Chancellor Pink



Morning coffee thoughts before facing the work day.


  • Get Power First, Then Be Original

    14/07/2020 Duration: 40min

    You’re going to have to humbly hunker down and make something of yourselves before you’ll find happiness being the original version of you. This is the new America. Power/respect dictate the success of your original thoughts.

  • Be Ashamed of the Stupid

    12/07/2020 Duration: 59min

    The pandemic has fully revealed that stupid people react to fear stupidly, & America has too many stupid people. We need to change this country for the better. Please do your part by: 1) Being intelligent; & 2) Being ashamed of the stupid.

  • Pandemic On Demand Movies Suck

    10/07/2020 Duration: 41min

    In this episode: If it’s an original thought that no one else is saying, then it has to be said. Putting this credo into practice, Your Chancellor talks about how/why the available movies On Demand have sucked during the pandemic.

  • Self Interest Drives Everyone

    09/07/2020 Duration: 34min

    Warning: you won’t like this podcast episode. It’s a true rant, & it is not politically correct. One white male tells the truth about minorities and women — they’re in it for themselves, as much as anyone else. Self interest drives everyone.

  • Morality

    08/07/2020 Duration: 01h06min

    The Trump Presidency has done one good thing, it’s caused the spotlight to shine on the morality of us all. Here, I reflect on how both the right and left have some work to do before claiming the moral high ground.

  • N95 Masks Should Be Mandatory & Made Available To Everyone

    06/07/2020 Duration: 26min

    Coronavirus is airborne. As such, the federal government should make N95 masks available to everyone en masse for free while also mandating that we all wear them outside of our homes.

  • Disappointment

    04/07/2020 Duration: 31min

    The thoughts and behaviors of Americans during this pandemic continue to be so very disappointing.

  • Young People Can Also Stay Home

    03/07/2020 Duration: 38min

    Recently, more and more young people have been getting so sick from this virus that they’re needing to be hospitalized. So yes, young people can get sick from Covid-19. And you know what else they can do? Young people can also stay home.

  • The Virus Exposes the Delusional

    02/07/2020 Duration: 37min

    Why are so many people delusional about the seriousness of COVID-19? No need. It’s possible to accept the reality of this deadly pandemic while still maintaining hope in the future.

  • Watch All the President’s Men

    30/06/2020 Duration: 59min

    The cinematic greatness of All the President’s Men is well recognized. But the significance of the film has never been greater. Everyone — especially in the media — needs to watch this film again NOW, to help invigorate the salvation of our democracy. PS Deep Throat was not Alexander Haig but Mark Felt, former Associate Director of the FBI.

  • The Beautiful Sadness

    23/06/2020 Duration: 27min

    What is The Beautiful Sadness? Here are my thoughts on the concept.

  • More Virus Number Talk

    23/06/2020 Duration: 44min

    More Virus Number Talk: Who are the healthy people being tested and why? How many of those tested have remained asymptomatic? Tell us. We should know. Regardless, sickness — and not testing — is still driving this bus.

  • It’s the Virus, Not the Testing

    22/06/2020 Duration: 24min

    Positive tests means sick people. But people are talking like it’s only numbers. “He’ll be fine; he’s just a positive test.” People are something else.

  • Sports? Not So Much

    12/06/2020 Duration: 26min

    While so many are excited about all the sports leagues planning to start back in action, what are we going to do when they all shut down again before completing their playoffs? And other issues of divisive cruelty in today’s USA.

  • Why I’m STFU

    09/06/2020 Duration: 51min

    I’m no longer going to tweet or podcast about 3 subjects: 1) Trump; 2) COVID-19; & 3) BLM. Here’s why.

  • Women Losing Interest

    06/06/2020 Duration: 35min

    Bam. There it is.

  • Be Courageous, Wear a Mask & Stay Home

    21/05/2020 Duration: 34min

    If you admire the troops & first responders for their courage, why don’t you have the courage to wear a mask & to listen to the disease specialists who, like the first responders, specialize in keeping us safe?

  • Big Ben’s Haircut

    21/05/2020 Duration: 39min

    I’m a supporter of Big Ben Roethlisberger in many ways, despite the fact that I don’t like the guy much. But I can’t defend his publicly posted haircut video where no one was wearing masks. That was an unnecessary & deliberate political statement.

  • Opinions Aren’t Facts

    16/05/2020 Duration: 42min

    In our tribal society, too many are affirming what they believe or would like to be true as fact. Stop. Opinions aren’t facts or science or law or medicine. Either cite your source or put “I wish” before your thought. Thanks.

  • How To Make Money

    06/05/2020 Duration: 45min

    Although this podcast is named How To Make Money, that should not be the focus of anyone’s life. Instead, we should be focusing on how to provide something of value to the world.

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