Dr. Jim Richards



Podcast by ImpactMinistries


  • 8. Prioritizing Truth

    21/07/2022 Duration: 27min

    Several times Jesus explicitly instructs us to prioritize our learning and application of the truth. This can seem so insignificant. However, if Jesus is our Lord, we can never treat anything He says as insignificant. As a pastor I discovered that prioritizing what we learn and what we apply makes a huge difference in our capacity to understand and walk in the truth. Join me this week as we discover the reason Jesus instructed us to Prioritize The Truth!

  • 7. The Grace Continuum

    14/07/2022 Duration: 27min

    Everything God does in our life is a work of grace. That means if we can understand how to have victory in one area, we know how to have victory in every area. Grace is a power, capacity, strength, and ability that comes by unmerited favor and works from our heart. Paul attributed the effectiveness of his ministry to the grace of God. Join me this week in CyberChurch for The Grace Continuum and learn how to unlock the power of God in every area of your life.

  • 6. Complementary Opposites

    07/07/2022 Duration: 27min

    Moses wanted to know God’s ways. Contrary to false religious ideology, unlike all the world’s false gods, God is not beyond knowing. In fact, since He is a relationship-oriented being, He wants us to know and understand Him. The better we know Him, the better the relationship, and the more we trust Him. Understanding God is more about patterns rather than single bits of information, and understanding those patterns comes from a combination of knowing the Bible and developing an understanding heart. Join me in CyberChurch this week for “Complementary Opposites” and renew your mind to an entirely new dimension of thought.

  • 5. The Power And The Glory

    30/06/2022 Duration: 28min

    God wants every believer to experience His power and glory. In fact, God is only glorified when we do things that emerge from His power. There is no glory for Him when we do that which we do by our strength, tenacity, and willpower. Join me this week in CyberChurch to discover the simplicity of demonstrating the power of God that manifests His glory.

  • 4. The Throne Of Grace

    23/06/2022 Duration: 28min

    The times we are tempted to run away from God in shame or hide behind our excuses are the times we should run directly to God. When we find the Most Holy Place of God, we don’t find a Judgment Seat, we discover the Mercy Seat and the Throne of Grace. God never condemns us because of our failures; instead, He accepts us with compassion and kindness. He doesn’t send us back into the world to do the best we can. He gives us the power to be who He says we are. Join me this week in CyberChurch and discover the peace and joy at the Throne of Grace and experience the power to overcome every temptation.

  • 3. The Perfect Will Of God

    16/06/2022 Duration: 28min

    Some believers spend their entire life trying to understand the will of God for their lives. However, the Bible clearly states the will of God for our lives. Most people are really asking, “What is my destiny?” God has one overall destiny for all the human race. In order to understand my personal destiny, I must first understand the destiny of all mankind. Join me this week in CyberChurch as we rethink, from a biblical perspective, what it means to discover the perfect will of God and exactly how that is done!

  • 2. The Whole Counsel Of God

    09/06/2022 Duration: 28min

    There are so many dimensions to the blessings God offers the believer. Religion would have you believe there is a secret formula, special faith, new revelation, or unique anointing needed to access each different gift of God. This comes from Gnostic religious beliefs that have crept into Christianity over the centuries. Actually, the Scripture makes it clear how we can experience the many dimensions of God's fullness. Join me this week in CyberChurch as we discover the simple Biblical process to every blessing of God.

  • 1. Mercy, Glory And Power

    02/06/2022 Duration: 28min

    If you asked God for great power and strength, and He promised to give it, what would that look like? Moses asked to see God’s glory. God agreed to reveal His glory. But what Moses was expecting was radically different from what he experienced. Many requests we assume to be unanswered may simply result from us having a different definition than God’s. Discover the wealth of spiritual treasure God offers as we explore Mercy, Glory & Power.

  • 7. Beyond Space And Time

    26/05/2022 Duration: 28min

    Our God lives beyond the dimensions of space and time. This is why He can see and predict the outcome of everything that occurs in our universe. One of His names is Jehovah-Jireh. Many have simplified this name to mean “Jehovah will provide.” Actually, this name means He will see and provide. He will look ahead in our lives and provide us insight and direction to avoid the “potholes.” Join me this week in CyberChurch to discover how the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God can lead you to the best possible outcomes for your life!

  • 6. Prophetic Preparations

    19/05/2022 Duration: 28min

    There are hundreds of prophecies that foretell what is coming upon the earth and provide instructions about how we can prepare for what’s coming. The Holy Spirit wants to be our counselor and comforter. He wants to lead us to victory in every area of life. Join me this week in CyberChurch as we talk about Prophetic Preparations and how you can know God’s plan for your protection and provision.

  • 5. Worthy To Escape

    12/05/2022 Duration: 28min

    In the Book of Revelation, Jesus explains what can be done to keep your heart engaged, which makes you strong and stable enough to be delivered from the tribulation. In Luke 21, He explains it from another perspective. Instead of looking at all that is going wrong and the horrors to come, we should be looking to and listening to Jesus explaining how we can escape. Join me this week in CyberChurch as we explore the mystery of being ready to escape the coming destruction of the world.

  • 4. Instructions For Survival

    05/05/2022 Duration: 28min

    In 40 AD, Titus of Rome began a siege against Israel. According to historians, 1,100,000 Jews died in this siege. That same historian also says that no Christians died in that siege. How is that possible? Thirty-eight years beforehand, Jesus provided instructions for surviving the destruction of Jerusalem. By following His instructions, the church enjoyed unique protection. Jesus continues to provide us with instructions to escape the destruction occurring in the world. We tend to listen to every preacher and prophet while ignoring the wisdom of our Savior. Join me this week in CyberChurch to discover the unique mystery of how every Christian in Jerusalem escaped death and learn how you can apply that in the trouble that is coming.

  • 3. Choose How You Will Die

    28/04/2022 Duration: 28min

    Of all our fears, the greatest is probably the fear of death. It is the ultimate unknown… or is it? We are facing a unique time in history. There are actually options arising that give us choices we’ve never had. For the first time in the history of the world, we can choose how we will die. Join me this week in CyberChurch and discover your biblical options and how you can cross over with peace and joy!

  • 2. The Groom Calls

    21/04/2022 Duration: 27min

    In the not too distant future, Jesus, the bridegroom, will call out for His bride, the Church, to come to Him for the great catching away. While the world is plunging into the worst tribulation since the beginning of Planet Earth, the bride of Christ will enjoy one of the greatest heavenly celebrations in all eternity! Join me this week in CyberChurch as we discuss the great catching away and the heavenly gathering!

  • 1. Comfort in Chaos

    14/04/2022 Duration: 28min

    Jesus anticipated these dark times in which we live. But, He didn’t leave us without hope. The word “hope” means a confident expectation of good things. The secret to hope and comfort in these troubled times is to think, share, meditate on, and ponder the rapture. The rapture is the most bizarre promise God has ever made. Not only will the rapture deliver us from the evil of this world, but it will also be the beginning of undeniable realities that reveal God's goodness. Join me this week in CyberChurch and find hope as we explore a worldwide event about which there are more prophecies than any other time in history!

  • 6. When Jesus Says Thank You

    07/04/2022 Duration: 28min

    A day will come when every believer will stand before Jesus. The Bible calls it the Judgment Seat of Christ. Unfortunately, religion has led us to believe that all judgment is negative; but that’s not true. The Judgment Seat of Christ is not about discovering all our faults; it’s about discovering everything we did right! In fact, all we have done that is unacceptable to the Lord will actually pass through the fire and be destroyed. In other words, we will never stand before Him with anything that will bring us shame. He will reveal everything, no matter how small, that honors Him. We will then receive rewards for those things. Join me this week in CyberChurch as we discover the place of rewards and inheritance and what we can do to affect our standing in the Kingdom of God!

  • 5. Fallen Not Forsaken

    31/03/2022 Duration: 27min

    So many people live in the guilt and shame of personal failure. Religion has convinced you that God is finished with you. But Jesus says just the opposite. Join me this week to explore one of the most tender heart warming stories of God’s willingness and ability to love you even after you fail. “Fallen not Forsaken” will touch your heart and move you past the doom and gloom of past failures.

  • 4. Faithful Servants

    24/03/2022 Duration: 28min

    One of the most overlooked and ignored teachings of Jesus is the fact that He will return to earth and overthrow the antichrist and his followers. Jesus will then establish His Kingdom here on earth where He will rule and reign for 1000 years. The exciting thing is this: we will rule and reign with Him. We will all have a role in His earthly Kingdom. Do you want to have some understanding of your role in His Kingdom? Check out this week’s CyberChurch message “Faithful Servants,” and start making plans for your position in the coming Kingdom.

  • 3. Legalism Or Inheritance

    17/03/2022 Duration: 28min

    Knowing the difference between rewards, inheritance, and our position in Christ is essential for the believer desiring to live the best quality of life possible. Jesus' parables of the Kingdom were not about going to heaven or hell; they were about the Kingdom of God and our inheritance in that Kingdom. Join me this week in CyberChurch and begin to discover how you can share in your inheritance now.

  • 2. The Great Teacher

    10/03/2022 Duration: 28min

    In the ancient Hebrew family, the heir was raised under a tutor that taught him how to make good decisions. He learned how to manage the inheritance. His capacity to manage the family resources affected him and his entire family. God has given us a personal tutor: the Holy Spirit. He works in us to lead us into the very best decisions possible. If you want to discover how to flow with your personal coach and tutor, join me in CyberChurch this week for The Great Teacher.

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