St. Paul Lutheran Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 126:23:01
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St. Paul Lutheran Church


  • Daily Bread - Audio

    02/08/2015 Duration: 25min

    Daily bread. It’s what God gives us to sustain us each and every day of our lives. Daily bread is food, health, home, friends and family, resources…the list goes on. Daily bread is good. But as God’s Word teaches us, and Jesus reminds us, “man does not live on bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.” We put our hope, and faith, and trust in God alone, and not the security of what the world can measure. In our message text this week God teaches the Children of Israel that daily bread focuses us on the giver, not the gift. It’s a message that strengthens our faith and dependence on the good gifts of God through Jesus Christ for our journey and life of faith.

  • Do Not Be Afraid - Audio

    26/07/2015 Duration: 28min

    Fear can be a very powerful force in our lives. Sometimes fear moves us to panic and we just can't move. Other times fear moves us to action, even if that action isn't very rational. Through out the Bible the call is to "Do Not Be Afraid" and it is repeated over and over again. Why is it that fear can seemingly over take our lives? What is at stake when fear comes knocking at the door? What option do we have when fear seems to be so very present in our lives? Join us this weekend as we spend time with Jesus and find out why the command to "Fear Not" is not just a command but a beautiful invitation.

  • What Gets Your Gut? - Audio

    19/07/2015 Duration: 33min

    What moves you? What when you see it happening in the world around you causes you to be filled with compassion? Or in other words, "What Gets Your Gut?" That feeling and emotion that wells up within you that causes you to wish someone would do something about it!!! Well in the only miracle of Jesus that all four gospel writers record we see what causes Jesus to be filled with compassion and moved to action. An action not just involving Jesus but his disciples in spite of their feelings of inadequacy and doubts! Yet through Jesus' power these disciples got to be a part of one of the most well known, famous miracles. Join us this weekend to find out more and for your own "gut check"

  • Jude- Stumble - Audio

    12/07/2015 Duration: 27min

    When’s the last time you stumbled in life? For many of us it is much more often then we would care to admit. As we wrap up our journey through the letter of Jude, our author reminds us that stumbling is part of life. Walking in Christ means continual repentance and forgiveness. Thanks be to God that we have a Savior in Jesus Christ who is able to stand firm in our place!

  • Through Jude: "Mercy" - Audio

    05/07/2015 Duration: 27min

    Mercy. It’s one of the sweetest Gospel words. God’s Mercy is so great that it covers, heals, and makes us new. As we continue our way through Jude’s letter to the Christian Church this weekend in worship, we stop on our journey to consider this beautiful word. God’s Grace is big enough to provide mercy not only for us, but also provides mercy to others through us. What a merciful God!

  • Through Jude–Kept - Audio

    28/06/2015 Duration: 23min

    You might have missed it, but did you know there is a book of Jude? This very short letter is full of wisdom and encouragement written for the preservation and nurturing of the faith. This week in worship we will begin our journey Through Jude as we learn that we are a people “Kept” by and for Jesus! What glorious news, that Jesus has kept and set apart all who believe in Him as a people of God!

  • It's All About Father - Audio

    22/06/2015 Duration: 32min

    St. Paul Lutheran Church

  • Sought - Audio

    08/06/2015 Duration: 26min

    It’s a game of hide and seek that has been going on for thousands of years. Although, the first human beings Adam and Eve lived and walked next to God side by side, and face to face, something drastic changed when they disobeyed their God and fell into sin. Adam and Eve knew they were no longer worthy to stand in the presence of God. From then on the game of hide and seek was afoot. We as a fallen people continue to hide from God. We hide our sin, our failure, sometimes even our faces from Him. But God loves us and seeks us out continually where we are–where we need Him most

  • Pentecost 2015 Remember - Audio

    25/05/2015 Duration: 24min

    On Pentecost we remember the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives who gave us the great gift and miracle of faith in our lives. The same Spirit that was poured out on the Apostles some 2000 years ago continues to work through the Word today to change lives and eternities.

  • Mother's Day- What are You Measuring - Audio

    11/05/2015 Duration: 29min

    Mother's Day can be filled with a myriad of emotions from joy to sorrow. Yet in the midst of it all we remember that our success as a mother or as a human being doesn't come simply with a measurement of the externals of our life but more importantly how God sees us because of Jesus.

  • Liar, Liar: We are living in a material world - Audio

    27/04/2015 Duration: 24min

    Far too often we get so caught up in the things of today that we forget about the eternal things of God. This world is more than what we see and the possessions that we have. This is why Paul warns against loving material things like money and instead striving toward eternal things such as righteousness, godliness, faith and love. These are things that will last not only in this world, but in the next.

  • Liar, Liar: All You Need Is Love - Audio

    19/04/2015 Duration: 26min

    Love is important. But many people have reduced love into little more than feelings and desires. Paul, however, speaks of love in challenging terms! Love is patient. Love is kind. Love forgives. Love never fails. The truth is that no human can have this kind of love. That is why, even more than love, we need our Lord. For He is the one who pours His perfect love into our broken hearts

  • Liar, Liar: All Roads Lead to Rome - Audio

    12/04/2015 Duration: 25min

    Is there really only one way? Is there more than one path to heaven? What does it mean to "get to heaven," anyway? The world says many roads leading to God but what does Jesus have to say about this. Jesus understands the fear and confusion that this can lead to as opposed to the truth and the comfort that comes from what Jesus says and promises to do

  • Liar, Liar: YOLO - Audio

    05/04/2015 Duration: 22min

    You've probably heard it before: "YOLO." "You only live once." This is what the religious leaders desperately wanted to be true about Jesus. But no matter how much they tried to cover His resurrection with their lies, their efforts proved futile. On Easter Sunday, we celebrate the truth that Jesus' resurrection means our resurrections. We will live more than once. YOLO is a LIE! We will live forever. YAMA You are Made Alive!

  • Living on the Edge Shortcuts - Audio

    22/03/2015 Duration: 30min

    We wrap up our series on temptation today with a look at the final temptation that Jesus faces in Matthew 4 and the very important reminder that Jesus isn't just an example for us how to endure temptation, He is way better than that. Please note the audio is only in stereo for part of the time and you may need to increase the volume level. We are sorry for the recording issue.

  • Jesus Follower Talk the Talk - Audio

    16/02/2015 Duration: 22min

    Jesus wants you to follow Him wherever He might go. His first Disciples learned that Jesus would lead them in ways they didn’t expect, to places they didn't know they could go. As modern day Jesus followers we too follow Christ where He leads. We learn right beside Jesus’ early followers that He not only changes the destination of our journey, He wants also wants change how we get there.

  • #jesusfollower - Audio

    09/02/2015 Duration: 24min

    On the job training. That’s what Jesus offers those who follow Him. Just after calling His first Disciples, Jesus gave them on the job training. Serving as an example, Jesus showed His Disciples that following Him was more than just belonging to a group. Following Jesus is more than just a religious affiliation. Following Jesus is about more than sticking to what you know. Following Jesus is about following the one who leads in front of us. This week we will discover together that Jesus’ followers talk the talk.

  • Greater- Amazed - Audio

    02/02/2015 Duration: 29min

    Through out the Gospels people are amazed by Jesus. Amazed by what he does and what he says. We can sometimes lose how amazing Jesus is because we know the stories and accounts of Jesus life so well that we forget just how incredible and true they are. As we search for a greater life we need to be reminded how great and amazing Jesus is and that he invites us to be a part of the amazing and great miracle of sharing Jesus with those that we do life with. What greater miracle is there than saving faith in Jesus and we by the power of the Holy Spirit can be those through whom Jesus is shared. What greater legacy can we leave in the lives around us than transforming time and eternity and it starts by being with Jesus!

  • Greater Love - Audio

    25/01/2015 Duration: 23min

    We are all searching for a greater love. Just look at all the different ways in our culture we try to fill that need for greater love. Yet beyond the emotional love which can be great is a love that is based in real historical events. A love that Jesus has and shows us with his sacrifice for us and his choosing to love us first! If you want a truly greater love it starts first by realizing how greatly you are already loved by Jesus.

  • Greater: Come and See - Audio

    18/01/2015 Duration: 27min

    When you are in the presence of greatness you don't just want it for yourself but for those you love as well. Even when they may seem uninterested, unwilling, and filled with doubt, you invite them to come and see because you want for them something greater! That one invitation extended and received allowed a fisherman and a doubter to be eyewitnesses to the greatest events in all of history. And it all started with an invitation to "Come and see." Come and See Jesus for in his presence there is a greater life filled with greater hope, greater peace, greater belonging, greater love, and a greater legacy.

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