Exploits For God - Byron Howell Ministries



I pray these messages encourage you to draw closer to God and do the great works He has planned for you. "The people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits." (Daniel 11:32)


  • God Wants Everyone Baptized With The Holy Spirit And Speaking In Tongues

    06/10/2022 Duration: 01h06min

    In this teaching we look at the Biblical truths that God wants everyone baptized with the Holy Spirit and speaking in new tongues. Many people have been wrongly taught that those practices are outdated, weird, or unbiblical. But such teachings are wrong, and they are keeping millions of people from two of the greatest gifts that God has for all of His children. Regardless of what you have heard about these subjects, please give this a listen and receive all that God has for you.

  • What To Do When Waiting For Manifestation

    22/09/2022 Duration: 01h03min

    Waiting for prayer answers to show up can be tough! How can we stay in faith for God's promises when all we see are problems? Sometimes it takes a little while to see the mountain move, but by faith and patience we inherit the promises. In this podcast I discuss a number of practices that will help you stay in faith and focus on God while you wait. (And if you don't have the time, here they are: Enter the rest and peace of faith. Confess God's promises. Spend time in thanksgiving. Worship God regularly. Pray and worship in the Spirit, in your prayer language. Resist the devil. Do whatever God tells you to do. Remind yourself of all God has done for you and for others.)

  • How To See God's Healing Power Flow

    16/09/2022 Duration: 01h21min

    God wants everyone healed, but that truth won't do us much good if we don't know how to see His healing power operate in our bodies. In this teaching we look at the Biblical methods to see God's healing power flow into our physical bodies.

  • Healing Apologetics

    08/09/2022 Duration: 56min

    In this message I briefly go through scriptures which teach us that God wants everyone healed. I then go through all the major arguments against divine healing, and show you problems I see with those arguments and why I still believe in healing.

  • How A Christian Can Be Healed Every Time

    08/04/2022 Duration: 01h18min

    God calls Himself The God Who Heals in Exodus 15:26. One of the Bible’s great messages is God’s healing will for our physical bodies. God’s healing promises are totally available to Christians, in fact, they are part of a Christian’s inheritance as a child of God. So how can a Christian receive God’s healing promises every time and see manifestation of God’s healing will? I explain the process and more in this teaching that I know will bless you and encourage your faith for your healing.

  • A How-To Guide For Faith

    11/03/2022 Duration: 01h18s

    This message will teach you how to use your faith. I have been learning how to use my faith for approximately 18 years. In that time I have seen many people believing God for something but not receiving it in the natural realm. I’ve also heard countless teachings on faith, but very few that try to put it all together, that try to truly teach you the entire faith process. But all of God’s promises are available to you now. All of your inheritance as a child of God is available to you now. And if you will learn how to use your faith, you can see them all in your life. This teaching is my best attempt to help you learn the process.

  • Using Your Voice To Receive By Faith

    08/03/2022 Duration: 01h02min

    God designed a system for us to receive all of His amazing blessings and promises in our lives. God wants us to have them all. Your voice and your faith are extremely important parts of that system. God used His voice to create the world, Jesus used His voice to work miracles, and we must also use our voices if we are going to accomplish all of God’s will for our lives. To use your faith correctly, you must use your voice correctly. Once you understand the connection between your voice and your faith, you can start using your voice to dominate your life and see all of God’s promises manifest.

  • God's Blessings Are Available On Demand

    25/02/2022 Duration: 01h46s

    The Bible describes many blessings that God has for our lives, and God wants us to have them all. They have been completely released to us, and we are empowered to obtain them. But if you don’t open the faucet you won’t get water. If you don’t flip the switch the light won’t turn on. God’s Word teaches us how to see God’s blessings in our lives. If we will, in faith, do what God’s Word tells us to do, we can immediately begin receiving all of God’s blessings.

  • GFC - Prayer + Healing School - 2-16-22

    17/02/2022 Duration: 34min

    On February 16, 2022 I was again blessed to speak at Grace Family Church's Prayer and Healing School. This time I focused on the Baptism with the Holy Spirit and your personal prayer language. God wants all believers baptized with the Holy Spirit and praying in tongues (in their private prayer language) and the benefits of these blessings are huge for the life of a Christian believer.

  • Practical Steps To Maximizing 2022 And Beyond

    01/02/2022 Duration: 41min

    Over the first month of 2022 I've taken a hard look at my life and in many ways I know that I could do better. So I have really sought the Lord's guidance for some practical steps to doing and becoming all that I can. For many Christians, we know what we should do in many areas of our lives, but we don't do it consistently so that it produces as God would have it produce. In this message I get practical on renovating your mind, focusing on God's presence in your life, learning to live by faith, and committing to holiness. I know that those practices will bless anyone that starts to live in them. God bless you!

  • God's Will, The World, And The Prosperity Gospel

    10/01/2022 Duration: 59min

    The world around us is filled with sickness, poverty, violence, and innumerable other terrible things.  Yet somehow many Christians believe that God wants everyone financially prospered and physically well.  How can they believe that when one simply looks at the world in which we live?  If God is in control and everything we see is God's will, people must be crazy to think God wants everyone healthy and wealthy!  But what about those promises in the Bible for our financial and physical blessings?  How do those work in this world and how should we approach those promises if obviously God wants some people sick and broke.  We answer all of these questions and more in this podcast.  May God bless you!

  • Living In The Supernatural

    04/01/2022 Duration: 01h08min

    This message is about living in the supernatural. How can we see the impact of God and the supernatural in every area of our lives? What steps do we take so we can cooperate with God to see His supernatural will always manifested? In this message I give you a step by step process to start living with the spiritual and supernatural as constant parts of your reality. God has a wonderful plan for your life, but you won’t experience most of it unless you develop your spirituality and draw closer to God. Here is how you do it. Happy New Year!

  • Vaccinated Against a Midlife Crisis

    11/11/2021 Duration: 35min

    Your personal reality, the reality of who you were created to be, should live in harmony with your Creator and what you were created to do. This is the secret to purpose, fulfillment, contentment and excitement in life. This is also the secret to learning how you are supposed to change the world. But all that God created you to be and all that God created you to do, and this amazing harmony that is possible for your life, can only be found in God. In this teaching I break down some Biblical concepts to show you how to find true fulfillment and purpose in your life.

  • GFC - Prayer and Healing School - 10 - 20 - 21

    02/11/2021 Duration: 36min

    Last week I posted the recording from Grace Family Church's Prayer and Healing School on October 27, 2021. That was part 2 of my two part message, so here is part 1 from October 20 (sorry for the out of order posting). This teaching shows God's will for divine health in our lives. Then we look at how Jesus operated in authority and power for divine healing, and how we can operate in the same authority and power to see God's will for healing manifested in our lives. A born again Christian who is baptized with the Holy Spirit is a walking, talking healing meeting waiting to happen, just like the first apostles were!

  • GFC - Prayer and Healing School - 10 - 27 - 21

    30/10/2021 Duration: 43min

    On October 27, 2021, I taught at Grace Family Church's Prayer and Healing School. I taught on the link between faith and divine healing, and how to operate in true Biblical faith. Hope is not faith, really want is not faith, begging God is not faith. Only faith is faith, and the supernatural requires faith. I also gave practical tips for walking through a healing journey.

  • Economic Freedom and God's Financial System

    21/10/2021 Duration: 57min

    God has an economic system that is far superior to the world's. God invites us to operate in His economy. If we will learn to live in God's economic system, and God's money flow, we can live in complete financial freedom with God's unlimited resources available to us.

  • Speaking In Tongues

    05/10/2021 Duration: 41min

    In Mark 16 Jesus said that believers would speak in new tongues. This is another controversial and difficult subject, but speaking in tongues is a tremendous blessing that God has for His people. In this teaching we walk through many verses discussing speaking in tongues, and we also deal with some of the arguments against it. When you pray in tongues, your spirit is praying God's perfect will, you are speaking mysteries by God's Spirit, you are praying directly to God, you are edifying yourself, and you are building yourself up on your most holy faith. Those statements come straight from the Bible. It's worth your time to learn about speaking in tongues so you can receive this blessing God has for you.

  • Baptism With The Holy Spirit

    05/10/2021 Duration: 31min

    Jesus wants to baptize all believers with the Holy Spirit and fire. When you receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit you receive the miracle working power of God, immediately becoming a divinely empowered witness for Jesus. Listen to this teaching and then reach out to some trusted believers you know so that you can receive this blessing.

  • Authority And Power For Divine Healing

    21/09/2021 Duration: 58min

    In this teaching we learn about the power and authority to operate in the healing ministry of Jesus. Jesus used both power and authority to cast out demons and heal the sick, and Jesus wants all Christians to do the same. This teaching will build your faith to be healed and minister healing as Jesus always intended.

  • The Biblical Truth About Divine Healing - Part 4

    17/09/2021 Duration: 01h14min

    The Bible clearly describes how to release and receive God’s power for healing. We shouldn’t expect to receive divine healing if we aren’t seeking it correctly. In this teaching I explain the various ways to receive divine healing, and how to work with God and doctors together on your healing journey. Remember, God wants you well!

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