Dementia Resilience With Jill Lorentz

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 73:43:30
  • More information



Topics include Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Lewy Body and living with other Dementias


  • DRwJL- Understanding the Difficulties of Lewy Body

    31/01/2022 Duration: 41min

    January 26, 2022 - The type of dementia known as Lewy Body is one of the toughest to diagnose and even harder to deal with from a symptom standpoint. The anger, the lack of judgement and reasoning, the laser focus and the delusions. Enough already! It's enough to make their caregivers lose their minds! I will help as much as I can in this episode.

  • DRwJL- How do we assess illness, when someone has some type of complicating dementia disease?

    18/01/2022 Duration: 56min

    January 18, 2022 - When some has Alzheimer's or Parkinson's or some other type of dementia disease, it is often difficult to know when they are in pain, sick, dehydrated, or have a urinary tract infection. It is also hard to know if they have fallen or broken a bone. This show will hopefully help you to access the situation and make the correct choices for care.  

  • DRwJL-Helping Children Understand Cognitive Impairment and Memory Loss

    13/01/2022 Duration: 41min

    Jan 13, 2022 - Today my show is all about helping children through the tough times of living with various dementia's. Kids are much more accepting and resilient when they are educated on what is transpiring. If you don't know how to start the conversation, I have a full show of ideas for you! Children have the ability to have deep compassion and love, but also need to be protected from situations which could hurt their feelings, damage their positive disposition, or put them in danger. How do we navigate this...just take a listen to the show!

  • DRwJL – Addressing diversity and how the underserved communities deal with dementia.

    04/01/2022 Duration: 58min

    January 4, 2022 - My guest today is my friend Amelia Schafer, Senior Director of Growth and Engagement Strategy for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for the national Alzheimer's Association. She is working hard to build trust in communities where people have been overlooked and underserved with dementia care. She is using community forums to reach people of color, Hispanic and Latino, and LGTBQ, who have needed our help for years. She is creating partnerships with diverse organizations to reach the folks who need help. Community forums are created to be listening sessions to find out what is lacking and how to solve problems where they live and uncover specific needs to provide better education and assistance. We also chat about our health program, Optavia, that we have undertaken to get ourselves in better shape!

  • DRwJL – Understanding Dementia/ What it is & Is Not

    28/12/2021 Duration: 41min

    December 28, 2021, Today my show is about learning what dementia is. There is so many misconceptions it blows my mind. A friend this week said her husband is glad he has Parkinson's and not dementia, I just shook my head. Parkinson's is a type of dementia disease, as is Alzheimer's, Frontotemporal, Vascular, ALS, Lewy Body, Huntington's and over a hundred more. Today I will spell all this out for you. Please listen and be informed. We have come to far to be ignorant of this subject. Dementia does not mean memory loss and it is not a disease. It is a definition which mean cognitive impairment serious enough to affect activities of daily living. Resilience is equally important, and it means overcoming obstacles and adversity to find a positive outcome, which is what I want to help all of you to embrace. Come along with me today and learn.

  • DRwJL – Holidays Uncover Unwanted Surprises for Families

    22/12/2021 Duration: 26min

    Dec 21, 2021 ~ The holidays are filled with people traveling (300 million this Christmas season in the USA) to be with their families and it is often the beginning of a confusing and heartbreaking time. The reality sets in that our loved ones are struggling with memory and cognition issues, and it happened when we weren't looking. Families are at odds about it; oh, this person just wasn't listening, they are argumentative, someone is being too critical. Today I will give you a short, 30-minute show about what to look for around the house, and clues that will help you determine if something is really going on that you cannot ignore any longer. My heart goes out to you if you find yourself in this situation.

  • DRwJL- Annabel Bowlen, of the NFL Denver Broncos joins me in studio to discuss how Alzheimer’s has affected her parents and family

    14/12/2021 Duration: 58min

    December 14, 2021 - Today I present a wonderful, intimate and sweet conversation with Annabel (Baby Belle) Bowlen, daughter of National Football League Hall of Fame Owner Pat Bowlen and his beautiful wife Annabel. Pat Bowlen, affectionately known as Mr. B to fans, passed away in 2019 from complications of Alzheimer's. He was such a beloved owner and he cared deeply about the fans of the Denver Broncos, and their experience when they attended a game. He was instrumental in many of the positive changes in the NFL over the years and was highly esteemed by other owners, and Roger Goodell. In 2014 Pat Bowlen stepped down from day-to-day operations and the Colorado community was devasted. Just before Pat's death, December 2018 brought more heartbreaking news, his wife Annabel was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. There is not much harder than having one parent with the disease, and then tragedy struck twice. Baby Belle was sweet enough to join me in the studio and share what it was like growing up in a football family. S

  • DRwJL – How to Avoid Hazards when Working with Dementia

    02/12/2021 Duration: 56min

    November 30, 2021 - Today the show is about how to avoid catastrophic problems when you are caring for a person with cognitive impairment. I talk about smoking, household issues, driving, and more. This is a must listen show!

  • DRwJL – Resolving Family Conflicts VS Being the Solo Caregiver

    16/11/2021 Duration: 53min

    November 16, 2021 - Family conflicts can happen when we get a diagnosis of a dementia disease. Dreams change and need to be altered, roles in the family tend to be flip flopped. We may have to focus on tasks like finances, house keeping, doctor appointments, grocery shopping, and all the activities of living from bathing, dressing, hygiene, and more. The list is endless. How do we work together in the best interest of the person with the diagnosis? Many family members feel alone, ridiculed, second guessed. It is a hard lonely place to be. What do you say when someone disagrees with diagnosis? How do you enlist help when people are running away? How do you tell someone, thanks but no thanks, your opinion is not helpful nor wanted? I discuss all this and more!

  • DRwJL – Healthy, Nutritional & Holistic Ways to Improve Your Mind Body & Spirit

    09/11/2021 Duration: 59min

    November 9, 2021 - My guest today is my good friend Heather Goldberg, Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner & Lifestylist. You will love the practical ideas and ways Heather helps us makes sense of what we need to do to keep ourselves healthy, happy and to hopefully keep Alzheimer's at bay. Our goal is always to do what we can to continue to learn, and to watch our weight, so that we increase our odds for safety. We have to put the whole picture together, exercise, nutrition, stress relief, and so forth. One piece we always seem to miss as caregivers is to take care of ourselves. Today we will show you ways to enjoy life, find happiness and contentment, and stop worrying if you are the next person in your family to succumb to the disease. You can play a big role in having a healthy successful life, but you may need a helping hand and here it is. That said, no one can do it for you. So let's get started! If you would like to reach Heather you can find her on Instagram @Heather Goldberg or email her

  • DRwJL – How Caring for a Person with Dementia Affects You

    02/11/2021 Duration: 58min

    November 2, 2021 - When we are caring for a person with cognitive and memory loss, we can feel a myriad of emotions ranging from depression, guilt, loneliness, anger, frustration, embarrassment and helplessness. I want to help you find moments of joy, while dealing with all that I fore mentioned. This is a must listen podcast if you have felt any of these emotions. You are not alone, I assure you.

  • DRwJL -Ways to try and avoid Alzheimer’s

    26/10/2021 Duration: 49min

    October 26,2021 - Each and every day I look for ways to try to keep from getting Alzheimer's disease. It runs in my family so it is important to me to stay healthy and do what I can to improve my odds. This show is all about finding ways to eliminate gut issues and keeping our brains strong and active.

  • DRwJL – New at being a Professional Caregiver? Here’s what you need to know!

    19/10/2021 Duration: 58min

    October 19, 2021 - So you want to apply as a caregiver and think it will be an easy job. Not so fast my friends. Being a professional caregiver has a steep learning curve. You may think because you cared for a loved one you have this down. There are many things you need to learn and the most important is that each person is different, and they are people who lived their own lives, quite well - thank you - and now they need our support and assistance. I will provide you with many new skills and techniques to help you be the best caregiver you can be. Just tune in and have paper and pen or your computer ready. Class is in session!

  • DRwJL – Ongoing Evaluations as Dementia Diseases Progress


    October 12, 2021 - As a person moves through their journey with Alzheimer's and other memory loss dementia, we need to re-evaluate their condition from time to time. This will help us to understand the cognitive impairment and loss of language, motor skills, reading, writing, spatial and other components of thought. Staying connected to this process will help you to recognize when the person needs more assistance and cueing techniques to help them be successful in daily activities. I will walk you through everything you need to know, questions to ask and ways to journal your findings.

  • DRwJL – Staying calm with delusional thinking


    October 5, 2021 - Delusions and false accusations are probably one the hardest symptom to deal with when a loved one has cognitive impairment and memory loss. It is very hard to walk away and not take the accusations personally. We intellectually know that the disease is the one causing these issues, not the person. If they were well they would never think that you stole something from them or that you are suddenly a person who could not be trusted. This show is dedicated to helping you through these tough issues.

  • DRwJL – Intimacy and Sexual Relations when Dementia is Present


    September 28, 2021 - This is a much overdue conversation about how relationships change after a diagnosis, and why people with dementia diseases are sometimes inappropriate with their words and actions when it comes to intimacy and sexual relations. . How do we work with these troubling issues? It can be extremely disturbing so family and friends. My hope is that I can help explain what is going on and how to deal with it before it gets out of hand.

  • DRwJL – A little bit about myself


    September 21, 2021 - Week in and week out, my listeners rely on me to provide information and resources to assist them in their journeys. I realized recently that it has been a long while since I told you who I am and why I am interested in helping all of you! Listen today and learn more about my path and how I arrived at this place!

  • DRwJL – Dr. Bri Bettcher discusses how looking into healthy people helps Alz researchers


    September 7, 2021 - Researching ways to prevent Alzheimer's can take many paths, and one of them is what we discussed with University of Colorado Hospital researcher Dr. Brianne Bettcher. Bri is very focused on her studies involving people 60 or older who are not showing signs of cognitive impairment and memory loss, in hopes that she can find ways to learn what is keeping these people healthy, and then use their information to interrupt the process of beginning stages of Alzheimer's disease. Fascinating conversation with Bri you will not want to miss! The age to join the study is now 60. If you would like to learn more about or join the study, you can find the information below

  • DRwJL- Dr. Huntington Potter – A Candid & Deep Look at Research & Alzheimer’s

    07/09/2021 Duration: 57min

    Sept. 7, 2021 - I had a riveting, breaking news conversation with one of the most celebrated researchers in the world. Dr. Huntington Potter is Professor of Neurology, Director of Alzheimer's Disease Program at the Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome, and is Director of the CU Alzheimer's and Cognition Center at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center. Previously, Dr. Potter studied, researched and taught for 30 years at Harvard University. He then designed and directed the Florida Alzheimer's Disease Research Center and the Johnnie B. Byrd Sr. Alzheimer's Center & Research Institute. He is currently expanding his discovery that Alzheimer's disease is mechanistically related to Down syndrome, which invariably leads to Alzheimer's by age 30-40, through the development of many cells with trisomy 21 and other aneuploidy. Recently, he and his colleagues have found such cell cycle defects in numerous other neurodegenerative diseases, providing a novel approach to diagnosis and therapy. They are a

  • DRwJL – Moving on from living with any type of dementia

    31/08/2021 Duration: 47min

    August 24, 2021 - How do we move on when we have invested so much time and energy into the person we love and now they are suddenly gone? We will explore this and much more!

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