Hayti First Umc




  • "God is Jealous" - Audio

    14/12/2014 Duration: 17min

    When thinking about the attributes of God Jealousy is not usually the first thing that comes to mind, and there aren't any Christmas songs about the jealousy of God! In fact failure to understand this little talked about attribute of God has been a problem for some, even some celebrities. But the Holy Living God of the Bible is described as jealous for his people. This jealousy is not the sin of jealousy that is to be envious of another person’s position, abilities or skills, beauty, or possessions. This message tries to demystify this attribute of God and understand what God's jealousy really means.

  • "God is Dangerous" - Audio

    07/12/2014 Duration: 16min

    What do you think of when you think of God? especially at Christmas! whatever comes to mind I would be willing to bet that the first thing you think of IS NOT that God is dangerous. In C.S. Lewis's book, The lion, the witch and the wardrobe, there is a question asked by Lucy of Mr. Beaver about Aslan the lion, she ask Mr. Beaver "Is he safe" and Mr. Beaver responds "Safe, of course he isn't safe! but he is good!" In this message we explore one of the lessor talked about aspects of God and What it means for us.

  • "When the Cat's Away!" - Audio

    23/11/2014 Duration: 23min

    It is an Unfortunate truth, that we, as human beings, have a hard time sticking to what God tells us to do, especially without supervision!, Sometimes we forget that God is ALWAYS watching us, and we can do fine, if we have someone watching us to make sure we behave, but for most of Us, "When the Cat's Away!" we will push the envelope as far as we can!

  • "Eat, Drink and Be Merry!" - Audio

    16/11/2014 Duration: 22min

    True Repentance brings sorrow, but God doesn't want us to live there. God has always commanded his people to celebrate as we remember how good He has been to us! It is right and good to be sorrowful for disappointing our Father, but once he has forgiven us, once we understand how much God Loves us, It is a cause for us to celebrate: to Eat, Drink and Be Merry!"

  • "Courage Under Fire" - Audio

    09/11/2014 Duration: 26min

    Most often, If a person is going to do a work for God, as God has instructed, They will encounter resistance, at the very least, all out attack on other occasions, whether it is an attack on one's character, or something more drastic. In any case, when following Gods commands, you will need to have "Courage Under Fire!"

  • "For the Record" - Audio

    02/11/2014 Duration: 17min

    The Scriptures are full of list, and if your like most of us you have a tendency to skim these chapters, if you read them at all, but if we stop and study some of these list we can find some amazing things hidden. This lesson takes a brief look a Nehemiah chapter 3 and discover that the record he leaves us has got some interesting things we can learn!

  • "Let's Get to Work!" - Audio

    26/10/2014 Duration: 29min

    Once you have prayed and developed a plan based on what God is leading you to do, then it is time to go to work! If you want to see your church or your life changed there is going to be work that has to be done, yes it is important to study the problems, and it is important to come up with a plan, but that is all a waste of time unless you are willing to roll up your sleeves and get to work. This lesson shows us exactly how that worked in Nehemiah's situation.

  • "Step 3: Action!" - Audio

    05/10/2014 Duration: 23min

    Any Great work begins with a broken heart, and prayer is essential!, but none of this will accomplish anything unless we are willing to back it up with action! It does no good to worry or sit around complaining about how things are if you are not willing to BE the change you want to see, Here we learn just how important it is to have the courage to follow God!

  • "Step 2: Pray!" - Audio

    28/09/2014 Duration: 29min

    What is it going to Take to put the church back on Track? We continue our study of Nehemiah's call to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem , the prototype for the church, and learn the type of prayer that is effective for bringing the church back to where it belongs!

  • "Start With a Broken Heart" - Audio

    21/09/2014 Duration: 23min

    This id the first installment of our New Series "The Church that God Built" and we start in the book of Nehimiah because the North American church needs to be renewed, if we are going to have the kind of church that Jesus envisioned we need to Start with a Broken Heart!

  • "A Changed Man" - Audio

    14/09/2014 Duration: 32min

    Have you ever been so desperate that you Wrestled with God in prayer? Today we look at the time that Jacob, when desperate and afraid actually DID wrestle with God and when he did, he was changed forever!

  • Jacob-An Impromptu overview - Audio

    07/09/2014 Duration: 11min

    In this message Rev. House had intended to deliver the last message in the series on Jacob, however at the last minute decided, due to time constraints, to wait until the following week and instead gave this short off the cuff message over-viewing what had been covered so far and some other interesting points.

  • "Twisted Sisters" - Audio

    31/08/2014 Duration: 27min

    Competition can be good, but not when it's fueled by jealousy and bitterness and can be most hurtful when it involves family and ultimately becomes most hurtful to those around it. Jacob has two wives, sisters, who are in a fierce competition for the love and affection of one man, what can the way they behave teach us today when dealing with family conflict?

  • "A Tale of Two Wives" - Audio

    24/08/2014 Duration: 23min

    If you have ever experienced the sting of rejection then you know it is a horrible experience! In fact it is truly painful! Jacob now has two wives, when he only wanted one, and as you might expect this causes problems in his home, as we look at this situation we find that perhaps, the whole situation could have been handled differently. What can we learn from this household that can help our homes today!

  • “It's Only Business” - Audio

    17/08/2014 Duration: 26min

    You've heard the phrase, "it's not personal, it's only business", that phrase is often used by unscrupulous people to justify actions that are harmful or hurtful to others for their own gain, however if you are on the receiving end of one of these "deals" it feels really personal, no matter what hey say. In this study we look at Laban's deception of Jacob and see what WE can learn from it!

  • “Awesome Encounters” - Audio

    10/08/2014 Duration: 29min

    Have you ever had an encounter with God, with Jesus Christ. If you have then you know that's it something you will never ever forget, right? Or maybe not, once the new wears off of an experience, how do we respond, in fact, how do we respond when God meets us where we are? In this message we look at how Jacob responded when God met him where he was, in a time of trouble and uncertainty!

  • “Words into Action” - Audio

    03/08/2014 Duration: 21min

    Words matter, they can hurt or they can heal, they can comfort or they can destroy. The fact is that words have power, they hold a great deal of power and how we use our words is very important to God. In this message we talk about why!

  • "A Fool's Bargain" - Audio

    27/07/2014 Duration: 26min

    We now move from the story Issac and Rebekkah to the twins they bore, Jacob and Esau, as we begin this study we look at the craftiness of Jacob and the foolishness of Esau, and what their situation can teach us as Christ followers!

  • "Good News, Bad News" - Audio

    20/07/2014 Duration: 22min

    We pray to God for an answer, especially in times of trouble and trial, but what happens when God answers and the answer is not something we want to hear? Do we listen and understand that God knows what is best for us and trust him, or do we turn away and try to find an answer we like better. As we continue this study on Issac and Rebekka, we see how they reacted when God answered with both good news and bad news.

  • "Why Me?" - Audio

    13/07/2014 Duration: 26min

    While everything is going great most people have no problem proclaiming the praises to God, when we feel we are being blessed and life is good, but what happens when we feel that God has abandoned us, when it seems that we are going though trouble and Gods promises don't seem to be coming, that is when many people say "Why Me God?" it is hard to understand when God seems far off, in this lesson on Issac and Rebekka we find out, we may just be right in the middle of Gods will after all!

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