Giving you some info on my music, talking about other topics that may or may not related to music.
Retuning my electric guitar to 432 hz
23/12/2022 Duration: 13minI had a bad experience on tuesday and I kind of made a choice on the spot.
Time to rejoice ! Having the proof ! Busting a myth !
12/12/2022 Duration: 14minWhat you may want to do as an artist. Totally unexpected on the timeline, my new album "In Your Head" is available on your favorite streaming platform. And within 48 hours, I had a surprise. And I was right : Figures do speak indeed.
The surprise on the release of my album "In Your Head"
25/09/2022 Duration: 05minTotally unexpected on the timeline, my new album "In Your Head" is available on your favorite streaming platform. And within 48 hours, I had a surprise.
The big reveal : Number 7 has been released
16/09/2022 Duration: 12minTotally unexpected on the timeline, my new album "In Your Head" is available on your favorite streaming platform.
Moving on... No release...
20/07/2022 Duration: 13minFunnily enough, I may have taken a photo for the cover of the album by accident. That is going to be royalty free if ever released.
Le parcours d'une artiste indépendante : les déclarations administratives
03/05/2022 Duration: 21minLongue est la route... C'est aussi le titre de l'une de mes chansons !
Trials and errors
10/09/2021 Duration: 14minIf you don't try, you don't know ! And yes sometimes it hurts.
As an artist with a catalogue, I have never told anyone !
27/08/2021 Duration: 17minNot even my friends, my family or people who remotely know me.
Loved 2020... loving 2021 even more !
05/08/2021 Duration: 12minAs strangely as it may sound regarding the time we are living in.
Do you get it ? pt 2 : The biggest surprise of the day
07/07/2021 Duration: 13minSomehow you have to jump and then... Hold the line.