Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 187:38:42
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In this show, Dr. Shannon and her guest experts share actionable strategies and practical steps to master your life and business so you achieve Epic Success! From proven systems to achieve big goals, master productivity and time management shortcuts, to achieving mindset and habit mastery, leadership prowess, motivation strategies, and believing God for dreams for your Epic life and Business. Grow Smarter, stronger, happier, more integrated, faith filled, and build an Epic Life and Business that you LOVE!


  • Taking Courageous Action in your Coaching Business with Liz Nutter

    02/06/2021 Duration: 35min

    Should I become a coach? Can I really help people and make an impact? Can I actually make a profitable business out of coaching? If you’ve ever had the idea to get into the coaching industry, a few of these questions may have popped into your head - and I get it! I’ve talked to many successful coaches who’ve pondered these same questions prior to going all in with their coaching business! This week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast is the second in our 4-part series on How to Build Your Coaching Business! This episode is really special to me because I talk with my dear friend Liz Nutter, who is certified through my NeuroCoaching Certification™ program.  I love Liz’s story of massive transformation and growth, and I know her wisdom and insight is exactly what someone needs to hear today - someone on the cusp of stepping into their true calling and vision. Have something to take notes with? Awesome - let’s dive in! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “Clarity really came by getting into cour

  • How to Become a Profitable Coach with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    26/05/2021 Duration: 12min

    Do you ever ask yourself how you can take your experiences and expertise, and become a sought-after coach in your niche?  If so, you’re probably wondering how to reach and serve those ideal clients you envision coaching. You might be wondering what to offer and how to offer it. Whether you’re just getting started in the coaching industry… OR, You’ve been at it a while, jumping from strategy to strategy, never quit gaining the traction your business needs in order to become profitable…  This series is for YOU! This week’s Epic Success podcast episode is the first in a four-part series on How to Build Your Coaching Business. Whether you’re thinking about starting a coaching business, or are a seasoned coach, this series is for you.  This series will help you become that coach - the one who helps people get to the finish line and you’re getting in just in time! People are starting to wake up to the fast-track that coaching provides and I want you to get a piece of that business.  Grab a pen and paper - let’s div

  • Creating confidence from the inside out (Building Brain-based Confidence Starts Today) with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    19/05/2021 Duration: 14min

    Once I have _____, then I’ll be confident, happy, successful, etc. Have you ever had this thought? I’ll let you in on a secret - this is a broken confidence model that so many people get caught up in.  This model creates the idea that in order for us to be confident, we must rely on external circumstances and validation. If you’ve gotten to this place, it’s not your fault and this episode is for you! This week on the Epic Success podcast, I talk about a different, brain-based form of confidence. YOU have direct access to this level of confidence right now, and it will flip the switch for you to step into the confidence and growth you’re made for.  Ready? Let’s dive in! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “You’ve gotta have belief, and repeat that belief enough.”   Are you waking up everyday, telling yourself what you want to create and who you want to be? If not, start this practice! Your brain has to believe it before it will see it. Listen in to this episode to learn more about how creating

  • How Do Faith and Science Coexist in the Brain? (And Are They Conflicting Beliefs?) with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    12/05/2021 Duration: 12min

    If you’ve been following along on my journey for a little bit, you know I don’t shy away from difficult conversations. I’ve loved creating a space where people of all backgrounds and beliefs can come together to learn more about the brain science of success! Today’s episode is a topic that’s been on my heart for a while, and it’s about a myth that I can’t wait to debunk. This week on the Epic Success podcast, I’m diving into a conversation about faith and science. A common thread that I see weaved within these two subject areas is the notion that they are conflicting ideas - and I can’t wait to shed some light on how they actually coexist really beautifully within the brain! I know this topic isn’t everyone’s cup of tea - so I appreciate you listening with an open mind, and if it doesn’t resonate - that’s okay, too!   If you’re ready to dive in - grab a pen and paper and let’s get started! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “I see a direct correlation between faith and science.”   When I loo

  • 3 Keys to Accelerate Growth in Your Coaching Business with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    05/05/2021 Duration: 15min

    Have you listened to the Epic Success podcast episode where I talk all about selling out your coaching programs? If not, check that out and then meet me back here! If you’re thinking about becoming a coach, the thought of growing and scaling your business the way you would like to probably intimidates you a little bit, right? (...if it doesn’t, you’re not dreaming big enough!) If you’re already a coach, you might be asking yourself why your business isn’t growing the way you want it to. I want to encourage you today - these are both valid and common places that soon-to-be coaches and current coaches often find themselves. Here’s something even more encouraging: If that’s you, you don’t have to stay there - and I’m here to help you level up! Contrary to what many think - growing your business and increasing your clientele doesn’t require you to market yourself and your business 24/7. Who has time for that? This week on the Epic Success podcast, I talk all about how to accelerate growth in your coaching busine

  • Building Recurring Revenue Through Memberships with Stu McLaren

    28/04/2021 Duration: 45min

    If you’re an entrepreneur, I’m sure you felt the collective urgency for stability and certainty that resulted from this past year. The common theme that I’ve heard buzzing around the entrepreneur world this past year is: RECURRING REVENUE ...and I totally get it! When we have stable, recurring revenue - we’re less stressed, have more confidence in the work we’re doing and have an improved mental state overall. The question is...how DO you secure recurring revenue? This week on the Epic Success podcast, I talk with my friend and Membership Master, Stu McLaren, all about recurring revenue in the form of memberships. Now, if there’s anyone to learn from about memberships - it’s Stu! He knows his stuff. Join us as we take a deep dive into all things memberships, and how important vital they are to building and maintaining recurring revenue - specifically during uncertain times. Grab a pen and paper, and let’s dive in! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “A lot of times, people will have the though

  • Debunking The Myth of “Doing It All” with Megan Hyatt Miller

    21/04/2021 Duration: 34min

    Have you ever heard someone talk about work-life balance and thought: “There’s no way that’s possible in my life.” Because...I definitely have. Years ago, I had reached a point in my life where I was fully immersed in success stress. I thought that if I worked hard enough and reached the goals I had set for myself - I could tend to my self-care and other responsibilities afterwards. Friend, this way of living is a one-way ticket to a life of overwhelm, burn-out, exhaustion and ultimately poor health. Not only that, but it actually holds you back from the success and growth you’re pursuing in your business.  This week on the Epic Success podcast, I talk with my friend and Chief Executive Officer of Michael Hyatt & Co, Megan Hyatt Miller, about the possibility and necessity of work-life balance to ensure that you win at work and succeed at life.  Megan and her father, Michael Hyatt, have discovered what they call the “Double Win” of winning at work and succeeding at life - and not only has it radically tran

  • Entrepreneur Bait and Switch with Dr. Shannon

    14/04/2021 Duration: 21min

    Have you ever started a business or a project, put all of your energy into it…only to question if it was really your calling when the passion or drive ran out? This is something that SO many brilliant entrepreneurs go through, and sadly the place where many are left with a partially-built business. From there, they start over again and again wondering if they will ever find their true calling. Can I let you in on a secret? This isn’t a calling issue - it’s actually a common personality trait if you’re a visionary! If you haven’t already, take the Rocket Fuel Visionary & Integrator Assessment to see where you fall on the spectrum. It’s so eye-opening!  AND, if you want a deep dive on the topic - check out my interview with Mark Winters called Rocket Fuel for Your Business: Visionary & Integrator. A little while back, I was in a training session with my NeuroCoaching Certification™ clients when the topics of “calling” and “boredom” were brought up. In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I

  • The Neuroscience of Success - Unwavering Faith with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    07/04/2021 Duration: 13min

    Do you ever fall into what seems like a never-ending cycle with your business goals? You hope and wish for success in your business, but never really gain the traction needed for the success you envision? Yep. It happens, and I’ve been there... Did you know there is an actual science-based process that can help you go from planning to action, and ultimately to success? If you’re an entrepreneur who wants to be successful but just haven’t reached the point of success that you know you’re capable of, then I want to share some science-based secrets that will help you unlock and unleash the success that you already have inside of you. I had the pleasure of having my friend Hal Elrod, bestselling author of The Miracle Morning and top-rated keynote speaker, on the Epic Success Podcast a little while ago (you can listen to his interview here). We are so aligned with his formula for the Miracle Equation and how it relates to what I teach with the brain science of success. True transformation takes place in our brains

  • Win at Work AND Succeed at Life with Michael Hyatt

    01/04/2021 Duration: 49min

    Do you ever feel like the ONLY way to achieve success is by hustling? You’re all too familiar with that nagging struggle to think about something other than work while trying to enjoy your weekend… I get it. I’ve been there. And I’m here to tell you there’s a better way! The illusion of hustle culture and the plague of overworking among entrepreneurs and CEOs is literally running businesses into the ground.  Hustling and overworking is actually pushing you farther away from the success you want, not closer to it. If you’re tired, burnt out and overworked on your journey to success - this episode is for YOU! This week on the Epic Success podcast, I talk with my friend Michael Hyatt, Author and Leadership Development Expert, about his newest book that he co-wrote with his daughter, Megan Hyatt Miller, titled Win at Work and Succeed at Life. We talked about the detrimental impact that overworking can have on our lives and business - and how we can overcome and find freedom from the culture of overworking and hus

  • The Unleashed Entrepreneur: Flipping Your Brain’s Success Switch with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    22/03/2021 Duration: 01h09min

    Do you ever feel like there is something holding you back from reaching your full potential?  Imposter Syndrome?  Perfectionism?  Procrastination?  Overwhelm?  Imagine getting rid of these brain-based blocks by flipping a Success Switch ON in your brain so that your success becomes easy and effortless.  I don’t want to see you wait any longer to get that business profitable, simply because you haven’t tapped into the way your brain operates.  This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I want to teach you how to become an Unleashed Entrepreneur! I know if I can get your brain into action, everything will shift for you. There is no You and You 2.0. You 2.0 has always existed!  Get ready to take notes, action-takers -  and get ready to learn about clarifying, erasing, and automating a network working for you in your brain, drawing you into your dream. Here we go!   The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “Getting rid of something is just as important as gaining something.”    In order to tell your autop

  • Entrepreneur Secrets for Social Media Growth with Brock Johnson

    17/03/2021 Duration: 51min

    Ah, social media! As an entrepreneur, do you feel like you’re in a perpetual state of trying to figure out how to show up on social media? I get it - you’re not alone! Here’s the great news:  Social media is not really as complicated as it may seem, and when we discover how to best show up on our social media platforms as entrepreneurs - it can shift our entire business and attract real clients! The key is building relationships with our followers through serving them at the highest level and meeting them right where they’re at - all while showing up as our authentic selves. Customers will purchase goods and services from people they know, trust and have built a relationship with - and that’s how we convert our followers to clients AND to raving fans.  This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with my friend and social media expert, Brock Johnson, about how to valuably show up on your social media platforms as an entrepreneur and the realistic strategies for converting followers into paying clients.   Get

  • Financial Freedom and Faith with Brian Dixon

    10/03/2021 Duration: 41min

    I don’t know about you, but as an entrepreneur, I used to struggle with my identity a little bit. I thought, if I’m an entrepreneur, that’s my lane and I can’t stray outside the proverbial lines.  It didn’t matter that my faith was a huge part of my life - I couldn’t mix my faith and my business, it just won’t work. Have you ever been there? Let me help set you free from the lie that I believed:  Your faith and your business can coexist - and in fact, your faith can lead you to abundant freedom and success in your business, not only for yourself, but for your clients.  AND, if you aren’t spiritual - that’s okay! We’re opening up this conversation because I think it’s important to understand that we are all integrated, and our beliefs - whatever they may be - have a profound impact on us and our business. Whatever your beliefs are - hiding and limiting parts of yourself, for the fear of what other people will think, will not only keep you stuck - it will also push you to move backwards in your business. This w

  • Sell Out Your Coaching Programs with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    03/03/2021 Duration: 17min

    Alright coaches, I’m talking right to you today! I know you want to be the coach that actually creates transformation for your clients - and I want to help you get there. Here’s the deal: There are so many well-meaning coaches out there, who are coaching with strategies that only lead to temporary shifts in thinking or behavior.  We don’t want to just make our clients feel good in the moment - we want to set them up for massive success and growth in the long run, right?! The key is knowing the difference between source-based coaching and symptom-based coaching.  Symptom-based coaching will address specific things that a client may be feeling in the moment, but it doesn’t address long-term solutions. Source-based coaching is a brain-based methodology, not based on will power but on neuroscience, to rewire the brain towards success.  As coaches, we really have to get to the source, not just the symptom. This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I talk about symptom-based coaching versus source-based coaching and t

  • Win at Work and Succeed at Life with Michael Hyatt

    24/02/2021 Duration: 49min

    It’s 8:00pm on a Wednesday night… Are you just now closing your laptop for the night, mulling over all of the tasks on your to-do list that didn’t get done? Are you just now eating a quick dinner that you throw in the microwave because you don’t have the time or energy to make something, and everyone else in your house has already gone to bed? Are you noticing that it’s been a while since you’ve sat down with your spouse, your kids, or a friend for a prolonged period of time - without thinking about all of the work you need to get done? Ohhhhhhh I’ve been there and I know exactly how you feel. My dear friend, Michael Hyatt and I talk about just that on today’s podcast.  You’ve been sold the hustle fallacy that says the only way to achieve your goals and reach success in your business is through hustling and getting it done - no matter the cost.  I want to help you break free of the “cult of overworking.” It’s not benefiting you - and in fact, it very well could be hurting you.  Overworking blocks us from the

  • Creating Success From The Inside Out with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    19/02/2021 Duration: 26min

    This week, I want to revisit one of my favorite podcast episodes - because I think it's so important, and relevant! Have you ever been stretched too thin and overwhelmed?  Hey, me too!  When I first started as an entrepreneur, I felt like there was never enough of me to go around. I wanted to do it all - run my business, grow my non-profit, care for my household, and be a mother - but I felt like I’d have to give something up. Have you ever been there? What I didn’t know was that my brain was working against me, and that there were resources out there to shift my mindset and have my brain start working for me. I talk about the three key components that science teaches us about success in the brain.  Knowing how your brain works is key to understanding how you're wired, and if you don’t, you are at risk of working against your brain - instead of having your brain work for you and for your advantage.  I can’t wait to dive into the 3 key components that will help you become the creator of your thoughts, so you c

  • The Magic on The Other Side of Discomfort with Jill Stanton

    10/02/2021 Duration: 39min

    Entrepreneurship is not a path that’s free of feeling fear, and success is not a destination that’s free of discomfort. And, that’s great news! I imagine that every entrepreneur pursuing their dreams feels discomfort at some point. And - do you know what’s on the other side of that discomfort? Growth, perseverance, strength, empowerment, and so much more! This week on the Epic Success podcast, I talk with my good friend and creator of the Millionaire Girl’s Club, Jill Stanton, on her path to success, the fears she had to let go to get there, and how she’s working to continue to pursue massive growth and momentum in her business. Let me tell you - Jill is the REAL. DEAL. She just gets it, and I’m so thankful for her friendship. She knows what she wants and she goes after it, all while showing up as her authentic self. You’ll want to take notes, I promise. Ready to lean in? Let’s go! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “If you don’t lean into the discomfort, how are you ever going to become some

  • Your Roadmap to Freedom and Fulfillment with John Lee Dumas

    03/02/2021 Duration: 26min

    We all know that the path to entrepreneurship isn’t easy - it takes a lot of hard work. However, I want to let you in on a little secret - the path to entrepreneurship is more common than you might think.  It may not be easy - but you’re not alone on this path! What if I also told you that I know of a roadmap to guide you step-by-step into that reality, right to financial freedom and fulfillment? Well, I have just the resource for you!  This week on the Epic Success podcast, I talk with my friend and host of the podcast Entrepreneurs on Fire, John Lee Dumas, about his new book out for pre-order, The Common Path to Uncommon Success. In his book, John shares a 17-step roadmap to creating your path to your unique, uncommon success.  Seventeen steps outlining exactly how to achieve your version of success in your life and business?! I say, yes, YES and yesss. Grab a pen and paper - this episode is packed full of goodness that you don’t want to miss! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “Financial f

  • Overcoming The 3 Biggest Mistakes I Made Bringing My Business Online

    27/01/2021 Duration: 13min

    Do you ever feel like you and your business are the best kept secrets? You’re working as hard as you can to take your business to the next level, but just can’t seem to cross the threshold into the massive growth you know you’re capable of AND just can’t shake the feeling that there’s something holding you back. I have a question for you - have you ever stopped yourself from stepping into something you felt called to do, or really wanted to do, because you were scared? Maybe you’ve thought to yourself: “What if I make a mistake?” “What if no one shows up - or, what if no one likes what I have to offer?” “Will I be judged for this, what will people think?” These are called brain automations - and they’ll keep us in an endless cycle of fear until we let go of them. Guess what? I’ve been there! I’ve felt my fair share of fear surrounding my business, and I’ve made several mistakes along the way.  I have good news for you though - mistakes are not permanent, and it’s possible to step into all that you are called

  • Unpacking Your Money Story with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    20/01/2021 Duration: 26min

    If you aren’t exactly where you want to be in your business… If you want more clients and sold out programs, but it’s a struggle… If you are driven by impact, but don’t have the cash flow to make the impact you desire… Here’s what’s blocking you: what you saw and heard when you were growing up impacts how you view money. Unpacking those money stories is the key to shifting from wanting success and actually attaining it. This week on the Epic Success podcast, I’m helping you unpack your money story so that you can start to train your brain to transform your business, shift what is programmed in your subconscious to stop blocking you from what you know you are called to do, and tap into what stories you have hardwired and replace it with the abundance mindset that you want. I want you to slay your business and have so much money because you’re impacting lives. Ready? Let’s go! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are: “Money is one of those things that touches on all those stories that we connected with

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