgiving. He offers hope when you see hopelessness. He wants to multiply your life as it touches the life of others.

  • Miracle 31 - Peter and the Sword

    22/03/2015 Duration: 33min

    Luke 22:45-53 = We are reminded that it is important to walk closely with God so that we are prepared when difficult times come. We need discernment on how to act properly and not react to our circumstances. And we are reminded that sometimes God's plan involves pain and suffering.

  • Miracles 30 - Cursing of the Fig Tree

    08/03/2015 Duration: 33min

    Mark 11:12-26 = Jesus reminds us that a time of judgment is coming. Just because someone professes Christ, does not mean that they possess Christ. Real Christians produce fruit and influence those around them.

  • Miracles 29 - Blind Bartimaeus

    01/03/2015 Duration: 40min

    Mark 10:46-52 - The focus of this passage is a challenge to make sure that we each possess a personal relationship with God. God wants all of you to trust Him. For those of you who are believers, What do you really want from God? Do you want a genie in the bottle or a deep relationship with Jesus that uses your life to reflect His glory?

  • Miracles 28 - Healing of 10 lepers

    22/02/2015 Duration: 32min

    Luke 17:11-19 - In this story Jesus reminds us that He offers salvation to everyone regardless of circumstances and background. He also warns us that people can experience Christian things without possessing Christ. Genuine Christianity involves a relationship with Christ, not an experience of religion. Because many of us possess that relationship, we must guard against ungratefulness.

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