Ask Julie Ryan



Ask Psychic and Medical Intuitive Julie Ryan. Julie Ryan well known for her psychic abilities is not only a profound psychic, she is also an animal communicator and helps those who are ready to transition through the help of Angels. Join her on her live show every thursday by going to Http:// Ask her your question and be amazed! Psychic Julie Ryan


  • Ask Julie Ryan - Episode 34: Help with Depression


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, Julie scans a Denver caller to investigate the cause of her depression and gets some interesting advice for her. Julie also talks with a woman about her premonitions to avoid surgery and especially anesthesia. We get an update on Katie the Cat in Cincinnati and Griffy the dog in San Francisco when Julie scans them to see if they are healing. A listener from Jordan asks for career advice and Julie scans a couple of dying elderly men to learn what Phase of Transition they are in. As usual, there are a variety of questions and fascinating answers.

  • Ask Julie Ryan -Episode 33 - Babies in Scotland


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, Julie communicates with a cat to find out what is causing its seizures and investigates whether a tick has been fully removed from a dog on the West Coast. In addition, Julie scans a caller to see why he is so fatigued and gets guidance for a woman on how best to treat her tennis elbow. Questions submitted online come from a Scottish couple wanting advice on IVF treatments and a Mexico City woman asking about a former lover. As always, the topics are wide ranging, interesting and in some cases humorous.

  • Ask Julie Ryan - EPISODE 32 - Search for Diamonds


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, Julie helps a woman find her missing Christmas present, a diamond ring. She also scans a California woman to learn the cause of her uterine polyps and fibroids. In addition, a woman calls to learn where her dying father is in the Twelve Phases of Transition and a caller asks for psychic private eye information on her brother-in-law. Lastly, a New York caller asks Julie if she can identify the cause of her stomach problems.

  • Ask Julie Ryan - EPISODE31: Heart Light


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, Julie talks with and does a healing on woman scheduled for heart surgery. She scans past lives for a man and discovers a correlation between life on another planet and his profession in this life time. In addition, Julie talks with a couple of callers about their pets. She connects with a dog to see what it has to say to its new owner and scans a cat named Katie to see how she is faring after dental surgery. This episode is fun, interesting and at times just plain wild.

  • Ask Julie Ryan: EPISODE 30 - Happy New Year


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, Julie talks with callers about their health concerns, pet issues and past lives affecting current situations. Happy 2017!

  • Ask Julie Ryan Episode 29: Electrical Phenomenon


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, Julie talks with a woman about the wishes of her dying father and how she can fulfill them. She also talks with a couple of callers about the cause of their constant pain. Chrissy from Michigan asks Julie about the wiring in her house and whether or not it is safe for her to stay there. As usual, there are a wide range of questions and surprising answers.

  • Ask Julie Ryan -Episode 28 - Which Phase of Transition?


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, Julie talks with a woman about her friend with an aggressive form of cancer. She wants to know if her friend will survive. Another caller asks about her dad, who has severe dementia, and what she can do to help her cat get better. A San Francisco woman wants Julie to scan her elderly friend and to figure out what is causing her puppy to limp. In addition, a wide range of topics including soulmates, conception via in vitro fertilization, how best to sell a house and new employee recruiting techniques are all discussed. It is a fascinating hour! Http://

  • Ask Julie Ryan - Episode 27 - Yellow Rose Connection


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, Julie talks with a man wanting to know whether or not the screaming woman he heard while living in London was a ghost and Julie scans an Idaho caller to learn what caused her heart palpitations. Another woman asks for help finding her missing cat and a Michigan woman shares the impact a previous story about a deceased dad asking his daughter to deliver yellow roses to his wife had on her life. Several of the conversations validate our connection to one another.

  • Ask Julie Ryan - Episode 26 - Missing Silver Goblets


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, Julie talks with a man wanting guidance about reducing his blood pressure and whether or not he is on the right career track. A woman calls from Cincinnati to discuss her friend's cat and another caller is looking for an explanation as to the cause of her foot pain. Lastly, a caller wants assistance in finding some missing silver goblets used at her family's Thanksgiving dinner. It is an hour full of interesting conversations filled with humor, touching moments, and applicable information.

  • Ask Julie Ryan Show: Episode 25 - Online Questions Only


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, Julie answers questions submitted online. Topics range from the sex of a possible baby to explanations for animal behavior to love life advice. It's a fun hour of just Julie.

  • Ask Julie Ryan - Dad Wants Chocolate


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, a caller asks if Julie can scan her dad to see if he's dying. Another caller requests information about her young daughter's Guardian Angel and spirit guides. A New York woman wants to know why her deceased twin brother appeared to her and a couple of callers want advice on whether or not it's in their best interest to move.

  • Ask Julie Ryan: EPISODE 23 - Unexpected Diagnosis


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, a caller wants to know if Julie can figure out what's causing his stomach pain. Another caller requests information about her Guardian Angel. A Georgia woman calls to give an update on her father's visit and Julie communicates with a couple of pets to learn about their strange behavior.

  • EPISODE 22 - Halloween Special


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, a caller wants to know if she indeed saw the ghost of her father standing in her kitchen. Another guest asks about what she believes is a ghost in her apartment. Julie's answer surprises her. Other questions address whether or not a listener should participate in a pharmaceutical study and how to get guidance from spirit guides.

  • EPISODE 21 - Life Changing Opportunity


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, a caller wants advice and clarification on whether or not to quit her job, sell her house, and move to another state. Another guest asks about why she isn't motivated to do things she feels she should do. Julie's answer surprises her. Other questions deal with the cause of a mother's sudden death, the cause of stomach pain, and how best to assist a relative with throat cancer. Julie assists these listeners by getting answers to their previously unanswerable questions. http:

  • Episode 20 - Heavenly Messages


    The Ask Julie Ryan Show this week is very special. A woman and her daughter, who had just lost their husband/father that morning, talk with Julie about messages they'd received from their deceased loved one. The information is touching, comforting, and quite extraordinary. In addition, Julie works with another caller to identify and clear emotional blocks that may be causing her health issues. A relationship question and foot pain inquiry are answered as well.

  • Episode 19 - AFib and Asperger's


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, Julie has a caller wanting to know how to best to treat his AFib. After scanning his body, Julie gets somewhat unconventional guidance for him. Another caller is the mother of a son with Asperger's. This devoted mom is looking for clarification on her son's diagnoses and for suggestions on how she can help him live as normal a life as possible. Julie also addresses a woman with seasonal allergies and helps figure out what type of critters have invaded a Minnesota woman's home and how to get rid of them.

  • Episode 18 - Past Life Information


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, Julie has two callers wanting information on past lives. The first caller is a woman who wants to know which past life challenges she's carried forward into this lifetime and how they're affecting her. The other caller is an 87 year-old who's had an adventurous life and asks for Julie's help in clarifying the life lessons she was supposed to learn this time around. Julie also talks with a couple of callers about their back pain. Another listener wants Julie to communicate with her dog to find out why he doesn't want to ride in the car. Other callers have relationship questions and sports-related questions too.

  • EPISODE 17 - Surprising Spirit Guides


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, Julie talks with a man who wants to know if she can see any angels, deceased relatives, and/or spirit guides around him. The non-physical spiritual entities Julie encounters are not only surprising, they're quite informative. Julie also talks with callers about the cause of neck, back and shoulder pain and what's keeping a caller from losing weight. A New York listener wants advice on solving an estate dispute with her siblings and a California woman wants inside information from and about her three dogs. As usual, there are lots of interesting questions and answers along with lots of laughs and fun. Enjoy!

  • EPISODE 16 - Scottish Love


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, Julie answers a woman's questions about a new Scottish love interest. Should she follow her intuition? She also talks with callers about a child's slow growth issues and the cause of adult twins' sinus problems. A Washington State caller asks Julie to scan her for injuries sustained in a recent car accident and a Wisconsin man wants to know why is dog is acting strangely. As usual, there are lots of interesting questions and answers along with lots of laughs and fun.

  • Episode 15 - Cause of Childhood Nightmares


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, Julie answers a question about the cause of a 4 year-old child's nightmares and gives suggestions on how to calm him. She also talks with callers about love-life and career issues. A Salt Lake City caller asks Julie to scan her husband who is suffering from stomach pain and a Chicago woman wants to know if her dog needs surgery. In addition, Julie addresses a woman who thinks she's possessed by evil spirits and discusses how a caller can determine the best option for selling a spec house. Lastly, Julie scans a Louisville caller's infant grandson to see if he really needs an MRI.

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