Joshua Live Podcast



Each week Joshua (channeled by Gary Bodley) joins One on One students to expand upon the Law of Attraction and other universal laws.


  • Can We Know Anything For Sure?

    17/10/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    We believe a lot of things, but we now very little. Our beliefs are neither true or false, they're limiting or empowering. If we could expand our beliefs so that they become more empowering and less limiting, we could experience freedom and abundance. This would allow us to push past more fear and act on inspiration that would lead us to the lives we desire. In this episode, Joshua talks about the benefits of having a more empowering belief system. New podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify For more info - The new Foundations Course info here  

  • Expand Your Potential by Expanding Your Beliefs

    13/10/2023 Duration: 01h02min

    Your perspective of yourself in every area of your life is based on your beliefs and expectations. When you expand your beliefs you raise your perspective, always. This is the easiest way to raise perspective. But how do you expand your beliefs? In this episode, Joshua explains the process of opening your belief system. New podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify For more info - The new Foundations Course info here

  • Discovering Your Soul’s Purpose

    09/10/2023 Duration: 01h11min

    Why did you come here? What are you here to do? This is your Soul's purpose. Of course, you're here for the expansion, but there's something more specific. That's your Soul's purpose and your life has been designed to experience this more specific Life Path. In this episode, Joshua explains how to discover your Soul's purpose. New podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify For more info - The new Foundations Course info here  

  • The Design of Your Life

    05/10/2023 Duration: 57min

    You are the creator of your life. You are also the main character. You're the hero in your story. But the hero never knows that at the beginning. They have to go through some obstacles, meet some people and learn some lessons. As soon as you realize that you are the writer and the hero of your own story, you will understand that your story is perfect for you. In this episode, Joshua also talks about how to say no to people you love, what the Zero Choice Point is and how it relates to free will, and more about the Akashic records. Christy and I have a new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify For more info - The new Foundations Course info here

  • This is the Reason You Came

    02/10/2023 Duration: 01h02min

    Do you ever wonder why you're here? You chose to be here at this time in history. You set up the time and place of your birth and the conditions of your childhood. You wanted to be here during this time of awakening. The trajectory you chose gave you the greatest potential for a leap in perspective. This means you are here for a more specific reason. In this episode, Joshua explains why you came to this physical reality. Christy and I have a new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify For more info - The new Foundations Course info here

  • Exponential Expansion

    26/09/2023 Duration: 01h06min

    We're here for expansion. We expand through all experiences. Since most people perceive themselves from a limited perspective, their expansion is mostly based in fear. But what if you could expand in love? This would be exponential expansion. The higher you are able to raise your perspective, the more expansion you will gain. In this episode, Joshua explains how to expand exponentially to create an unimaginable life. Christy and I have a new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify For more info - The new Foundations Course info here  

  • Special White Light Q&A

    19/09/2023 Duration: 01h07min

    In this episode, I ask the White Light several questions; Why do souls incarnate on Earth? Is it difficult to get into Earth? What is free will? What is the true purpose of nonphysical guidance? and many other questions. The White Light's answers are fascinating. Christy and I have a new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify For more info - The new Foundations Course info here    

  • Special Interview: Julie Ryan

    16/09/2023 Duration: 01h09min

    Julie Ryan is a dear friend and a brilliant intuitive. I thought it would be fun to have Christy interview her and hear what happens when two psychics get together for a conversation. Julie is the host of her amazing podcast "Ask Julie Ryan" and the author of two fabulous books, 'Angelic Attendants' and 'Angel Messages for Kids.'  For more info on Julie click here For more info - The new Foundations Course info here Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Video - here 

  • The Great Leap Upwards

    11/09/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    As you continue to choose perspectives in alignment with your inner self, you will ascend through the lower densities into higher, lighter, freer and clearer densities. You'll gain clarity and you will quickly understand who you are and what you're here to do. It will all make sense to you. Your path will open up. Daily meditation, service to others, being an example of alignment, participating in courses, and choosing to see perfection all lead to higher awareness. In this episode, Joshua explains this phenomenon in detail and how you can make your own leap upwards. For more info - The new Foundations Course info here Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Video - here 

  • Compassion in Action - Light of One Meditation

    07/09/2023 Duration: 01h28min

    Compassion is a very powerful emotion, but sometimes gets confused with pity. At a higher perspective compassion evokes inspiration that will be of the most benefit. But if you're feeling sorry for someone, you will simply receive an urge to change the condition. In this episode, Joshua explains how to raise your perspective when it comes to compassion. At the end of the podcast you'll find the Light of One meditation that we're doing on 9/9 at noon ET. For more info - The new Foundations Course info here Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Video - here  Light of One - meditation at the end of this episode  

  • The Highest Perspective

    03/09/2023 Duration: 01h13min

    Your experience of life is determined by your perspective. Most people default to a limited perspective. They perceive that outside conditions dictate how they feel. This perspective is associated with victimhood, and it's extremely limiting. A higher perspective improves the quality of ideas, choices, and actions. It leads to experiences that allow you to see yourself more clearly and this raises your perspective even higher. But how duo we reach higher perspectives? In this episode, Joshua explains the highest of all perspectives and what it can mean to your experience of life. For more info - The new Foundations Course info here Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Video - here   

  • The Unimaginable Life

    31/08/2023 Duration: 01h09min

    We've heard Joshua and The White Light use the word "Unimaginable" a lot over the last year. Christy and I have been experiencing the unimaginable so many times in the last few months that we're starting a podcast and writing a new book together called "An Unimaginable Life." I have not heard anyone else talk about this, but the unimaginable could be the most profound subject of them all. In this episode, Joshua talks about the manifestation process in a new way. It's not about manifesting all the good things we want. It goes far beyond that. This conversation is about manifesting the Unimaginable! For more info - The new Foundations Course info here Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Video - here   

  • Love and Fear

    28/08/2023 Duration: 59min

    Love and Fear are two ends of the same stick. Fear provides context to love. Love is knowing and fear is not knowing, or lack of information. If you can think about fear in a new way and from a higher perspective, it will be much easier to push past fear when you are inspired to take action. The action will always bring information that reduces the fear. In this episode, Joshua explains this idea and how we are surrounded by fear we don't even see. For more info - The new Foundations Course info here Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Video - here     

  • A Balanced Perspective Leads to the Unimaginable

    23/08/2023 Duration: 58min

    In each area of our life, we have a perspective. In the areas that are working, your perspective is high. In the areas that are less than satisfying, your perspective is likely more limited. Life is out of balance when you're doing will in some areas of your life, but not in others.  In this episode, The White Light explains that a balanced perspective among all areas of your life is the key to shifting through densities. It's at the higher and lighter densities where the unimaginable becomes your reality For more info - The new Foundations Course info here Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Video - here   

  • Life is Easy

    19/08/2023 Duration: 01h02min

    "Life is easy, you're making it difficult." These were the words I heard when I woke up at 2am one night last week. Yes, of course. I was making it hard. Why? I think I've stumbled on to something big! It was all about the effort and struggle involved in maintaining certain aspects of my identity like "successful, good, provider, supporter, etc." In this episode, Joshua illustrates this point to perfection. For more info - The new Foundations Course info here Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Video - here   

  • What Service to Others Really Means

    16/08/2023 Duration: 01h08min

    This concept of Service to Others is being talked about in a lot of spiritual circles lately. But most of us don't really understand what that means. In this episode, Joshua breaks it down for us. It's not ever about doing something you don't want to do, or sacrificing what you want. It's like everything else; it's all about shifting your own perspective so that you come into a better understanding of Oneness. For more info - The new Foundations Course info here Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Video - here   

  • The Next level Up

    08/08/2023 Duration: 02h56min

    You might have already heard about densities. In our 3D reality there are spectrums of experience based in density. There is more fear in the lower densities as well as confusion, frustration and suffering. As you move up through the densities, things get lighter and faster and your experiences become richer. To move into the 4th density, you must embrace the idea of Oneness and give up judgment, service to self, envy, etc. The next level up requires that you let go of certain limiting aspects of your identity. This will allow you to raise your perspective and receive more inspiration. In this episode, Joshua explains the concept of leveling up. For more info - Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Video - here   

  • Liberation Means More Than Freedom

    02/08/2023 Duration: 01h14min

    Liberation, as a spiritual concept, requires a very high perspective to really understand it. If you can wrap your head around this idea, it means you've reached that perspective. Imagine that all the people you know came here to aid you on your journey of self discovery, because they knew you would be able to reach such a high perspective that you would then become an example to others. Each of them play a specific role in your life representing some aspect of you. Once you discover how they serve you, and you are able to reach that perspective, you will liberate them. In this episode, Joshua helps us to reach this perspective. For more info - Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Video - here   

  • Let’s Shake It Up

    28/07/2023 Duration: 01h15min

    We are all moving from fear to love, from inauthentic to authentic, and from confusion to clarity. We are all receiving inspiration and if acted on, it will lead us to higher perspectives. We have all come to make an impact and to shake things up. We know there is more going on here than people know. So we can't let fear stop us. In this episode, Joshua brings us to a new level of clarity. You may have to listen to this one a couple of times, because there's a lot going on in this episode. For more info - Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Video - here   

  • The Magical Power of Coherence

    25/07/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    Coherence it the process of unifying everything in your life that seems disconnected. It is moving toward a high-vibrational state of oneness. Right now, we all live in some degree of dissonance due to the illusion of separation. The two hemispheres of our brain, our heart and mind, as well as our mind, spirit and body might feel disconnected. To bring these all together in a unified state, is the concept of Coherence. It's an extremely powerful and energetic state of being that is highly effective. In this episode, Joshua explains the value of coherence and how to move in that direction. For more info - Watch the Quantum Life Theory (QLT) Video - here   

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