Pure Experiences



Talks on spiritual topics, mostly related to the path of knowledge and Advaita Vedanta or nondualism.


  • Questions and Answers May 2018 Week 5

    30/05/2018 Duration: 55min

    The questions discussed in this meeting are - Why do I lose my state of bliss and consciousness when I am involved in day to day worldly activities? How to handle the mind when it is resisting? How does one's age affect the practices and ability to remain aware?

  • Nature of reality: 16 - Reality is Unknowable

    29/05/2018 Duration: 46min

    Since all experiences are mediated via the mind, which distorts what is into a subjective impression of it, all we can experience is necessarily a distortion. That means, we cannot know what is, we only know that which is not. It also means, all we can have is ignorance, not knowledge. Any knowledge is refined ignorance, nothing more. Reality stands on the foundation of ignorance and is unknowable.

  • Nature of reality: 15 - Reality is Consciousness

    27/05/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    Reality is experience, and there is a conscious background of it - the Self, the experiencer, or the consciousness. There is no separation between the experience and the experiencer. Although, there is an illusion of separation created by the mind, which divides the wholeness of the reality into multiple kinds of experiences. It also creates the division of the experience and the experiencer. When we see through this illusion, we find that the Self, and the reality are one, and identical. This is the greatest realization a human can have.

  • Nature of reality: 14 - Reality is Infinitely Potent

    25/05/2018 Duration: 01h13min

    Reality is infinitely potent. All possibilities exists, and they exists at the same time, timelessly. All that can be imagined and all that cannot be imagined already exists. There is no use of it, there is no purpose or meaning behind it and there is no cause of it. There is immense freedom in knowing this. We are all expressions of infinite potency of reality and our own nature is the same. We prefer infinite freedom, we are evolving towards that goal where there is infinite potency, infinite freedom. We are becoming one with existence.

  • Questions and Answers May 2018 Week 4

    23/05/2018 Duration: 48min

    The questions discussed in today's meeting are. What is the difference between benevolent indifference and unconditional love? How does an enlightened person behave? Why do excessive conditioning, beliefs and expectations become an obstacle?

  • Nature of reality: 13 - Reality is Cyclic

    22/05/2018 Duration: 01h06min

    Reality is impermanence, everything is changing. Astonishing observation is that all of the change is circular. It repeats itself eventually. It means that nothing new will happen, all that is happening has already happened, not once or twice, but almost infinite times. There are cycles of change, and there are cycles within cycle. Everything repeats, everything has happened countless number of times. What are the implications of this?

  • Nature of reality: 12 - Reality is Projection

    20/05/2018 Duration: 43min

    We continue our discussion on the multidimensionality. The mind is a multidimensional thing, and since it is the creator of reality, the reality also appears in multidimensional ways. In simple words, for every dimension of the mind, there is a corresponding reality, a different world for each of the different states of the mind. These worlds are enchanting and endless. Study of this world and other worlds is an interesting and never-ending adventure.

  • Nature of reality: 11 - Reality is Multidimensional

    20/05/2018 Duration: 01h25min

    A dimension is a way to describe something. It can be seen as a conceptual quality or a group of qualities. When we say, something has more than one dimension, we mean that there are more than one ways to describe it. Reality is one such thing, it has multiple dimensions. In this talk, we will see what they are and why most of them remain hidden from the view of ordinary people. Multidimensional facet of reality is the most interesting facet of all.

  • Questions and Answers May 2018 Week 3

    16/05/2018 Duration: 42min

    The questions that were discussed in this meeting are- How can a person who is terminally ill rise above the suffering? What can we do to help such a person? What can be done to get rid of the attachment to a decaying body? And finally some pithy advice for hardcore seekers.

  • Nature of reality: 10 - Reality is Multilevel or Fractal

    12/05/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    Reality is not merely a plain and simple illusion, it comes with built in hierarchies. The metaphysical structures are arranged in self-similar hierarchies, where the lower structures resemble the higher ones but are simpler and lower resolution copies of them. This is a fractal reality. Minds, themselves are such structures.  It is stranger than we think, because our own minds are a part of a grand hierarchy of minds.

  • Nature of reality: 9 - Reality is Relative

    10/05/2018 Duration: 48min

    While encountering various experiences, the mind assigns different amounts of reality to them. The mind calls, some experiences as more real and some as less real. It has no way of telling if something is less real, unless it encounters an experience, which it thinks is more real than the current one. Reality is relative to where we stand, depending on our ignorance or knowledge. We keep arranging experiences on a scale of varying reality, till finally, we find that all of it is relative. There is no absolute place to stand. There is no absolute reality.

  • Questions and Answers May 2018 Week 2


    The question today is, what are the seen and unseen effects of actions on the causal body. What is an action? What are consequences? How to act when there is no actor, when no one owns the actions, and when the consequences are not in our control?

  • Nature of Reality: 8 - Reality is Evolving

    07/05/2018 Duration: 01h27min

    The entropy reduction metaphysical processes drive the patterns into more structure, more organization, more complexity. This is what is seen as evolution. Evolution is a fundamental process. It applies to everything, and is the process that drives minds to become better, complex and more intelligent. Gives them innumerable abilities. With evolved minds, comes evolved perception, and evolved iconization of patterns. This means an evolved mind experiences a bigger reality. It is possible to speed up the evolution of our own mind. That is the ultimate goal for any human.

  • Nature of reality: 7 - Reality is low Entropy

    06/05/2018 Duration: 01h14min

    At the base of the diamond of reality, is the facet of entropy reduction, an inherent tendency of metaphysical patterns to transform themselves into meaningful structures. The structures are made up of pure change, or information, and do not last. They are a flow that sustains itself, via a variety of processes, as a dynamic equilibrium, which we perceive, as reality. The dance of creation is eternal and virtual, it is only apparantly there, it arises out of nothingness, and its nature is emptiness.

  • Nature of reality: 6 - Reality is Impermanent

    04/05/2018 Duration: 01h16min

    Since all that can be experienced is defined as reality, and all experience is nothing but a change, the reality is ever changing, by necessity, it cannot be anything else but a continous flow. In other words, reality is impermanance. How does a mind manage to make any sense of it? How does it create an illusion of permanency? If everything is ever changing, where should we stand? What can we hold on to, which is changeless and permanent?

  • Questions and Answers May 2018 Week 1

    02/05/2018 Duration: 01h07min

    What does the life teach a handicapped person? Why do such situations arise? What does it mean when we say there is no doer? How to act or do anything when there is no doer? This is a recording of a discussion on these questions, and related topics.

  • Nature of reality: 5 - Reality is Subjective

    01/05/2018 Duration: 01h06min

    All that is real, are the illusions, organized into symbols or icons in the mind. This necessarily means that, all of the reality is subjective or mental. In this episode, we will see the third facet of the reality which is that, it is all mind. We will see how the illusion of an objective reality is created and how an apparant separation, with what the mind cannot control, gives rise to an illusion of a separate self or an individual.

  • Nature of reality: 4 - Reality is Iconic

    28/04/2018 Duration: 01h13min

    Mind produces an illusory reality, but it is not totally useless. The mind arranges it as symbols or icons. It assigns them a meaning and a purpose. The only reason for that is, survival. It ensures persistence of the structures of the mind. Icons are made up of fundamental experiences of Tanmatras. It is possible to manipulate the reality if we study its iconic nature.

  • Nature of reality: 3 - Reality is Information

    23/04/2018 Duration: 01h06min

    We are going to continue the discussion on the first facet of reality, which is, illusion. We see the mechanics of perception, and we see that all experience is derived out of change. Change is nothing, but energy and information. We see that all experience must be necessarily a distortion of, what exists.

  • Nature of reality: 2 - Reality is Illusion or Maya

    23/04/2018 Duration: 01h18min

    We are going to see the first facet of the diamond, reality is illusory, or it is dream like. The key here is the meaning of the word , illusion. It seems that this word is a cause of a lot of confusion. What is an illusion?

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