Resurrection A/g Sermons



Resurrection A/G sermons


  • Life pt. 3 - Body (Audio)


    What does it mean to have life in our bodies and how do we use them to glorify God? Should we treat our bodies as an afterthought in light of our spirit?

  • Life pt. 2 - Mind (Audio)


    We want to be healthy in our mind. What does that look like in God's kingdom and how do we begin walking that path?

  • Life pt. 1 (Audio)


    God's plan for humanity was life, and life abundantly. Sin ruined that, but Jesus is the beginning to putting it all back together. As we begin looking at the vision for our church we begin looking at our health and God's plan for us.

  • Sons (Audio)


    We look at the parable for the prodigal son and see that there may be more to this story than we have been led to believe.

  • Image of God (Audio)


    Genesis 1:26-27 tells us that humanity was created in the image of God. Then why do we have a hard time seeing God when we look at people? And what are the implications of realizing we are the image of God?

  • Psalm 27 (Audio)


    King David saw his share of trial and adversity. Psalm 27 gives us a glimpse into how he rose above it and how we can do the same.

  • Greater Love (Audio)


    "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friend." We may not ever be presented with an opportunity to die for someone else, so is this kind of love unattainable? It may not mean what we may have always believed...

  • You Are In (Audio)


    The Bible is the greatest acceptance letter of all time. It declares that when you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are in! There is nothing that we have to add to the sacrifice that Jesus made.

  • Minor Prophets - Malachi (Audio)


    As we conclude our series, the book of Malachi serves as a conceptual summary of the Old Testament. It shows us our short comings and how we all need Jesus.

  • Minor Prophets - Zechariah (Audio)


    The book of Zechariah is full of dreams and visions that show us a lot about the messianic kingdom of Jesus Christ. We look at how dreams and visions influence our faith and belief in a God that can do exceeding and abundantly more than we can ask or...

  • Minor Prophets - Haggai (Audio)


    When we get our priorities out of balance, we can put things that important to us ahead of the things that important to God. The Israelites had put rebuilding their own dwellings ahead of rebuilding the temple of God. We discuss what this looks like...

  • Minor Prophets - Zephaniah (Audio)


    If God is the same yesterday, today and forever, then how do we reconcile the Old Testament God that seemed so angry, destructive and judgmental with a New Testament God of grace, love and mercy? Is it possible to have loving judgement? We look into...

  • Minor Prophets - Habakkuk (Audio)


    When things don't make sense, where do you turn? What do we do when we look at the world around us and wonder, "is God even listening?" Habakkuk asks those questions, and God's response gives us insight for our own lives when we...

  • Minor Prophets - Nahum (Audio)


    Who's in charge here? As we look into the book of Nahum, we revisit the city of Nineveh, only this time, the outcome of the story is different than in Jonah. Why? Because they forgot who was in charge.

  • Minor Prophets - Micah (Audio)


    Judgment and hope. In life those two things don't often go together, but in the Bible, they appear together often. The prophet Micah delivers a message of judgment on Israel, but follows it up with a message of hope. We explore these messages and...

  • Minor Prophets - Jonah (Audio)


    The story of Jonah and the whale we learned in Sunday School comes across a little different when you read the full story, a story that show us the reality of our human condition and how God can you a "fish" to get us back on track.

  • Minor Prophets - Obadiah (Audio)


    The book of Obadiah is unique in that it does not prophecy directly to Israel or Judah, but to Edom. This book serves as a dissertation on pride and how it effects how we treat others.

  • Minor Prophets - Amos (Audio)


    As Amos prophesied to the northern kingdom of Israel, God used him to show Israel how out of line they were. We look into these 9 chapters and try to find what God is speaking to us today about justice and worship.

  • Minor Prophets - Joel (Audio)


    Locust, the Day of the Lord, hope...what did these things mean in Joel's day, and what does it mean in ours?

  • Minor Prophets - Hosea (Audio)


    As we begin our series on the Minor Prophets, we go over a brief overview of the OT history Israel. Pastors John and Jill tag team preach for the first time leading us through our understanding of Hosea, a prophet that God asked to marry a prostitute.

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