Holly Springs Bible Fellowship Podcasts



Weekly Bible teaching from Pastor Jim Thomas at Holly Springs Bible Fellowship in Hornick, Iowa.


  • Easter - Alone 2023 0412

    09/04/2023 Duration: 32min

    The Easter story is a story about the sacrifice that Christ made for us.  The cross represents Jesus love for us and His willingness to pay the price for our sin.  The resurrection is proof that God accepted that sacrifice.  God provided a way, the decision now rests with us.  We accept Jesus as the only way to God or we try to pay for our sin through some other way.  Jesus said He is the only way.  It is my prayer that you have accepted His free gift and know Him as your Lord and Savior.

  • Never Alone 06 – Grace 2023 0402

    02/04/2023 Duration: 32min

    John 21 – Failing and failure are very different. God is more concerned with our character than our careers. We must take ownership of our failures and accept God's grace and forgiveness. God desires each of us to be faithful and continue to serve Him regardless of the circumstances surrounding our life. 

  • Never Alone 05 - Valley

    26/03/2023 Duration: 33min

    John 11 – Often, during difficult times, we feel that God has abandoned us. We enjoy the mountaintop experiences with God but often struggle in the valleys. God understands our struggles and will meet and walk us through the valleys. God loves His children and is always with us; we must trust Him to walk with us. 

  • Never Alone 04 – Dark 2023 0319

    19/03/2023 Duration: 34min

    God comes to us in our darkness to bring light. God challenges us to tell our story. We must let people know what God has done in our lives. The world may reject us, but Jesus is always with us. He will use our lives and stories to glorify Him if we allow Him to do that.  

  • Never Alone 03 – Storms 2023 0312

    12/03/2023 Duration: 31min

    John 6:16-21– Storms are a regular part of life for all of us. God may allow us to struggle during the storms, but He is always with us and wants us to focus on Him.  Sometimes God encourages us to join Him in the storm. In some situations, God may stop the storms. We must remember that He is with us, and we are not alone in the storm. 

  • Never Alone 02 - Stuck 2023 0305

    06/03/2023 Duration: 31min

    John 4 & 5 – It is easy to become paralyzed when stuck in life. God desires that we focus on Jesus and God’s Word. God expects complete obedience and faith in Him if we are going to get unstuck.

  • Never Alone 01 - Ordinary – 2023 0226

    27/02/2023 Duration: 33min

    John 2:1-11 -  God desires that we allow Him to transform our lives from ordinary to extraordinary. God is working on His schedule and not mine. He will accomplish His plan in my life as long as I remain obedient and faithful.  

  • Life 05 – Focus – 2023 0219

    20/02/2023 Duration: 30min

    Philippians 3:10 – The focus of our life determines our direction. Biblically, God needs to be the center of our lives. We must understand that God focuses on our Character and His Glory, not our comfort. We need to allow God to use us daily as we give our lives to serve and minister to others.  

  • Life 04 Love – 2023 0212

    12/02/2023 Duration: 34min

    1 Corinthians 13 – It is easy to become task-driven people in this life. It is my prayer that we are driven by Love this week. May we value people over things. This week spend your time honoring and investing in people. Make the sacrifices you need to focus on loving others as God loves them.  

  • Life 03 Simplicity – 2023 0205

    05/02/2023 Duration: 29min

    Matthew 5:37 – Life is incredibly complicated. It is my prayer that you simplify things this week. As you speak to God and others, may your speech be simple, straightforward, honest, and authentic. May you see this week with the eyes of a child and appreciate and enjoy some of the simple things God has provided.  

  • Life 02 – Control – 2023 0129

    29/01/2023 Duration: 32min

    Matthew 11:28-30 – Control is an illusion. We only think that we are in control of this thing called life. A Christ follower is a life of learning to trust God and follow His leading. It is a life lived in obedience and balance. Christianity is a life lived in partnership with Christ. Allow Christ to direct your schedule this week.  

  • Life 01 - Margin– 2023 0122

    22/01/2023 Duration: 43min

    2nd Thessalonians 3:13 – May God help you to understand your limitations. It is my prayer that you put margin into your life this week. Make the space you need to make and prune out areas that are not helpful. Learn to trust and appreciate God more this week by implementing margins into your life.  

  • James 05d – Rescue and Restore – 2023 0115

    15/01/2023 Duration: 37min

    James 5:19,20 – Mature Faith has a purpose, and that purpose is not more knowledge. Mature Faith is life, and people-focused. God matures us to use us so we may rescue and restore people in and for His Kingdom. Let God use you this week; there is no more significant investment of your life this week than impacting lives for God. 

  • James 05c – Sickness – 2023 0108

    09/01/2023 Duration: 42min

    James 5:13-18 – Sickness is an opportunity to reflect and evaluate our life. It allows us a chance to assess our relationships with others. It forces us to consider our relationship and fellowship with God. During times of sickness, we must pray, have patience and trust God's plan. God can heal, but His focus is to see as many people as possible come into His kingdom. He may do that through our life, sickness, healing, or even death. We are to glorify God in our bodies which belong to Him and not us. 

  • New Year 2023 – 2023 0101

    01/01/2023 Duration: 32min

    Leviticus 16 – The Jewish New Year was a time of celebration, reflection, repentance, renewal, and commitment. The series of feasts focused on our relationship with others and God. Start this year with a new commitment to eliminate things that are not helpful and healthy for you. Remember that you are responsible to God for your actions. Make this year count. 

  • Christmas 2022c – Jesus - 2022 1225

    25/12/2022 Duration: 24min

    John 1:1-14– The incarnation reminds us that God loved us and came to save us. It required tremendous humility on the part of Jesus. His focus was not on Himself but on the will and glory of His Father. Live in such a way that people see Jesus in your life.  

  • Christmas 2022b – Joseph - 2022 1218

    18/12/2022 Duration: 35min

    Matthew 1:18-25 – God understands your struggles.  Jesus came and dwelt among us so that He could save us.  Joseph reminds us to serve and follow God no matter what God asks us.  It requires that we put our agendas and plans aside and use our lives to bring honor and glory to Him.  

  • Christmas 2022a – Mary - 2022 1211

    11/12/2022 Duration: 30min

    Luke 1:26-33 – The Christmas story reminds us that God uses insignificant places and people to accomplish His plan. We must learn to take our hands off our lives and surrender our ideas of how things should work. Serve God in whatever He asks of you this week.  

  • James 05b – Patience - 2022 1204

    04/12/2022 Duration: 28min

    James 5:7-11 – Tough times are part of life. During those times, we must focus on God and trust His plan. We have many people who can walk with us on this journey. We must turn to them and realize our God is compassionate, merciful, and understands our struggle.  

  • James 05a – Stuff is Temporary - 2022 1127

    27/11/2022 Duration: 46min

    James 5:1-6 – God has been generous to us and made us incredibly rich as Americans. We must realize that our wealth is a gift from God meant to be enjoyed, meet our needs and allow us to meet the needs of others. We must be generous in our approach to the things God gave us. Be generous with your time, talents, and money. They are all gifts from a generous and loving God. 

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