First Presbyterian Church Of Baton Rouge



First Presbyterian Church Baton Rouge is a church passionately committed to Christ Jesus our Lord and ardently engaged in studying the Scriptures. We love reaching out to our city and world with the love of Jesus. You'll see a church ready to welcome new faces. You'll see a church with a vision to go Deeper into Christ and Further into the World.


  • Wives and Husbands

    21/01/2024 Duration: 32min

    Our call is to mutual submission, to yielding the privilege of self-determination to the other. This will make for maximum joy in a marriage. But it’s not just about us. Not even mainly about us. It’s so that we who are blessed to have a mate can show the world what sacrificial, redeeming love truly looks like. Our marriages were meant more for holiness than happiness. They are meant for witness than secret satisfaction. Spouses are a splendid gift from God. But the work we put into our marriages is our gift to Christ Jesus, the true bridegroom of every man and woman. 

  • Wake Up, O Sleeper!

    14/01/2024 Duration: 22min
  • Walking in Love

    07/01/2024 Duration: 23min
  • Waiting

    31/12/2023 Duration: 30min

    What are you willing to wait for? It’s been said that you tell what you really care about by what you spend your money on, but I would argue that it’s even more telling to know what you’re willing to wait for. So many of us, myself included, are more than happy to wait for worldly things and then expect immediate answers when the Lord places us in a season of uncertainty. There’s a reason why it’s repeated constantly in Scripture, so take a note from Simeon and Anna. Wait on the Lord. #waiting #firstpresbyterianbr #sermon

  • All Along the Watchtower

    24/12/2023 Duration: 20min

    What power is there that can ever bring sanity andhealing to such a terrible world? Go to Bethlehem, and crouch in wonder at the crib of an innocent babe, and you will find that all the titanic might within the heart and mind of fallen man will be tamed, and he too will become a little child.#christmas #watchmen #firstpresbyterianbr #sermon

  • Light That Never Goes Out

    10/12/2023 Duration: 15min

    In Christ Jesus is life, and that life is the light of all. His light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. So, we join our hearts as our choir sings the ancient words, “Break forth, O beauteous, heavenly Light, to herald our salvation!”

  • Light Where They Lived

    03/12/2023 Duration: 24min

    It’s essential that we understand two things. One, our distinctiveness. Two, our mission. All of humanity lives plagued with darkness. We cannot see clearly who God is. We grope and stumble and sometimes do terrible things in the dark. But God has ever been calling his people out of darkness and into his marvelous light (I Peter 2:8). That makes us different. There is light where the people of God live.

  • Light Before the Sun

    26/11/2023 Duration: 22min
  • Putting on the New Self

    19/11/2023 Duration: 30min

    When we allow our anger to simmer in our hearts for more than just a moment, it begins to seep into our very souls. We drink the poison and the bitterness it creates is sin. The Lord wants us to know that if we do this, even if the anger seems justified in the moment, we give an opportunity to the devil. We need to trust the judge of the earth to do rightly. Pray the Psalms and give your frustration to the Lord. #newself #sermon #worship #ephesians4 #firstpresbyterianbr #fyp

  • Renew!

    12/11/2023 Duration: 27min

    In your thoughts. Be renewed. Refresh your thoughts by recalling who Jesus is and who you are in Jesus. Gather in honest, joyful community with other believers. Remind each other of the story. Lift up your hearts and voices. Renew your commitment. Renew your mind according to the truth, for the truth is in Jesus.#renewyourmind #injesus #commitment #sermon #worship #ephesians4 #firstpresbyterianbr

  • Serve the Work!

    05/11/2023 Duration: 23min

    The church gathered re-adjusts us to the reality of God week by week. When we learn of our share in the work of ministry, we begin to view not just church life but all of life through this lens. Everything that matters requires that we serve the work that makes the vision come to be. This can be keeping house, raising a family, living a profession, landscaping, accounting, teaching, leading, cleaning. When serving the work of Christ through his church gets in our blood, we realize that we can do our whole lives for his sake. It’s all ministry. And therefore, it’s all the adventure of journeying with Jesus in the company of these saints he’s given you.

  • One!

    29/10/2023 Duration: 17min

    The church is the model to the world of how people from all different backgrounds, ethnicities, and even political ideas can share the one cup of salvation, and break bread together as members of the one body of Jesus. It’s why on the Sunday we celebrate the Scottish roots of our faith, we rejoice that there are Presbyterians all over the world, including millions in South Korea, millions in Africa, even a million in Mexico. That’s why we all affirm our faith joyfully together.#onefaith #humility #gentleness #spiritofunity #unity #firstpresbyterianbr #sermon #ephesians4

  • X Marks the Spot

    22/10/2023 Duration: 34min

    Paul repeatedly uses the word “mystery” to describe what we have received in Christ’s riches. These are riches that weren’t made clear to previous generations, but are revealed now – that Jews and Gentiles are not just junior and senior partners to each other, they are ‘fellow heirs’, completely equal and organically united in the Body of Christ. Our names, and the names of people from many tribes and nations are engraved into the crucified and risen hands of Christ, nations and groups that have historically been at odds with one another may be reconciled and forgiven at the cross. X – the cross - marks the spot of this treasure.#ephesians3 #unitedinchrist #firstpresbyterianbr #sermon #worship #xmarksthespot #fathersonholyspirit

  • One New Man

    15/10/2023 Duration: 30min

    Natural enemies don’t just start getting along unless something even deeper than human relations has changed in them. We’re talking about the healing of the fundamental breach between humanity and God. This reconciliation occurred in the person of of Jesus. There, God and humanity met in one person. God coming over to man’s side. Jesus lived out the faithfulness to his Father he had eternally as the Son of God. But now he lived it out as truly human. From our side, Jesus God’s Son healed the breach by his obedient life.

  • Beautiful Work

    08/10/2023 Duration: 24min

    There’s no escaping toil. We all have stuff we gotta do. For many, just getting upright, dressed and out of the house is big work. The routine of requirements can feel burdensome. But then we realize that nearly everything we do can be a beautiful work for God. Anything that is good, wholesome, or life affirming, from bathing to writing software, from pulling weeds to driving carpool to running a company can adorn his glory. Instead of thinking, “Dang, I have to . . .” think, “Praise God, I get to . . .”

  • Interrupting Death

    01/10/2023 Duration: 25min
  • The Right Thing to Pray

    24/09/2023 Duration: 24min

    Paul holds up the Ephesian Christians before God. He remembers their faith and their love. He gives thanks. He asks God to be at work in their lives. He prays for the eyes of their hearts to be open to all they have in Christ. He intercedes with Jesus to give these young believers awareness of the power at work in them. For once they see, they will exult in the Lord Jesus who reigns over heaven and earth. We can pray that way too!

  • The Guarantee

    17/09/2023 Duration: 29min
  • Get the Recap!

    10/09/2023 Duration: 26min
  • Adraine White Sermon

    03/09/2023 Duration: 27min

    We can clearly see that God has called us to unity.He is more concerned about the unity of the Spirit than he is about the unity of our races or even the unity of our politics. There is a unity that the spirit is capable of producing that will bring us together, if we will allow him.We are different and it's NOT a mistake nor is it a curse, it's by God's design. Our job is to embrace the differences, forbear one another & come together so we can see what wonderful things we can accomplish when we do.

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