Sermon Podcast



Podcast by theCHURCH of Arizona


  • "Christ’s Side" Message 6-28-20

    03/07/2020 Duration: 37min

    Point: If the “side” you pick in any circumstance or issue is higher than Christ’s side then you are already on the wrong side. Scripture: Philippians 1:21-30 Questions: 1. Read Philippians 1:21-30. What does it look like to live a life worthy of the gospel? 2. How can we as theCHURCH approach the world’s problems from the side of Christ? 3. What does it mean to “stand firm in one spirit”? Explain. 4. How can we become “one mind” striving “side by side for the faith of the gospel”? 5. What can YOU do this week to allow God and His Word to be your filter for the different sides taking place around you?

  • "A Healed Life is a Healing Life" Message 6-21-20

    26/06/2020 Duration: 39min

    Point: Jesus healed us and continues to heal us so we can join Him in healing others. Scripture: Mt. 9:35-38; 10:24-25a Questions: 1. When you “see the crowds” today, are you moved with compassion or are you moved by some other emotion? 2. What does it look like to be a “pre-responder” to the crowds in our society? 3. Do you see yourself as a laborer in God’s harvest? How are you currently making disciples of Jesus Christ? 4. Do you have a tendency to be more of a hider, hurter, or hater? What do you need to do to become a healer? 5. What would it look like to bring healing to those who are isolated, depressed, jobless, afraid, and broken?

  • "Unified Diversity" Message 6-14-20

    19/06/2020 Duration: 42min

    Point: The effectiveness of the church in the community outside highly depends on the church being a community on the inside. Scripture: 1 Cor. 12 Questions: 1. Read 1 Corinthians 12. Is unity possible even though the church is so diverse? Explain. 2. Unity is often mistaken for uniformity. How do we overcome this? What is a better understanding of unity? 3. How can people who are so different work together for the same purpose? 4. When it comes to unity, why do you think it’s easier to talk about something or feel a certain way, rather than actually acting on it? 5. How can YOU pursue and practice diverse unity here at theCHURCH? What is an easy next step to get connected?

  • "Being Human" Message 6-7-20

    09/06/2020 Duration: 43min

    Point: Jesus didn’t die on the cross so we could make a point, He died so we could make a difference. Scripture: Luke 10:25-37 Questions: 1. What kind of approach or attitude do you have when considering racial injustice in our society? How can we align our hearts and our attitudes with Jesus? 2. Read Luke 10:25-37. Have you ever witnessed something that was wrong but didn’t know what to say or what to do in that moment? What could you have done differently? 3. Right now, what is it that is happening on the “other side” that you don’t understand? What is preventing us from moving towards those things we don’t understand? 4. What will it take for us to move towards others? What would it look like to allow someone else's pain to become your concern? Their healing to become your hope? Their joy to become your happiness? 5. What does it look like for YOU to love first? Respect humanity? Take no part in negativity? Make a difference?

  • "You and Me Agree" Message 5-31-20

    04/06/2020 Duration: 31min

    Point: We are better together when we agree to love one another Scripture: Philippians 2:1-11 Questions: 1. Read Philippians 2:1-11. What does it look like to be “One Mind” as theCHURCH family? How can we agree, even when we don’t see eye to eye? 2. When it comes to relationships in the church, where do we tend to put our preferences before considering others? How do our preferences stand in the way of loving each other? 3. What does true brotherly love look like? How can we practically “count others more significant than yourselves”? 4. Love is the natural expression of loving Christ. When you look at your life this past week or month, are you growing in love and patience toward the people in your life? If so, in what ways? Explain. 5. What is one way YOU can put away your preferences and fight for others THIS week?

  • Message 5 - 24 - 20

    28/05/2020 Duration: 41min

    Point: Jesus sent the church to change the world but first the church must be a changed world itself Scripture: Romans 12:9-21 Questions: 1. Read Acts 2:42-47. What does a thriving Gospel-Centered Community look like and why do you think there are very few expressions of one? 2. Read Romans 12:9-21. How can we turn Gospel-Centered Living into Gospel-Centered Community? 3. When it comes to Gospel-Centered Community, what do you think is the difference between the church today and the New Testament church (Acts, Romans, Ephesians, Philippians, etc.)? How can we become a church that is more involved and engaged in each other's lives? 4. How is it possible to live others-centered when our world is so me-centered? What does this re-centering require? 5. What are some practical steps YOU can take to genuinely engage in Gospel-Centered Community? How can you practice this in your Community Group this next week?

  • "Love first" Message 5-17-20

    20/05/2020 Duration: 43min

    Point: Life in Christ was never intended to be lived alone. But in order to pursue this life the way He intended we must love each other the way He commanded. Scripture: Jn. 13:34-35; 1 Peter 1:22-23; Romans 12:1-2 Questions: 1. Read 1 Peter 1:22-23. What are the requirements of good, even great, friendships/relationships? Explain. 2. When Christians truly love one another how is life in Christ better and sometimes even easier? 3. What are some of the roadblocks to doing life together with other brothers and sisters in Christ? Why do you think it’s hard to get involved? 4. Read Rom. 12:1-2 How does allowing God to renew the way you think about others in His church help create a pathway to loving them the way Jesus loves you? 5. Right now the term social distancing is taking a toll on our world and the church especially. What are some ways we can be intentional and engaged in our relationships, while at the same time respecting others' space and not putting people in danger?

  • "Pray" Message 5-10-20

    13/05/2020 Duration: 40min

    Point:  When you pray do you seek answers more than you seek God? If all you seek is answers you probably won’t find them, but if you seek God, the answers just might find you. (M. Batterson) Scripture: Psalm 116:1-9 Questions:  1. Read verses 1-2. Do you believe that God hears your prayers? Why or why not? 2. How can we know that we are actually praying, as opposed to just thinking good thoughts about God or practicing self-help meditation? What elements of prayer are absolutely necessary? Explain. 3. Read the passage again. Why do you think prayer tends to consist of demands to change our circumstances, rather than requests for God to align our souls with Him? Which does this Psalm reflect? 4. Read verses 5-9. How does a conversation with the Living God encourage and strengthen us, even in the midst of our challenging circumstances? Explain. 5. How does the practice of prayer (true and honest conversation with God) strengthen our walk right here, right now? How does it lead others to Jesus?

  • "Pursue" Message 5-3-20

    05/05/2020 Duration: 47min

    Point:  We cannot know God if we refuse to listen to Him, nor will we understand the life He created us to live if we choose not to hear from Him. Scripture: Colossians 3:1-4; Psalm 119:9-16 Questions:  1. Read Colossians 3:1-4 and Psalm 119:9-16. What does it look like to “set your mind on things that are above”? 2. Why do you think it’s so hard for people to read God’s word? Explain. 3. Why do so many people allow “the preacher” to do all the heavy lifting of reading and understanding God’s Word? What problems does this create? \4. What is necessary for someone to become a student of God's word or even have interest in reading it continually? 5. What are some practical ways to make reading the Word a habit? What keeps you in the Word? What keeps you away?

  • "Fully Alive" Message 4-26-20

    29/04/2020 Duration: 42min

    Point: Life IN Christ means you have a new life, a new mission, a new purpose, even a new identity. It’s living the life you were created to live, a life that is made fully alive by Christ for Christ. Scripture: Colossians 2:6-10 Questions: 1. Read Verses 6-7. What does it mean to “Walk in Christ”? How can we be certain that we are IN Christ, not just around Him? 2. What does it look like to be “rooted”, “Built up”, and “Established” in your faith? Explain. 3. Read 2 Corinthians 13:5. What are some ways we can evaluate ourselves to see if we are in the faith? 4. Read Verse 8. What are some worldly “philosophies” and “traditions” that are popular right now? How can we keep ourselves from being taken captive by these empty, worldly, and deceitful ways of thinking? 5. Read Verses 9-10. What does it mean to be “filled in Christ”? Explain.

  • "Essentials" Message 4-19-20

    21/04/2020 Duration: 45min

    Point: Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. Scripture: 1 Cor. 15:1; 2 Cor. 13:5 Questions: 1. How must a person’s life, heart, mind, and soul be prepared to know God personally? 2. What do you think it means to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ? Why must we follow up with standing firm in it and how does that happen? 3. What do you think “vain belief” is and how is it contagious? 4. Read 2 Cor. 13:5. What is repentance and why do you think it is continually necessary in a life that pursues Jesus? 5. In a world that is constantly changing how can we truly “hold fast” to God’s word and what good can it really do?

  • "The Greater Story" Message 4-12-20

    15/04/2020 Duration: 59min

    Title: The greater story Point: Life is filled with stories and it seems that the loudest ones or the ones we like best are the ones we let lead our lives. There is only one story that is above all stories, the story on which all of creation is subject to, and that is the story of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Scripture: Gen. 1-3; John 1:1-5,9-14, 17; Acts 17:22-31; Acts 4:12

  • "God Always Wins" Message 4-5-20

    10/04/2020 Duration: 01h23min

    Point: Though the world may shake, and though it may shake you with it, your honest working faith in an unshakable God can and will give you focus and lead you back to center. Scripture: Isaiah 43:1-2; Jeremiah 29:3-14 Questions: 1. Read Isaiah 43:1-2 and Jeremiah 29:3-14. What makes these promises ours as well as Israel’s? 2. Read Jeremiah 29:3-14 again. How can we trust God’s promise of “welfare and a future” even when we can’t see any good in the present? 3. Read Hebrews 11:1. What is Faith? In what way(s) is faith continually being developed in us? 4. How does our everyday life of faith in God prepare us for times of trial and hardship? 5. Would you say your faith in God has increased, decreased, or been steady over the last few weeks? Explain. How can we better encourage you in this season?

  • "Faith Not Foolishness" Message 3-29-20

    03/04/2020 Duration: 44min

    Point: We the church are to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Times like this require creative response rather than a careless reaction. Scripture: Luke 10:25-37 Questions: 1. Read Luke 10:25-37. It’s easy to use this pandemic as an excuse to hide away and not get involved in other people’s lives. Do you think this is what God is calling His church to do? Why or why not? 2. Read Luke 10:30-35. What does it mean to be a good neighbor? Right now, what is the greatest challenge to being a good neighbor? 3. Read James 3:13-18. How can we continue to serve people while still being wise and reasonable? 4. How do you think Jesus would respond to our current situation? What would be different or unique? How can you truly challenge that question with personal responsibility to it? 5. What can YOU do to stay connected to the people around you this week?

  • "theCHURCH" Message 3-22-20

    25/03/2020 Duration: 41min

    Point: Throughout history the church never allowed adversity and chaos to cause it to crumble. In fact it grew in adversity and thrived in chaos. Scripture: Acts 4:32-37,5:42 Questions: 1. Read Acts 4:32-37. The church was born in adversity, yet there was not a needy person among them. How can/should our church respond in the midst of the Coronavirus adversity? 2. Right now, Today, what does it look like to be one heart and soul, having everything in common? 3. What do you think people need right now? 4. How can we as the church offer real practical help both spiritually and physically? 5. What is one way YOU can serve during this time? What is one thing YOU can give (supplies, money, resources, etc)?

  • "Go Across the Street" Message 3-15-20

    17/03/2020 Duration: 47min

    Point: There are people all around you that really want to believe what you believe but they need to see that you really believe it. Scripture: Luke 10:25-37 Questions: 1. Why is it easy to avoid people in your own neighborhood even though you see them every week? Should we? Why or why not? 2. What does it mean to be a good neighbor? What is the greatest challenge to being a good neighbor? 3. What is the difference between tolerance of someone's life and respect for their humanity? Which would you rather have, tolerance or respect, and why? 4. What is the hardest part about serving people you don’t know that well, or at all, with the love of Christ? 5. What would it look like if Jesus moved into your neighborhood? What would be different/unique? How can you truly challenge that question with personal responsibility to it?

  • "Go to Your Family and Friends" Message 3-8-20

    10/03/2020 Duration: 43min

    Point: The best way we can possibly love our family and friends is to show them Jesus. Scripture: Acts 10 Questions: 1. What is the hardest thing about living out your faith among your extended family and or friends who are not Christian? 2. Why is perfection usually the expected standard when your family and friends hear about your faith? 3. Have you ever invited your friends and family to know Christ better? How do you do that? How did it go? 4. Why is it easier to just invite friends and family to church than take the time to explain your faith? 5. What kind of follow up do you think is necessary after inviting family and or friends to hear the word and experience the church?

  • "Go- To Work" Message 3- 1-20

    04/03/2020 Duration: 43min

    Point: We will spend almost half of our lives either at work or in school. Jesus called us to "GO… All the time" We are not merely educated and employed, but rather - CALLED to GO. Scripture: Matt. 22:37-40; Colossians 3:22-25; Matt. 5:13-16 Questions: 1. Why do we look at places we find ourselves (work, school, etc.) as places we just need to go and BE, rather than a mission field? 2. What does it mean to be “called?” What does it look like to be called vs. employed? 3. Why should a Christian be the best employee on the job? 4. Why is the work place one of the hardest places to be a Christian? 5. Read Matt. 22:37-40. What is a practical 1st step YOU can take to LOVE GOD and LOVE OTHERS while “going” into your workplace or school?

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