Heidi Harris Show



Covering topics that matter and doing interviews with people who matter.


  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #100: MGM losing money NOW they want to drop rates?


    Too little, too late, kids. MGM Resorts is losing money, and occupancy is down, so NOW they want to drop rates? After they scalped people for parking, added exorbitant “resort fees” and made visitors feel like plucked chickens before they even checked in? Yeah, okay. Too little, WAY too late. The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #100: MGM losing money NOW they want to drop rates? appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #99: Las Vegas Officer Not Indicted by Grand Jury


    Officer Kenneth Lopera was accused of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Tashii Brown, but the Grand Jury saw the situation differently, and refused to indict him. He’s not completely out of the woods legally, but he’s made it over one legal hurdle. Steve Grammas, President of the Las Vegas Police Protective Association, joined me […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #99: Las Vegas Officer Not Indicted by Grand Jury appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #98: YOU are the first responder in a disaster


    People have died in the Carr fire in California, and in the case of civilians, it didn’t have to happen.  Personalities don’t change when there’s a fire, hurricane, earthquake, etc. Some are resourceful, but  many are not. The problem with those who don’t take responsibility for themselves and their children and pets is that they […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #98: YOU are the first responder in a disaster appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #97: Grand Jury fails to indict officer in “Choke Hold” death


    In 2017, Metro Police Officer Kenneth Lopera was involved in an in-custody death, and Tashii Brown was killed. Many believe Officer Lopera had “choked him out” and his Mr. Brown’s death was a direct result of the hold placed on him, but the Grand Jury saw it differently. Although (now former) Officer Lopera is not […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #97: Grand Jury fails to indict officer in “Choke Hold” death appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #96: HALF of kids haven’t climbed a TREE?


    A survey in the UK recently found that today’s kids don’t even want to play outside and many have never built a fort or climbed a tree! How is this possible? We LIVED outside when I was a kid. The larger question is: what kind of people are we raising who have never done anything […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #96: HALF of kids haven’t climbed a TREE? appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #95: Florida Shooter won’t be charged and Shooting in a Mormon Church


    There was a shooting in a Mormon Church in Fallon, a hostage situation in Trader Joes, and a mass shooting in Toronto just over the weekend. And a Florida man was killed over a parking space, but the shooter won’t be charged. People are getting ruder, and more likely to grab a gun before they […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #95: Florida Shooter won’t be charged and Shooting in a Mormon Church appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #94: A Restraining Order is Just a Piece of Paper


    A local woman killed her husband in the backyard yesterday, and early reports are that she had a retraining order on him. All of the facts aren’t out yet, but any women who’s been threatened or stalked should protect herself with a GUN. A piece of paper means nothing. The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #94: A Restraining Order is Just a Piece of Paper appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #93: Does Putin OWN Trump? My guest thinks so.


    The Helsinki debacle has everyone talking, and too many of them on the RIGHT have lost their minds. It doesn’t make you a Trump hater if you observe concerning behavior in a person and call it out. Ralph Peters, and career Army Intel officer, knows what Putin and Russia are capable of, and has no […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #93: Does Putin OWN Trump? My guest thinks so. appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #92: Scarlett, Daniella and the intolerant trans crowd


    Scarlett Johannson was supposed to portray a transgender man in movie, and the backlash from the “tolerant” trans community was…predictable. Clearly they don’t understand that ACTORS portray people they AREN’T. A columnist named Daniella Greenbaum dared to point out the ridiculousness of the outcry, and her column was spiked by her employer, Business Insider, because […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #92: Scarlett, Daniella and the intolerant trans crowd appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #91: What WOULD help the homeless?


    Is homelessness getting worse, or are the people who prefer to live on the streets just getting more bold? David Robeck, behavioral health professional and author of “Will Work For; The Untold Stories of the Homeless” talks about the wrong approaches to fixing the problem of homelessness, and some that might actually work. The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #91: What WOULD help the homeless? appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Yes, “young conservatives” social issues still matter


    I’ve heard some young, conservative talking heads say that about social issues aren’t important anymore. Some are of the opinion that government shouldn’t concern itself with those, or that the Right should drop them in order to gain more voters. Well, government does concern itself with social issues every day, in a variety of ways, […] The post Yes, “young conservatives” social issues still matter appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #89: Where are all the MEN? Guest: Pastor Kenny Luck


    Pastor Kenny Luck, founder of Every Man Ministries and author of 23 books, joined me to discuss what has happened to all the MEN who used to be in churches. We have fathers leaving the home, which leaves boy uncertain of HOW to be men, and women untrusting of “masculinity”. It’s a bad combination. The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #89: Where are all the MEN? Guest: Pastor Kenny Luck appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #88: An officer “froze” in the Mandalay Bay hallway October 1?


    A Metro police officer admits that on October 1, when he heard the rapid gunfire coming from an upstairs room in Mandalay Bay during the Las Vegas Massacre, he “froze” in the hallway instead of advancing. WHAT? Would lives have been saved if he’d gone forward? No one will ever know. He was clearly scared, […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #88: An officer “froze” in the Mandalay Bay hallway October 1? appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #87: Whose (political) side is God really on?


    Both sides of the aisle claim God has their back when it comes to politics, but the more important issue is that we Believers need to live the spiritual life and glorify God regardless of who’s in office. That goes for the Never Trump-ers, who are still whining about the evangelicals’ continuing support for Trump. […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #87: Whose (political) side is God really on? appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #86: Annapolis Shooter’s Motives Don’t Satisfy MSM


    The tragedy in Annapolis was immediately blamed on President Trump with ZERO evidence. Turns out the shooter had an ongoing dispute with that particular news staff. How the murderer ACCESSED that newsroom when he had been clearly threatening them for years is a subject for lawyers to look into. Watch how quickly the leftie press […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #86: Annapolis Shooter’s Motives Don’t Satisfy MSM appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #85: Travel Ban Upheld by a Non-Activist Supreme Court


    No, this was not a “Muslim Ban” since the most populace Muslim countries weren’t on Trump’s list. The Supreme Court ruled on ONE thing: Did President Trump have the RIGHT to do this? An activist Justice would have allowed his comments on the campaign trail to effect their decision, and several did, but the difference […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #85: Travel Ban Upheld by a Non-Activist Supreme Court appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #84: Victims MUST Press Charges, Even if They Forgive!


    A gay man was attacked in Vegas by three other men, simply because they realized he was gay. Clearly this is unacceptable, and if I were Queen, I’d BAN the attackers from ever returning to Vegas. The victim, after speaking with them, has forgiven them and wants the charges dropped. I disagree. When something happens […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #84: Victims MUST Press Charges, Even if They Forgive! appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #83: Why Are So Many Great Coaches Quitting? (It’s the PARENTS)


    Another great high school coach just retired in Reno recently after a distinguished 40 year career. They aren’t leaving because they don’t like the kids; they just have had it with the PARENTS. Coach Jack Concannon, football coach from the Meadows School joined me to discuss what coaches face these days. The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #83: Why Are So Many Great Coaches Quitting? (It’s the PARENTS) appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #82: Are Children Really in Cages? And if so, WHY?


    #Childrenincages is a Twitter hashtag about the border situation. This has become nothing more than propaganda for the left, especially because we heard nothing about this when the same thing was happening while Obama was President. No one wants people to suffer, but the PARENTS are responsible for handing their kids over to strangers. They […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #82: Are Children Really in Cages? And if so, WHY? appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #81: Library “Pride” Day


    No one should be pushing their alternate lifestyle on kids at the public library, especially a sexual one. Libraries have become nothing but places to push a social agenda at taxpayers’ expense. Between people watching porn on computers and NAMBLA meetings, it’s no longer a “safe place”, nor has it been for many years. The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #81: Library “Pride” Day appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

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