Pure Experiences



Talks on spiritual topics, mostly related to the path of knowledge and Advaita Vedanta or nondualism.


  • Entropy and self organization

    24/10/2018 Duration: 01h11min

    In this meeting, the concept of Entropy and self organization in metaphysics will be introduced. Metaphysical structures self organize via various processes and form ordered evolving structures called minds and worlds. Links shared in this meeting: The creation Simulation example of self organization

  • Reincarnation from a nondual perspective: Part-4

    19/10/2018 Duration: 01h27min

    Does the same person reappear repeatedly in each incarnation? What is the concept of liberation from the cycles of births, deaths and rebirths? What can be done to get a better birth next time? What are the reasons for me being born in present circumstances? What happens when the evolution is finished? If the purpose of an incarnation is to learn and grow, why are all memories lost after each incarnation? Isn't that pointless? In this final part on the topic of reincarnation, we will go into the depths of it and try to answer these questions.

  • Reincarnation from a nondual perspective: Part-3

    19/10/2018 Duration: 01h19s

    Is reincarnation real or yet another illusion? Who is reincarnating? Why do I need to reincarnate? What happens in between two births? What are the chances of being born in a specific family or place? Is it possible to meet a dead person from another incarnation? Is it possible to recall my other incarnations? In the part three of four on the topic, these questions are answered.

  • Reincarnation from a nondual perspective: Part-2

    19/10/2018 Duration: 47min

    In this part of the discussion on reincarnation we dive deeper into the mechanisms of it and learn that it is even more complicated than we assumed. How are preallocated memories formed? What is the causal body evolving into? This is the part two of four in this series. The pictures shown in this meeting are here.

  • Reincarnation from a nondual perspective: Part-1

    18/10/2018 Duration: 52min

    Seen from a mind only model of the existence, reincarnation is a possibility. We will try to evaluate some theories using our own direct experience, and clear some blind beliefs about this subject. It will be seen as yet another illusion, but a very complex and mysterious one. This is part one of four in this series. The pictures shown in this meeting are here.

  • Science and the path of knowledge: Part -2

    14/10/2018 Duration: 01h13min

    Continuing from the first part on the topic, we uncover more beliefs about science and technology, and about seekers and scientists. We see that the fields of science and spirituality are mostly similar and face similar issues. The problem is gross generalizations and blaming the whole field instead of seeing that it is human nature to either advance or corrupt a field. It is wise to ignore the superficiality and focus on the goal, which is, more knowledge.

  • Science and the path of knowledge: Part -1

    13/10/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    Science is a sub set of the path of knowledge. It deals with empirical knowledge mostly. There are some blind beliefs regarding what it is, how it works etc, in the minds of spiritual aspirants and ordinary people. In this talk we will clear them up, we will see the science from a bigger perspective. We find that since it is also a pursuit of knowledge, its dynamics are exactly the same as those of spiritual paths.

  • Universal Mind: Advanced Techniques

    03/10/2018 Duration: 01h48min

    Continuing from our previous meeting on the topic, we will explore some advanced techniques for exploring the universal mind. See their advantages or disadvantages, and their implications on the life of a practitioner of these techniques. We will see what pitfalls are there on this path of techniques, and what is the real purpose of taking them up. The links shared in this meeting are following: Phase evolution Reality is projection Principles of Astral Projection Memories

  • Universal Mind: Introspection

    27/09/2018 Duration: 01h23min

    Universal Mind is the manifested existence. Continuing from our previous meetings on the topic, we will take a baby step towards establishing the universal mind, via direct experiences. This will be more of an unlearning experience rather than a learning one. All one needs to do is thoroughly question one's everyday waking experience, and arrive at a place of not knowing. As soon as the dirt of beliefs is cleared, the knowledge then shines by itself.

  • Exploring the universal mind: Part-2

    21/09/2018 Duration: 01h11min

    In the second part on the topic of the universal mind, some ways and methods to explore the universal mind are discussed in brief. There are three broad ways to approach the Universal Mind: 1. Logic 2. Ordinary experiences 3. Extraordinary experiences   3.1 Everyday extraordinary experiences   3.2 Rare extraordinary experiences   3.3 Brute force methods   3.4 Elegant methods   3.5 Permanent experiences

  • Exploring the universal mind: Part-1

    21/09/2018 Duration: 01h33min

    In this meeting the concept of universal mind is presented in brief. Universal mind is all that which can be experienced, all that which is manifested. There are various theories and models of its structure and organization or ontology. Some of them are presented here. This is the part one of two on this topic. Link to the images shared in the meeting.

  • Kundalini for Gyanis: Self evaluation and aware evolution

    21/09/2018 Duration: 01h13min

    Continuing the talk on Kundalini and the path of knowledge. In this part an easy way to evaluate your level of evolution is suggested and some solutions are offered in order to clear the blockages and speed up the evolution of the mind without actually getting involved in any energetic practices whatsoever.

  • Kundalini for Gyanis: The easy and natural way

    21/09/2018 Duration: 01h39min

    Continuing the talk on Kundalini and the path of knowledge. In this part we see that the evolution of the mind is a necessity, it happens independently of the path one is on. Any spiritual path will result in acceleration of evolution. We see that we cannot simply avoid it, and we cannot remain inactive. Evolution is speeded up on the path of knowledge too and we can assist in a few ways as going backwards is not desirable, we can consciously prevent going backwords. Moreover we can adopt a simple lifestyle where we favour an evolved behaviour over habitual behaviour. Some more aspects of this topic are also discussed.

  • Teachings of Gurdjieff

    13/09/2018 Duration: 01h12min

    In this meeting some of the key teachings of the great philosopher Gurdjieff were discussed, like, the psychology of Man's possible evolution. Is a Man conscious? Can a Man achieve consciousness? And, what are the hallmarks of a Man who is conscious.

  • Kundalini and path of knowledge

    06/09/2018 Duration: 01h09min

    Kundalini is mostly mysterious and magical, and therefore, the logical and rational mind of a seeker on the path of knowledge does not find this concept very useful. We tend to discard it, but it is possible to understand Kundalini as a model of the evolutionary processes of the mind and benefit from it. In this meeting we will speculate on such possibility.

  • Qualities of the Self

    29/08/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    Although the Self has no qualities, good or bad, it is pure emptiness, we can still assign or project some qualities on it, just to communicate about it. A human mind cannot conceive of anything without assigning a quality to it. It is also a limitation of the language, we need some description to talk about it, even if it cannot be described. In this meeting we will discuss some of those so called qualities and their meaning.

  • Names and Forms

    26/08/2018 Duration: 01h15min

    The world is names and forms. This is the famous teaching. Hows that even possible? How to gain a direct experience of it? How to verify it and get solid evidence for it? We will dig into this teaching in this discussion and try to get a direct experience of the essential nature of the world. This is also a demonstration of gaining knowledge via enquiry, as is customary in the path of knowledge.

  • Fear of Death

    24/08/2018 Duration: 01h14min

    Fear of death is a universal fear. Almost everyone is afflicted with it, including many seekers. In this talk, we analyze it. We find that this fear has more complicated reasons other than simply a fear of disappearance of the body. We can classify them as pre-death and post-death fears. Once we know what they are, we can try out some solutions for them. We do not want to get rid of the fear of death completely, we only ensure that it is seen for what it is, as an illusion, and ensure that it does not become a cause of suffering. Death is a necessity, but excessive fear of it is optional.

  • Laws of mind: 12 - Interconnectedness Part 2

    16/08/2018 Duration: 59min

    There are interesting effects of interconnectedness, such as unexplainable phenomena or so called extraordinary abilities of the mind. When seen from the point of view of the law of interconnectedness, these events appear normal and most natural. When this knowledge is crystallized in a mind, the mind drops its illusory boundaries and experience of oneness is gained in various forms. An evolved mind is the one where no separation is perceived. That mind sees itself as one with everything. This is the part two of two of the talk on the law of interconnectedness.

  • Laws of mind: 12 - Interconnectedness Part 1

    16/08/2018 Duration: 52min

    Law of interconnectedness arises out of the oneness of all that is. The unity of all is seen as a connection, among everything and everyone. The mind divides the oneness into many, and also creates an illusion of separation between itself and everything else. When we take a closer look, these illusions are destroyed. Oneness is beyond mind, therefore the mind can only find a hint of it in unexplainable interconnectedness among the illusory parts. This is the part one of two of the talk on the law of interconnectedness.

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