This Is Fifty With Sheri And Nancy

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 112:45:59
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Sheri Salata, Executive Producer of the Oprah Winfrey Show and former Co-President of Harpo Studios and OWN and Nancy Hala, Fortune 500 brand strategist and storyteller, take listeners on a Thelma and Louise style ride as they set out to rebrand and redefine midlife.The two fifty-somethings, friends for decades, have each reached a crossroads and are launching a daring quest to make the rest of their dreams come true. From getting in the shape of their lives, to calling in their soulmate men, theyll take you behind the scenes as they enlist experts to elevate their lives to whole new levels in health, wellness, spirituality, happiness, romance and sex.


  • Better: Your DIY Health Potion

    07/06/2018 Duration: 06min

    Sheri and Nancy reveal the key the best-ever smoothie. Something they swore they’d never do. Join Sheri and Nancy in the redwoods this summer for their inaugural live event: This is Fifty with Sheri and Nancy: The Weekend. They have an amazing line-up of teachers and tribe-builders who are going to help us ignite our dreams. Tickets are on sale now at And join the DreamTribe!

  • EP 41 Nancy Gets a Dating Coach

    05/06/2018 Duration: 43min

    Just like Charlotte in Sex in the City, Nancy feels like she has been dating FOREVER. Where is he?! Well, she’s about to find out because Sheri has done some behind-the-scenes maneuvering and hooked Nancy up with a superstar dating coach, Bela Gandhi, founder of the Smart Dating Academy. Bela has been called the “Fairy Godmother of Dating,” and she truly believes that love is out there for absolutely everyone who wants it. She is going to help Nancy sort through the dating landscape and find men with GHQ — Good Husband Qualities.   In this introductory session, Bela tells Nancy that being single can feel like you’re a “pot without a lid” but not to worry — there are 35 million singles over 50, and most of them are online and looking for love. Listen in to hear Bela’s first phone call with Nancy, and follow along with Nancy’s matchmaking journey to true romance.   Takeaways: [2:40] One out of three marriages last year started from an online love connection. Bela Ghandi, expert dating coach, assures Nancy that

  • Better: Sunday Funday

    31/05/2018 Duration: 07min

    Sheri and Nancy reveal a Pillar Life pro-tip. Reserve your spot at the personal growth event of the summer, This is Fifty with Sheri and Nancy: The Weekend. Join Sheri and Nancy, Deepak Chopra, Nate Berkus, Jeremiah Brent, Angela Manuel-Davis, Dani Shapiro and Kris Carr. They will be gathering in the redwoods outside of Santa Cruz to refuel our imaginations and reignite our dreams. Get your tickets at And join the DreamTribe!

  • EP 40 Christy Whitman Unpacks the 7 Universal Laws

    29/05/2018 Duration: 53min

    Christy Whitman is a transformational leader, best-selling author and one of the foremost experts on the 7 Universal Laws. She joins Sheri and Nancy to share how they can manifest their biggest dreams, and she shows us all that it is not only possible, but our birthright to have what we want in life. Christy unpacks the Universal Laws and describes key practices for awareness and mindfulness so that we can train ourselves to get more of what we want, and less of what we don’t.   Whether we are aware of it or not, each of us is an “energy tower” sending out signals and vibrations all day. And in turn, energy boomerangs right back to us — sometimes what we get back confounds us. Sometimes it feels like the opposite of what we want. But whenever we practice appreciation and gratitude, we get back abundant deliciousness. That’s the big secret to success. Tune in and learn how.   Takeaways: [2:09] Don’t forget to join Sheri and Nancy at their inaugural live event in the redwood forests outside of Santa Cruz: This

  • Better: Pour Me Another One!

    24/05/2018 Duration: 05min

    It’s a daily Health & Wellness Pillar practice that Sheri and Nancy strive for. Here are their tricks to make it work.   Reserve your spot at the personal growth event of the summer, “This is Fifty with Sheri and Nancy: The Weekend.” Join Sheri and Nancy, Deepak Chopra, Nate Berkus, Jeremiah Brent, Angela Manuel Davis, Dani Shapiro, Kris Carr, and Angela Manuel Davis in the redwoods outside of Santa Cruz. Get your tickets at … To join the DreamTribe sign up for Sheri and Nancy’s newsletter:

  • EP 39 Dani Shapiro — Writing for our Lives

    22/05/2018 Duration: 48min

    Best-selling author, and revered teacher and speaker Dani Shapiro joins Sheri and Nancy for an episode that will leave you inspired to put pen to paper. Dani tells us that writing helps you bare your soul and come face to face with personal truths and insights. Writing is an essential part of Sheri and Nancy’s Creativity & Innovation Pillar, so they are both more than willing to write for their lives.   Dani shares how she first knew she was a writer, and the brave and unabashed way she continues to follow that calling with each turn of the page. Writing has helped Dani connect with herself and the present moment. It has taught her to remove her armor and feel the scary feelings we distract ourselves from all too often.   Dani, Sheri and Nancy uncover some deep thoughts on the synergy between meditation and writing; what portable rituals they take on the road; and why midlife is the best time to make friends with that budding author inside of you. Write on.   Takeaways: [3:27] Sheri and Nancy are inviting

  • Better: I’ll Never! Or Would I?

    17/05/2018 Duration: 08min

    What are your “nevers”? What are your “always”? A Pillar Life secret revealed in this mini episode.   … Reserve your spot at the personal growth event of the summer, “This is Fifty with Sheri and Nancy: The Weekend.” Join Sheri and Nancy, Deepak Chopra, Nate Berkus, Jeremiah Brent, Angela Manuel Davis, Dani Shapiro, Kris Carr, and Angela Manuel Davis in the redwoods outside of Santa Cruz. Get your tickets at … To join the DreamTribe sign up for Sheri and Nancy’s newsletter:

  • EP 38 Sheri’s Deep Dive — The Hoffman Process

    15/05/2018 Duration: 39min

    Every once in a while, we all need to dive deep. Really look at the dark corners of our lives and our pasts, and try to unearth the things that bring us pain so that we can vanquish them, once and for all. That’s exactly what Sheri did when she spent eight days at The Hoffman Process, a world renowned healing and personal growth retreat. Now she is ready to share what she learned, with Nancy and all of their listeners.   And wow, does she have some major insights to unpack. Sheri describes the shifts and revelations she and her other Hoffman colleagues experienced as a result of the intensive work. This is what Pillar Living is all about — facing the obstacles so that you can get to the joy.   On a much lighter note, during the week Sher was away, Nance visited her favorite farmers markets and did her own deep dive — into vegan cooking!   Takeaways: [1:05] Nancy loves a good farmers’ market and has been making it a priority to attend them and gather fresh ingredients for her beloved recipes. If you live in th

  • Better: Nancy’s Salad Hack

    10/05/2018 Duration: 04min

    Nancy has a super secret salad hack that Sheri uncovered and the sheer genius of it has transformed her entire salad life. Now, for the first time, Sheri is going to reveal the “method”. Nancy thinks this is hilarious. … Reserve your spot at the personal growth event of the summer “This is Fifty with Sheri and Nancy: The Weekend” . Join Sheri and Nancy, Deepak Chopra, Nate Berkus, Jeremiah Brent, Angela Manuel Davis, Dani Shapiro, Kris Carr and Angela Manuel Davis in the redwoods outside of Santa Cruz. get your tickets at … To join the DreamTribe sign up for Sheri and Nancy’s newsletter Website

  • EP 37 Lori Harder: Find Your Tribe

    08/05/2018 Duration: 42min

    Beloved podcaster and author Lori Harder joins Sheri and Nancy to talk about why finding your tribe may be the answer to abundance, connection and breakthroughs on every level.  As founders of the DreamTribe, this is something Sher and Nance always knew, but Lori adds a whole new perspective to the power of TRIBE.   In her new book, A Tribe Called Bliss, Lori passionately recounts on her own experiences of going from an anxiety-ridden, unhappy and unhealthy woman to a three-time fitness world champion, madly-in-love married person, and podcast queen. But she also tells us how she didn’t do it alone.   Tribes are a way for us to share our wisdom, dive deep into what’s holding us back, construct a few important boundaries and declare our intentions to a like-minded group. Tribes are an energetic exchange of souls, all seeking abundance for themselves and each other.  Lori shares her definition of a tribe, how you can find yours and what to expect once you are in one.   Ready to raise your vibration and meet you

  • Better: Sheri's Signature Scent

    03/05/2018 Duration: 04min

    Filling your home with a beautiful fragrance is an easy and affordable ritual that Sheri sets as a priority no matter where she lives. It’s a joy to to find your signature scents, take out those candles sitting idly on the shelf, and partake in a ritual of self-care and sanctuary. Website

  • Ep 36 When Life Gives You Lemons, with Pam Butler

    01/05/2018 Duration: 43min

    Pillar Life is not about avoidance, it’s about looking life square in the face and turning all aspects of it into your wildest dreams. The truth is, sometimes life serves you lemons — we’ve all been there. By the time we hit our 50s we’ve been tossed around the ocean of life with waves of heartbreak and trauma threatening to knock us down for good. Some may think of that as rock bottom, but here in our DreamTribe, we think of it as an opportunity to heal, and rebrand life.    Pam Butler, author of Return to Life, joins Sheri and Nancy today to talk about her personal account of feeling so low and stuck that she couldn’t leave the house or thrive in her own life. She had post-traumatic stress disorder by the time she took a turn and started to work on her own Pillars: mind, body, and spirit. Little by little she got her life back. Pam talks with Sheri and Nancy about learning to fail gladly, what’s in her bliss toolbox, and why it’s okay to just take a few moments and… breathe.   Takeaways: [2:58] Nancy apprec

  • Better: Nancy's Weight Loss Secret

    26/04/2018 Duration: 05min

    Nancy's cracked the code on her weight loss story and it's all about a bespoke and delicious tea she's discovered in LA. Listen in and hear the secret.   Takeaways: [:39] Nancy’s newest revelation on weight loss — tea. Brewing herself a delicious pot of tea at night has curbed the snack monster and is a hydrating and calming ritual. [2:59] Get 25% your first purchase of Tea Vibes order by using the code THISISFIFTY at checkout.    Mentioned in This Episode: Tea Vibes   Website

  • Ep 35 Angela Manuel Davis: Honor Your Body

    24/04/2018 Duration: 44min

    Body Love Reigns Supreme (that’s a Pillar story!) in today’s episode with mind-body-spirit warrior Angela Manuel Davis. From the very first moment they met Angela, Sheri and Nancy knew they had discovered someone very special. They say her SoulCycle class in West Hollywood is like “church.” It is a path to both enlightenment and a rock-hard butt. Angela joins Sheri and Nancy to channel some body and wellness wisdom from on high. Don’t miss it.   Angela’s core motivation is to tap into the energy from the universe and mix it with intensity and a no-excuses approach to fitness. She embodies the DreamTribe because she truly believes that hope is a choice and that the best is yet to come, for all of us. Angela gives Sheri and Nancy some tips on how to embrace the gift of our body and disrupt our comfort zones. Her advice lays the groundwork for not one, but two Pillars: Health & Wellness and Spirituality & Happiness. To Angela, they are intrinsically linked. She advises us all to take care of our inner te

  • Better: You Gotta Make Your Own Stuff

    19/04/2018 Duration: 05min

    Sheri and Nancy kick off their mini episode series called “Better” with a Health & Wellness Pillar tip. Mentioned in This Episode: Nancy’s Recipes   

  • Ep 34 Mel Robbins and the 5 Second Rule

    17/04/2018 Duration: 51min

    Five seconds. According to motivational speaker and all around firecracker, Mel Robbins, that’s all it takes to rev our engines and zoom away from old habits, laziness and stagnation and into a life filled with energy and purpose. This is our chance to stop pressing the snooze button on our lives! Let’s dive in.   Our thoughts are not just habit-forming, they are life-creating. Your life becomes what you focus on and think about, that is all there is to it. In this episode, Sheri and Nancy sit down with Mel, author of the best-selling book, The 5 Second Rule, to help us all banish the snooze button we are pushing every day, on a million different topics. The Rule is this: count backwards from five and when you hit one, GO! It’s a simple but profound trick to get yourself up out of your seat and doing the thing you’ve just been talking about doing.   As a perfect example of someone who is crushing it in her 50s, Mel shares how she came upon the now world-famous 5 Second Rule in her darkest hours, and she share

  • Ep 33 Geneen Roth, Part 2

    12/04/2018 Duration: 36min

    Ok everybody, let’s get rid of the “Crazy Aunt in the Attic” once and for all — that’s what best-selling author and brilliant life coach Geneen Roth calls the punishing inner voice we each have; the one that fills us with self-doubt, criticism, sadness, even fear. In Part 2 of Sheri and Nancy’s chat with Geneen, she shares her treasure trove of insights about dialing up living, dialing down complaining, and she offers some practical tips we can all use to jump away from our old rutted lanes of habitual thinking and into new neural pathways of joy and gratitude.   Takeaways: [1:18] Sheri and Nancy share stories about how their recent cleanses have improved their bodies and spirits. Sheri stayed true to her commitment of being vegan and alcohol-free for 90 days! She is working on how to bring back the foods and drinks she loves with a balance of what is best for her health. Nancy joined up for the final 30 days and traded in her nightcap of a Real Housewife-sized glass of wine for a cup of chamomile tea. [14:05

  • Ep 32 Geneen Roth, Part 1

    10/04/2018 Duration: 44min

    Reading Geneen Roth’s new book, This Messy Magnificent Life, is like sitting down and listening to your favorite friend’s best stories. When she joins Sheri and Nancy in this special 2-part podcast, the conversation is just as good. Honest, brave, hilariously funny and powerfully smart, Geneen is the girlfriend and life-guide we all need, to help us move through our days with purpose, clarity and a killer sense of humor.   Best known for her books tackling food and weight issues, Geneen is a best-selling author, TV personality and world-famous teacher who shines a light into our messy, magnificent emotional landscapes. Her point of view fits perfectly with Sheri and Nancy’s Pillar Life — she shares her thoughts on how to embrace the imperfect parts of life to gain appreciation and clarity on what we have, and all that is going right in this exact moment. That’s a Spirituality & Happiness lesson for sure! She offers so many insights that we dedicated two episodes to this conversation. Don’t miss Part 2 air

  • Ep 31 Dr. Laura Berman Gives Us Quantum Love

    03/04/2018 Duration: 53min

    Every feeling we have stems from a story we’re telling ourselves. Dr. Laura Berman — love coach, sex therapist, best-selling author, and TV & radio personality — explains how to set our energy levels so that we can manifest the things we want in our lives, especially love. Her book, Quantum Love, is about becoming a veritable divining rod to attract true love. Dr. Berman talks about all of this and more with Sheri and Nancy in this week’s episode.   Dr. Berman breaks down exactly what Quantum Love means, and how it’s the most powerful way possible to transform your own thoughts, feelings and, eventually, your reality. We learn how feelings create energy, how friends and family may react to the “new you”, and how to use certain techniques in your daily life to create harmony and peace no matter where you are or who you’re with. What a gift. Listen in.   Takeaways: [0:39] Big news! Sheri and Nancy are hosting their first-ever live event: This is 50 with Sheri and Nancy: The Weekend will take place at 1440 M

  • Ep 30 Martha Beck Cracks It Open

    27/03/2018 Duration: 56min

    Martha Beck is a best-selling author, life coach and spirit guide, and today she takes Nancy on unexpected and unplanned journey of a lifetime. It’s a powerful episode, friends. We learn, through Nancy’s lens, how old rooted beliefs from our childhoods totally shape the way we navigate our lives today. Sheri and Nancy always say that the stories we tell ourselves are what make our dreams come true. But this deeply personal episode peels back layers and reveals that those stories can also hold us back from happiness, and keep us from finding love.   Martha leads Nancy through a coaching session — a path that she compares to Dante’s rings of hell — but she assures Nance, and the rest of us, that this is the only way to confront and “burn through” old beliefs, and arrive on the other side — where truth and joy await us.   Takeaways: [7:40] The conversation between Nancy and Martha begins with Nancy opening up about feeling lost and lonely despite believing that she is open and receptive to love. Martha encourage

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