Manifestation Babe

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 222:01:55
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The Manifestation Babe Podcast is your weekly dose for all things related to manifesting your best life, cultivating a positive mindset & attracting more money than you could ever dream of. Your host, Kathrin Zenkina, is the CEO & Founder of Manifestation Babe, a multi-million dollar personal development brand, #1 Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and Manifestation Expert. Featured in Forbes, Thrive Global, Goalcast, CNET, and Bustle.


  • (#145) Download my personal 30-day journal for massive momentum, motivation & magic

    12/04/2020 Duration: 06min

    Hello Gorgeous Souls! I hope you are all happy, healthy and well, and that you are safe at home, practicing social isolating. As you can probably tell by the length of this podcast, today is not a regular episode, but more of an announcement. I want to share with you where you can download my 30-day journal that has been changing my LIFE!   Have you been protecting your energy while you sleep? Or have you been collecting the energies of the collective consciousness around the world during this time? If you were like me back in February, then you are probably not protecting your energy. When this pandemic first started, I found myself waking up almost daily in the middle of the night in a panic. Then one day I had my AH-HA moment and realized I needed to protect my energy while I slept. I am here to provide you with the TOOLS on how to do the same TODAY!   Today, you will learn how to DEAL with your current anxiety. I am curious to know how this 30-day journal helps you start your day off right and all of the

  • (#144) The REAL reason why you're not where you want to be

    02/04/2020 Duration: 18min

    Hello Gorgeous Souls! Today I decided to record a quickie for you guys. This technique took me from making $8K in one year to making $600K the next. What I am about to share with you is short and sweet, but TRANSFORMATIVE!    In November of 2016, I developed this exercise in order to help transform my life. I am about to share that same strategy with you! All you will need is a piece of paper, a pen, and HONESTY. I will provide you with a list of questions to answer honestly with yourself at the end of this episode. They will help you work through the excuses that are holding you back from where you want to be. I promise you, you will not recognize yourself or your life after this!    Today, you will learn the REAL reason why you are not where you want to be. The awareness you will gain is MAGICAL! If this episode resonated with you and you know someone who needs a little clarity right now, please be sure to tag me @manifestationbabe on Instagram and share this episode with your community to spread the word!

  • (#143) My personal practices for keeping my mindset in TIP TOP shape

    31/03/2020 Duration: 44min

    Hello Gorgeous Souls! I hope you guys are staying safe, healthy, and well. I just finished an EPIC breathwork session that INSPIRED me to record this episode. I currently feel ON TOP of the world and I am excited to share my revelations with you guys. All you have to do is sit back, relax and listen!   My podcast listeners may already know that I had Samantha Skelly from Pause Breathwork on this podcast a couple of weeks ago. For those of you who have not listened to that episode yet, I strongly recommend that you do! It has been a game-changer for me. Breathwork has easily become one of my FAVORITE healing modalities. It is also the reason why I decided to share with you guys how I keep my mindset in tip-top shape. As time goes on, and circumstances in my life change, I find myself constantly changing my mindset routine. Any coach out there who tells you that one specific routine is going to make you a MILLIONAIRE is simply lying to you. This is because everyone has a different soul signature or energetic i

  • (#142) Let’s talk about sex, baby

    27/03/2020 Duration: 01h17min

    Hello Gorgeous Souls! You guys asked for it, so now you GOT IT! In this episode of the Manifestation Babe podcast, Brennan and I are going to talk about the topic we left out last episode, sex. We are going to be very OPEN and TRANSPARENT today. I promise you, we go places I NEVER thought we would go on this podcast. You guys will not be disappointed!   We are going to shed some light on how to keep the SPARK alive when you spend 24/7 with your partner. Brennan and I have been spending most of our time together for the past three years. Over time, it would have been easy for us to get sick of each other and take each other for granted. We would have lost that passion and polarity that most couples have at the beginning of a relationship or if they spend hours, days or weeks apart. However, we are not only going to share our personal tips to combat this, but we are also going to share content we have learned from other experts that have helped us take our relationship to the next level. We are going to talk a

  • (#141) How we're handling this pandemic as a COUPLE

    26/03/2020 Duration: 01h26min

    Hello Gorgeous Souls! It is my pleasure and honor today on the Manifestation Babe podcast to have my husband Brennan join me. I truly believe that you guys are in for a treat! We are about to share with you our REAL and TRANSPARENT thoughts around how we are handling this pandemic as a COUPLE.    Brennan and I are going to share with you our views on what has been happening in the world, and we’re going to have an HONEST conversation about how we are handling this pandemic together. It has been ten to twelve days since neither Brennan or I have left the house and as you can imagine, we have spent a lot of time together. We realize that there are couples out there that are experiencing being in each other's space 24/7 for the first time, so we want to share with you guys what life has looked like for us. Brennan has been my educator during this time because he has so much wisdom to share! That is why I decided to bring him on today’s episode so that we can share our thoughts on; our daily life as a couple dur

  • (#140) How to find the opportunity in EVERYTHING no matter what's going on in the world (this one's SUPER important)

    24/03/2020 Duration: 36min

    Hello Gorgeous Souls! I hope you are all staying safe. Over the past couple of weeks, I have noticed a theme as events surrounding this pandemic have been unfolding. In this episode of the Manifestation Babe podcast, I reveal my observations about what has been going on in the world and my unpopular opinion on how this pandemic can be viewed as a GIFT in disguise.    Opportunity is often viewed as a time or a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something. I am sure you all are thinking, what does that have to do with the times we are in right now? Well, I have noticed that internally, feelings of fear, thoughts of scarcity, and lack have been bubbling up to the surface for most. However, today, I am here to change your perspective! I want to help you connect to your HIGHER SELF because once you do, you will be able to use this time to actually serve YOURSELF! You will see past the chaos and fear, and see a world that has been healed and is a better place to live in. So, sit back, relax, and get

  • (#139) Taking back your POWER and finding certainty in the uncertainty (Day 4 of the Faith Challenge)

    21/03/2020 Duration: 42min

    This week on the Manifestation Babe podcast we are switching gears a bit as we globally face a time of uncertainty. In a means to spread faith, love, and positivity, I am hosting a free Faith Challenge on Instagram, purely for the purpose of guiding our community to lift each other up, tap back into the vibration of love, and navigate through these challenging times with faith!    In today’s episode, I share how the coronavirus pandemic is just bringing up old fears to the surface. These fears, thoughts of lack and scarcity, fear-based conditioning and whatever else is triggering you have always been inside. Coronavirus just gave them the opportunity to surface so that you can FINALLY work through them. What a grand opportunity to use this time to rewire your thinking. THIS is the best time to do your inner work, your thought work, your belief work. There has never been a better time.   We have never & will never be in control of our external circumstances. That’s an illusion we keep feeding into thanks

  • (#138) Proof that you can overcome ANYTHING (Day 3 of Faith Challenge)

    20/03/2020 Duration: 35min

    This week on the Manifestation Babe podcast we are switching gears a bit as we globally face a time of uncertainty. In a means to spread faith, love, and positivity, I am hosting a free Faith Challenge on Instagram, purely for the purpose of guiding our community to lift each other up, tap back into the vibration of love, and navigate through these challenging times with faith!    You can join me over on Instagram every day at 10 am PST from Tuesday, March 17th- Friday, March 20th. All the videos will be recorded and up on my IGTV if you can't join me live. The videos will always be up, along with these podcast episodes, so you can return to these episodes whenever you're facing a time of uncertainty. Here are some powerful journaling prompts to help you gain perspective in any challenge you currently face:   Think back to a moment, an event, a circumstance, a past situation that was very dark, and you felt like you were NEVER going to make it out.    Go back to that moment and remember how at that point,

  • (#137) Powerful Meditation for Self & Global Healing (Day 2 of The Faith Challenge)

    19/03/2020 Duration: 46min

    This week on the Manifestation Babe podcast we are switching gears a bit as we globally face a time of uncertainty. In a means to spread faith, love, and positivity, I am hosting a free Faith Challenge on Instagram, purely for the purpose of guiding our community to lift each other up, tap back into the vibration of love, and navigate through these challenging times with faith!    You can join me over on Instagram every day at 10 am PST from Tuesday, March 17th- Friday, March 20th. All the videos will be recorded and up on my IGTV if you can't join me live. The videos will always be up, along with these podcast episodes, so you can return to these episodes whenever you're facing a time of uncertainty.    If this episode resonated with you and you know someone who needs a little extra faith right now, please feel free to share it and let me know on Instagram at Links/Resources  Free Faith Challenge: How to Navigate Faith Through Uncertain Time (Day 2) Free Faith Challenge: How

  • (#136) How to Transmute Fear into Faith (4 Day Faith Challenge)

    17/03/2020 Duration: 56min

      This week on the Manifestation Babe podcast we are switching gears a bit as we globally face a time of uncertainty. In a means to spread faith, love, and positivity, I am hosting a free Faith Challenge on Instagram, purely for the purpose of guiding our community to lift each other up, tap back into the vibration of love, and navigate through these challenging times with faith!    You can join me over on Instagram every day at 10 am PST from Tuesday, March 17th- Friday, March 20th. All the videos will be recorded and up on my IGTV if you can't join me live. The videos will always be up, along with these podcast episodes, so you can return to these episodes whenever you're facing a time of uncertainty.    If this episode resonated with you and you know someone who needs a little extra faith right now, please feel free to share it and let me know on Instagram at Links/Resources  Free Faith Challenge: How to Navigate Faith Through Uncertain Time (Day 1)

  • (#135) Feeling Scared & Uncertain? Here's What We Can Do About It (RE: Coronavirus)

    17/03/2020 Duration: 44min

    Today’s episode is going to be a little different than my usual podcasts. I usually like to keep things pretty upbeat. However, as I am sitting here at home because everything is canceled while the world is in a state of panic. I feel aligned to address how everyone is feeling in the midst of the Coronavirus.    As a sensitive, empathic, energy and lightworker, I am really in tune with the energies of the entire planet right now. Panic and chaos can currently be felt by so many humans at once! We are all not immune to feeling that energy. The goal of today’s podcast is to help you navigate all of these feelings, especially as lightworkers. I also share with you a few things to consider when things are scary, unknown, uncertain, and unexplainable. It is ALWAYS important to ask ourselves, “what can we do about what is happening?” rather than “why is this happening?”.    This episode will help remind you that you are a being of light that incarnated into this planet to bring FAITH to the masses. If you feel lik

  • (#134) Can You Eradicate Anxiety & Transform Your Life Using Your BREATH? Samantha Skelly Shows You How

    13/03/2020 Duration: 57min

    Breathwork is a powerful healing modality that can heal the body from stress and anxiety. On today’s episode of the Manifestation Babe podcast I had the pleasure of sitting down with a POWERFUL breathwork expert, Samantha Skelly. We talked about breathwork, the body’s ability to heal itself, and where stress and anxiety stem from and what we can do about it.    Samantha Skelly is a 7-figure entrepreneur, sought after international speaker, best-selling author, and wellness coaching expert. She founded PAUSE Breathwork, which has a mission to unite humanity by helping people breathe, feel, and thrive. Samantha has revolutionized the weight loss and self-help industries by examining the individual and underlying causes of food, body, and self-love issues. Samantha continues to spread her message and transform the lives of tens of thousands of people through her programs, worldwide international retreats, motivational speaking engagements, the popular Hungry for Happiness podcast, and her best-selling Hay House

  • (#133) Should I Stay Hush About What I'm Manifesting? Or Share It With Others?

    12/03/2020 Duration: 13min

    To share, or not to share, that is the question. I often get asked by my students if they should share what they are manifesting or keep it to themselves. Today, I am going to share with you two schools of thought, and what I think of each.    Two weeks ago, during my certification in Theta Healing, a student voiced a concern about sharing her manifestations that inspired me to record this podcast episode. Whether you should share your manifestations or keep them to yourself is a decision driven by beliefs, mindset, and environment. Where you are in your manifestation journey also plays a HUGE role when answering this question. I explain when and why it is best to share your manifestations or keep them from the world.    This episode will help you dive into your mindset around manifestation. I am curious to know if this episode helped you gain clarity around when to share your manifestations. If you feel like this episode resonated with you or you know someone who needs to hear it, please be sure to tag me o

  • (#132) The Universe Works In the 11th Hour (Why Surrendering is the KEY)

    10/03/2020 Duration: 25min

    You will NEVER believe what happens in today’s episode of the Manifestation Babe podcast. I share with you a story of surrender, inspired action, and faith. About two weeks ago, Londa, Vicki, Brennan and I took a flight from Marrakech, Morocco, to Paris, France, and babe do I have a story for you!   Today’s story is a GREAT example of what it means to surrender to the fact that sometimes the Universe works in the eleventh hour. I talk about the importance of not giving up along the way, as well as relinquishing control. It is a reminder of just how important it is to surrender, trust, and have faith that no matter what, you will absolutely get the outcome you DESIRE. The Universe will absolutely give you what you WANT. However, the caveat is, it will happen at the last minute, it will happen in the eleventh hour.    This is an episode all about surrendering to the universe while taking inspired action. I am curious if you have had a similar experience to this, or if this episode helped you have a little more

  • (#131) I'm a Perfectionist and I'm Finally Admitting It

    09/03/2020 Duration: 27min

    Today’s episode of the Manifestation Babe podcast is such an IMPORTANT one. It literally hit me like a ton of bricks. I share with you how a team book club meeting led to the realization that I am a perfectionist!   After recording a podcast episode with Sam Laura Brown, a mindset coach who helps perfectionists beat procrastination, it did not occur to me that I was a perfectionist. It was not until my Brand Strategist mentioned that we could be posting more on Instagram, that I realized I had an “I can do it myself” mindset when it came to Instagram. In this episode, I share how I realized and overcame my self-sabotaging tendencies to wait for the perfect conditions. Get ready to learn how to FINALLY let go of these limiting beliefs in order to take action and move forward on your life’s goals!   This is an eye-opening episode that I think will FINALLY help you let go of what’s been holding you back! If you feel like this episode resonated with you or you know someone who needs to hear it, please be sure to

  • (#130) How To Manifest Your Dream Job (an Interview with Team MB)

    06/03/2020 Duration: 01h04min

    Today’s episode of the Manifestation Babe podcast is a VERY special one because I had the lovely opportunity to sit down with 2 of my team members, Londa and Vicki, and have them share their story with how they manifested working with Team MB!    Both Londa & Vicki have 2 very unique stories and have experienced their own journey when it comes to manifesting their dream job. In this episode they answer TONS of your questions and give you some serious insight on how to gain clarity when looking for your dream job, what to do if you have 10 different dream jobs, and even whether you should QUIT your current job while manifesting your new one!    It’s a juicy episode so you won’t want to miss this one! Also, as a special gift for the MB community, our team created 16 FREE journal prompts to help you get crystal clear on your dream job! You can click here to download the journal prompts and start manifesting the career of your dreams! In This Episode You Will Learn:    Londa’s story before Team MB (7:49) H

  • (#129) Overcome Procrastination for GOOD with Sam Laura Brown

    17/02/2020 Duration: 01h14min

    Perfectionism. The chain that holds most people back from reaching their highest potential and taking action on their dreams. On today’s episode of the Manifestation Babe podcast I had the pleasure of sitting down with amazing mindset coach, Sam Laura Brown, and we talked all about how to finally overcome the two things that hold most people back: procrastination and perfectionism.    Sam Laura Brown is a mindset coach who helps perfectionists beat procrastination, overcome perfectionism and become their best selves. She's a mindset coach, host of the top-rated podcast: The Perfectionism Project and founder of Perfectionists Getting Shit Done, a global membership community for recovering perfectionists.    If you’re someone who’s been feeling stuck and paralyzed by inaction and perfectionism, this podcast episode is going to open your eyes to the TRUE cause of perfectionism and how to overcome it for GOOD. In This Episode You Will Learn:    Who is Sam Laura Brown? (6:16)  How perfectionism relates to pro

  • (#128) Why Self-Love is the SECRET to Success with Paul Fishman

    14/02/2020 Duration: 53min

    Today’ episode of the Manifestation Babe podcast is a VERY special one because I had the pleasure of sitting down with my very good friend, Paul Fishman, and we dove DEEP into all things self-love.   Paul Fishman is a self love coach and a “you do you” activist who is on a mission to empower and inspire humanity to love unconditionally. Through the creation of his community Self Love onDemand and his highly rated podcast, The Road to Self Love, Paul has inspired thousands of people just like you to look inward for what matters most.   In this episode, Paul shares why we feel low self-worth, the difference between self-care and self love, and so many amazing tools that you can start implementing today to get started on your journey to self love!   Make sure you tag Paul at @paulfishman and me @manifestationbabe on Instagram once you listen to this episode and let us know your biggest takeaways!   In This Episode You Will Learn:    Paul Fishman’s journey to self love- (3:35) How to take the self-love medicine

  • (#127) How This Mother Quit Her Occupational Therapist Job, Started Traveling The World, and Inspired Her Husband To Live His Purpose Too w/ Michelle Lee

    27/01/2020 Duration: 26min

    Today is a VERY special episode of the Manifestation Babe podcast because I am sharing with you one of my incredible students, Michelle Lee Diasinos, and her beautiful transformation since taking Manifestation Babe Academy!    Michelle is an amazing mother, wife, podcast host, and aspiring parenting coach who is launching her conscious parenting business later this year! Michelle changed the entire trajectory of her life when she finally decided to let go of other people’s opinions and finally go after what lights her soul on fire! As a result of doing the deep inner work inside Manifestation Babe Academy Michelle and her family have been able to work remotely and travel the world, she’s started her own podcast and conscious parenting business, and even inspired her husband to work part-time and follow his dreams!    Michelle is such an incredible example of what’s possible when you let go of the stories you grow up believing, and take life into your OWN hands! I can’t wait for you to dive into this episode

  • (#126) Manifesting Six Figures of Unexpected Income, Competing in a BMX Competition Like a Badass, and Manifesting LOVE & INTIMACY w/ Zsofia Vera

    27/01/2020 Duration: 44min

    On today’s special episode of the Manifestation Babe podcast I am sharing with another amazing interview I had with a Manifestation Babe Academy graduate student, Zsofia Vera!    Zsofia is a French Hungarian, graphic designer/creator living in France, who is personally what I like to call my, STAR student! She has taken all of the Manifestation Babe programs and on today’s episode she shares her journey with Manifestation Babe Academy!   Zsofia changed the script on her life and is the definition of someone who felt the fear and did it ANYWAY. From entering herself in a BMX competition, putting herself on a path to intimate self-discovery, and even manifesting 6 figures, Zsofia has proven to herself that manifestation truly is a WAY OF LIFE, not just a concept.    I can’t wait for you to hear Zsofia’s story and have a sneak peek into what’s possible for YOU when you take the leap and join Manifestation Babe Academy :)  P.S. Today is the LAST day the doors are open to Manifestation Babe Academy and the nex

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