Friar Side Chats



A down-to-earth and chuckle-worthy conversation on everyday topics with a Franciscan friar from Duke University.


  • #48 | Don't Just Check the Box

    21/12/2018 Duration: 24min

    Christmastime. It always promises good food and relaxation and great family time. After we check the box for Christmas Mass of course... But is that really what it’s all about? In this episode, explore with us some of the ways we’ve domesticated the holiday and take away some fresh ideas for keeping Jesus at the center of it all - even amidst the hustle and bustle and messiness of the season. Are you ready to take a proactive approach to Christmas?

  • #47 | Bomb-Sniffing Dogs & The Eucharist

    06/12/2018 Duration: 27min

    We've often heard that the Eucharist is at the heart of Catholic life, but sometimes the deeper details and explanations are left out or just assumed. Well, we've got you covered as we break down just why the Eucharist is so important and how it can change your life - if you let it. From the technicolor nose of bomb-sniffing dogs to Fr. Mike's thoughts on Fortnite, this episode brings the mystery of the Eucharist to an understandable, relatable level.

  • #46 | #selfcare

    15/11/2018 Duration: 27min

    We've all seen the #selfcare and #selflove tags on social media, but how good are we *really* at loving and caring for ourselves? Are we even thinking about it through the best lens? Whether you're a bubble-bather like Emma or a chocoholic like Fr. Mike, we could all stand to think a little more deeply about self care!

  • #45 | Spiritual Bootcamp

    19/10/2018 Duration: 32min

    Retreats come in all varieties, from forty days alone in the desert to a weekend outing to the beach to an afternoon set aside on campus. No matter the style you prefer--and they’re all great!--there’s no denying that retreats bring huge benefits for our spiritual lives. (Let's be real: if Jesus needed retreats, the we *definitely* do.) If you’ve ever wondered how to find the right fit, been curious about the purpose of and basis for retreats, or wanted to know how to make the most out of an upcoming retreat, we've got you covered.

  • #44 | Franciscan Response to Crisis

    04/10/2018 Duration: 30min

    It’s not easy to talk about, but it's important for us as Catholics to acknowledge the sexual assault crisis that the Church is facing right now. In this episode of Friar Side Chats, Emma and Father Mike welcome Father Tim Kulbicki, calling in from Rome, as he helps us break down what the Church is doing to respond to the issues within the clergy, how we got here in the first place, and how we can mold our response to the situation with a Franciscan spirit.

  • #43 | Scripture: A How To Guide

    13/09/2018 Duration: 22min

    Reading Scripture can seem like a task of… well, Biblical proportions: where to start, what do I need to know beforehand, do I need to memorize stuff? In reality, it can be much more like a conversation with God - a way for Him to shed light on the truth of our faith and give advice on how to live and love day-to-day. In this Friar Side Chat, Emma and Fr. Mike share tips on getting started and explore the truth that scripture isn’t about how many passages you can memorize or how many books you’ve read, but about asking, “What is God saying to me through this?”

  • #42 | Spiritual Strategy with CEO Fr. Mike

    31/08/2018 Duration: 27min

    We all know how to set up plans for our classes, the extracurriculars that will get us into med/law/business/grad school, our fitness and health goals, etc. But do we apply that same strategic, goal-setting mindset to our spiritual life? What might happen if we did? Fr. Mike's CEO side comes out strong (and inspiring!) in this episode all about thinking strategically about spiritual goals.

  • #41 | Papal Pep Talk

    09/08/2018 Duration: 23min

    Pope Francis recently released an awesome apostolic exhortation on the call to holiness. But it's not your average to-be-expected pep talk. Papa Francesco gives us incredible inspiration for how to strive for holiness in our modern, everyday lives. Let's dig in!

  • #40 | Expressing the Inexpressible

    26/07/2018 Duration: 20min

    Text, Tweet, or Insta? Whatever your poison, many of us often use emojis to give our message a pop of color or help us better communicate how we feel. Because sometimes words just aren’t enough. Join us as we seek God in the everyday, dive into the underlying roots of our love for all things

  • #39 | Olé, Olé, Olé

    12/07/2018 Duration: 20min

    The World Cup has been dominating the news across the world, with what seems to be entire countries stopping everything to watch their national team play. What would happen if we approached our Catholic faith with the same kind of excitement and team spirit? (Bonus: You get to uncover Fr. Mike’s “recommendations” for improving the sport…)

  • #38 | The Nine-to-Five Grind

    29/06/2018 Duration: 24min

    We believe that each of us can take some concrete, simple steps to help build the Kingdom wherever we might be. So whether you’re in a summer internship, volunteering with DukeEngage, working a summer gig, or chugging along with your career, there are so many ways to maximize your experience and bring something special to your workplace. (Don’t sell yourself short: you can do this! We’re here to walk you through it.)

  • #37 | Bon Voyage!

    14/06/2018 Duration: 20min

    When we’re in the midst of travels big and small, do we take the time to appreciate the journey or are we fixated on getting to our destination? How can we better appreciate our travels (even the horror stories!) and allow for incredible encounters with Christ along the way?

  • #36 | Go Buy that Cupcake

    31/05/2018 Duration: 27min

    Summer Sundays find many of us away from the familiarity of Duke Catholic Center Mass or our local parish. And of course we “know” the Mass is the same wherever we go, but what do we do when we find ourselves comparing Masses and missing the familiar scenes and faces? From bake sales for the little old ladies to the unique architecture of each church -- we dig into just how we can appreciate our Mass experience wherever we are!

  • #35 | The Mom Factor

    03/05/2018 Duration: 25min

    Sitting down with senior Luke Duchemin, we dive into the mom factor: that unique selflessness and spirituality that our mothers and mother-figures in our lives offer us. What makes our moms such incredible witnesses of love and sacrifice? How can you be more like your own mother? And how can Mary, as the ultimate mother, help us grow closer to Jesus?

  • #34 | Got Post-Lent Guilt?

    04/04/2018 Duration: 17min

    Lent is a time of sacrifice. Why, then, is the end of the Lenten season sometimes such a difficult time? For some of us, we might be struggling with some guilt over not fulfilling our Lenten promises. But nevertheless, Easter should be a time of celebration, joy, and singing “Alleluia!” So how can we move joyfully from a great/mediocre/failed Lent to the joy of the Easter season?

  • #33 | Walking that Last Day

    22/03/2018 Duration: 20min

    We’re all accustomed to the phrase: “to walk a mile in someone’s shoes.” Yet whose shoes are more important to walk in than the God of Creation, Jesus Christ? Join us as we dig into the powerful spiritual impact the Stations of the Cross can have on our lives. After all, we know that Jesus walks with us in the midst of the burdens of our lives, but it’s never more clear for us than when we actually take the time to walk with him as he carries his.

  • #32 | Drinking the Cameron Crazy Kool-Aid

    08/03/2018 Duration: 26min

    We're obviously a bit biased when it comes to college basketball. But it's undeniable that the Cameron Crazy experience (or the experience of any avid fan, really) offer some serious life and spiritual wisdom when you get down to it: from goal-setting and dreaming big, to appreciating the details and giving 100%.

  • #31 | That Third Pillar

    22/02/2018 Duration: 23min

    “I’m just a college student!” "Well, I'm still paying off student loans..." "But my parents support me." We each have our excuses for why now isn't the ideal time for us to be generous with our resources - limited as they may be. Still, Almsgiving is one the three pillars of Lent and Jesus specifically calls us to care for those in greater need than us. Whether it is our time, treasure, or talent (or ideally all three!), it is essential we develop a habit of intentionally giving of ourselves to the marginalized.

  • #30 | Commitment. Does It Scare You?

    08/02/2018 Duration: 26min

    Join us as we dig into Ash Wednesday and this Lenten season through the lens of our 2018 theme of Commitment. To what (or whom!) do we commit when we set out our Lenten penance? How can we recommit ourselves daily? And why is it so important that we set a Lenten penance anyway?

  • #29 | Nourishing Your Brain

    25/01/2018 Duration: 21min

    We all know that what we eat impacts our body, but what about the media we consume on a regular basis? Do we take steps to ensure that the music, movies, social media, and even news we're ingesting is going to nourish our lives? Don't worry if you're not there yet, we have some great tips for you. (And it doesn't just mean cutting everything out!)

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