Taming The Terminal



Taming the Terminal is a podcast based on the tutorial created by Bart Busschots and explained to Allison Sheridan.


  • TTT 23b of n - Networking Intro


    This is the second part of a two-part installment describing the TCP/IP networking stack that allows our computers to talk to each other within our homes and offices, and to other computers and server around the world through the internet.

  • TTT 23a of n - Networking Intro


    This is the first part of a two-part installment describing the TCP/IP networking stack that allows our computers to talk to each other within our homes and offices, and to other computers and server around the world through the internet.

  • TTT 22 of n - Tips & Tricks


    In this installment we take a bit of a breather, and look at some simple tips and tricks for making like on the command line that little bit easier.

  • TTT 20 of n - File Searches


    In this installment we learn how to search for files based on all sorts of criteria, including file name, file size, modified date, and more.

  • TTT 21 of n - More Searching


    In this installment we learn how to use the results of a file search as the input to another command. This allows us to do things like set the file permissions on every file that ends in .php.

  • TTT 19 of n - Text Searches


    In this installment we look at how to use terminal commands and regular expressions to filter text, such as the output of terminal commands, and to search for files that contain a particular text pattern.

  • TTT 18b of n - More REs


    This is the second of a two-part installment where we dive deeper into Regular Expressions. This two-part installment is laying vital foundations for the up-coming installments on searching.

  • TTT 18a of n - More REs


    This is the first of a two-part installment where we dive deeper into Regular Expressions. This two-part installment is laying vital foundations for the up-coming installments on searching.

  • TTT 17 of n - Regular Expressions


    In this installment we introduce the concept of 'regular expressions' - a means of accurately describing arbitrary patterns. Regular expressions allow us to express complex search pattens in a way the computer can understand.

  • TTT 16 of n - Crossing the Streams


    In this installment we continue our exploration of streams, looking at how we can use files as the source and destination for streams, and how we can combine two streams into one.

  • TTT 15 of n - Plumbing


    In this installment we introduce the concept of data streams, looking at the three system streams STDIN, STDOUT $ STDERR, and then look at how we can use the pipe operator connect the output of one command to the input of another.

  • TTT 14 of n - Aliases & Prompts


    In this installment we wrap up our look at the environment by describing command line aliases, and looking at how we can customize the prompt we see when working at the command line.

  • TTT 13 of n - PATH


    In this installment we continue to explore the environment, focusing on the very important environment variable PATH.

  • TTT 12 of n - The Environment


    In this installment we introduce the rather nebulous concept of the Unix/Linux environment, and we look at environment variables and shell variables.

  • TTT 11 of n - Text Files


    In this installment we look at how to read and edit text files from the command line.

  • TTT 10 of n - man


    Unix, Linux and OS X have a built-in manual describing how the various terminal commands work. In this installment we look at how to access this manual, and explain the special language used within.

  • TTT 9 of n - Controlling Processes


    In this installment we learn how to control processes - creating them, and ending them.

  • TTT 8 of n - Processes


    In this installment we explore the concept of Linux/Unix processes, and we introdue the ps command for viewing the running processes.

  • TTT 7 of n - Managing Files


    In this installment we look at file management from the commandline - creating, copying, moving, renaming, and deleting files and folders.

  • TTT 6 of n - More File Permissions


    In this installment we’ll start by biting the bullet and dive into how to alter standard Unix File permissions. This could well turn out to be the most difficult segment in this entire series, regardless of how big n gets, but it is very important, so if you have trouble with it, please don’t give up.

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