David Boles: Human Meme



This Human Meme podcast is the inflection point for what it means to live a life of knowing. We are in the critical moment of human induction. David Boles is a writer, publisher, teacher, lyricist and author living and working in New York City. He has dedicated his life to founding the irrevocable aesthetic. Be a Human Meme!


  • Dissecting the True Cause and Harsh Realities of the American Civil War

    06/03/2024 Duration: 18min

    Our focus is the Civil War, a pivotal event that reshaped the United States. There's a prevailing debate about the cause of the Civil War, with a stark division between those who assert it was primarily about states' rights and those who argue it was fundamentally about one thing: slavery. In this episode, we'll unravel this historical conundrum and explore why it's crucial to acknowledge that slavery was indeed at the heart of the Civil War.

  • AI and Human Motivation: Exploring Cultural, Ethical, and Societal Shifts

    05/03/2024 Duration: 14min

    Fast forward to the 20th century, the term "Artificial Intelligence" was coined in 1956 by John McCarthy, a visionary who often gets overshadowed by more commercial names in tech history. But it was Alan Turing, a name synonymous with the breaking of the Enigma code during World War II, who laid the philosophical groundwork with his seminal paper, "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" in 1950. Here, he proposed the Turing Test - a benchmark for machine intelligence.

  • Cat Heads in Space! Episode 19: Abe's Cosmic Refuge

    04/03/2024 Duration: 09min

    On a tranquil vacation planet, Captain Whiskerfluff, Lieutenant Mittens, and Skeedootle, seek rest. Little do they know, a historical mission awaits them.

  • Enduring Legacy of Latin and Its Impact on Modern Languages

    03/03/2024 Duration: 14min

    Over 2,500 years ago, in the region of Latium near modern Rome, the Latin language began its remarkable evolution. As the language of the powerful Roman Empire, Latin was more than a mere tool for communication; it was the heartbeat of a culture that would leave an indelible mark on the world. But how does a language die, and what does it mean for a language to be considered 'dead'? We will unravel these mysteries, examining the gradual transformation of Latin as it ceased to be a native language and evolved into the various Romance languages like Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian.

  • Diversity in the Pantry: A Tale of Peanut Butter and Unity

    02/03/2024 Duration: 13min

    In the bustling pantry of a quaint New York City kitchen, nestled between a bag of aromatic coffee and a box of delicate teas, there resided an ambitious jar of peanut butter named Peter. Unlike his smooth and creamy peers, Peter harbored a peculiar aspiration: he longed to be a spoonful of jam.

  • A Snowball's Dream: The Magical Tale of Snowy the Pebble

    01/03/2024 Duration: 11min

    Once upon a time, in a quaint little village nestled among snow-capped mountains, there lived a unique snowball named Snowy. Unlike other snowballs, Snowy had a peculiar wish - he yearned to be a pebble. While his snowy companions delighted in the frosty winds and blizzards, Snowy admired the enduring, unchanging nature of the pebbles that lined the mountain paths.

  • Unspoken Love: A Story of Unrequited Love and Forgiveness

    29/02/2024 Duration: 09min

    Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Lila who lived in a small town. She was a kind-hearted and intelligent person who had a passion for music. Lila had a secret crush on her best friend, Alex, who was a talented musician himself. They had been friends since childhood and shared a deep bond.

  • Rewriting Destiny: Zorax the Alien's Time-Travel Quest to Prevent Hitler's Rise and Its Unexpected Aftermath

    28/02/2024 Duration: 12min

    Once upon a time, in the vast expanse of the cosmos, there lived an alien named Zorax, whose planet had been scarred by wars. Zorax, a time-traveler at heart, embarked on a quest to study histories of different worlds, hoping to prevent his home from suffering a similar fate. His travels brought him to Earth, specifically to the early 20th century, a time on the cusp of immense turmoil.

  • Advertising: Strategies, Ethics, and Future Trends

    27/02/2024 Duration: 14min

    Let's start with a bit of history. Advertising, in some form or another, has been around for centuries. Think ancient civilizations – they had their own ways of advertising, be it through town criers or market stalls. But it was the printing press in the 15th century that really set the stage for advertising as we know it. Fast forward to the 20th century, and we see the explosion of radio, television, and later, internet advertising.

  • Cat Heads in Space! Episode 18: "The Taylor Ham Revolt: New Jersey Comes for the Cat Heads!"

    26/02/2024 Duration: 07min

     In the cosmic kitchen of our feline heroes, a new culinary controversy brews. The Cat Heads, originally hailing from the distant planet of New Jersey, face an interstellar debate over a dish dear to their hearts – or where their hearts used to be.

  • Elmer Gantry's Rise and Trump's Political Pandering

    25/02/2024 Duration: 16min

    "Elmer Gantry," published in 1927, is a piercing satire of American religious fundamentalism and the hypocrisy it often harbors. Elmer Gantry, the protagonist, is a charismatic but morally bankrupt evangelist. He's a master of manipulation, using religion as a tool for personal gain and power. Gantry’s rise to prominence is not due to his spiritual convictions but rather his skill in exploiting the beliefs and emotions of others.    Donald Trump's rise in the political arena, on the other hand, is a real-life story that unfolded before our eyes. A businessman and television personality with no prior political experience, Trump climbed the political ladder with a blend of populist rhetoric, media savvy, and an uncanny ability to resonate with a significant segment of the American electorate. 

  • A Comprehensive Exploration of Universal Basic Income: Unveiling the Future of Economic Stability

    24/02/2024 Duration: 12min

    UBI has the potential to redefine our societal and economic landscapes. We'll trace the history of UBI from its philosophical roots to modern-day experiments across the globe, critically analyze its successes, and confront common concerns about its implementation. Delving into the debates around socialism, work ethic, and economic feasibility, we'll dismantle these apprehensions with evidence and logic.

  • Evolution of Drama: Aristotle, Avant-Garde, and Absurdist Theatre Unveiled

    23/02/2024 Duration: 12min

    From the meticulously structured tragedies of Aristotle, emphasizing catharsis and mimesis, to the bold, rule-breaking experiments of the 1960s' Avant-Garde, and the existential, often bewildering narratives of Absurdist theatre, this narrative digs into the heart of what makes theatre a mirror and a mold of the human experience. As we unravel these threads, we discover not just the evolution of dramatic form and content, but also a reflection of the evolving human condition, revealing how each movement in theatre has left an indelible mark on the canvas of artistic expression.

  • ASMR: Understanding Its Impact on Mental Health, Intimacy, and Digital Culture

    22/02/2024 Duration: 11min

    ASMR, at its core, is a sensory experience characterized by a pleasant tingling sensation that typically begins in the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. It's a response to certain triggers, often auditory or visual, and it can evoke a feeling of deep relaxation and even euphoria in some individuals. Think of it as a kind of brain massage, triggered by sounds like whispers, tapping, or the rustling of paper. 

  • Dreaming Giant of Echoing Valley: A Legacy of Peace

    21/02/2024 Duration: 10min

    Once, in a distant land cradled by mountains and veiled in mist, there lay the Echoing Valley, a place of profound silence and beauty. In this valley, a gentle giant named Eirwyn slumbered for centuries, his heart beating in rhythm with the earth, his dreams a canopy of peace over the land.    In the kingdom bordering Echoing Valley, there lived a cunning warlord, Lord Kazuo. He, having heard legends of the giant's immense power, coveted it for his own conquests. One fateful night, guided by greed and ambition, Kazuo led his army into the valley, determined to harness Eirwyn's power.

  • Unraveling the Complexities of Factitious Disorder

    20/02/2024 Duration: 12min

    Factitious Disorder, a complex mental health condition, stands as a testament to the intricate and often perplexing nature of human psychology. It's a condition where a person deliberately and artificially induces or fabricates symptoms of illness in themselves. Historically, this disorder has been known by various names, most notably as Munchausen Syndrome, named after Baron Munchausen, an Eighteenth century German nobleman known for his penchant for fantastical stories.

  • Cat Heads in Space! Episode 17: "Mothers and Stew, Love Anew"

    19/02/2024 Duration: 10min

    In the vast expanse of space, aboard the S.S. Feline, our intrepid Cat Heads float, pondering the mysteries of the universe. But today, something extraordinary is about to unfold.    The stars are like the scattered litter of the cosmos, each a fragment of the unknown...    And speaking of unknown, why is there a spaceship shaped like a giant yarn ball approaching us?

  • Three Reasons NFT Art Failed

    18/02/2024 Duration: 12min

    In this Boles.tv live stream highlight, David Boles explains at least three reaons why the NFT Art movement failed. Reasons include price deception, corrupt custodians, the rise of AI, the punishment of taxes, and more!

  • Freud's Three Caskets Across Ages and Cultures

    17/02/2024 Duration: 12min

    Our focus centers on Sigmund Freud's interpretation of the "Three Caskets" motif from Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice." We'll take a look into how Freud's psychoanalytic lens sheds light on the choices represented by the gold, silver, and lead caskets and what these choices reveal about human nature and desire.    But we won't stop there. We'll extend this analysis to see how these age-old concepts resonate with today's digital culture, especially in the world of memes. Memes, in their essence, are the folklore of the digital age – snapshots of our collective psyche, revealing our hidden fears, desires, and the humor that binds us. Through this lens, we'll examine how the caskets represent different facets of our online behavior and interactions.

  • Understanding the INTJ Personality: Masterminds of Strategy and Creativity

    16/02/2024 Duration: 13min

    Today, we wander into the enigmatic and complex world of the INTJ personality type, a rare blend of intellectual prowess and structured imagination. Often termed the 'Rational Mastermind', INTJ  people are a fascinating study in contrasts: strategic yet creative, future-oriented yet adaptable, and logical yet imaginative. This exploration takes us deep into the psyche of INTJ folk, unveiling the nuances that define their interaction with the world and their internal processes.    From their strategic planning and unique creativity to their interaction with social dynamics and personal growth, we unravel the layers that make the INTJ both intriguing and misunderstood. This journey not only highlights their distinct traits but also examines the challenges they face in a world that doesn’t always align with their unique perspective. Join us in this insightful exploration of one of the most compelling personality types, where we seek to understand the masterminds of strategy and creativity in their full comp

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