Dr. Jim Richards

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 225:09:30
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Podcast by ImpactMinistries


  • 4. The Spirit Of Grace

    27/01/2022 Duration: 29min

    The Holy Spirit is not the doer of the word; He is the one who helps us do the word. When we believe the truth and make the decision to put it into practice, He immediately begins to work in our hearts to make us able. But He can do nothing until we decide whether or not we will trust God’s Word. Join me this week in CyberChurch for a whole new look at how the Holy Spirit works in our lives, making us able to do, be, and have all that God says is ours.

  • 3. Led By The Spirit

    20/01/2022 Duration: 29min

    No matter what your desire may be, the Holy Spirit has a way to lead you into its fulfillment with absolutely no destruction in your life. Sons of God are led by the Spirit. A son of God is like the elder son in the family who has been qualified for his inheritance. God wants to lead you by His Spirit into your inheritance which is better than anything you have ever seen, heard, or imagined. Join me this week in CyberChurch, and let’s take the first step in being led by the Spirit.

  • 2. Welcome Holy Spirit

    13/01/2022 Duration: 30min

    Jesus promised to send us a helper who would be with us and in us. This helper is the Holy Spirit. “Just what does the Holy Spirit help us do?” you might ask. He helps us do everything God says we can do, and He helps us take hold of everything God gives. He opens our eyes to see what the natural mind cannot see. Without the Holy Spirit to help and strengthen the believer, all we have is information that we can never get to work. Join me this week in CyberChurch for an incredibly encouraging message: "Welcome Holy Spirit".

  • 1. The Spirit and The Power

    06/01/2022 Duration: 28min

    The Holy Spirit is the one who manifests all the power of God on Planet Earth. Without Him, there is no manifestation of God. This manifestation isn’t just miracles, signs, and wonders; it is the work of God within us. Millions of believers around the world are crying out to see and experience the “God of the Bible.” They do not realize that the God of the Bible cannot be seen or experienced when we exclude the Holy Spirit from our lives. Join me this week as we discover the harmony of the Word and the Spirit operating together to show God to the world.

  • 1. Starting Over

    30/12/2021 Duration: 29min

    A New Year is coming, and many people are trying to figure out what they will do to avoid repeating last year. Some are making a list of goals; others are creating positive affirmations; a significant number are refusing to set new goals because they do not want another defeat. Too many believers think renewal is a one-time event occurring at our new birth. The truth is: if we are still the same person we were last year, we will suffer the same failures. But Jesus, Paul, and Peter explained how we could die daily, experience renewal, and start over every day! Join me this week as I show you how to start over, leaving all your weaknesses and failures behind!

  • 1. Any Day Now

    23/12/2021 Duration: 28min

    There are at least four different ways people view and experience Christmas: those who participate as a time for family and love it; those who participate out of obligation and begrudge it; legalists who consider it a pagan observance; and believers who struggle to make it more meaningful. This week, I want to show you how to turn Christmas into an incredible experience. If you are struggling with the economy, corrupt politics, and dishonest big tech, I’ve got something that will encourage you more than you ever imagined. In fact, this may revive the passion you had for God and the life you had as a new believer or instill a passion you've never had. Join me this week in CyberChurch for “Any Day Now.”

  • 1. The Cure For The Holiday Depression

    16/12/2021 Duration: 29min

    The same sun that hardens clay melts butter. The Bible explains that nothing is inherently good or evil. We make something good or evil because of what is in our hearts. In the Hebrew language, the Bible also teaches that footprints have covered our hearts. Based on the damage to your heart, something incredibly painful for one person could cause rejoicing by another. The holidays are emotionally crippling for some. Some are mildly depressed, while others are angry and suicidal. No matter which category describes you, I want to help you understand how to turn holidays into a reason for rejoicing. I want to equip you to help yourself as well as helping those who struggle this time of the year. Join me this week as we discuss The Cure for Holiday Depression. For those that would like to take a tour of the Richards' home at Christmas time, here is the YouTube video Dr. Jim mentioned: https://youtu.be/fqhVFLnrE-M

  • 7. The Secret Portal

    09/12/2021 Duration: 28min

    All of God’s mysteries are laid in plain sight. All it takes to see His mysteries is to have a repentant, teachable heart. Jesus explained that He was the door to the sheepfold. Religion has reduced the scope of the sheepfold to the new birth, but it is actually the realm of the kingdom, wherein all of God’s resources are available. In John 10, Jesus explained that He is the only door to all of God’s resources and protection. Modern Christianity seldom approaches God with a conscious awareness of Jesus as our door, opening, or portal. We rely too heavily on formalities, ceremonies, and good works. As it turns out, the thief that tries to come in another way is the believer who comes to God on something other than the sacrifice of Jesus. Join me this week, and we’ll peel back the veil that hides the mystery of entering in through Jesus, the secret portal hidden in plain sight!

  • 6. Through The Dalet

    02/12/2021 Duration: 28min

    The Bible is like a hologram, you can lose some of the pages, but the overall message is never lost. One of the realities that is never lost is the transforming power of simply abiding in the presence of God. When abiding in His presence, He takes us through transformation, superseding anything said or requested. Join me this week to discover the simplicity of experiencing the life-changing presence of God! One of the simplest ways to understand the process of passing through the portal of our heart into His presence is expressed in the Hebrew alphabet.

  • 5. Microcosm-Macrocosm

    25/11/2021 Duration: 28min

    In 1 Corinthians 14:33, the Apostle Paul said, For God is not the author of confusion. The Greek word for disorder means “instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, or confusion.” All of creation reveals the fact that randomness is a foreign concept. God does all things based on consistent patterns of organized design. All of creation and all the works of God reveal His character, order, and design. Once we discover God’s order, we can understand all aspects of God’s creation and behavior. God is not understandable to those who have believed the anti-God propaganda of randomness. They attempt to understand God based on the false science of the world’s system that has its foundation in randomness. Join me this week, and let’s consider the biblical concept of microcosm-macrocosm. Understand God in light of His creation and understand what you may have never realized about God.

  • 4. Hath God Said

    18/11/2021 Duration: 29min

    A committed believer rarely gets into difficulty by completely rejecting God’s Word. But we do find ourselves struggling to be sure of what God actually meant. The serpent asked Eve, “Hath God said?” That could mean anything from “Did He say it at all?” to “Are you sure He said that?” to “What did He really mean?” In other words, he was looking for any area of the interaction where she lacked confidence. I want to share with you how you can hear God and hold on to what He is speaking to you. Faith has to be sure! The moment you become unsure, you have become vulnerable to manipulation. Join me for this week’s CyberChurch message, “Hath God Said” to learn more.

  • 3. Made For Miracles

    11/11/2021 Duration: 28min

    The average person thinks that science has proven miracles to be non-existent myths. With the advent of quantum science, we discover more and more factual data that validates the biblically defined creation process, and intelligent design. As we discover how the universe was created and functions, we realize that our world was made for the miraculous. Join me this week as we unveil the hidden reality: everything we know about mankind and our universe reveals that our world was made for miracles...

  • 2. The Science of Faith

    04/11/2021 Duration: 29min

    For thousands of years, there has been hostility between “science” and the Word of God. Originally, science was the product of occult, religious ideas. These ideas were introduced into Planet Earth by the fallen angels in their attempt to create a worldwide rebellion against God. Eventually, Bible-believing scientists used the Bible to bring true and accurate science to the forefront. Then, once again, science became twisted, and false science became the most powerful tool in the world to destroy faith. However, with the advent of quantum science, we now know that the great majority of scientific theories didn’t even qualify as theories. Science has been slowly catching up with the Bible. Those who believe what the Bible says about the universe find themselves on the cutting-edge of science. Join me this week for The Science of Faith and begin to remove the gap between the two while building a rock-solid faith in God and His Word.

  • 1. Supernatural Science

    28/10/2021 Duration: 28min

    Only recently has science actually discovered what the Bible has revealed for thousands of years: throughout the universe, there are portals whereby one can move through various dimensions. In fact, it was a thirteenth-century theologian who first discovered from the Bible that there are ten dimensions to the universe, and how that was affected by the fall of man. The most important portal into another dimension is the one that moves us from our current dimension into the presence of God. It is in this dimension that we can experience the life and renewal of God through the Lord Jesus in very specific ways. Join me this week as we begin a new CyberChurch series, The Portal Into His Presence!

  • 8. Decoding The Mystery

    21/10/2021 Duration: 29min

    All children in the ’50s understood decoding. Certain brands of cereal came with decoder rings, which were used to decode secret messages. It was so exciting to get a decoder ring and get busy operating as a secret agent. Interestingly, God has encoded many secret messages in nature, science, and the Bible. He doesn’t completely hide the messages; He wants His truth available to everyone. However, the encoded messages took the seeker deeper into the apparent message than anyone could understand just from reading the Word. If you are hungry to decode messages of life God has placed in your path, join me this week for Decoding the Mystery.

  • 7. The Most Deadly Deception

    14/10/2021 Duration: 28min

    We all have vulnerabilities. As a matter of fact, different cultural groups have vulnerabilities specific to their traditions. The thing that creates a vulnerability is this: We either don’t perceive or we perceive but lack the self-control to resist them. Our greatest weaknesses nearly always come from the overuse of a strength, making them nearly impossible to recognize. Every serious believer has a vulnerability closely linked to one of their greatest strengths and spiritual assets. Join me this week as we identify our particular weakness and discover how to turn it into a strength.

  • 6. Life Light and Glory

    07/10/2021 Duration: 28min

    John 1:4-5, “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.” The Word of God is living and active. When we prayerfully read and meditate on the Word of God, something happens in us that is unexplainable. But Jesus pointed out the life is not in the Scriptures, the life is in Him. “You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.” John 5:39-40. Truth is light that shines on our path and shows when we walk in the truth. Truth is a light that shines on God so we can know if we are actually pursuing God or our imagination’s concept of God. Too often, we unintentionally follow the way of religion and allow the Word of God to become a substitute for personal interaction with God. When that happens, we learn more and more scripture, but we don’t find the life, power, healing, or miraculous power we so despe

  • 5. Putting On The Life Of Christ

    30/09/2021 Duration: 28min

    Every week a billion “Christians” go to church, hear a sermon, go back home, and nothing really changes. The great majority of people fight the same battles, face the same struggles, and become more discouraged about their faith. This week I want to help you discover the secret to turning information into transformation. God wants you to know how to turn what you know into power for a better life. Join me this week as we discuss putting on the life of Christ!

  • 4. The Transformation Of Christ

    23/09/2021 Duration: 28min

    The Bible tells us that we can have an incredible life beyond description - a life so good that nobody has ever seen, heard, or even imagined anything like it. But the Holy Spirit will teach and show us how to enter into the very best life possible here on Planet Earth. In this week’s CyberChurch message, we discuss the transformation of Christ, how we can follow His example and enter into a transformation that takes us out of this limited, destructive life. We can leave behind all the pain of our past and enter into something beyond anything we’ve ever imagined. Join me this week for insights into one of the most critical functions of Christ’s mission and how it affects us.

  • 3. Seeing What God Sees

    16/09/2021 Duration: 28min

    There was a boy in our school who had failed several grades. Consequently, he was bigger and stronger than anyone in our class. He was a ruthless bully. I had an encounter with him one day; I knew I was going to be pounded into the ground. As he approached me, I’m sure he could see the fear in my eyes as he rushed towards me. Then in an instant, my older brother came around the corner and saw what was about to happen. All my fear left, and I think I even smiled as my brother came to my rescue, delivering a well-deserved “beat down.” The bully never understood why my countenance changed or why I had a sudden look of confidence and joy. It was simple. I saw what he couldn’t see. The moment we see any circumstance from God’s perspective, our fear will turn to confidence, our dread will turn to joy. Join me to discover the secret of Seeing What God Sees and instantly change your perspective in any situation to peace, joy, and confidence!

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