Tara On Tma Podcasts

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 238:28:42
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Here are podcasts from the Tara on TMA morning show with Tara Servatius on 1250 WTMA radio in Charleston, South Carolina.


  • Tara on TMA Podcast (2014-03-07)

    07/03/2014 Duration: 01h15min

    Would you spend $6.8 million to save a tree? Adam Blai, demonologist and exorcist trainer for the Catholic Church talks about his unusual line of work, the RiverDogs join the WTMA programming schedule, you may not be able to spend your own money to save your own life under Obamacare, what fast food workers say you should never order, things people feel like they should like, but don't, 10 stereotypes about people from Mt. Pleasant that might be true and much more. (75:46)

  • Tara on TMA Podcast (2014-03-06)

    06/03/2014 Duration: 01h07min

    Southern Charm star Thomas Ravenel joins us, and says Charleston should calm down about the show, which doesn't make the city look bad, Obama said you could keep your doctor, but what he meant was that you can't have a doctor, distracted walking is more dangerous than distracted driving? The new SAT, actually, Crimea wants to be part of Russia, tough question: would you vote for Sen. Lindsey Graham, or a convicted drug dealer? Zombie studies the new hot thing in college, now your smart TV is spying on you ... and much more. (67:34)

  • Tara on TMA Podcast (2013-03-05)

    05/03/2014 Duration: 01h01min

    Richard Sterban of the Oak Ridge Boys stops by, the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce says Obamacare is good for business and is fighting legislation against it, HTML isn't an STD, what's up in Russsia, adults throw a tantrum in Columbia because other adults won't pay for their Medicaid, the new DWTS contestants, daylight savings time and much more on this podcast. (61:18)

  • Tara on TMA Podcast (2014-03-14)

    04/03/2014 Duration: 01h06min

    Southern Charm debuts, if you like your healthcare policy you can keep it ... until after the November elections, why you are a racist if you think its cool that Matthew McConaughey invoked God when he won an Oscar, you could be a racist, most people named "Phalice" are registered Democrats, how to save enough money a year on your cable bill to pay for a vacation, the new plan to keep violent kids in school, America's foreign policy is now apparently based on fantasy according to the Washington Post, South Carolinians love Jay Z, but can't stand the Rolling Stones and much more. (66:04)

  • Tara on TMA Podcast (2014-03-03)

    03/03/2014 Duration: 01h12min

    You can now see Russian War Ships from your backyard ...in Florida. Sen.Rand Paul talks the Ukraine, the NSA and much more. The gun that 5th grader had on the bus to Beech Hill Elementary was loaded, and he intended to kill someone with it, looks like Obamacare lowers the cost of healthcare for young people by cutting drug reimbursements for those who have deadly chronic conditions, paying twice for emergency vehicles at an accident, why you don't wnat to go into labor during rush hour in Chaleston II, Southern Charm starts and much more on the podcast. (72:22)

  • Tara on TMA Podcast (2014-02-28)

    28/02/2014 Duration: 01h08min

    Low carb diets could kill you, don't even consider going into labor in Charleston during rush hour, the American flag is dangerous because it could get you killed, the federal government may have nude pictures of you, how to get rich in South Carolina, a South Carolina woman, Connie, is shocked to learn that South Carolina men have more, um, stamina in bed, then men in most other states, how fast should you return a text and much more. (68:44)

  • Tara on TMA Podcast (2014-02-27)

    27/02/2014 Duration: 01h05min

    You, too, can live on pizza alone for the next 23 years, vitamins you really still need, would you let the federal government finger print you, and pay them to do it? Sen. Harry Reid assures me that my sister really didn't just lose her health insurance because of Obamacare, the real reason the NFL wants to ban the N word, plus, Common Core is here to stay, Senate candidate Bill Connor joins us, Charleston City Council member Kathleen Wilson joins us to explain why your commute over the Ashley River Bridge will now be longer, and Tara Servatius, reality television show star? (65:45)

  • Tara on TMA Podcast (2014-02-26)

    26/02/2014 Duration: 01h31s

    Praise God! McDonalds finally extends breakfast past 10:30 am. BMW comes out with its own poop car ... Would Jesus serve a gay man a meal? Would he cater his wedding? Plus, Mayor Joe wants to take your gun, and why is it OK for Mayor Joe Riley to shut down a line of traffic for bikers, even if that would stop ambulances in their tracks, but when Gov. Chris Christie's staff delays an ambulance by shutting down a lane of a bridge, its an impeachable offense? Plus, women in the army say not just no, but hell no to going into combat. All that and more on the podcast. (60:31)

  • Tara on TMA Podcast (2014-02-25)

    25/02/2014 Duration: 01h14min

    No, we don't need no stinkin' military, when your husband thinks the toilet seat looks better up, the trees on I-26 are coming down, get over it, how quickly you should return texts, emails and phone calls to not be considered rude, ever go to a new restaurant and your computer stalks you for weeks after with ads for that place? How did it know, how did the marketing people know? The surprising answer. Are American cars now a better buy than foreign ones if you want to run up the mileage? Plus, SC democrats and Republicans agree -- we should legalize medical marijuana for the children. (74:25)

  • Tara on TMA Podcast (2014-02-24)

    24/02/2014 Duration: 01h25min

    There now may be one place in America that no one can use the N Word. The end of the road for the trees in the median of I-26? A random act of selflessness on the highway in Florida, the hardiest cars in America ... if you want to put over 200,000 miles on them, 20 million more people could lost their healthcare plans thanks to Obamacare, Tara learns from listeners that the WWE is in fact not fake, should you be able to own your own private drone? And use it to record whatever you want? The state of SC has your money, a lot of your money -- $510 for every man woman and child. Wait until you hear what they are doing with it. (85:23)

  • Tara on TMA Podcast (2014-02-21)

    21/02/2014 Duration: 01h04min

    Bikers insist drivers on the Ashley River Bridge be pushed aside for bikes, should taxpayers subsidize porn for College of Charleston freshman? And does it even matter if it gay or straight porn? Plus, the words your kids most want you to say to them when they compete in sports, from food stamps to billionaire, in just 20 years, there is actually a plural for the word "beef", the American hockey team did what? And much more... (64:10)

  • Tara on TMA Podcast (2014-02-20)

    20/02/2014 Duration: 01h06min

    It's time for medical marijuana in SC, for the children says ... conservative Republican Sen. Tom Davis. Do you think your family is dysfunctional? Check out Rep. Andy Patrick's. Bigfoot spotted in Detroit, is college obselete? It got so cold last week that even the Great White Sharks moved south. Are you smart enough to sign up for Obamacare? One neurology PhD says he isn't. He's still trying, and he says the whole ordeal is more stressful than getting his PhD was. The Missouri abduction, and why kids staying home all day playing video games has an upside, the people sued the NSA for spying, so they say, they have no choice but to expand the spy program and much more. (66:33)

  • Tara on TMA Podcast (2014-02-19)

    19/02/2014 Duration: 01h31s

    Ronald Reagan was a sexist, and poverty results when the middle class isn't taxed enough. So says a University of South Carolina text book. Does the legislature need to get involved? How hard should you legally be allowed to spank a child? Kansas legislators want to make bruises legal, as long as they are delivered with an open hand. Plus, the White House again insists Americans shouldn't have to work so much, the legislature won't let just anyone go buy a gun and carry it concealed, despite the war on women, men are still paying for dates, and nude dating on reality TV. (60:30)

  • Tara on TMA Podcast (2014-02-18)

    18/02/2014 Duration: 01h09min

    There's a way you could get a free college education, plus free room and board and free healthcare. Tara tells you how. Plus, Sen. Larry Grooms explains why we can't just ice down the Ravenel Bridge when it gets cold, like every other bridge in the country. Plus, what is really in your cola could kill you, the Monday blues is actually a real psychological phenomenon, is the NSA blackmailing members of Congress, the government is developing technology that can ID your body and track where we all go, how to get out of a submerged car, felons are using SC's stand your ground laws to get out of murder charges and much more on the podcast. (69:43)

  • Tara on TMA Podcast (2014-02-14)

    14/02/2014 Duration: 01h06min

    The Comcast Time Warner Cable merger -- not exactly popular in the Lowcountry, the Democrats attempt to get the IRS to harrass conservative groups running negative ads against them, couples who are still in love after years of marriage. What is their secret? Plus Olympics stuff, ice storm coverage and much more. (66:50)

  • Tara on TMA Podcast (2014-02-13)

    13/02/2014 Duration: 01h05min

    Lots of local story coverage, the killer trees on I-26 DO jump out at people after all, why doesn't someone sue to top Obama? Someone finally has. Silicon Valley relocates to Texas. Why not here? Forecasters and the media went overboard this week to warn people about an ice storm that could cause them harm, but virtually ignored the CBO's warning that our debt spending could cause a fiscal crisis in this country. All that and much more on the podcast. (65:30)

  • Tara on TMA Podcast (2014-02-12)

    12/02/2014 Duration: 55min

    Did the Ravenel Bridge have to shut down for 43 hours a few weeks ago? Why can't they just salt it like every other bridge in America? Plus, take your kids to the zoo, see the animals butchered? Companies banned from firing employees because of Obamacare? And for talking about it? And record shattering cold across the country as our president works on a new global warming treaty. All that and more on today's podcast. (55:10)

  • Tara on TMA Podcast (2014-02-11)

    11/02/2014 Duration: 01h06min

    On today's show, white peoples' worst nightmare, realized. Plus, black Portland residents work to keep whites out of their neighborhoods. Wait until you hear why. And will Michael Sam's homosexuality help or hurt him in the draft, and in his NFL career. Listeners weighed in. Plus, a concealed carry certified mom takes her gun to a local elementary school, and you won't believe what she did with it next. Plus, suicide bombers take themselves out, young adults are more into zombies than they are the Olympics, financial author Lowell Ponte explains why banks can now limit your ability to withdraw money you deposit, and why, for the first time, it is legally theirs once you deposit it. Plus, auto tech Pam Oakes talks cars -- how long should you keep yours, how can you get the longest life out of it and what should you do to maintain it. (66:19)

  • Tara on TMA Podcast (2014-02-10)

    10/02/2014 Duration: 01h11min

    Do you have a new iPad? Would you like one? You are already paying for one for school children in Charleston, even though having iPads doesn't raise test scores. What the heck? Plus, the media is now keeping track of how many gay athletes win medals at Sochi. Everyone talks about what women want for Valentines Day, but what do men want? The answer won't surprise you. Plus, how much it will cost Olympians to win a medal and Bill Maher explains why disincentives to work could be a good thing. Watchdog on Wall Street Chris Markowski says chill out about the stock market, everything will turn out fine. Plus Maj. Shawn Swarz talks about winning a Bronze medal for his service in Afghanistan. All that and more on the podcast. (71:18)

  • Tara on TMA Podcast (2014-02-06)

    06/02/2014 Duration: 01h06min

    Crazy chemicals in your food, school kids can't celebrate America in school anymore because it might offend someone, author Kimberly Foss weighs in on the stock market roller coaster, Democrat Bakari Sellers on why he's fighting a GOP tax hike on gas, why CVS really dropped the cigarettes, farewell to Jay Leno, just because you aided terrorists doesn't mean you can't get asylum in the US, the Discovery Channel is airing death porn again, Obama's DEA went after Justin Bieber for smoking pot -- less than 2 weeks after Obama bragged about smoking it in a national interview. And much more on this podcast. (66:19)

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