Trump Watch



What Trump's actually doing--as opposed to what he's tweeting--plus news about the resistance. Hosted by Jon Wiener, contributing editor at The Nation, and broadcast live at KPFK 90.7FM in LA Thursdays at 3.


  • Fred Trump and the KKK: Linda Gordon; the Right's Stealth Plan for America: Nancy MacLean

    25/01/2019 Duration: 37min

    We take a step back from all the Trump headlines to look at how we got here. Later in the show, historian Nancy MacLean talks about the roots of the right’s stealth plan for America, bringing together the Koch Brothers and their libertarian economic policy advocacy with segregationist opposition to civil rights. Nancy is an award-winning historian and the William H. Chafe Professor of history and public policy at Duke University. Her book “Democracy in Chains” was named the “most valuable political book of the year” on The Nation’s progressive honor roll. But first, Fred Trump and the KKK of the 1920s. The group had millions of members outside the South. It targeted Catholics and Jews as well as blacks, and had impressive success at electing governors and congressmen. It passed anti-immigrant restrictions that remained in effect until 1965. And Fred Trump, the president’s father, was arrested as a young man at a Klan march in New York City. Historian Linda Gordon explains—her new book is ‘The Second Coming

  • The LA Teachers Strike Tests the Democrats; Trump's Shutdown w/ Nichols; Viet Nguyen on Refugees

    18/01/2019 Duration: 56min

    Today is day four of the LA teachers' strike. "This bitter conflict is also a fight about the meaning of progressive politics”--that's what Nelson Lichtenstein says -- he's professor of history and director of The Center for the Study of Work, Labor and Democracy at UC Santa Barbara. Also: despite the fact that 58% of Americans oppose the wall, we are on day 27 of Trump's government shutdown over funds to build one. What are the politics of the Republicans in this situation? We turn to John Nichols for comment. Plus: Pulitzer Prize-winning author Viet Thanh Nguyen says "call me a refugee, not an immigrant" -- his new book is "The Displaced."

  • Russiagate in Review; plus Jane Mayer: Would Pence Be Worse?

    11/01/2019 Duration: 57min

    Russiagate is basically a political corruption scandal, says David Klion. The basic facts have been obvious for a long time—and they should bring down Trump’s presidency. Also: we ask Jane Mayer of the New Yorker what may be the most important question of the year: Would Pence be worse? Plus: Why are Danes so much happier than Americans? Is it just because Donald Trump is NOT their president? Joshua Holland says there’s more to it than that. And we also have a history segment today: Sean Wilentz talks about the place of slavery in the origins of the United States--his new book is "No Property in Man."

  • Now it's the Democrats' Turn: Harold Meyerson; Plus, Amy Wilentz on Amos Oz & Alex Press on Amazon

    04/01/2019 Duration: 58min

    The 116th Congress convened today -- the Democrats took over the House, there were many firsts and a few surprises: Harold Meyerson has the report. Next, Amos Oz, Israeli author and peace advocate passed away last week; former Jerusalem correspondent for The New Yorker, and contributing editor at The Nation, Amy Wilentz remembers Oz and his work. Plus: What's it like to work at Amazon? Alex Press reports.

  • Progressive Heroes of 2018: John Nichols; Gustavo Arellano: the OC, & David Cay Johnston on Trump

    28/12/2018 Duration: 05h36min

    2018 was a big year for progressives -- John Nichols with the Progressive Honor Roll names some names on our year in review show. Next, we talk with Gustavo Arellano about the biggest change in California politics in decades: how the OC turned blue. Finally, David Cay Johnston reports on Trump family financial fraud, saying, "Nixon's crimes are pebbles compared to the mountain of tax cheating by the Trumps."

  • David Dayen on Drug Prices; Tom Frank: From Trump to Obama; Sean Wilentz: Bob Dylan's Xmas

    21/12/2018 Duration: 58min

    Prescription drug prices are on the rise and two Senators are taking on the problem. Bernie Sanders has introduced a bill advancing generics; and last Tuesday, Elizabeth Warren introduced her own bill, promoting drug manufacture by the government. David Dayen explains--and also talks about Steve Mnuchin, the subject of his new book, "Fat Cat." Next, from Obama to Trump — what happened? Tom Frank explains. Lastly, the Bob Dylan Xmas album: Sean Wilentz, Princeton professor and official historian in residence at, answers the question, "What the heck is this?"

  • From George Bush 41 to Donald Trump: Harold Meyerson, plus Eric Foner on Frederick Douglass--and Us

    14/12/2018 Duration: 27min

    George H. W. Bush paved the way for today’s Republican party with his racist Willy Horton campaign. He also nominated Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court, and pardoned the Iran-Contra conspirator whose trial would have exposed his own abuse of power. Harold Meyerson explains -- he’s executive editor of the American Prospect. Plus: Frederick Douglass, the black abolitionist, was the most famous black American of the 19th century. Historian Eric Foner says Douglass’s political ideas can help us in our struggles today.

  • The Missing Politics in Michelle Obama's 'Becoming': Amy Wilentz, plus Kai Wright on the Midterms

    07/12/2018 Duration: 34min

    Michelle Obama declares in her new memoir, “I am not a political person, so I’m not going to attempt to offer an analysis” of Trump’s victory. That’s her stance in the rest of the book as well. It seems strange for the person the New York Times called “The most outspoken first lady in modern history.” What’s going on here? Amy Wilentz comments. Plus: The Democrats won the midterms by the largest popular vote margin for either party in the history of midterm elections — larger than the Watergate midterm after Nixon resigned in 1974, 44 years ago. But there was a deeper and more significant victory hidden behind those numbers, Kai Wright argues: the political mobilization of millions of people of color in the South.

  • Katha Pollitt on White Women Voters; Plus, Michael Koncewicz on Nixon & Trump; Remembering Ricky Jay

    30/11/2018 Duration: 58min

    Fifty-three per cent of white women voters, according to exit polls in 2016, voted for Trump. Why? And, will their minds be changed? We turn to Katha Pollitt for comment. Next up: Republicans who stood up to the president's abuses of power in the early 1970s -- and Republicans today, who don't. Micheal Koncewicz, author of "They Said No to Nixon" revisits Watergate and 'The enemies list project'. Magician, actor, author, scholar and master showman, Ricky Jay passed away last Sunday -- we remember him with an interview from 2001.

  • Frank Rich on Why the Democrats Won, plus Erwin Chemerinsky on Matt Whitaker & the Constitution

    22/11/2018 Duration: 37min

    Frank Rich finds lessons for Democrats in the midterms: seeking “the political center,” as recommended by New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristoff, running on “clean-government themes and promises of incremental improvement to the health care system rather than transformational social change,” is “ridiculous.” Frank writes about politics for New York Magazine and is executive producer of VEEP on HBO. Also: Trump’s appointment of a new acting attorney general, Matt Whitaker: is it legal? He hasn’t been confirmed by the Senate – or even nominated. Erwin Chemerinsky comments—he’s dean of the law school at UC Berkeley, and his new book is “We the People: A Progressive Reading of the Constitution for the 21st Century.”

  • Learning from the Midterms: John Nichols, Sasha Abramsky & Katha Pollitt

    16/11/2018 Duration: 57min

    The 2018 Midterm Elections: What can we learn from what happened in the Midwest and the Rust Belt? John Nichols has the report on Pennsylvania, Michigan, and--of course--Wisconsin. Next, we talk with Sasha Abramsky for his take on the Southwestern states: Arizona, Nevada, Texas--and of course California. Plus, Katha Pollitt talks about all those women candidates -- the Democrats and the Republicans.

  • The Jeff Sessions Firing w/Chemerisky & Ahilan; Plus Elections Analysis w/Meyerson

    09/11/2018 Duration: 05h45s

    The terrible record of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General: Ahilan Arulanantham, ACLU SoCal Senior Counsel, who argued in the 9th circuit against Sessions' policies -- and won. Also: the latest on DACA. Also, Harold Meyerson on the midterms: they deepened the Dem hold on cities and suburbs -- and the Republican hold on the hills and the dales. Plus: Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean of the law school at UC Berkeley, on the old Attorney General, and the new one--and what the change could mean for Mueller and his investigation.

  • Midterm Countdown: John Nichols & David Dayen; Plus Sandi Tan on "Shirkers"

    02/11/2018 Duration: 55min

    With under five days until the November 6, Midterm elections, we have two political updates: John Nichols comments on national matters and David Dayen reports on the California situation. Plus: Singapore-born film-maker Sandi Tan, joins us in-studio to talk about her Sundance award-winning documentary, "Shirkers," now streaming on Netflix.

  • The Mail Bombs and the Midterms: Harold Meyerson; plus Guerilla Theater in LA

    26/10/2018 Duration: 02h26min

    From the pipe bombs sent to prominent Democrats, to Trump's efforts to distract voters with stories about migrants on the march in Mexico -- Harold Meyerson analyzes the state of the midterm elections, now less than 2 weeks away. Also: pop-up Guerilla theater in Los Angeles: the great Hieronymous Bang explains what's going on with the political play whose name cannot be spoken on the radio, and Alan Minsky joins in.

  • Voting Rights in 2018: Sasha Abramsky on Florida, plus Rebecca Traister on women's anger

    19/10/2018 Duration: 33min

    The most important voting rights issue on the ballot in 2018 is restoring the voting rights of 1.4 million ex-felons in Florida--and it seems likely to pass. An initiative on the ballot there would repeal one of country's worst Jim Crow laws. Sasha Abramsky has that story. Also: the political power of women’s anger: Rebecca Traister has been thinking about that. Her new book is called “Good and Mad.” .

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