The Mason and Friends Show is primarily comprised of Mason, and his primary co host Ju Unit. featuring an ever expanding group of friends. Like Big Mike, Jay_Rod Statham, Big Steve, the Carpenters Son, Smokey, Trae X, Bad Silver Savage, Changer, and Brandon...This show is an unedited, Fly on the Wall view of all kinds of Friends and Thoughts and jokes, being batted about.
Episode 9: number nine
23/08/2017 Duration: 34minnumber nine, mason and his friend, verbose w/ no verbage, loud in public, cops, where is Mahoney? CHER, shaq and the general, madhouse, cops description, any given sunday, mayweather and macgregor, cops talk, faster than the highway, beltway complaints, beating the car!!!
Episode 8: numero eight O
23/08/2017 Duration: 26minwrestling is all talk these days, blues jam about dude on the couch Bears and Redskins talk, Kyrie Trade for Isiah Thomas freestyles
Episode 7: numero seven O
23/08/2017 Duration: 20minmodern ish topics on MPR mason public radio, Ju Unit complains about taxes
Episode 6: numero six O
21/08/2017 Duration: 27minnobody answers, drinks for JUs buddy, mini bottle refills, foodyears, responsible DD'n, forgetful JU, liquor, rap'n,
Episode 5: numero five O
21/08/2017 Duration: 25minLiquor call to nobody. reckless driving concerns. human nature, water concerns, hydration cigarettes and unhealthy uncle
Episode 4: numero four O
21/08/2017 Duration: 19minsmoke on the water is a get laid song, odd banging situations, dice on glass, online game,
Episode 3: numero three O
21/08/2017 Duration: 34minfired up, trailer park to the basement, simple, calling people, rap messages, editing, people are bored, rambling voicemail, caffinating, man or woman cop? rap time, support@
Episode 2: numero two O
20/08/2017 Duration: 19minwe discuss driving, bridges into maryland support@
Episode 1: numero uno
19/08/2017 Duration: 23min5403595923 wild and crazy times support@