Aussie English



Gday and welcome to the Aussie English podcast.Im Pete Smissen and my objective here is to teach you guys the English spoken down under. Whether you plan to travel, to work or to live in Australia or you just have an interest in our culture, history and spoken dialect of English. You have come to the right place. And whether you aim to speak English like a true blue Aussie or you just want to be able to understand what the flippin hell were on about when were havin a yarn. You have come to the right place.If you listen to this podcast you will learn: A ton of Aussie slang and vocabulary, Heaps of terms and expressions, And a bunch about Australian history and culture.So kick back, grab a cuppa and enjoy Aussie English!


  • AE 1139 - 5 Expressions To Sound Fluent in English | Part 8

    01/05/2022 Duration: 12min

    Welcome back to the Aussie English podcast! I think it's been a month that I've not been making YouTube videos for the Aussie English channel but yeah, I'm back on YT today starting with this lesson on English Expressions. In today's video, let's recap the past 5 English Expressions here on the podcast: Get Out of Someone's Hair - Get the Drift - Knock Yourself Out - A Drop in The Ocean - Be On A Roll - We will also be doing an exercise on changing verb tenses! This is a short exercise for your learn how to change sentences from present tense to future tense. Let me know what you think about this episode! Drop me a line at ** Want to wear the kookaburra shirt? ** Get yours here at

  • AE 1138 - Interview: Escaping Ukraine Before the Russian Invasion with Justin Hammond - Part 2

    27/04/2022 Duration: 29min

    Here's another round of interviews for you here on the Aussie English podcast! Do you remember Justin Hammond of episode AE 475? Yep, this mate's a language learner like me and has been doing travels around Russia and Ukraine. In today's episode, we talk about his experiences living in Ukraine and Russia and the cultural relationship between the two countries.  How he left Ukraine just before the Russian invasion and escaped to Georgia. He then shared his thoughts on the ramp up to the invasion.  We also talked about how the war will change Ukraine and Ukrainian identity for the worse in the short term, but the better in the long term.  He also shares, being there in Ukraine, what Ukrainian people thought of Zelensky before and then after the invasion. Plus, the discrimination against Russians who are against the war and have fled the country, the power of Putin's propaganda in Russia in controlling the population and what they know and believe.  And lastly, his expectations of how this invasion will en

  • AE 1137 - Interview: Going From Beginner to Near-Native in Russian with Justin Hammond - Part 1

    24/04/2022 Duration: 31min

    Here's another round of interviews for you here on the Aussie English podcast! Do you remember Justin Hammond of episode AE 475? Yep, this mate's a language learner like me and has been doing travels around Russia and Ukraine. In this first episode, we catch up on his language learning experiences, learning French, Mandarin Chinese and then Russian later at university. We talk about why he ended up settling on Russian as a language to take through university and beyond the difficulties of learning significantly different foreign languages with very different grammar and writing systems compared to English. We also had a great chat on how we became a famous YouTuber in Russia! He does all of his videos and skits that he does in these videos in Russian. He also gives out tips on how to get the most out of an exchange in a foreign country and make sure your target language improves as much as possible. And lastly, we talk about the pros and cons of using native versus non-native English teachers or tea

  • AE 1136 - The Goss: Aussie Kids Ditch Smartphones for 'Dumbphones'

    21/04/2022 Duration: 41min

    Welcome to another Goss episode here on the Aussie English podcast! I bet you’ve owned a dumbphone before! Well, back in the days, they weren’t really called ‘dumbphones’, were they? We see them as sophisticated gadgets before; you were so cool in school if you got a cellular phone, right? With the advancement of technology, mobile phones that can’t connect to the Internet are now referred to as dumbphones. But with all the sh*t going on all over social media, and a lot of other distractions, technology-weary Australians are now switching to dumbphones. Would you get one? Let me know what you think about this episode! Drop me a line at ** Want to wear the kookaburra shirt? ** Get yours here at

  • AE 1135 - Pete's 2c: Language Learning, Daycare Diseases, and Reducing Your Cholesterol

    19/04/2022 Duration: 42min

    Welcome back to another episode of Pete’s 2c here on the Aussie English podcast! It’s been a while, you guys! In today’s episode, let me give you an update on my health. In particular, when I got infected with gastro. Nothing serious, I’d say. I also talk a bit about Australia’s upcoming national elections. And I answer a question from an anonymous Facebook user who asks: what can you say about learning a 3rd language when you haven’t fully reached fluency with the 2nd language? And I let you in on what I’m currently working on here on Aussie English - exciting days ahead for you! And lastly, I talk about my success on doing a keto diet, and getting reduced cholesterol levels. ** Want to wear the kookaburra shirt? ** Get yours here at

  • AE 1134 - Expression: Be On A Roll

    17/04/2022 Duration: 20min

    Welcome back to the Aussie English podcast! In today's Sunday episode, I am going to talk about the English expression "be on a roll". We are not going to roll on the ground for this! I will be breaking down the meaning of the words in this phrase, and tell you about its origin - yes, like rolling dice! Listen closely for a bonus English expression: get to the bottom of things - I'll be giving a short explanation of this English idiom! There will be example situations given so you'd know when you can use this expression. I will also be answering a question from Luciana and she asks what Australians think of immigrants. And lastly, get your pen & paper ready and try to catch the exact words in this short clip from the classic Australian cult film The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. Let me know what you think about this episode! Drop me a line at ** Want to wear the kookaburra shirt? ** Get yours here at

  • AE 1133 - The Goss: The War in Ukraine

    15/04/2022 Duration: 50min

    Welcome to another Goss episode here on the Aussie English podcast! I’ve recently talked about the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia and I think it’s high time I do this episode with my dad Ian Smissen. Join us today as we dive in deep about the Ukraine-Russia war. Let me know what you think about this episode! Drop me a line at ** Want to wear the kookaburra shirt? ** Get yours here at

  • AE 1131 – Expression: A Drop in the Ocean

    10/04/2022 Duration: 18min

    Welcome to this weekly English expression episode on the Aussie English podcast! In today's episode, I will teach you about the English expression "a drop in the ocean". Grab a cuppa because I will be breaking down the meaning of the words in the expression then give you the meaning of the whole expression. I will also be giving out examples on how you can use this expression in your daily conversations. Listen in for the origin of the phrase "a drop in the ocean" as well as its related expressions "a drop in a bucket" and "a drop in the sea" and know how they are used in sentences. Likewise, I will answer a question from Liind asking about the Australian pronunciation of the word "kilometre" - do you say "kilo-metre" or "ki-lometre"? We will be practising how to say the expression "a drop in the ocean" in a Speaking Exercise. And finally, don't forget to grab a pen & paper to catch the Listening Exercise at the end of this episode where I will play a short clip from a touching Aussie movie called Las

  • AE 1130 - The Goss: Will Smith Bitch Slaps Chris Rock

    07/04/2022 Duration: 22min

    Welcome back to The Goss episodes here on the Aussie English podcast! Man, it's been awhile since my dad Ian and I got together on the podcast and talked about stuff in and out of Australia. And guys, we get back on the podcast today with this sensational bitch slapping that happened in the recent Academy Awards night! I'm sure you've seen tons of memes right now, but this episode is about Chris Rock, who hosted the 2022 Oscars and made a joke about Will Smith's wife Jada. While Will took the joke lightly at first, he noticed Jada looking upset when he glanced over to her. Then Will got up, walked onto the stage where Chris Rock was standing, and bitched slapped the host. 20 million viewers around the planet saw what happened and people have dubbed it 'the slap of the century'. Listen in today on what we think about Chris Rock being a brave & smart guy who did the best he could in that very difficult situation, what we think of Will Smith's audacious behaviour as a top Hollywood celebrity, and how we think i

  • AE 1128 - Expression: Knock Yourself Out

    03/04/2022 Duration: 18min

    G'day, you guys! Welcome back to the Aussie English podcast! In today's Sunday weekly episode, I am going to teach you about the expression "knock yourself out". No, you won't have to punch yourself in learning this classic expression! As always, I break down the meaning of the words in the expression then give you the meaning of the phrase. There will also be example situations so you'll know when to use the expression. Also, I will answer a question from Michel who asks how to pronounce 'late' and 'light'. Tune in for a bonus expression mentioned in the joke! And finally, whip out your pens and paper and listen to this clip from the Australian psychological horror film called Relic (2020). See you in the next episode! Is there anything you want to ask me? Drop in your questions here: ** Want to wear the kookaburra shirt? ** Get yours here at

  • AE 1127 - Voices of Russia

    30/03/2022 Duration: 32min

    In today's episode, I thought I'd shed some light on "the other side" of the conflict. I felt the need to also reach out to my Russian friends in order to create an episode sharing their voices and experience regarding the war in Ukraine. Specifically, I wanted to ask them three questions. What are you hearing in the news in Russia? What are your thoughts on the conflict and the thoughts of those around you? And, how has the conflict impacted your life? The goal of this episode isn't to shame, blame, or vilify Russian people, but to instead share their personal views and experiences in order to hopefully give us a deeper insight into how Russians and those with mixed Russian-Ukrainian heritage view the war and how it's being sold to them by Putin. So, this war is incredibly complex in how it came about. But before we go any further, I do want to firmly put on the record that I believe the war is absolutely disgusting and a needlessly aggressive move on behalf of Putin and the Kremlin. Check out these l

  • AE 1126 - Expression: Get the Drift

    27/03/2022 Duration: 19min

    Welcome back to the Aussie English podcast! Today’s weekend expression is “get the drift”. Maybe you’ve heard someone say, “Did you get my drift?” Today’s episode will teach you all about this expression! I’ll break down the meaning of the words in this expression and give you example sentences that can help you understand more about the expression. I also received a question from Claucunico who asked “How do you pronounce the word ‘satellite’?” Sounds easy to pronounce? Listen and find out 2 ways how to say the word ‘satellite’. And finally, don’t forget to grab a pen and paper towards the end of this episode! Listen to a short clip from the Australian movie Red Dog. See you in the next episode!

  • AE 1125 - Interview: Lab-Leak or Natural Source? Where did Covid-19 Come From? | with Dr Dan Wilson

    25/03/2022 Duration: 28min

    Welcome to this episode of the Aussie English podcast! We got another man of science in the podcast today! This guy like me is another science lover - he got his bachelor's degree in Biotechnology and Molecular Biology from Clarion University and his PhD in Molecular Biology from Carnegie Mellon University. Meet Dr. Dan Wilson, creator of the YouTube channel Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson! In his channel, he debunks the claims of anti vaxxers, the covid deniers, and various misinformation that's circling the Internet. In this last instalment of my 4-part interview with Dr Wilson, we talk about the origins of the COVID 19 virus. Specifically, we talk about whether or not it came from a natural source versus a lab leak, where it was introduced from a lab into the population. Instead of, say, coming directly through animals, we talk about what evidence we need to see to be 100% certain that it was one or the other, a natural origin or a lab leak. We also talk about why it's been so fuzzy and difficu

  • AE 1124 - Voices of Ukraine

    20/03/2022 Duration: 21min

    Today's episode is about my thoughts on the Ukraine-Russia conflict. ✌️

  • AE 1123 - Interview: Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, & the Ethics of Influencers with Big Audiences | with Dr Dan Wilson

    18/03/2022 Duration: 41min

    Welcome to this episode of the Aussie English podcast! We got another man of science in the podcast today! This guy like me is another science lover - he got his bachelor's degree in Biotechnology and Molecular Biology from Clarion University and his PhD in Molecular Biology from Carnegie Mellon University. Meet Dr. Dan Wilson, creator of the YouTube channel Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson! In his channel, he debunks the claims of anti vaxxers, the covid deniers, and various misinformation that's circling the Internet. This is part three of a four part series, so if you missed the first two episodes, go back and listen to those first! Today we talk about the controversial drugs, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and what the science says about whether or not they are effective in the treatment of COVID 19. We talk about the ethical and moral responsibility of celebrities, with huge audiences hosting controversial figures on their platform who've been shown to spread misinformation about COVID in th

  • AE 1122 - Expression: Get Out of Someone's Hair

    13/03/2022 Duration: 21min

    Welcome back to another English expression lesson here on the Aussie English podcast! For today's lesson, I am going to teach you about the expression "get out of (someone's) hair". So you can say: "Get out of my hair", or "get out of your hair", or "get out of her hair". I will break down the meaning of the words in the expression and give the meaning of the phrase. There will be example sentences, too, so you get an idea on how to use the expression in your daily conversations. We will also be practising saying the expression; listen carefully for the linking sounds! I will also answer a question from Shahab about the difference between "she is gone" and "she has gone". And to complete our English learning activity for today, have a pen and paper ready with you and listen carefully to a clip from the Australian TV series Seachange. Is there anything you want to ask me? Drop in your questions here: ** Want to wear the kookaburra shirt? ** Get yours here at https

  • AE 1121 - Interview: How Covid Vaccines Work & How We Know They're Saving Millions of Lives with Dr. Dan Wilson

    11/03/2022 Duration: 40min

    Welcome to this episode of the Aussie English podcast! We got another man of science in the podcast today! This guy like me is another science lover - he got his bachelor's degree in Biotechnology and Molecular Biology from Clarion University and his PhD in Molecular Biology from Carnegie Mellon University. Meet Dr. Dan Wilson, creator of the YouTube channel Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson! In his channel, he debunks the claims of anti vaxxers, the covid deniers, and various misinformation that's circling the Internet. In this second instalment of this 4-part series of interviews, we talk about the technology of different COVID vaccines and how they work. Like how the body's immune system works when injected with a vaccine for fighting disease. How we know the COVID vaccines are safe and effective based on the science. Also, what science has to say about these vaccines, how the scientific method works, and the incentives of scientists and big pharma! We also discuss why the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA va

  • AE 1120 - Verb + TO vs Verb + SO | Advanced Grammar Lesson

    09/03/2022 Duration: 08min

    Welcome to the Aussie English podcast! In today's video, I am going to teach you how to master using TO or SO after certain verbs. This seems to be a massive headache for students, but learning to do SO will make you sound so much more like a native English speaker! Can you comment below and give me examples of these sentences in your daily conversations at work? See you in the next episode! ** Want to wear the kookaburra shirt? ** Get yours here at

  • AE 1119 - 5 Expressions To Sound Fluent in English | Part 7

    06/03/2022 Duration: 09min

    Happy Sunday, guys! Have you ever heard of the Australian expression “to go off like a frog in a sock”? That’s probably one of the weirdest English expressions you’ll ever encounter. So today, I’m giving you a quick lesson of 5 expressions to help you sound more fluent in English! As a BONUS Lesson for you guys, I’m going to teach you about Inversions or inverting statements - how to turn statements into questions. These will come in really in your daily English conversations. Also, pay close attention to the intonation when I say a statement versus saying a question. Is there anything you want to ask me? Drop in your questions here: ** Want to wear the kookaburra shirt? ** Get yours here at

  • AE 1118 - Interview: Anti-vaxxers & Covid Conspiracy Theories with Dr. Dan Wilson

    04/03/2022 Duration: 35min

    Welcome to this episode of the Aussie English podcast! We got another man of science in the podcast today! This guy like me is another science lover - he got his bachelor's degree in Biotechnology and Molecular Biology from Clarion University and his PhD in Molecular Biology from Carnegie Mellon University. Meet Dr. Dan Wilson, creator of the YouTube channel Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson! In his channel, he debunks the claims of anti vaxxers, the covid deniers, and various misinformation that's circling the Internet. In this first instalment of this 4-part series of interviews, we talk about anti vaxxers and Covid conspiracy theories. He also shares his background as a conspiracy theorist himself! Then we talk about how different countries have dealt with covid, good and bad. Finally, he explains why he believes science-related communication is very important. Is there anything you want to ask me? Drop in your questions here: ** Want to wear the kookaburra shi

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