Genesis Church Phoenix

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 80:54:01
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Podcast by Genesis Church


  • Acts - You Can't Buy It

    26/09/2022 Duration: 29min

    Acts 8:9-25 Unlike those who were genuinely giving their lives to Jesus and receiving the Holy Spirit, Simon the Sorcerer attempts to purchase it for himself. The power of the Spirit cannot be purchased though. It’s personal—connected to the person and work of Jesus Christ. All we must do is receive the gift of salvation, pursue the person of Jesus, and the power will follow.

  • Acts - The Scattered Church

    21/09/2022 Duration: 30min

    Acts 8:1b-8 Following Stephen’s speech and stoning, the church is forced from the city of Jerusalem by the religious leaders—including a man named Saul. However, the scattering of the church may have been the best thing that ever happened to it. The church is called to gather, yes. But, it is called to scatter as well. The scattered church goes into the world, freeing people from evil and sin, healing those who are hurting, and bringing joy to those in despair.

  • Acts - Jesus Is The Fulfillment - Part II (Ryan Lunceford)

    31/08/2022 Duration: 35min

    Continuing in the narrative of the Old Testament, Stephen moves on to the person of Moses. Ultimately, this is why Stephen is standing before the high council and he wants to display his understanding of the importance of Moses and his foundation for the coming of Jesus. There is no story told more often than the story of Moses and the Exodus. It is the defining moment of God fulfilling His covenant with His people. Now a follower of Jesus, Stephen is redefining the role of Moses and the Exodus, placing Jesus as the great rescuer for Israel and all people.

  • Acts 7:1-16 - Jesus Is The Fulfillment - Part I (Ryan Lunceford)

    31/08/2022 Duration: 33min

    Stephen’s defense goes all the way back to the beginning. He wants the council to know how he has come to the decision to follow Jesus. He paints a picture of the way in which God has orchestrated His salvation since the very beginning and is continuing to do so through Jesus. Stephen’s telling of this story serves as a reminder that we, too, need to often go back to go forward.

  • Acts 6:8-15 - Caught In The Crossfire (Ryan Lunceford)

    31/08/2022 Duration: 36min

    For some reason, Stephen—a newly appointed administrator in the church—becomes the newest target of the religious elite. Like Stephen, we have a target on our backs. Satan will do anything—including false witness—to shake our faith and bring us down. If our faith is strong, we will be able to endure the attacks. If not, our faith may be shattered.

  • Compassion On The Road (DJ Uithoven)

    31/08/2022 Duration: 38min

    Compassion On The Road (DJ Uithoven) by Genesis Church

  • The Greatest Mystery In History (Duane Cross)

    31/08/2022 Duration: 44min

    The Greatest Mystery In History (Duane Cross) by Genesis Church

  • Go And Make Disciples (Joe Groenwald)

    31/08/2022 Duration: 49min

    Go And Make Disciples (Joe Groenwald) by Genesis Church

  • Acts 6:1-7 - Trouble In The Family (Ryan Lunceford)

    31/08/2022 Duration: 36min

    Early on, the church isn’t exempt from discontent and trouble. Because of their growth, the demand to care fro people is outgrowing their systems and structures. Instead of pointing fingers, the community comes together and solves the issue. Not much has changed. The local church will always run into problems and challenges. But, when we come together—using our gifts and abilities—to solve the issues, we become better and allow for greater growth.

  • Acts 5:27-32 - Who Is The Authority?

    31/08/2022 Duration: 36min

    In their struggle for control, the high council wants to kill the apostles in an attempt to end this new community of Jesus followers. One of the most respected rabbis of the time, Gamaliel, encourages the council to allow the apostles to carry on. If it isn’t from God, it will die out like all of the movements of the past. If it is from God, though, beware. Ironically, Gamaliel’s instruction is helpful even to us. If God’s movement isn’t in something, it will die off. If God’s movement is in something, look out.

  • Bad Day - Psalm 40:1-3 - Ryan Lunceford

    27/06/2022 Duration: 36min

    We all have bad days—sometimes bad months or years. But, in the midst of our struggle and suffering, we can be reassured that God is always there. Despite David’s difficult circumstances, he recognizes hope can only be found in God. When we are in similar situations, may we look to the One who can provide hope eternally.

  • More Than Words - Psalm 119:32-40 - Ryan Lunceford

    20/06/2022 Duration: 32min

    Like the love we have for one another, the love we have for God ought to be more than just lip-service to Him. Jesus said in John 14:15, “If you love me, obey my commandments.” In other words, love towards God is an action more than it is a feeling. And, His love compels us to not just say we love him, but show our love for him.

  • Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Psalm 128 - DJ Uithoven

    17/06/2022 Duration: 29min

    Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Psalm 128 - DJ Uithoven by Genesis Church

  • Spirit In The Sky - Psalm 23:6 - Joe Groenwald

    06/06/2022 Duration: 53min

    How often do you think of God's promise of forever in Heaven with Him? What if thinking of that every day could bring a little bit of heaven, here on Earth, now? Pastor Joe takes us back to the 1960s and into Psalm 23 as we kick off our Summer Jams series this Sunday.

  • Acts 5:17-26 - Can't Contain Him - Ryan Lunceford

    31/05/2022 Duration: 33min

    The leading priests and Sadducees are doing everything in the power to keep this Jesus- thing under wraps. They again throw the apostles in jail only to have them breakout and go back to talking about Jesus. People can try, but you cannot contain God. God is still in full control of every situation.

  • Acts 5:12-16 - Where is Your Shadow Falling - Ryan Lunceford

    23/05/2022 Duration: 30min

    The Spirit is so strong in Peter that even his shadow falling across others causes healing and new life. Like Peter, our shadow is falling on something all the time. The question is: where is it falling? Is it falling on those who are hurting and in need of new life or is it falling on nothingness? Peter’s shadow fell on those who were poor in spirit and it was there that God did His greatest work.

  • Acts 5:1-11 - Integrity is Invaluable - Ryan Lunceford

    16/05/2022 Duration: 34min

    Up until this point, everything has been going pretty smoothly for the first church. People seem to be getting along. Changed lives are happening daily. The mission is going forward. But, then, this. The story of Ananias and Sapphira reveals the great importance of integrity among God’s people. It wasn’t the fact that they held back some of the money, it was that they lied about it that got them in trouble. The pursuit of integrity in our lives is invaluable. God honors it and gives greater responsibility to those who have it.

  • Acts 4:32-37 - Unified and Generous - Ryan Lunceford

    09/05/2022 Duration: 37min

    The two hallmarks of the early church were their unity and generosity. There wasn’t a community around that was as unified and generous as them. It was, for all intents and purposes, the two great trademarks that exemplified the mission of Jesus most greatly. The greater our unity the greater our generosity. The greater our generosity the greater our impact.

  • Acts 4:23-31 - Boldness in the Backlash - Ryan Lunceford

    02/05/2022 Duration: 32min

    The believers in Jerusalem are aware that the message of Jesus will often be met with backlash. Instead of backing down, they pray for boldness in a world that will give them backlash. We, too, live in a world that the message of Jesus will often be met with backlash. Psalm 2 is as relevant for us today as it was then. So, we will pray for loving boldness in the midst of the backlash.

  • Acts 4:13-14 - Extra-Ordinary - Ryan Lunceford

    25/04/2022 Duration: 32min

    As Peter and John stand trial before the Temple Council for the things they are saying about Jesus, they are recognized for what they are—ordinary guys with no real training or experience. And yet, to the Council’s surprise, they speak with great authority and are doing things no one imagine they could. When the Spirit gets in a person, it turns the ordinary into extraordinary.

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