New Thinking New Power With Dr. Paula



The New Thinking New Power Podcast is a weekly discussion of all things related to reconstructing your thoughts so you can attract the life you desire. Dr. Paula offers practical tools and strategies to improve your well-being and productivity.


  • Episode 7: Leaving Your Love Legacy

    12/02/2018 Duration: 29min

    The New Thinking New Power Podcast is a weekly chat with Dr. Paula, a certified life and executive coach in Atlanta, Georgia, where she discusses all things related to reconstructing your thoughts so you can attract success, happiness, and more importantly, the life you desire. This week's episode is the second of a 4-part series of LOVE AND HAPPINESS.  For this second episode of the series, I have special guest author, motivational speaker, and spiritual leader, Dr. Sean Cook. Our topic of discussion is "Legacy Your Love Legacy".    Make sure you follow me on social media: Instagram: @drpaulacoach Facebook: /drpaulacoach Email:   Where to find Dr. Sean Cook? Email Instagram: @dr_scook      

  • Episode 6: ABC's of Self Love

    05/02/2018 Duration: 23min

    This week's episode is the first of a 4-part series of LOVE AND HAPPINESS.  For the first episode of this series, we discuss the "ABC's of Self-Love".  A: ACCEPTANCE. Accept your whole self NOW and unconditionally, but knowing there is more of you that is growing, developing, and evolving. B: BOUNDARIES. Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries is imperative for your self-love. Setting AND maintaining boundaries tells people, how they should treat us. But it also tells others how we treat ourselves.    C: CUSTOM: C: Create a CUSTOM of self-love. In other words, create a tradition or a behavior of doing something specifically you and for you.    Resources Mentioned: 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman   Boundaries by Henry Cloud and John Townsend   Make sure you follow me on social media: Instagram: @drpaulacoach Facebook: @drpaulacoach

  • Episode 5: Recap

    29/01/2018 Duration: 09min

    Resolutions to Revolutions: Setting the Goals You Want, and Getting the Goals You Set In this episode, Dr. Paula summarizes what she's discussed in the January podcast series Resolutions to Revolutions: Setting the Goals You Want and Getting the Goals You Set.

  • Episode 4: Mental Management

    22/01/2018 Duration: 11min

    Here are some do's and don'ts you can use to manage your thoughts while on your goal journey: DO learn to talk to yourself in a positive voice. In other words, speak positive affirmations. What do you say to yourself (aloud) to affirm yourself?  DO mentally rehearse what you say or do when you encounter a blockage or a challenge or an obstacle on your journey.  Mental rehearsal occurs when you practice in your mind the language or action when faced with a hypothetical situation.   DO recall previous successful goal pursuits, particularly when you feel stuck or in a jam. Recalling what you have successfully achieved in the past serves as a reminder of your ability to overcome current obstacles and challenges. DON'T stick to a blocked goal when it is truly blocked. There are times when a when you just can not surmount the challenges and blockages that come about during the pursuit of your goals.  And it’s ok.  DON'T think you can reach your big goals all at once.  The key to achieving your big goal is patience,

  • Episode 3: Beating the Burnout

    15/01/2018 Duration: 14min

    Goal fatigue is a concept developed by sociologist Roy Baumeister, a professor at Florida State University.  He is the co-author of, the book Will Power. He says that goal fatigue is the tiredness and exhaustion that results due to the concentrated energy and effort used to accomplish a goal. Therefore, without proper time to replenish that energy, there is less available for the next task or goal.  When it comes to goal fatigue, the best thing you can do is acknowledge it, and address it BEFORE you get to the burnout stage. Here are some signs that will tell you if you are experiencing or on the verge of experiencing goal fatigue. The 1st sign you should watch for is whether or not you are uninterested, unexcited, and exhausted by activities and events you once loved.   Think about the goal or the goals you have set.  Does this goal still intrigue you like it intrigued you the day you set it?  The 2nd sign that you should watch for is that you are not giving your full attention to any one goal, and it is sh

  • Episode 2: Tools for Getting Your Goals

    08/01/2018 Duration: 12min

    Here are some helpful, research-based facts that can serve as tools for getting to the goal. Tool #1 - Self-efficacy: You must believe you can do it. Tool #2 - Specificity: Make the goal vivid and specific. Tool #3 - Flow: Set goals that stretch you, but don’t break you. Tool #4 - Training and Experience: Make skill development a part of the goal plan. Tool#5 - Commitment: The more specific and difficult the goal, the greater the commitment required to reach it. Tool #6 - Belief: If you are not convinced the goal really matters or that it is attainable, you will not likely commit to it Tool #7 - Feedback: To effectively reach a goal, get feedback to help you sharpen your strategy.

  • Episode 1: Goal Setting

    01/01/2018 Duration: 14min

    A goal is anything you desire to experience, create, get, do, or become.  Here are the 3 foundational principles of setting goals: Value drives goals. What does your goal tell you about your values? Motivation drives perseverance.What is motivating you towards your goals? Hope creates goals.What do you need to give yourself permission to hope for?

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