
  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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The Australian Council for the Defence of Government Schools (DOGS) looks at public education and separation of church and state.


  • Part 1 of our special talk with Senator Penny Allman-Payne about the Greens education policy and much more


    Part 1 of our special talk with Senator Penny Allman-Payne about the Greens education policy. The one report on teachintg you need to hear. A growing problem looms for Australian schools as teachers flee. US-  Fundiong indoctrination in Christian Nationalist schools. Great State School of the week- Glenroy Secondary

  • Private schools don't save tax payer dollars- so why not make them public schools? Ending the capital funding divide and much more


    Private schools don't save tax payer dollars- so why not make them public schools? Ending the capital funding divide in Australian schools. Why these parents chose public over private schools. Newington College alumni chief ousted over controversial move to go co-ed. AEU delivers a sky high message. US - book banning and voucher names.Great State School of the week- Areyonga Indigenous School

  • Religious liberty, religious schools and discrimination. Government funding increases still favour private schools and much more


    Religious liberty, religious schools and discrimination. A public school teacher speaks out on why private schools should not exist. Government funding increases still favour private schools. US - Chat GPT and FrumpGreat State School of the week - Marsden Road Public

  • Australia's Education system - OOPS! and much more


    Australia's Education system - OOPS! NT school funding agreement is a landmark, but it;s NOT the full deal! Australian students struggling to put food on the table. Tasmanian political parties must step up for public schools. "School shopping" alive and well in Melbourne. US- Federal court says religuious schools must obey state bias laws if they take state money.Great State School of the Week - Debney Meadows

  • Public education under threat in the US and Australia, integrity of SRS subverted and much more


    Public education under threat in the US and Australia. Integrity of the Schooling Resource Standard is subverted by accounting tricks. Public school advocates warn Albanese that BILLIONS of dollars are at stake. Cranbrook Head resigns. US- Argument against voucher expansion. With democracy under threat, Ohio law-makers propose a new curriculum for capitalism, not democracy.Great State School of the week- Donnybrook Primart

  • Fallout from Cranbrook's toxic culture, 2 class system is a great way to entrench disadvantage and much more


    Fallout from Cranbrook's toxic culture. 2 class system is a great way to entrench disadvantage. Caro on the fight for public school funding. Groundbreaking study confirms positive impacts of school funding. US- Two southern Governors write on the truth about vouchers. Plans for the next GOP president.Great State school of the week- Corryong P-12

  • Education minister must renounce accounting tricks and fully fund public schools. And much more


    Education minister must renounce accounting tricks and fully fund public schools. Public school advocates warn Albanese government there are BILLIONS at stake if it breaks funding promises. Labor's complete capitulation to elite private schools AGAIN. The funding wars are back. School funding in a time of teacher shortage. Information on the Australian Universities Accord.Great State school of the week- Apollo Bay P-12

  • Over $1 BILLION in overfunding the richest families and schools, teachers, principals and parents unite in funding push and much more


    Over $1 BILLION in overfunding the richest families and schools. Sydney private school $108m expansion plan. Schools with the richest parents are raking it in. Teachers, principals and parents unite in funding push.  The record low enrolments at Australian government schools should ring alarm bells. Victorian TAFE students and teachers still lowest funded in the country. US- actual cost of vouchers as opposed to the touted cost. UK- reaction to proposed school merger that could lead to only religious options.Great State School of the week- Doreen Primary

  • Simple idea : Fully fund public schools! School funding back in the news and much more


    The Save Our Schools submission to Productivity Commission's inquiry into philanthropy. Simple idea : Fully fund public schools! School funding back in the news. US- Special needs kids not attending government schools go to 'unregulated' special education schools. Afria- Urgent need for action in education.Great State School of the Week - Wonthaggi PrimaryPlease remember - February is 3CR's Subscriber Drive! Subscribe today! Visit to find out

  • Timid Labor politicians divide and rule, a battle brewing over public school funding and much more


    Timid Labor politicians divide and rule.  A battle brewing over public school funding . Teachers back Minns and Car in fight for education funding. School 'choice' is a lie - why private school vouchers do not work. Australian children with disabilities struggling now more than ever. US- LA bans charter schools from public school campuses. UK - following suit of US's Teach for America program by proposing the use of teachers with no degree in education.Great State School of the week- Cann River

  • Disappointing lack of progress from Federal government, accounting tricks shortchanging public schools BILLIONS and much more


    Disappointing lack of progress from Federal government, accounting tricks shortchanging public schools BILLIONS. Why Australia should ban private schools. Australia continues to passively abuse disadvantaged students. US - Taxpayer money wasted on vouchers. UK - richest do not think they're rich enough - the haves and the have not yachts.Great State school of the week - Tarneit Senior

  • How free are public schools? Charities and community groups help parents and much more


    How free are public schools? Charities and community groups help parents face the new school year. Impossible decisions as families prep for school. Summer - heat, cicadas and private school fee hikes. Australian students aren't trying in PISA exams, showing appropriate disdain. US- 'Dark' Money behind voucher push. France - Education minister caight out in lie about public schools.Great State School of the week- Essendon Primary

  • Opposition to religious charter schools in US, Productivity commission should recommend ending tax deductibility for private school donations and much more


    Opposition to religious charter schools in US. Productivity commission should recommend ending  tax deductibility for private school donations. Schools funding and reforms panel- 5 key takeaways. Safety, fairness and privacy in AI. US- propaganda VS factsNo DOGS program on the 20th due to special broadcast of Tunnerminnerwait and Maulbouyheener Memorial on 3CRGreat State School of the week- Bright P-12

  • Politicians, official reports and commentariat seeking compromise in the state aid fiasco and much more


    Politicians, official reports and commentariat seeking compromise in the state aid fiasco. "Dogs breakfast" philanthropy laws contributing to private school over-funding. New review makes groundbreaking call for transformation of Australian education. New report wants more funding and better support for Australian schools. Private schools show biggest decline in PISA rankings. US- extreme right groups like ADF (Alliance Defending Freedom) have destroying public education on thei agenda.Great State School of the week- University High

  • A chat about respective state school experiences, more public school NAPLAN wins and neurodiversity


    Sorrell and Dale chat about their respective state school experiences which are our great state schools for the week! These schools include Blackrock Primary(Vic), Mentone Girls Secondary(Vic), Sandringham Secondary (Vic), Glenmore State Primary (QLD) and Glenmore State High school (QLD).  More public school NAPLAN wins! Neurodiversity in kids and

  • Public schools out-performing their private school counterparts in NAPLAN, new Primary schools to open in 2024 and more


    Public schools out-performing their private school counterparts in NAPLAN. New Primary schools to open in 2024 to have new Indigenous names. Parents income segregating children. More on NSRA discussions. Demands to fully fund State schools to their full SRS entitlement. The great ATAR divide. Worldwide- The long-term efects of the covid lockdowns are now becoming apparent.Great State school NAPALN results being discussed in the mainstream media!Safe and joyful summer greetings to all from the DOGS team!

  • PISA results justify need for funding overhaul of Australian Education, ATAR, VCE and more


    PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) results justify need for funding overhaul of Australian Education. Analysis of PISA results by Save Our Schools' Trevor Cobbold and Finnish educator and scholar Pasi Sahlberg. A major review and recommendations for new NSRAs. ATAR results - when can students expect them and what do they actually mean? U.S.- Quarter of a century of vouchers in Milwaukee later and the promise of saving poor kids from failing schools is shown to be a lie.  Between 2011 and  2021/22,  2315 Charter schools failed and closed in the U.S.Great State Schools - Public schools score high in VCE results!

  • Report shows public funding heavily favours private primary schools, Australia's most disadvantaged students up to 5 years behind their wealthy peers and much more


    Report shows public funding heavily favours private primary schools.  Australia's most disadvantaged students are up to 5 years behind their wealthy peers. Australian education in longterm decline due to curriculum as well as funding. AEU gives the disruptive classrooms report an F for FAIL, as it fails to consider complex issues at play. U.K. - Labor could abandon Sunak's maths reforms to focus on primary provisions. U.S. - Will Wyoming pass vouchers and throw public schools under the bus?Great State School of the week- Nar Nar Goon Primary

  • Report shows gross public funding favouritism for PRIVATE schools and much more


    New Rorris report shows gross public funding favouritism for PRIVATE schools. Less than half of the federal cabinet attended state schools, data shows. Australia's wealthiest private schools earned $4.8 BILLION in 2021. Private schools raising fees using the teachers' pay-rise as an excuse. U.S.- Bills proposed to create gag orders, stopping teachers from teaching about race, history, gender and minority issues. U.K.- Shadow Labor cabinet pledge to charge private schools VAT and use recovered funds for improving state education.Great State School of the Week- Granville Boys High

  • "Free" private school system in Sweden declared a failure, Power and violence in Private schools (-CONTENT WARNING-) and much more


    Swedish School's Minister declares "free" private school system a failure.-CONTENT WARNING- violence towards women perpetrated by men.Power and Violence in Private Schools - The cultural problem of minimising bad behaviour of young men and shielding them from real-world consequences, a real focus on maintaining reputation by playing down sexual harassment within the elite school culture, to protect market share value. HELPLINE INFORMATION1800-RESPECT = 1800 737 732MEN'S REFERRAL SERVICE (a counselling service to help violent men take responsibility for their actions) = 1300 766 491KIDSLINE = 1800 55 1800SAFE STEPS (for women experiencing violence) = 1800 015 188WIRE (Women's Information and Referral Exchange) = 1300 134 130Why some schools are a step ahead in addressing student's mental health needs. US - 'Heritage Foundation' - an extremely well-funded right-wing wishlist of conservative agendas to be implemented on the first day a new Republican president is elected, including restrictions on education and

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