Not A Thing!

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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  • Episode #191 – 21 June 2016


    Episode 191 Supreme Court allows retroactive justifications for unconstitutional traffic stops. Update: Daily Fantasy Sports is legal again in New York. Russia to require encryption backdoors in messaging apps. Net Neutrality prevails in federal court challenge. Santa Clara county enacts laws to limit surveillance tech until privacy policies are enacted. The Arecibo Radio Observatory is […]

  • Episode #190 – 7 June 2016


    Episode 190 It’s Primary voting day in California Buffalo Wild Wings sponsors but might not show eSports. Scripps Media buys podcast distribution network Stitcher Radio for 4.5 million. The Navy looks into augmented reality for dive helmets. Luxembourg set aside investment money for asteroid space mining. Spoiler Alert: We got no monies from the Stitcher […]

  • Episode #189 – 2 June 2016


    Episode 189 North Korea’s state-run media engine endorses Donald Trump An apartment complex adds mandatory Facebook Likes to their rental agreement. Bonus: Man-Made Meteor Shower being researched for Japanese Olympics. China looks to elevated buses to ease congestion and pollution. The Ekin patrol lightbar for police vehicles combines license plate reading, facial recognition, and speed […]

  • Episode #188 – 24 May 2016


    Episode 188 Utah Senator introduce censorship bill to combat pornography. Findface facial-recognition app 70% effective in Russia. Facial-re-enactment software is real-time face puppeteering. Robots join Pittsburgh Steelers practice squad. Crowdfunding a live language translation earpiece. Processing wood to keep (or even enhance) its strength but make it transparent. India launches a reusable spaceplane. Spoiler Alert: […]

  • Episode #187 – 17 May 2016


    Episode 187 MIT researchers create an ingestible origami-bot for cleaning up the digestive tract. Psilocybin magic mushrooms are shown to be very effective in antidepressant study. Doctors complete the first United States penis transplant. New wearable Skintrack creates a trackpad on your arm. Social networking algorithms are linked to conspiracy theories. The Space Belt hopes […]

  • Episode #186 – 12 May 2016


    Episode 186 China is banning seductive banana eating on camera. The VOID is a VR theme park coming soon to Utah. Scientists demonstrate 30MBps communication speeds through meat. A 3000-year-old mummy is found to have tattoos. A current day company is looking into tattoos that only last a year. Budweiser is rebranding their flagship beer […]

  • Episode #185 – 3 May 2016


    Episode 185 A New York Senator wants an investigation into wifi-tracking billboards. The US Marines are testing a land-air combo combat drone. Canadian auto expert linking self-driving cars to more sex in cars. Chinese company Baidu testing Deep Speech neural network for speech to text input. Biotech CEO tests anti-aging gene therapy on herself. Extreme […]

  • Episode #184 – 27 April 2016


    Episode 184 Fiat is the latest car company to be accused of cheating diesel emissions. Mississippi doesn’t recognize domestic violence as grounds for divorce. There’s now a bluetooth-enabled pregnancy test and mobile app. The NBA is looking to put ads on player jerseys. The next Call of Duty game may include a remaster of CoD4 […]

  • Episode #183 – 21 April 2016


    Episode 183 Drone maker DJI admits they can and do turn over data to the Chinese government Autonomous cars are getting a day at the racetrack. Mitsubishi admits to cheating fuel efficiency ratings. Volkswagen nears a deal in their emissions-cheating scandal. The Fairphone looks to be the most ethical smartphone. Sony is rumored to upgrading […]

  • Episode #182 – 14 April 2016


    Episode 182 55 million voters were doxxed in the Philippines. The AMC movie chain may relax the ban on mobile use in theaters. CIA director says they will not waterboard. MS adds QR codes to their BSOD. Facebook users share less original content. New rideshare company Chariot opens exclusively for women. Stephen Hawking and others […]

  • Episode #181 – 5 April 2016


    Episode 181 The Panama Papers prove tax evasion is still alive and well. A Chinese funeral home offers 3d printing services. The TSA spent (at least) $47k on an app that randomly points left or right. Mississippi (like Georgia and North Carolina) passes a patently discriminatory law. A Video-Vigilante (and all around creepy person) uses […]

  • Episode #180 – 24 March 2016


    Episode 180 Microsoft releases then silences its Twitter AI bot after it turns horribly racist. The CRACUN is unleashed – drones that can sleep underwater for two months then fly out! Palo Alto, CA considers housing subsidies if you make less than $250k. Ideal Conceal looks to make a gun that appears like a cellphone. […]

  • Episode #179 – 15 March 2016


    Episode 179 You can buy a human sized personal quadcopter. Drones can now be launched from F-16 fighter jets. Genetically modified mosquitos to be released in Florida. Google’s AlphaGo AI has a 5-game tournament with a human grandmaster. Honda to release an entry-level car with self-driving features. Cross-platform play is announced between XBox One, PS4, […]

  • Episode #178 – 8 March 2016


    Episode 178 Scientists work out how to mind control mice with magnets. When is it okay to torture a robot? Scary but interesting tech: the Hotplug for stealing a computer. The best (only?) arcade emulation software MAME goes open-source. On group chat and its place in electronic communication. FCC extends universal lifeline service to broadband […]

  • Episode #177 – 3 March 2016


    Episode 177 A quickish Thing! and Not A Thing! about Norway. China is building a huge radio telescope and relocating 9000 people to do so. A French Pasta maker is selling out of pasta made with insects. The FDA clears an exoskeleton for home use. Facebook closes down pages related to recreational marijuana. Parents are […]

  • Episode #176 – 16 February 2016


    Episode 176 Twitter eschews Reverse Chronological for an algorithmic timeline. Hackers hold a hospital in Los Angeles for a bitcoin ransom. Monopoly goes paperless. ODately looks to be an online dating concierge service. We get it Congressbro, you vape. Girl Scout Cookies and the wine they pair best with. Mattel releases a 3D printer for […]

  • Episode #175 – 10 February 2016


    Episode 175 The White House released its cybersecurity plan, BONUS: The EFF responds. A bipartisan bill in Congress for blocking those that are out to block strong encryption. A company hopes to combine drones, photography, and 3d-printing. Researchers discover that horses can recognize people’s negative emotions. Cryonics scientists achieve a breakthrough in preserving mammal brains. […]

  • Episode #174 – 2 February 2016


    Episode 174 We’re retiring #FlatEarth along with the tweetfight and RAP BATTLE between B.o.B. and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Instagram model responds to unsolicited dick pics in a novel way. A programmer finds a way to troll telemarketers with an AI bot. Microsoft is testing modular, underwater datacenters. A Dutch company makes fireproof, flexible ceramics. Alan […]

  • Episode #173 – 26 January 2016


    Episode 173 We got a guest to come back! Jørgen (@jorgenism) comes back on the show and we talk about podcasting! What do you need to podcast? Stuff to talk about – For us Things and Not Things Microphone – We use a Blue Snowball and a Tiki. (We’d like a Zoom H4 when we […]

  • Episode #172 – 19 January 2016


    Episode 172 Verizon is selling data cap exemptions. Netflix is cracking down on VPN users (but VPN providers won’t be deterred). A supposed “trend” in parenting: 3d printing fetuses. Using 3d-scanning to make shoes fit better. Univision buys a stake in The Onion – ¡Ay, Dios mio! GoPro and GPS enabled vultures find garbage in […]

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