The History Of Rome



A weekly podcast tracing the rise, decline and fall of the Roman Empire.


  • 011- The Morning After

    25/02/2010 Duration: 16min

    In the decades after the Gauls abandoned Rome to its fate, the Romans were forced to battle both external threats and internal sedition. The Plebes, saddled with debt from the reconstruction, forced through reforms in 367 BC that finally gave them access to the most powerful office of state: the Consulship.

  • 010: Barbarians at the Gates

    25/02/2010 Duration: 15min

    Soon after the war with Veii, Rome was sacked by invading Gauls. The event traumatized the Romans and left their city in ruins. It would be the last time a foreign army breached the walls until the fall of the empire 850 years later.

  • 009- A Trojan War

    25/02/2010 Duration: 13min

    Economic necessity forced a final conflict with Veii, Rome's Etruscan rival to the north. After years of inconclusive fighting, Marcus Furius Camillus was appointed dictator and lead the Romans to victory.

  • 008- Decades of Gloom

    25/02/2010 Duration: 15min

    The years after the creation of the Twelve Tables were hard. Political discord, grain shortages and famine all conspired to weaken the city, but the Romans soldiered on in the face of seemingly insurmountable adversity.

  • 007- The Roman Washington

    25/02/2010 Duration: 12min

    Cincinnatus was famously appointed dictator of Rome in 458 BC and then resigned soon after, securing his place in history as a paradigm of republican virtue.

  • 006- The Twelve Tables

    25/02/2010 Duration: 15min

    In 451 BC a committee was ordered to compile and then condense Roman law into a single text called the Twelve Tables of Law. Despite tyrannical machinations by the committee, the Twelve Tables secured an objective rule of law for all Roman citizens regardless of wealth or class.

  • 005- Trials and Tribunlations

    25/02/2010 Duration: 15min

    The infant Roman Republic faced many challenges as it grew into adolescence, both internally and externally. Most significantly class divisions led to a confrontation between patricians and plebs that resulted in the creation of the office of Tribune.

  • 004- The Public Thing

    25/02/2010 Duration: 14min

    The monarchy had been overthrown and the Roman Republic was now established. Despite the appearance of a free democratic republic, the Romans were beset with economic and political divisions that threatened the unity of the young State.

  • 003b- The Seven Kings of Rome

    25/02/2010 Duration: 18min

    The last days of the Roman Kingdom were ruled over by the three members of the so-called Tarquin Dynasty: Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tullius and Tarquinius Superbus. The last proved to be such a tyrant that he was overthrown and monarchy was forever outlawed by the Romans.

  • 003a- The Seven Kings of Rome

    25/02/2010 Duration: 16min

    This week we cover the first three of Romulus's successors to the throne: Numa Pompulius, Tullus Hostilius and Ancus Marcius, who they were and what affect they had on the evolution Roman law and culture.

  • 002- Youthful Indiscretions

    25/02/2010 Duration: 11min

    Last time we discussed the events that lead to the birth of Rome, covering the arrival of Aeneas in Italy and the story of the twins Romulus and Remus. Today we will cover the remainder of Romulus's life, his questionable morality and ultimate disappearance from the world of men.

  • 001- In the Beginning

    28/07/2007 Duration: 11min

    Welcome to The History of Rome, a weekly series tracing the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. Today we will hear the mythical origin story of Rome and compare it with modern historical and archaeological evidence. How much truth is wrapped up in the legend? We end this week with the death of Remus and the founding of Rome.

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